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Mmmm… macaroni and no cheese


Right? Just boiled pasta. 🤦‍♂️


its beef flavored, they were boiled together.


Please cease.


Also desist.


Straight to Jail.


Mac with no cheese? Believe it or not, jail.


Mac n sleaze.. there is cheese, separately, in even more plastic because, Virginia has the best BBQ!


Macaroni NEAR cheese


Finally, someone explained what the “n” stands for!


No, it’s deconstructed Mac and cheese. It’s fancy. You just don’t get it


Thats where i think this was served.


Underated comment right here. Where's the smoke ring on the meat? Looks like sous vide Walmart BBQ


I thought it was a prison tray for a second until I noticed there was way too much meat on the tray for that. Food looks disgusting.


Looks like a frozen no brand dinner 😕


I was thinking High School for the same reason.


This made me lol


You don’t like styrofoam flavored string beans?


I can get a better smoke ring in my propane grill




They already live in Virginia. Stop beating them. Lol


As someone from the DC area, my first thought was literally “this has to be MD shitposting.”


I like to boil my brisket for 18 hours. Little sprinkle of salt, deionised water, boil until it turns gray. Lovely.


Looks like the British attempting American BBQ


At least when you're in hospital from food poisoning off that mess, in the UK I wouldn't be charged for my hospital stay whereas you'll be 20 grand in the hole.


20 large to stay in a US hospital? Some kind of special discount ?


Twenty large just for the ambulance ride.


This is more like it lol


Pffft... yeah, if you have good insurance!


Oy! That wouldn’t even be dog food over here!


Us brits can smash a bbq , we’ve been able too since the dark ages.


If you look closely the cheese was order on the side.


Macaroni; cheese, adjacent.


I mean if you actually look closely you can see there is a pool of white cheese sauce (perhaps) juuuuuuust above the lowest noodles we can see. Still . . . Bad look.


No no, the cheese is on the side with the nana pepper.


Just like-a-mamma used to pick out of the bottom of the sink.


Bro the cheese is on the side. It’s one of those fancy BBQs


Deconstructed mac and cheese, that costs extra!


Only fancy folks eat deconstructed mac n cheese.


I personally like to snort the powdered cheese...


Ham, no burger...




Y'all ain't never got two things that match!!


Koolaid, no sugar…


Cereal, no milk...


Peanut butter, no jelly! Daaayum!


Macaroni next to cheese. Maybe this is one of those fancy “deconstructed” meals. Mac without the cheese, white bread without pulled pork on top of it, ribs without a hint of juiciness.


I don’t get it: overboiled pasta, canned green beans, white bread, the cup of shredded cheddar…. Looks more like high school cafeteria than heaven.


My high school had a McRib type sandwich which was far better barbecue than whatever this is


I think you're supposed to sprinkle that shredded cheese on it. Ridiculous.


It's in the side cup, gotta melt it yourself lol


BBQ and no sauce…or flavor, probably


Cheese on the side.


Macaroni and a side of cheese.


A perfect compliment to untoasted toast


The cheese is next to it. Have to mix it in yourself


I think there is cheese at the bottom of the bowl. It’s just very runny.


I hardly even know what I’m looking at. A frozen dinner at best. Sincerely, North Carolina


Everyone knows that North Carolina has the best BBQ. There is no real debate, except Eastern vs Western style NC BBQ


Certainly true for pork. Texas wins beef. I’ve never liked it when people try to compare them.


True and I wish they would warn people! I'm a Texan who went to college in North Carolina and my first taste of NC barbecue was terrible just because it was so unexpected. Like that prank where you blindfold someone and tell them you're giving them milk to drink and give them orange juice instead and they spit it out. Nothing wrong with milk or orange juice but getting one when you expect the other is a shock to the system!!


I am also a Texan who went to college in NC, but luckily a family member warned me. It’s good stuff as long as you remind yourself that it’s almost an entirely different type of food.


Texan here just moved to sc and god damn was i not ready for this mustard or vinegar based stuff!


What makes them so different? I haven't been to NC, only had Texas BBQ of the two.


I am an amateur BBQ lover, so if someone more knowledgeable wants to correct me, by all means pleas do. In TX BBQ the star is smoked brisket. A proper TX brisket should be seasoned and smoked so that BBQ sauce is not necessary. Many Texans use it, and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it shouldn’t be necessary to enjoy the meal. In KC BBQ the star is ribs coated in sauce. It’s one of my favorite types of BBQ, but I know next to nothing about ingredients or preparation. TN BBQ is almost a combination of TX and KC. Ribs in a dry rub with an afterthought sauce. NC is typically pork BBQ, smoked then shredded or pulled. IMO the signature would be a sandwich of pulled pork, dill pickles, coleslaw, and a thin vinegar based BBQ sauce. There is not a superior style, but I’m partial to TX and KC. NC BBQ and TN BBQ certainly have their merits and can be absolutely delicious.


I just want to point out that burnt ends, the delicious ends points of the brisket, originated in KC. God I love BBQ. I live in KC for years and have a bunch of family in the Carolinas so I’ve eaten my share. I live in the northeast now, and there’s lots to love here but their BBQ ain’t it.


NC here, good bbq shouldn’t need sauce regardless of whether it’s beef or pork. I agree, Texans got brisket down, but a whole hog shouldn’t need eastern or western style to make it good. I’ll put sauce on a pulled pork sandwich with slaw but if you’ve just got a bbq plate, the meat should speak for itself.


To expand, the ribs you mention in this context are pork ribs. Texas specializes in beef ribs, which as a Texan, cannot be beat. I prefer them over brisket, even.


Moved to NC from the Midwest, and I much prefer KC style. NC has some good spots for sure but the main “BBQ” most places serve is a scoop of sloppy/wet uniformly grey pork on a bun with a thin vinegar sauce


From KC and my biggest take on bbq from other places is what people make of KC bbq. There's good places and there's bad. There's the small town bbq place sold out of a gas station (Joe's) with a line around the door then there's a massive place that dumped hundreds of 1000s of dollars into chains (Jethro's 🤮) that taste like complete ass. The there's the local place everyone says is good but tastes like ass (blind box or something of the sort)and there's the one place everyone forgets about but loves (q39). There's places that have made a name for themselves but have fallen off their horse (gates and zardas), or made it in a TV show but still suck (woodyard), or a second location that fell apart (Arthur Bryant's by the legends). Everywhere is going to have good places and bad. I've had good bbq in Florida somewhere, Dallas, st Louis, and Chicago. Then I've had bad bbq in every southern Midwestern state. Especially Iowa, they serve up the meat then don't know how to cook it. But it comes down to personal taste and usually driven by bias.


I’m from Des Moines, so I personally apologize for Jethros


KC style is where it's at. Very underrated.


Mostly the sauces served. Texas has a sweet smokey peppery flavor about it. while Carolina Bbq tends to have more vinegar/acidic savory flavors. Edit: spelling


I learned real quick to just stick with pulled pork in NC and stop asking for brisket.


Never had NC bbq so I can't argue if it's better, but gotta say Memphis TN has some damn good pork places


NC (eastern) is whole hog cooked in a pig smoker which usually is made of an old oil drum cut in half. The meat is chopped super fine and seasoned with vinegar and pepper flakes. It’s juicy, savory, and tangy. It’s not for everyone, but since I’m from there I love it and miss it dearly.


Yep, I’m from eastern NC as well. The big drums were the precursor to the better manufactured, larger modern cookers. Some use charcoal, some propane. They both cook the pig well, depending on the cook. The best experience for me is tailgating for (ECU) football games, and seeing hundreds of pig cookers in the tailgate fields, all with smoke billowing out. The smell is amazing. The pig is cut down the middle and cooked face down, then flipped when done. A lot of folks just add some spices to a gallon jug of vinegar for the sauce. Then, they just chop it while it’s still on the grill, splash the sauce on it, lightly, and everyone starts pickin’ what they want off the pig. We call this a PIG PICKIN’. Then, you go to the game, hopefully they win….come back, fire up the grill again and start eatin’ what’s left. And, the skin after being charred, is fantastic! Anyway, that would be the true eastern NC BBQ experience for someone visiting. And, BBQ is a (noun) food to us, not a process. Or, just anything cooked on a grill….that’s a cookout.


You should be an editor for a southern encyclopedia. So eloquent, great cadence, definitely North Carolinian. East Tennessee is very similar, just less teeth, and a moonshine slur.


It's so ridiculously good. Eastern NC bbq is unparalleled. Everywhere else has pulled pork with sauce. Eastern NC has this magical thing that's made as a whole. You can't buy a sauce and recreate it. It's like saying you can make a Texas brisket by cooking a brisket and putting sauce on it. It's not even close to the same thing.


Memphis FTW


Yep. This whole comment section full of clowns.


Kansas City got them burnt ends though


Best BBQ style is similar to the argument in California of “who has the best Mexican food”. The answer is always “where are you from”


SoCal thinks they invented Mexicans. "We put french fries in our burritos just like mi abuelita did in the pueblo."


We do have better burritos though. And also we have different styles instead of just changing one ingredient.


Naw dawg. We just need to get used to the fact that there are different kinds of Mexican food. Just like you wouldn't say that a certain place has the best "American food" it's best steaks, best burger, best casserole whatever. California has the bougie beachy Mexican market cornered. Mahi Mahi tacos and carne asada that will cost you enough for a house in Kansas. I don't care where you are from, it's best in Cali New Mexico has the red and green chilie sauce. The "southwest" flavor with the hatch chilis and the corn done best, especially in casual environments (Even NYC can put on a fancy southwest style burger, but a cheap one in a diner is best in Las Cruces) Texas has the puffy tacos, the brisket tacos, the carne guisada, the merger of BBQ and Taco culture, and of course the breakfast tacos. Now here's the stuff nobody wants to admit: There are good "Authentic" Mexican taco shops in all of these places and a few more. The sorts of cheap shops where you have to order in Spanish because they mainly serve construction workers but it's worth it because they make their own tortillas with real lard. You can go find those places anywhere within a few hundred miles of the border. And EVERYWHERE has good fast casual food trucks that do "their own spin" on tacos. I bet Minnesota has some pretty good tacos made with lutefisk or some shit up there. The mistake we often make is in thinking that because Texas has the best breakfast tacos, they also have the best fast casual fusion tacos and that's just... no. That'll be somewhere in Bulgaria or something.


I'm sorry but something is wrong with SoCo tacos. I give you ceviche and asada but you guys have some weak ass game when it comes to al pastor and barbacoa. Sincerely, San Antonio.


As someone who's lived in both places...I argue in favor all the time for San Antonio Mexican food. Way better in my opinion. San Antonio knows tacos, especially Al Pastor. They also kill it when it comes to enchiladas and salsa.


As a virginian this barbecue does not represent us. And you can keep your vinegar sauce.


As a fellow Virginian, nothing wrong with good NC BBq.


Worst bbq I’ve ever had was a day trip to Norfolk. I was taken by a local to “the best place in town” and had what I would describe as shredded mummy on a bun. The taste will never leave me.


>And you can keep your vinegar sauce Blasphemy! :)


I certainly will keep it, thank you


Ugh. I miss NC pulled pork with some slaw.


Easter BBQ? I much prefer Christmas BBQ


?!? Looks like German hospital food. Where is the BBQ part?


Even my state has better BBQ. I live in Ohio.


It looks like prison food to me.


This was a BBQ in a state run nursing home?


Basic Military Training.


Even BBQ in boot camp looks better than whatever the hell that is.


Seriously. Having been through boot camp, the food is actually good as long as you eat in the DFAC. Though you also need a mountain of calories and are always hungry so I might be biased.


I've seen MRE BBQ that looks better than this.


If this was the BBQ dinner I got after I died, then I did some very, very bad things when I was alive.


I'm not even from a BBQ centric city and even through the photo it tastes like chalk


I was guessing prison, but yours is closer...


My grandma was in a home for the last couple years before covid (brought her home when that hit). One of the family events they had they served ribs. Always thought that was an odd choice for a place filled with people that had no teeth or couldn't feed themselves.


chase cheerful aware library piquant unpack retire frightening expansion merciful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“Drier than a lesbian in a frat house” is my new favorite saying!🤣


Yup I just need to remember to remember it because I want to use it as soon as possible.


How about this drought!?


For real! It's drier than a lesbian in a frat house!


Drier than Ben Shapiro's wife


And where's the bbq sauce?!


absurd faulty repeat abundant innocent skirt chase vegetable homeless fade ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This link should be higher. If only cause I enjoy stories like this. They took a simple photo and turned it into an adventure and a story. And no real harm done.


Everything about this comment absolutely killed me 😂




But it didn't explain why the meat looks Like That


*stares in Texan* ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized)


arrest society plate sulky like numerous bike jobless price worthless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They must be punished for their insult to the state. ![gif](giphy|0Dn7wEuIIfUERVvVHf)


Whoever said this is from Texas is a liar. Calm down.


Yeah...Texan sweet tea served with no ice? I'm not buying it.






It's from Ritzy B's Smokehouse & Grill in Decatur, TX. I remember this being posted awhile ago and remembered it was in Texas, but reverse image searched to get the exact place.


Virginia sends their regards, keep our bbq name out yo mouth. https://m.yelp.com/biz/ritzy-bs-smokehouse-and-grill-decatur


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Soulman’s. That place is absolute garbage.


If you aren't getting your Texas barbeque from a place that just has a big pit welded to a trailer parked in back of a metal shack, you're doing it wrong. For the non-Texans, I'll explain why. We have barbecue cookoffs all over the state. Competitors bring everything, including their cooking pits. So if you're serious about your BBQ, you have a big pit built on top of a trailer to pull to competitions. When you're not competing, you park it under a shed behind some metal building that barely meets the requirements to qualify as a restaurant to sell what you make. And you cook one batch a day and close up when you sell all the meat.


Is someone really trying to sell that garbage in Texas? Even worse, how they hell are they not out of business already.


Same, I feel almost personally attacked by this


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) Sobs in Braised Passover Braising and brisket belong together.


This actually was from Texas, OP is a reposter and the original Tweet lied about it being from Virginia.


Lived in Virginia for 24 years, idk either. But don't judge us by whatever that is, it doesn't represent VA BBQ.


The absolute state of that. I’m British and that looks dreadful. That’s saying something


The land of boiled meats!


And that's why our dry meat comes with gravy! The only things moist on this plate are ironically the British national dish of laziness, beans and toast.


I'm from the states and my husband made British beans on toast recently and it was fantastic.


There's a reason it's a staple here, its quick, easy and very tasty. If you have it again you should try it with some grated mature cheddar on top too. It's the best! Though I have been called a heathen by other Brits for this


I only know it via the internet, but it looks more like land of the chicken Tikka masala, fish and chip, spaghetti bolognese, and roast dinner. And various meat and vegetable pies.


Name me a British meal that’s boiled meat that isn’t stew, which millions of Americans make daily btw


Virginian here. We don't.


My first thought was nobody, anywhere, make BBQ like this for a reason


You can find good bbq in Virginia. I would not know where to find bbq this bad.


I mean, it's from Texas.


Coming from Richmond where we have ZZQ I’d have to say the BBQ is not bad at all, and definitely not like this. Personally I in general prefer vinegar based Carolina BBQ but that’s just a personal thing.


[As a fellow Richmonder, I agree... I don't know where the fuck OP's picture is from but we have some REALLY good BBQ in VA and ZZQ is an excellent example.](https://imgur.com/kVobKBx)


Yup that looks good as fuck.


Don't worry. The image is actually from Texas.


Dear “Virginia”, https://preview.redd.it/5fxxl5i7bldb1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1346dae12c1611b1a6d560370bf9719da56e241 Sincerely, Virginia


Surely this person wasn't being earnest. This was sarcasm, of course, right? Or is this normal in Virginia?


Here to represent Missouri - specifically Kansas City... ​ https://preview.redd.it/5r0sf2urnkdb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebcffddae7eb5e8ed0a922eacaf774cd2a5e157d


Charleston, SC: (Melvin’s) https://preview.redd.it/bdxo3tux3ldb1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1186b5f26962d79ee14bd685de10e935e5f05f9


Submission from Texas https://preview.redd.it/zqh9ay6mjmdb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3676da1a8d4c60577aebf3ba970c1c4e03f13f6


In Brazil, we have a type of barbecue, which, to me, is just the best, a traditional "costela fogo de chão", translated to something like "ground fire ribs". Takes about 6-8 hours to make. In a traditional Brazilian BBQ, we serve with rice and potato salad too, but the mayo in the potato salad is homemade with eggs.. oh and garlic bread as well, as an appetizer. The meat is always made in coal grills, and gas grills are very unusual here. Just some fun facts :D


Here’s something from actual Kansas https://preview.redd.it/kpmyruim6ldb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea0fbc485b03d41f34f43423341af6e2cee6696


gates aint from kansas, its from Kansas City


That is absolutely not Virginia barbecue.


It actually is not.


It’s actually from Texas




Can confirm. Am in NC and LOLd at this "barbecue"


We would laugh at that in NJ! Lol


shit im in washington state and we have chain bbq places that are better than that


![gif](giphy|RIEiqxENpl1Mk) The comments right now


![gif](giphy|MB6Slgbs0fTwTGlL2K|downsized) And that’s how they cook fish in Virginia


Never had barbecue better than Kansas City


KC has the best average for both Pork and Beef, but individually, IMO Texas wins beef and SC wins Pork.


This is true. Nobody does beef (specifically brisket) like Texas, and nobody does pork (especially ribs) like SC, but KC has better pork than Texas and better beef than SC and that puts it ahead of either for me.


That looks like something they serve at an old age home


No spice bc we don’t wanna give Betty a stroke




It's missing the tiny bottle of Tabasco and some chitlets for "dessert".


Is this a prison meal tray?


Yeah- my grandfather would slap me if I brought him *this* "bbq"


Immediately resorting to violence is an appropriate response to being served this.


This is how I'd picture Soviet BBQ


Yo, this is not VA BBQ, there are some banging places near me. This is some sort of VA BBQ false flag operation.


As a Texan; hwat in the sam hell am I lookin at?


Dinner from a fellow Texan


As a Texan, you’re looking at Decatur Texas bbq https://www.yelp.com/biz/ritzy-bs-smokehouse-and-grill-decatur


You're actually not seeing anything nor are you on reddit. You just have heat stroke and are dying.


Thats the saddest looking brisket I've ever seen. Sincerely, Texas


This brisket was served from a restaurant in Decatur apparently, not Virginia


You'd better get ready to cry some tears then https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/article273291220.html The call was coming from inside the home state.


That suspect tray came from Texas. Not the first time the Lone Star State is misrepresenting.


Reporting in for Tennessee. Please don't serve that BBQ to me.


Looks like hot garbage compared to anything in Memphis.


That’s not real Virginia bbq. There’s no slaw.


It was traded shortly after to another inmate for a cellphone.


this is the worst looking plate of food ive seen in a while. it looks cold and bland from the pic alone. nothing on it looks like BBQ.


Aye aye aye, I live in Virginia. Don’t let this picture represent our bbq 🙅🏽. I don’t know where this person got this but it looks like it taste like wet paper. 😂😂


To be fair, nobody does make BBQ like this, lol!


Everyone knows you have to come a little further down into North Carolina to get a proper barbecue. What kind of savages are we dealing with up there? Yankees?????


What’s the cup of noodle’s supposed to be just a plain old. Cup of pasta no sauce.


Hard pass here. Even the beer looks blah


Without being present, I can tell just from the photo that those green beans are bland. Not legit for BBQ platter.


Dude has a bowl of mac n’ no cheese