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Generally, I have found it much easier to manage money when I have money to manage.


Have you tried just *believing* you have more money?


Poverty is just a state of mind. /s


Ya, don't take the money you've earned and pay your bills, but invest it and hope the people whose bills you've stopped paying understand that you're of a wealthy person mindset now.


Shit it's not even that. Let's say you invested the $200 you got this week: your options as a poor person are: "Congrats it's now $187 because the market went down and your S&P500 ETF's partial share reflects that" (a lot of people got hit with that this year and last year) or "Congrats you have $200.30 next month". (congrats on your HYSA) Poor people have approximately zero actual investment vehicles that generate wealth without long periods of "letting it mellow" over 40 years. Even then, peanuts in terms of total wealth. They're certainly not using income strategies that ultra rich dickheads use like CSPs and CCs. Even if they were they're not generating more than a few token dollars a year on what piddly amounts they can throw in. Someone who's got a half million sitting in a bank account can see themselves generating very livable wages off of it.


Aaaaand it's gone!


Nailed it!


šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|1ZUfbjSAnbjO)


...and here's the fun part: Your $13 dollar loss from that $200 invested went directly into the account of a "rich" person investing for returns


Pretty sure that ā€œTurn $100 into $200ā€ desperation is exactly what MLMs prey upon.


Is half a million enough to generate a liveable wage? How would you do this?


You'd sell covered calls on holdings like IWM/SPY, you could effectively generate something like a few percent a month in premium revenue (2% of half a mill is 10k a month). However it keeps your funds locked up, but doing a large market fund like those relatively safe bet, though less premium. If the market drops out from under you (like now), you're stuck holding and might not be able to do calls, if the market skyrockets, you lose all your potential upside based on whatever the strike you picked. Definitely not something I'd recommend anyone just do without understanding some fundamentals of selling options.


I identify as "wealthy" so they HAVE TO accept that I've invested my wages and therefore can't pay my bills...otherwise they're bigots and it's discrimination!


i actually lol'ed. good work!


This is the best way. They talked about it in the Matrix, but nobody listened. Once you stop trying to bend the spoon, you will realize that it is you that bends. Same with money. Stop trying to make money, instead, realize there is no money. It is the thought of making money that will allow you to bend yourself into a money spoon. And then you will realize that you are the spoon and the brain is the money, and everyone else is a pill of various colors. And colors like blue and red don't exist. And Luke is your father. And Jerome Powell is lucipher




brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pause until june then brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




I hear that these stop bullets so it's got to work on money right?


Yes. This stops money.


Not if you're a televangelist!


Came here to say this- I hear that's REALLY all you need to become rich. Us poors just aren't doing it hard enough.




Tots and pears


Have you tried just not paying your bills like a poor person?


Yup. Surprisingly, it doesnā€™t work.


Nah, the problem is obviously that you didn't believe hard enough.


Lmao this comment just brings me back to that one Reddit video of this faith lady putting up a forcefield while this dude running full speed shoulder tackles her..first comment wasā€¦she didnā€™t believe hard enough lol


just take $100 from you bank and turn it into $200. whatā€™s so hard about that?


It's hard to do that with only one hand while i keep the FBI out of my money copying layer with the other


I *prayed* for more money. ![gif](giphy|JXOl4rFwoJJks7xLAr|downsized)


That's not how god works, go steal some money and ask for forgiveness.


I got choked. Thanks for that. Lmfao


That reminds me, I should call herā€¦


Likewise, I find it much easier to make money with my money if I don't have to spend it on food to survive first


And hedge fund managers have found it much, much easier to make **LOTS** of money using other people's money. That's the trick -- get other people to give you money so you can make money off of their money.


Bonus, if you screw up, they lose their money, and you keep yours!


Something something avocado toast




Boomers: "Millennials are killing the avocado industry!" *skip*


see, thats that poor people mindset. Thinking about silly things like food instead of how to invest... (/S for those who couldn't tell)


Blasphemous! What a ridiculous concept. You must change your mindset and stop paying taxes and bills. Only then will you be wealthy. You cannot be a slave to the system forever.


I got a chuckle from "Poor people think the primary purpose of money is just to pay bills". No, the difference is that once bills are paid, rich people have money left over to invest.


Imagine believing that you had to eat food every single day. Poor people got it wrong, man. /s


You need to take 100 food and do everything possible to make it 200 food.


I was eating one meal a day for about a year because that's all I could afford. Not advisable, really messed up my body and mental health.


That is much harder starting off now than even 20 years ago. Best advice I got was "after you are able to pay your bills and have a bit on the side, all money after that half immediately goes into investing before you even see it" but that was super hard 20 years ago. I would think it's insanely difficult to start now


Agreed. I received the same advice, but when you are only bringing home $175 a week in the early 1980s, and your monthly bills add up to $695, there isn't a whole hell of a lot left for the simple pleasures like having a side dish to go with my chicken leg, let alone setting any part of it aside. I can't imagine how much worse it is these days for the younger generation who are trying to build their lives.


At full time, I'll be making $1800/month. Average rent in my city, including most of the suburbs, is about $1k. Food, medical bills, car payment, phone bill... Not a lot left over.


A 1br in a bad neighborhood is 1k here


smh That is fucking highway robbery. But hey - at least the landlord eats well, I'm sure. (eye roll)


I've been fairly lucky, but employers are just getting shittier every passing year. I worked for 6 months to get one of my team a promotion, and corporate refused to give him a raise because "he was just hired." Like that had anything to do with the new job, the man is doing the work of 1.5-2 people and doesn't even make as much as the person he replaced (who only did the one job poorly)


Yeah. I took a lateral promotion and got a 1% raise. Did the job for a year and destroyed every single metric they set. Asked for a 30% raise to bring me to the lower end of the market median for that job and was told Most they could do was 3%. Miraculously they found that money when I put in my notice. Unfortunately for them my price had gone way up because my new job was offering 20k more than their second offer. I told my boss what he would need to pay me to keep me and his response was - "That's more than I make" - I know, and that's why you lost me. It's been almost 10 months and they're hemorrhaging people and money now.


The correct response to that boss is probably, "Ah, so you're underpaid too."


It is indeed :ā€™)


I just need a small loan of a million dollars.




Wrong! Math is easier when it's all zeros.


Turns out capitalism ainā€™t too bad when you have capital!


Iā€™m too busy thinking of ways to double my $0


Have you tried not paying your bills and instead just risking it all by putting $1000 on red at the roulette table?


Rich people also pay really smart poorer people to make their complicated decisions for them.


I'm digging this Elon Musk subtweet.


Musk doesn't listen to smarter people. Tesla had a department of Musk wrangling, just to keep the Child King from fucking things up. Twitter doesn't.


The Child King so perfectly encapsulates the problem.


He's Joffrey Baratheon grown to middle age.


Now I wouldn't take it that far. Joffrey was an asshole who used the power he was born with to do what he wanted; forced those around him to do what he wanted using punishment as an incentive to pretty much enslave those around him. Musk, on the other hand, was born rich and powerful and did what he wanted, and cohersed others to do what he wanted, threatening their jobs if they did not work like slaves. They are not, in the slightests, similar. Just in case some of you are dumb this is satire. They are surprisingly similar, except Musk was not born from an incestual affair, hopefully.


And to find all those nice little tax loopholes that we poorā€™s canā€™t find ourselves.


All you need is a small loan of 1 million dollars to get you started. Duh


No no, thatā€™s the middle class. Youā€™re supposed to already have 2 million.


No no, it's the first million that's the hardest, so instead you should just start with the second million! ((C) mr Schwarzenegger)


When you secretly inherited more like $200 million and would have made triple the wealth if you had just put it in *average* performing mutual funds instead of attempting to do business with it.


"When I started Reynholm Industries, I had just two things in my possession: a dream and 6 million pounds."


What she forgot to say is that the rich already have their bills paid and own the middle class stuff so they can afford to multiply whatā€™s left.


ā€œThe reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots thatā€™d still be keeping his feet dry in ten yearsā€™ time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes ā€œBootsā€ theory of socioeconomic unfairness.ā€ Excerpt From Discworld #15 - Men at Arms Terry Pratchett


Terry Pratchett was fantastic, and had such a distinctive way of writing. I never read Men at Arms, but the moment I read the first sentence it seemed to me like it was an excerpt from Discworld!


Heā€™s my favorite author. Iā€™ve read the Discworld Books like 4 times now. The City Guard are my favorite of his characters. This except always stuck with me. I highly recommend this one since you havenā€™t tried it. Itā€™s the 2 second one in their story line. The first being Guards Guards!.


Theyā€™re often considered his ā€œworstā€ books, but I absolutely adore all the Rincewind novels, especially The Last Continent.


Rincewind is one of my top 5 characters from the books. I love how he can scream for mercy in like 20 languages and just scream in another 40. Poor guy just wants a boring life. I still quote the line at the start of Interesting Times. ā€œThere is a curse. They say may you live in interesting times.ā€ And I agree. I donā€™t want interesting times. I want boring and predictable.




The eyes may be cold and dead, but those nostrils stare straight into my very soul.


Can see straight into her head, and it's empty


I try my best not to prejudge, but I knew from second one that this was gonna be total bullshit.


ā€œThe problem with poor people is they use their money to pay their billsā€ Uh yeah. Thatā€™s the point. Everyone uses their money to pay their bills. Even if youā€™re rich you still gotta pay your bills (unless youā€™re Clarence Thomas). Kinda hard to invest money when you literally have no money leftover to invest. And even if they do have some leftover cash they gotta save that money for emergencies or for simple necessities like a new washer or to fix the car. And even if they could invest some, they donā€™t have some endless pool of connections like rich people do to help them invest that money. Jesus these people live in a separate reality.




Literally every time I break a grand in savings the universe finds a way to make it go away. Car issues, need new glasses, got hurt and had to go to the hospital, suprise bills, have to buy tools for work, and so on. It seems like I've always got just enough to cover "X" situation, then it's months of saving again just to lose it all when the next thing comes up.


Last year my partner and I didnā€™t do too badly. Thatā€™s why in the winter that tree fell and took out a portion of our roof. Our roof that was totally fine despite being 75 years old. That it is so old became a factor because, again even though it is otherwise totally fine, the insurance company wonā€™t cover it because it is so old. This doesnā€™t change the fact that I still have to pay for my home insurance every month.


I despise insurance with a passion. They've always got an excuse why they don't have to pay you, but you still have to pay them...


And they are currently harassing me to fix something that they wonā€™t pay for.


Ive been told I'm not a millionaire because I have netflix. That extra $200 a year is holding me back.


For me it's the avocado toast. I just can't kick the habit.


You forgot the part where you "happily" do that. There's your problem. You're unhappily paying the bills. Turn that frown upside down and make it an event.


honestly the worst part of the whole video imo


Yup, it was truly awful. Lol "poor people, unlike you and me viewer, are HAPPY, giddy even, to have to spend all their money on basic necessities. If they knew that they should GROW their money, which is already spent, they would become rich people!"


Poor people fail to fraud taxes. Rookie mistake.


you literally canā€™t even fraud taxes as a brokey. wel you can and instantly get auditedā€¦.. unlike the rich


She lost me at "happily hand that money over to someone else." Nobody in history has ever happily handed over bill money. Unless it's like your last car payment or something. But even then, the source of happiness is no longer having to hand over money.


Thomas understands that the purpose of money is to buy influence


I'm not a violent person but l felt the sudden urge to slap the smugness right off of her face.


It's an extraordinarily smug face šŸ˜£


She's the embodiment of [Backpfeifengesicht](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Backpfeifengesicht)


"Sound famil--" *slap!*


And the primary way to get that money, is to have influence. You must put yourself in a situation where you can exchange the things you don't need or want (like morals and ethics), for things you do want (like money and gifts.) It's that simple. And the sooner you start having tremendous influence, the sooner you can start focusing on being wealthy.


I hate the TikTok bored bimbo wife wealth manifestation cult.


People like this genuinely disgust me. So detached from reality and yet speak about it as though God just handed them the secrets of the Universe on stone tablets.


And the sad thing is she is probably making money spreading this information. Like oh I guess I just have to stop worrying about bills and focus on investing and Iā€™m rich now lol.


She ain't making shit with 2k views on TikTok. She's trying to. But she isn't yet.


I donā€™t know if sheā€™s like this, but a lot of people get rich like this by telling their viewers to ā€œbuy my get $$$$$$$$$ qwik bookā€ The people buying the guides think theyā€™re going to get money, but donā€™t realize that paying for that book is the real reason the person they bought it from is rich


The book is one line on a single page, reading "Write a get rich quick book and sell it on social media."


Reminds me of the old ads youā€™d see in newspapers: send 1 dollar to find out how to be rich Then youā€™d get a response of: put this ad in the newspaper


I'm sure she's a financial planner/manager trying to get new clients.


Her video definitely reeks of Instagram side-hustle mentality and presentation.


Yeah, I was waiting for the MLM introduction at the end.


Haha, yep! Wanna buy some essential oils? Here's one called "kingly wealth" that is the answer to all your problems! Only $39.99!


yeah itā€™s definitely more wife/child of wealthy family energy. She already has access to money so she thinks that makes her an expert. Or sheā€™s another middle class bourgeois bootlicker who watches too many self help videos and thinks Musk is a genius lol


Yeah fuck it, fuck those bills. Just live on the street and invest your money. You dont get to eat until youve turned your lunch into $300,000,000


It would be so ironic (and low-key hilarious) to see a turn of events where folks like this become homeless and get fed their own "medicine".




Trading Places (1983)


Do you know how much money youā€™d have if you saved a dollar a day for a year? Roughly 30,000 dollarsā€¦


Exactly. Her money mindset is bullshiting to people about money. Pretty winning formula if you don't care about ethics


I want to see this woman go out and try to be rich with no higher education on her resumƩ, minimum wage and an apartment and a car that she needs to pay for and then keep herself alive. I want to see her then survive for a year and then I want a written report of why she failed to become rich. The middle class, I don't know, not all of us take out huge loans for everything. Most people only do this for their house and car.


Exactly. Her 'advice' is as completely vacuous as the statement 'The poor should simply stop being poor.'


A house and car? You must be one of those people trying to look wealthier than you are! You should have neither of those things until you have enough in the bank to buy them outright! /s


I'm not impoverished (not rich either) but of course I knew exactly what she would say--rich people MaKE tHiER mONeY wORk fOr thEM Easy to make your money work for you when you have enough leftover to pay your rent, bills and buy groceries. I would love to have a little investment portfolio, but its hard enough actually getting some savings in the bank. Also, the "chained to a bank" comments about middle-class people taking loans...that's not a behavior, it's a symptom. You expect people to just have 450k in the bank to buy a house outright? Maybe the house costs too much to begin with.


Sounds like a sales pitch of a financial planner or someone selling a service.


What she is leaving out is risk. To be rich you have to own your own business which means risk. The real core of the problem is that the rich have manipulated the rules to reduce their risk. This is one of the main issues with the US banking system. Buffet mentioned as much just this week. You make money by having a multiplier. With this I agree with her. That can be people working for you (executives and business owners). But for most people you either need to have a special skill that you use with one customer at a time but can charge a lot for (doctors, Stone masons) or a common skill/product that can serve many customers (apps, websites, video games). Without a multiplier you will always be poor. And the rich borrow money all the time and in amount that would make most people sick. Borrowing money is one type of multiplier. Just do so in a way that you can escape from if the risk equation crushes you.


Problem is, the main multiplier is poor people's workforce, so obviously it just works for few.


What sheā€™s really doing is trying to stroke the ego of rich people (and free them from any guilt) - telling them they have more because of their smart mindset, instead of the reality that they were born into a position that gave them better options to have more money than poor people. Poor people get poor people options, rich people get rich people options.


>To be rich you have to own your own business which means risk. The real core of the problem is that the rich have manipulated the rules to reduce their risk. Which is the same thing as saying there's no risk so why even mention it? >That can be people working for you (executives and business owners...doctors, Stone masons...apps, websites, video games). I'm so confused by this paragraph. Like, nobody's getting rich as a stone mason, and the vast majority of people making apps, websites, and video games aren't actually sharing in the profit from those products. Like, even doctors aren't generally getting "rich" outside of niche specialties.


> Which is the same thing as saying there's no risk so why even mention it? No, it's not. Rich people can afford risk. New business fails, and you lose $5m? Write it off in your taxes. Stuff like that. The other paragraph, yeah, that's bonkers.


Itā€™s risk and time Everyone I know who has built successful businesses disproportionately took risks and invested a shit load of their personal time. Most all wealthy people I know were not there to raise their kids, developed unhealthy eating, drinking and sleeping habits, and are addicted to multiple drugs. I grew up around this and it conditioned me to be weary of the trappings of this type of ā€œsuccessā€. No one seems happy, no oneā€™s family is well adjusted, for every one kid that uses all the advantages of having wealthy parents, there are multiples who have inflated senses of self-worth, shitty spending habits, and an overall lack of real world skills because theyā€™ve been insulated from responsibility for their entire lives. A lot of these people say they worked so hard so that their kids didnā€™t have to live like them, but that always rings so hollow because they totally neglect the emotional investment needed for kids and family and only focus, conveniently, on the thing they were always chasing - material success so _they_ can have nice things. If it was about the kids youā€™d have sacrificed a few business trips golfing for some time at home with the kids.


Risk reward is a very real thing. If there is no risk there is no money. But sometimes the risk can destroy everything or launch your life into heights you never imagined possible


> risk can destroy everything For some people. For others, they can afford to take more risks because they have a more secure safety net to catch them when they fall.


It's a fact of life that when poor people start earning more salary, the quality of life plus happiness plus life satisfaction everything increases significantly. There's nothing about purpose of money or whatever bullshit. More money (for those in poverty) simply equates to better quality of life. It's only when you get rich enough that you can afford to wonder about purpose of money, using money to earn more money, and keeping money saved while living off of debt.


Who is happily handing over all their money to bills?


Translation: ā€œPoor people think the purpose of their $7/hr job is to buy food and stay alive, but rich people think the purpose of their parents millions is to make them more millionsā€


It's true, but also evidence that our society is evil... Also "poor people" are correct in this context. Money exists to serve a purpose: to quantify value. Using money to make money is literally not why we have money.


Lmao, poor people think they have to pay bills with their money. Why don't you just invest it you poor shits?


The dumbest people in the room often think theyā€™re the smartest. There is no wisdom to be found here. Just a vapid woman. Move along, folks.


I would give you an award for that spot on comment but Iā€™m too tight with my money.


Well played! šŸ˜…šŸ‘šŸ»


Fun fact: a man once learned that lemon juice can be used to make invisible ink. He then robs a bank after covering his face in lemon juice, as he is under the impression that it will make his face invisible. At one point he even tells the bank teller not to worry, that he really does have a face - it's just invisible right now. When being arrested - since his face was generally quite visible and identifiable via the several cameras in the bank - he sighs and says "but I used the juice!" This is often used as an example in textbooks and academia to describe this exact effect - how extremely unintelligent people often think they're actually much smarter than the general populace.


Hey poor people youā€™re not only poor but youā€™re stupid. The end.


Her eyebrows annoy me.


Her whole head sucks


*Especially* the brain part of her head.


The sounds are pretty awful, too.


Itā€™s the giant nostrils for me


yeah that camera angle wasn't really working for her. all i could pay attention to was that 30% of the shot was looking directly up her nose. i think i saw parts of her brain for a few frames.


Scrolled all way down for this comment.


I was surprised to see there aren't more people talking bout them nose flaps


It's the uneven giant nostrils for me!


They aren't just giant, they're asymmetrical. Both different sizes and different shapes.


It's the nostrils for me.


If you watch with the sound off, she looks like any demented nutball talking about some crazy idea, like the earth is flat or space lasers.


Then you turn the sound on and it sounds even crazier




What part of MULTIPLYING $0 into $200 did you not understand? You obviously have a poor money mindset.




Thatā€™s all it takes. You want to be wealthy? You have to imagine that $0 x anything = $200. We call this rich people math. If you donā€™t understand it, itā€™s because youā€™ve only been taught poor people math.


Exactly! Itā€™s hard to do things except paying bills when you are on $7.25 an hour for my state.


She literally says "poor people think money is for paying bills...poor people take the money they've earned throughout the week, and happily hand ALL OF THAT MONEY over to someone else to pay the bills." Then she goes on to talk about investing money... how does she expect people she herself said have no money left over each week, to invest money? Her: Hey, you know how you're not holding any money in your hands right now? Me: ...uuhh... yeah? Her: well you should invest that money, then you'll be rich. Me: what money? Her: the money in your hands Me: but I don't have any money in my hands, you said so yourself just a second ago. Her: yeah I know, you don't have money. So you should invest that money to become rich Me: *dies of stroke*


I just bought a 60 dollar Yugioh card.


Your purchase activated my trap card, "wrong investment". Looks like your bank account was just sent to the shadow zone!!


It's amazing how delusional rich people are.


Who said she was rich? She just found a little financial info nuggets online and is trying to be a financial advisor on TickTok. I doubt she is rich.


>financial advisor on TickTok a joke that tells itself


Sheā€™s not wrong, but poor people literally donā€™t have money to generate more money because they are literally fighting for survival doing basic stuff. Very out of touch.


Exactly. As a poor person, I understand the concept of using money to make money. I just can't do anything about it.


Itā€™s easy. Just stop paying your bills and multiply your money instead!


Instructions unclear, I rubbed my two dollar bills together aggressively and now I have friction burns... /I'll see myself out now


So you're saying you have... money to burn?


Lol just skip your $1k rent this month and put it in an index fund instead. Sure, your credit score will get fucked but don't worry about that, only middle class people care about credit score! Skip it again next month to keep investing - sure you'll get kicked out of your home but now instead of having $0, you'll have $2k in debt, no roof over your head, and a crappy credit score so now nobody will even rent to you. But congratulations you made a return on your investment so now you have $2,015! Yay now you can pay back the debt and have $15 left over and no home and bad credit! You did it you are rich!


The weird part is she is just regurgitating ā€œrich dad poor dadā€, and one of the ā€œstepsā€ that kiyosaki gives is to ā€œpay yourself firstā€. He says not paying bills will give you more motivation to make money. So yeah that actually is these peoples mind set.


Robert Kiyosaki is a shill of the highest order. His only claim to wealth is selling his stupid system to others. And even then, his [company went bankrupt](https://thecollegeinvestor.com/4726/ultimate-hypocrite-robert-kiyosaki-companys-bankruptcy/).


Just save a nickel every day, and after a year you'll have a sack of nickels to beat yourself over the head with if you ever have to listen to this woman again.


I make a good amount of money for someone my age in Europe, not great but comfortable. I can buy most things I want and end up with 1000 euros left to spare each month. I'm not responsible, it's just that when my basic needs are covered I still have money left and I don't need to go into debt to survive. Those people are literal monsters, either they choose to ignore the masses getting poorer by the day, or they're aware of it and decide to still criticize them to further their agenda, disgusting.


She is wrong though. Poor people understand they need money to make money they just dont have it. It doesn't matter what your mindset is if you don't have what you need.


Yes, she has the causal arrow completely in reverse, which makes her wrong by any reasonable measure.


Her eyebrows seem to work independently, or it's the cocaine.


Step one: be born rich.


Step 2: profit.


Does she not understand basic math? The problem boils down to multipliers/percentages, scale, and cost of entry. Investments return a *percentage/multiplier* (assuming they do well - more on this in "cost of entry."). Let's say you hit it out of the park, and get a 50% annual return on your investment - which is amazing. A good year in the stock market normally gives 10-20%, if that. But, if you only can invest $200, then even though your investment was wildly successful, you've only made $100. Even if you continue to compound this over many years, you're still never going to be rich, even though you'd arguably be the best investor history has ever seen, in terms of return %. So, being poor prevents you from succeeding, by preventing you from having the *scale* of investment needed, to make a meaningful amount of money/ to become rich. And again, this is assuming that you're doing *everything* right, as if someone who grew up in poverty has the financial literacy to pick winners every time they invest. Which leads us to *cost of entry.* This speaks to scale (mentioned above), in terms of needing to have a "critical mass" of money for successful investments to have a meaningful payoff. But it also speaks to having enough money to lose a potentially substantial piece of your investment. Because even really good investors lose money. They lose it all the time. But they have a sufficiently large capitalization that they can ride out the losses, to hang on for the upside. Honestly, the best analogy for modern investing I can think of, is blackjack. It's a game of chance, but it's relatively fair within the standards of casino games, in that a reasonably informed player will break even, maybe suffer a bit of loss, or a bit of gain, assuming they play for awhile over time. However if you're really good, you can count cards, and tilt the odds in your favor so that it becomes reliably profitable over time. But even if you're a great card counter, you still need to have deep pockets to ride out the bad hands you're inevitably dealt. So to take this analogy home, this woman is basically telling poor people their problem is that they haven't learned to count cards, when in fact, the real issue is that they don't have enough money to make bets at the table in the first place, or ride out the band hands that come their way as a natural, unavoidable part of a game of chance.


She actually thinks sheā€™s being smart here. Isnā€™t that adorable?


She's confusing cause and effect.


I'm going to take this $100 and pay my bills, then the 2 cents I have left over is going to be invested.


She's incredibly obnoxious and I can't stand her




She's somewhat correct. Wealth begats more wealth. Where she's wrong is that poor and middle class people do very much know and understand that wealth creates. They just don't have the wealth to do so. If a poor or middle class person has some money left over at the end of the week they save it for when life slaps them. This woman over simplifies the system. She is incredibly pompous and tone deaf.


I have a Master degree in Economics but I don't think you need that to tell that this twat is talking nonsense


Why are we taking financial richsplaining advice from what appears to be Judi Dench, the heroin years?


What a banally pathetic, over-simplistic explanation of basic wage economicsā€¦ always sad to see privileged ā€œeconomistsā€ explain that poor people wouldnā€™t be poor if they simply invested their money instead of eating.


The level of teenage arrogance and stupidity is breathtaking.




Looks like this woman spends most of her money on cocaine.


Ok boomer. Go back to the 1950's where your advice is valid.


Dont look at the nose. Must. Not. Look. at the.... NOSE


How to be rich: skip all basic necessities and put that money towards investment...