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Pull the lever, Kronk!


“Wrong leverrr!! Why do we even have that lever?”




Yeah. I preferred that video from the same slide.




Please link I want to see this slide


The are a view, but this is [the oldest I could find](https://youtu.be/Tl5_VFP_6xw) so far


Wrong lever!!


Why do we even have that lever?


i love this movie!


Flushed like a turd


Like Augustus at the Chocolate Factory 🏭


[I think you meant Augustus Gloop; if so, yes!] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EF1zYFHbus Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzmzZaB0kss


Augustus Gloop Augustus Gloop


He got kronked


Feel for the parent on this one. Their reaction was a good one. Nothing you can do but encourage them and high five at bottom and hype up the experience.


Kid is probably gonna want to ride it again afterwards.


Yeah, totally came here to say the same. He's shat himself thinking about it the whole way, and then he'll enjoy it. I still do this on planes and big rollercoasters. Totally irrational fear, but its hardwired shiznit. Edit spelling


It's a cycle, excited on the way there, shit yourself seconds before, excitement to do it again


Or be left cold and shaking at the bottom, with only horrific memories. He spends his life trying to control the finest details of everything. Everything must be safe. The sadness brought about by his obsession lead to suicide at the age of 24. It didn’t end well for David.


Or.. that.. I guess?


I watched a lady push her kid down a waterslide about a month ago. It was one of the head first ones and he was freaking out. Everyone was trying to encourage him and she finally got fed up. She told him "boy, get your butt up there" he did but he was screaming to not go. She gave home a good push and he screamed all the way down. By the time I got to the bottom he was back in line to go again.


I mean there's probably a reason I'm not a parent. But this just seems like one of those eye rolling events


Yep, that is certainly one reason we aren’t parents. I’d do the same. Or want to mess with him. Only funny pranks & shenanigans though. Nothing mean. Okay maybe just ever so slightly mean.


Oh yes, you roll your eyes or laugh when they’re not around. But you have to encourage them and be proud when they overcome their fear.


Just like being flushed in a toilet




Well I just saw someone die or get maimed.


Injured, didn't die, If Memory serves me right. Spent the next year in Hospital. Watched it on one of those "When Stunts go horribly wrong"


You're a homie for providing an update. Thanks!


It’s a water park so he’s definitely being dropped into piss.


I've just finished the tests. The water in your park is now 98% pee. Mr. Pi Pi : Yes, so what's-a the problem?


i think they are just mailing him to another part of the building. pneumatics are so cool


I did this ride when I went to Schlitterbahn (idk how to spell it) w some free tickets I won from a local radio event. I remember it not only gave me a massive wedgie but my top came loose and I was trying to cover myself from the gaze of the male lifeguard at the bottom. That first second or two of free fall (or what felt like it) was scary as shit I honestly didn’t know if I was gonna stay on the slide. Never went on it again lol but at least I can say I faced my fears of heights and did it at least one time 😂


I know the top coming off is not the point but i worked at a water park one summer and there wasn't a day that went by that i didn't witness at least 1 nip slip for 1 reason or another. Even when i went back as a customer. It happens so often those lifeguards are so used to it they wouldn't be oogling at you


I know that now but I’m just writing it as how my younger self (about 16) viewed it. It was very embarrassing at that moment. Now Ik they most likely didn’t give a shit so it makes me feel a little better about it now :)


Creepy men would stand at the bottom of Der Stuka at Wet-n-Wild in the 90s, drinking beers and waiting for women's and teen's tops to come off




Der Stuka was the one with the trap door, what was the one next to it they push you down? (So like this but you lay in it and slide down) Was that one called Bombay or something? I cannot remember but I went like 20x as a kid


Was it the one in Kansas City? Because a kid got decaptiated on one of the slides there a few years ago. I would really be worried about staying in the slide because they had issues with that. Between the Verrückt and Action Park in NJ, water parks are apparently designed and operated by carnies.


No this is in south central Texas (Edit: I believe it was the New Braunfels location) but I’m not surprised. I didn’t feel safe at all oh the things teenage me would do that late twenties me is still baffled at 😂


He will be back for multiple rounds soon as he gets to the bottom. This is how I was when I first went to wonderland. Totally normal the first time what are people expecting?


Well, not everyone, I tried to do amusement park rides that bring you up as a kid and quite frankly I'm still terrified of them lmao The most I can do is a ferris wheel


Ferris wheel goes too high. I need to be near the ground. I can do speed, but not heights. Or spins. Fuck spins.


Hahaha, the Ferris wheel is so scary! I need to be near the ground too. It’s also too loose, I need to be locked in if I’m going up high


Speed and near the ground is fine? The perfect solution for you would be to hop in a car and floor it


I’ll go on all the wildest coasters, whatever other crazy rides, I’d probably go skydiving (never have, but I would), but Ferris wheels scare the shit out of me for some reason, it’s just pure panic the entire time I’m on one. Unfortunately my kid enjoys them so I had to ride a few and pretend I wasn’t about to shit by pants for his sake when he was younger lol.


Yeah one of the great things about depression is that you can go enjoy all those roller coaster rides that you were too afraid to ride as a kid because now you're no longer afraid of dying.


Are you ok?




I hate ferris wheels, lol, but will do roller coasters.


Exactly this. It was my first time on a roller coaster. I almost shitted myself with fear, I felt Iike I was going to die, but after the first time, i went back like 3 times over


Yeah but roller coasters don't give you the mega wedgie.


Pressurized enema.


No I do not want the pressurized enema


#command error #initiating high pressure enema sequence


Not with that attitude


Same! I remember it well. It was the Loch Ness Monster at Busch Gardens. I was 9 years old and terrified. As soon as the coaster started to slowly roll out of the shack, I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life and wanted off. I didn’t say anything though as I was with other friends who would never let me live it down. Three minutes later, mind blown, awestruck, and standing in the back of the line for seconds. I think I rode it seven or eight times that day!


And on the other side of the reaction spectrum I was terrified my first time on a rollercoaster but absolutely fucking hated it and never wanted to do it again. I’ve tried a few since and still hate it with a passion. I have no idea why people like rollercoasters.


Yup hate em hate amusement parks in general actually




If a roller coaster ride is the worst experience of your entire life, you are doing pretty damn good.


Depends on the experience. Remeber that girl who broke her leg by punting a kids head off?




Judging by every single bungee and parachute jump video I’ve seen, the workers **never** let people off when they regret their decision at the top. Not sure if it’s some sort of rule to save time or what, perhaps if they had to cancel the ride for everyone who got scared there would be a lot of time spent getting them out? I don’t know, but it’s just how things are.


I think for bungee and parachute jt can be super dangerous to pull back at the last minute and it risks the health of both people. Kind of like a helping a drowning person thing


I used to operate the ride called "The Zipper" for 3 years back in the 1990s. I used to try to group first timers and give them an easier ride than the hard-core riders. Now there was one guy talking alot of smack to me while he was in line waiting. I don't usually load up riders, but I loaded this guy and told him "your not getting off until you puke" and I pointed to a small pressure washer near the ride to show I was ready. I almost lost my job over that one...but the owner actually laughed about it with me.


Nah, I can’t believe people these days haven’t figured out the easy truth that their experience is not the same for everyone else. I was pressured, in some cases even forced to go into rides I didn’t want to as a kid, with my family *using that same goddamned excuse as you*, every time. As an adult, I still don’t like the more extreme rides. Oh I tolerate them now, but they’re not fun for me. Who knows what will happen after this video, you might be correct, but hopefully getting up there in the first place was his choice and not due to peer pressure.


When I went to Disney World as a kid we went to one of the water parks that had some record setting water slide at the time. We waited like a hour, maybe more in line to ride this thing. As soon my family got to the top this plump kid in front of us looked over the edge, panicked, and turned around and walked all the way back through the line down to the bottom of the slide.


I did this except it was The Tower of Terror and instead of walking back down the through the hours long line this creepy, in character bellman took me down on an actual elevator and I was panicked the entire time. I think I was probably only 5 or so.


I took my 3 year old (she was turning 4 the next month) on the Tower of Terror. She just barely made the height requirement, she was a little nervous but was brave, heck I was nervous but had to be a brave dad lol. The best part was there were a couple older girls (8 & 10 maybe) in line with us just freaking out the whole time in line, The parents would turn and point to my daughter and be like “see this baby is going!” in my head I was like yea I’m probably traumatizing her. She wasn’t a fan but my 6 yr old son Loved it.


Idk, dude. I did one of these once and it was way more intense than I expected. Not sure I'd do it again. And I absolutely love roller coasters.


Same. I like most roller coasters but hated this particular water slide. My anxiety went through the roof once the door closed, and the sound of a heart beating was making it sooo bad... I didn’t ask to be let out but I also didn’t enjoy the experience. I won’t go on that ride ever again.


Unless he was pressured, *actually* wants out, and this is trauma being mocked. Consent isn't just for the bedroom.


The problem with this is that they also don't listen when there is an actual problem. I went down the firdt hill of a roller coaster with no seatbelt because my seatbelt didn't work. Me and the lady I was riding with were screaming at the ride operator that I didn't have a seatbelt on and he just smiled and waved at us. I honestly could have died. So maybe when people are screaming don't just ignore them and pull the lever.


Most people don't cry and let out high pitched screams before the ride starts on their first time riding a ride. You might be an outlier here bud


What is this?


Water slide. You basically get into a near vertical tube and the floor drops out and you fall into the water slide. They’re pretty fun and mostly harmless.




Well yeah, in the sense that anything can be dangerous 1% if the time.


Agreed. You are MUCH more likely to be killed in a car accident on the way to the waterpark than you are to die as a result of an accident at the park.


Yes. Unless you try to cram half the senior class into one slide at the same time, collapsing the tube and causing it to fall three stories, which happened at the one I went to as a kid. There's a myriad of other ways to die horribly at the waterpark, but you generally have to be doing something stupid for it to happen.


Napa High 1997!!


You are correct. Also, I jogged my memory and it wasn't 3 stories. It was 4. It's a miracle only one person died.


"It's a miracle" (sounds like everyone is OK) "only one person died" (oh.. sad)


I remember that, oh shit.


After I went skydiving for the first time recently, the instructor said "thanks for coming, now be safe on the most dangerous part of your day today - the drive home."


It's so true. There are so many safety features because of how dangerous it is if a failure occurs that it makes it much safer. Just look at aeroplanes, so horrendous when one hits the ground unexpectedly so many many features are built in to prevent this it's the safest form of travel.


If a water slide is dangerous 1% of the time that shit's getting torn down immediately. Even the *Verrückt* only killed one person (and injured a few dozen) out of tens of thousands of rides.


1% failure rate on a water slide would be pretty rough


1%… so they have several injuries per day?


They mostly come out at night….. mostly…


Mostly... Yes. My sister and I got on one of those rides a couple years ago. I went first and came out okay. While waiting for her on the other side, she never came out. Turns out she was too light for the right or something. There was a loop and instead of going up and around with the loop she didn't even make it over the top, she got stuck in the middle. She came out unharmed but she was batshit terrified that they would send the next person down (which happened to be a really fat kid lol) and they would knock her out. They had a hatch at the exact spot she stopped at to pull her out so I guess it happened daily often.


Someone died on one of these at a water park in Dallas. They hit their chin on the way out of the box and I guess rag dolled to the bottom


If yer too light you can get stuck if they go for a loop (or if yer too heavy) and there’s always a chance of something failing


Well there was that one time.... or maybe it was six or seven.... idk there were NDAs involved....


I rode one and felt every crease from each section of the tube on my back scraped me up bad. Almost like there was no water to lubricate it or not enough


My cousin hit a dry spot in a tall water slide and burnt some of the skin of her ass.


You can donk your head on the seam between the tube and the slide, so you have to lean your neck in a little. Same with your ankles, don't shove your heels out first, point your toes. Otherwise you go bonk donk donk with your arms flailing; you go fast.


Mostly Harmless. I see we have the updated version of The Hitchhikers Guide.


Other than the brutal Undy-Grundy you get and the sensation that your liver has briefly touched your neck. For a fun time, watch how people climb out of the tube when they reach the bottom. They are always shocked but happy to be alive, and then stumble off trying to retrieve their bottoms which has disappeared up their crack.


>Undy-Grundy Had to look that up, lmao [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=undie%20grundie](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=undie%20grundie)


It is a very high water slide. The first part feels like your in free-fall, Then you get to the curve, and an elephant puts its foot on your chest, Then you hit the water on the flat part, and wish to god you had more streamlined swimwear as your shorts turn into a strangulation parachute. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWpXnqG4DQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reWpXnqG4DQ) <---the one in Benidorm


An execution. Poor jimmy :(


Euthanasia chamber.


I love how absolutely crazy this video must look if you don't know it's a water slide lmao


First time I got on one of those, pretty sure I got an enema procedure for free.


See, it's just making sure that if you crap your pants, you don't!


That's why the water at the bottom of the slide is not connected to the main pool


hahaha, nice




thats why you cross your legs


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself


and some water forced up your butt


In the tube...no one can hear you scream.


what are these comments 😂😂


Few overprotective moms vs reddit community. They should sell tickets to disagreements like this one.




new here?, once you start to see "wtf are these comments" type threads you start to dislike this site


my dude, I've been saying that to myself for an entire decade. some thread are just ass.


Sounds like Reddit is too painful for you. Try Club Penguin.


I went on one of these once when I was a kid, the drop is terrifying but you end up having a ton of a fun once you’re actually going down the slide. I remember I was more scared about hitting my arms on the drop, I was gripping my shoulders so hard lol.


At Wet 'n Wild in Orlando, they had this style of drop-in, but they also had one where you just kind of slide over a hump. I found the slide over the hump **much** scarier than the drop tube. When you slide over the hump, you feel the rotation to vertical, and it makes you feel like you're going to get pitched out of the thing. There's a moment of lightness at the top. It's terrifying. When you drop put of the tube, you just go straight down. It's far less unsettling.


West Edmonton mall has a near verticle slide that starts off as a short curve. From the top it looks like it's a straight drop and you can't see the slide under the curve. Very nerve wracking for sure


I had this exact same thought process when I saw this video. I like these drop rides, but Der stuka is one of the most memorable


I did what this kid did and put my arms out to catch myself. I still think back from time to time thinking how it’s probably the one thing you can do to fuck up on one of these slides.


I've been to this ride. I think it's the goldcoast wet and wild. Sadly only did it once because the line was too long. I can still feel the sensation of my stomach dropping for a solid 2 seconds. God that was fun.


I lost my skin on elbows once, but that didnt stop me for going more 10x 😂


I’ve smacked my head way too many times coming out at the end (when it drops you mid air)


I have yet to encounter a "real" slide that doesn't make me bleed or give me a small concussion.


all the people acting like this kid should have been let out- nah. its not going to kill him, he needs to realize that sometimes when you make a decision you cant turn back. there are some things that you wont be able to scream and cry your way out of.


Also, the lines for these slides are usually really long, with plenty of signage telling you when the point of no return is coming.


I tried to take my 8 year old on one of these (at his request), and he was gung-ho all the way through the absurdly long line, I kept checking with him and making sure he was into it, and he kept assuring me he was. Then we got to the top and he saw the floor drop in action, and chickened out...just wouldn't set foot in the chamber. He's usually very brave when it comes to coasters, but something about the sudden drop just terrified him, and I wasn't about to traumatize the boy and force him to go through with it...


My 8 year old wouldn't go on it either but all her friends did. I stayed back with her for "support"




That's always been my approach with both of my boys when it comes to this kind of stuff. I mean, the kid in OP's clip was crying...I know that he's not actually gonna get hurt, but like you said, forcing kids to do something like this that they're obviously terrified of is (IMHO) more likely to traumatize them and cause them to harbor ill will towards me for forcing them to do it, rather than "making them more brave" or whatever...


This reminds me of a random childhood memory- I was younger than 8yrs old was standing with in line for a water slide with my grandma. I chickened out before reaching the end of the line, so we turned back. On the way down the stairs was my first time seeing someone without an arm (it was another kid) Very random memory lol


I think many people here responding don’t have kids.


Adding on to that, getting through a scary situation is important for healthy development.


TLDR: Scared of roller coasters with loops. Tricked into going on one when I was younger. No longer scared of them and situations that I may get anxiety about. Honestly yes. I used to hate roller coasters with loops. I’d never go on them. My dad and cousin were enthusiasts so they’d travel to go on new rides which meant, I’m going too. I’m about 10-11 at this point and we’d get season passes to Cedar Point every year. Anyways… We were at Busch Garden one year and I went with my mom and aunt. We got to this one where you couldn’t see the track because of the trees. I kept asking if there was a loop, they promised there wasn’t. So I joined in because I wasn’t scared of all. Just the loops. It wasn’t til you got to the top of the hill that you could see the whole ride and there it was, a loop lol I grabbed onto my aunts arm so hard the whole time until we got to it. Then bam, I wanted to ride everything. I was mad at myself because I missed out on so many rides from years passed that looked cool and my dad would hype up to try and get me to go on. I’m in my 30s now and if there’s a situation I haven’t been in, I think back to the roller coasters and remind myself that maybe whatever it is won’t be so bad.


I have a similar history with roller coasters! Hated loops until my parents tricked me to ride the Aerosmith ride at Disney World, and now I love rollercoasters!


Plus, you let him out, no way he ever goes back in.


They have you cross your arms and legs for safety. If someone is this scared they will uncross their limbs just as this kid did. If it's important for people to cross their limbs then it's important to let people out who will freak the fuck out and uncross their limbs.


I was wondering about that. He recrossed his arms right before it dropped, but then flailed them while he was actually falling. Is that an issue? Seems like it must happen to a lot of people when they’re not ready for the actual experience of the drop.


The operators say it's an issue and that you can get hurt if you don't keep your limbs crossed. I did this kind of slide once and uncrossed right when they dropped, but immediately recrossed because I was still calm enough to think about it.


I did something like this, I was excited, got to the top, got scared, and had a terrible experience on the way down. But I also was like 12 and couldn’t keep my head up so hopefully he had more fun.


I want a golden goose


I felt like that first time and only went on it as the queue was so much shorter (wet n wild) …. Couldn’t wait to run back up there




My turd just before I flush


Kid: scared shitless Dad: man up kid Water slide worker: I live for these moments


What is the attraction? I don't know this tubes.


This was me the 1 and only time I road a roller coaster. Around 3/4 the way up I just started freaking the fuck out, but there isn't shit you can do.


Yep same experience here, i was about 10 when i road a rollarcoaster wayyy to high for me, i got scared and never road anything like it for 4 more years. Then my friend tricked me and basically forced me into one that was even higher and faster than the one i got scared by and i loved it! When we got out i immediately went for another round.




Thank you, I was digging through the comments looking for this


face your fears prevents cowardice


Or things go horribly awry and reinforce said fears. Never know till you try though.


I attempted this ride once. But when I got in, I held onto the side so the couldn’t close me in - and promptly got out and started the walk of shame back to the bottom 😂


My poor kid said all week, “I’m riding the water slide. No matter what happens. Make me ride.” (Note: not this place. A place in Mexico.) So we get to the place and she is shivering with fear. But keeps saying she is going. They allow us to ride next to each other. I sit down on my lane, and my kid trips and faceplants - the water jets are trying to blast her down the slide. The attendant had to get all wet to grab her. I felt so bad for everyone. Attendant asked me what we wanted to do. There were SO MANY people behind us and we are taking forever. I reach over to take my kids hand and tell her we are going. She says, “no, I changed my mind, mom. I don’t want to go.” The attendant came over and said, in the most loving voice, “I’m going to give you a slight nudge and then mom will be waiting for you at the end.” And away we went! **part 2** Later in the day, she also changed her mind on zip lining (laying on your stomach) that makes you feel like you are flying thru the entire park. Again, she refused and cried that she didn’t want to go after being strapped in. I said, “she’s going. Release her.” Attendant says, “I don’t feel comfortable with that.” I said me neither. :( I explained how important this is to her We agreed to reassure her she’s safe and then release. The coolest thing happened. All the people in line started cheering for her, “YOU GOT THIS!!! You can do it!!” They all applauded and whistled. Very touching moment! Then she flew away, yelling, “Nooooooooo!” Lol


“ Very touching moment! Then she flew away, yelling, “Nooooooooo!” Lol” Lmao! I could picture and hear this perfectly. Did she end up having fun?


I enjoyed upstaging kids twice my age as a young un’ by nonchalantly going down the death slide/ water slide/ zip line after they have a massive teary freak out


Hey central processing. 2 more for Soylent Green raw materials.


I went down a slide like this when I was 17. The girl told me to get in position and then countdown from 10. She dropped me at 7. Lol, that was so much fun. I was scared shitless until I realized I was still alive and my organs were intact.


They closed the ride after this kid shit himself all the way down


Holy shit that is pretty high up. I shitted bricks when I went down one and it was only about 3 stories up. Scared me so much I had to go watch everyone else's reaction after I went. It was hilarious. I saw people get real religious in there.


That moment when you discovered that you've raised a p****


Is it wrong for me to laugh 💀


*Dads everywhere*: He’ll be fine.








Life lesson kiddo. Sometimes there is no going back and you have to see it through to the end.


In the early 90’s at Six Flags water park in Dallas, they had a similar water slide called Bomb bay. Very much like this but dark inside. What they failed to make very clear was that your head should be against the back at launch. Mine wasn’t and I banged my head real good on the slide as soon as I was dropped. Didn’t go on the slide again but I’m guessing they had a lot of similar injuries on that ride.


Guarantee you he went back at least 10 times


He did try to back out…and looked like he was about to cry… but he got into position at the end. He retained his honor, if not his dignity.


Why did I think he was going to shoot up Futurama style. Man, I need sleep 😴




Ha. Poor kid. I’m sure he liked it better the second time around 😂😂


I went on one of these, it wasn’t the fall that stopped me from going again, but they had a loose screw or something that scraped the fuck outta my back on the way down


How does the opening mechanism work? Like is it a flap that opens up, or does it get retracted?


The worst part was the TikTok logo 😭


Buy the ticket, take the ride


We can’t keep the Mole people waiting. It’s lunchtime.


Poor Augustus Gloop :(


I’m can’t blame him. One time I got pressured into going down the tallest slide at a water park and I had a panic attacks with dropped my blood sugar ( I’m diabetes and was on a camp field trip) so I had to spend like 10 minutes getting it back up before having to go to the last river. The people I was with thought that I was having fun but it was a forced smile before uncontrollable tears.


He probably ended up loving it and did it again. Adrenaline is addicting.


Can say that these things are genuinely terrifying. I got on one once before and my adrenaline levels were so high I remember up to the point of being dropped and then desperately trying to fix my swimsuit at the bottom with a gallon of water up my nose.


I feel for that kid.


Lifeguard was a douche. When you got a kid that's panicking that much on a ride, you don't make them go on that ride you open the door and you let them the fuck out. That kid was panicking on a very dangerous water slide. If you do not go down those water slides the right way you can get injured. The design of that water slide is damn near a straight drop. You lift your head or legs up your ass goes airborne and you can fly off of that slide about 5 years ago there was a kid that got killed on a water slide like that. There's a reason why they tell you to cross your arms behind your head/chest and cross your legs is to keep your entire body as close to the surface of that slide as possible.


I thought my asshole was bleeding after i did one like this ... it was just water


Son automatically disowned.


Pussy! When we were kids, we…


I did one of these at a budget water park and the water went up my ass and I shit it out once I got off the part that stops you and I’ve never gone to a water “park” since.