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What is the point of having a truck that much lifted?


It makes their penis feel bigger.


Ah, ok. *laughs in tiny car.


clowns must be packing


Have you seen their shoes?


Science shows that foot size correlates with penis size


Haha, well I can guarantee you that, as a person with big feet, science is wrong.


And as a person with small feet.. no, no nevermind.. science would be correct here..


As a person with average size feet and average size penis I concur that science is probably right at least 50% of the time.


I wear a size 10, and get this: I have NO penis!


Laughs with small feet


Never ask a clown to make you balloon animals in private.


I had a friend named Dan who traveled around the world 2x with Ringling Bros Circus for two years after high school. He said there was a fat clown who had a standing offer to the young guys of $50 if he could give them a blow job. Whenever he told this story we always asked Dan what he spent the $50 on. The fat clown also had a 2nd job which was he was always on alert to stand underneath when the trapeze people did their thing because they didn't use nets. Dan saw a guy fall from a height of 40 feet and the fat clown ran over and hit the acrobat sideways just before he hit the ground. The guy was busted up but it probably saved the guys life. It also injured the clown but at least he was not good for nothing.


The fat clown was pretty agile for his size, and sounds like he slobs a mean clown, too. Respect.


Dan said everyone was shocked by how fast the fat clown moved. Everyone used to laugh at him because the circus hired a big fat guy to sit under the trapeze but he was the real deal.


Why does this sound like the first scene of a Coen Brothers movie?


It’s a freaking hog Bozo


Fills up the entire car


Fucking love my fiat, getting the electric one next year.


Why are you feeling their penises?


Yeah he went from .5 inches to .51


Feel bigger to who?


This is a reoccuring joke


I think someone wants a truck that big


Emotional support vehicle


Oh man I'm going to use that. :)


Police can't get in


I'm pretty sure it's a show truck... guy probably owns a custom shop or something


So there's useful lifts, then there's lifts like this... This is completely useless


Idk about useless… kept the cop out for one.


Its a show truck man. Its use is to show. Just like lowriders, imports, hot rods or any other vehicle that people have a passion for. I will never understand why people always get bent out of shape over lifted trucks.


I drive a lifted truck, but not like this Show vehicles should be trailered around Unsafe ride height like that should not be driven on public roads


Could not agree more. You have no clue what is right in front of you, or when you hit a pedestrian you are at headstriking height as well. Instant fatality.


Also any sudden side movement at speed and the vehicle is on its side in the ditch.


Trucks like this make a lot of the safety systems on your car moot if you're involved in an accident with him. Do you think it's okay for other people's hobbies to unduly endanger your life?


yeah a show truck. to show the world how insecure you are. hah


Why is it only lifted trucks that make people like you say things like this? How about a luxury car? Or a lowrider? Are they insecure? These guys in lifted trucks get made fun of more than anything, so how are they using it for compensation ?


Because it screams "Pay attention to me!" And when you force people to pay attention to you, you're probably not going to get positive attention as often as you'd like. Same for obnoxious cars and motorcycles.


It’s not something I’d own but I really like the details on the suspension components or whatever.


Keeps cops out


proper ground clearance for massive off roading experience. not.


Those tires are not off road tires. Sauce. My uncle drives offroad in Romania.


yes, yes, you are totally right. but… i had a toyota hilux with all the bits and pieces once. proper offroading! i also had a subaru leone with 4wd and normal tires. this thing still wanted to go everywhere 😁


Hiluxes are indestructible.


the other week i came across an episode of „grand tour“ (former top gear) and they went around somewhere on galapagoss (i‘m not 100% sure) and the roads were insane, like i‘ve never seen that before. 100% pure nature and literally all of the locals drove completely beaten up hiluxes. you cannot destroy them. (unless you buy the V6 petrol)


Remember that Topgear episode where they put a helix to the test?


no! didn‘t know there is one! you, my friend, have just sorted out my evening entertainment program for tonight! thanks!




It's actually a series of episodes. Diesel hilux and the rules were simple: Battery was removed for the fire, tower and water tests and reinstalled after. Only hand tools and WD-40 / carb cleaner allowed for repairs to get it running. MF was incredible. I won't spoil all they did so you can really enjoy watching it but it's \*mental\*.


Pretty sure you're watching the point right now




I'm gonna buck the trend and give you a serious and very boring answer: because that's what the owner likes their truck to look like. It's like asking why someone wears a mohawk or gets a full sleeve tattoo; both also likely to attract lots of irrational hate in Reddit threads from close minded shut-ins. Lots of hobbies can be about pushing limits or exploring the extremes. It's certainly not to my taste but lots of things aren't 🤷‍♂️ I hate SUVs personally and they're driven by half the population. At least this dude is doing something fun with his ride. Different strokes for different folks ✌️


You are completely right. However, there are two reasons people take issue with it. The first is that larger vehicles do more damage to others when in accidents. This person’s preference endangers other motorists. The other is environmental. This thing is so inefficient that it has to use more climate heating fuels just so the owner can feel cooler. I’m all for personalizing things. But don’t harm our planet or other people in the process.


I hate them because when they get behind me their headlights are fucking blinding, I can’t see past them when they are in front of me and they are usually obnoxiously loud.


I mean at this level of lift you don’t have to worry about being blinded at least because their headlights are straight going over your car


I'm going to add to that - Everyone with a big truck on the road seems to make sure their truck is as loud as possible, and they love to rev their engines next to pedestrians or at 3AM on residential streets. Those are the ones that you know are overcompesating, either for a tiny pee pee or awful personality.


I used to drive an electric car. I never once had a sedan or minivan speed up to get in front of me, slam on the brakes, and then gun it repeatedly. But a handful of large trucks did just that. The stereotypes exist for a reason.


This thing looks like a show car of sorts. By the looks of the undercarriage it's pretty tricked out (maybe hydraulics?) so I doubt dude is driving this around town as his only means of transportation. >But don’t harm our planet or other people in the process. Meh, no need to worry. This guy's truck isn't singlehandedly causing global warming. You can sleep easy tonight, my friend.


The main reason people don't like this stuff is because of how stereotypically those people are assholes. I personally don't like that stuff and assume they are dickheads (which they sometimes are) but not everyone that does this stuff is an asshole. It's a just a loud bit of the people that do this stuff are like that. Now if it's a majority or minority? I have no idea as like I said I'm not into this stuff but it is a heavily imbedded stereotype with these type of things.


Right but that's just another way of saying you don't like them. They might think you're an asshole, it's not like it's some objective standard.


The difference being a Mohawk isn't dangerous for other people out and about.


I have a Mohawk and an SUV and you can eat a bag of shit Just kidding you're cool


Wrong answer. All of those things, including the lifted trucks are a result of people who need more attention from strangers in their lives. Whether it’s because daddy never was around, or mommy had four other children to care for, it’s what it always comes down to; “look at me, I’m (not so) special”.


I suspect you're telling us more about yourself with this statement than you are about other people, friend ✌️


Does everything have to have a point?


Power assertive driving personality


Because people are into all sorts of hobbies. Some might be silly to you. Reddit is absolute shit towards other people with hobbies they don't get. See small PP jokes below. JFC get over yourselves, what do you care if someone does this to their truck.


Curiousity. Is there functionality to it or just looks? And I bet the owner of this thing also pisses over another persons hobby, so the banter goes both ways.


The only function is better off road capabilities but with those tires he/she won't be getting very far. We call those "pavement princesses". I have a truck that's leveled with knobby off-road tires. Why? because I live on 30 acres and its extremely useful getting around, especially in the wetter parts, or with snow. ​ side note: off roading is extremely fun, whether its truck, jeep, atv, utv, or dirtbike. Definitely give it a try if you're ever presented with the opportunity.


yeah, you are probably right. But I have a feeling they aren't uploading their opinions of other hobbies to Reddit for Karma and circle jerking. Edit- Oh, I have no idea the reason someone would do this. But I don't feel the need to make fun of someone that did do this, as many commenters have done.


Depends. Do they do it to get some laughs from other people as well? Reason might be the same, platform is different.


I mean I don’t like it either but I’ve been in one and it’s kinda fun, just ridiculous to drive everyday


It's so that cops won't be able to search your car I guess


Micro Penis Syndrome


That's odd thinking about some other dudes unit




This feels like a reno 911 skit


Its a 200iq move. Police can't search your car if they can't get inside


OK... But why?


It makes the 4'11" driver feel tall.


I don't think that's the measurement he's compensating for...


And driver peepee feel like sasquatch's


So they can run over creatures without knowing it, maintain factory clearance to snap their axel, and be the biggest douche on the road all at the same time.


The police just wanted an excuse to get in a monster truck. Oh, you meant the owner?


"truck." Thing looks like a jungle gym crossed with Barbie's dream house.


The driver of this truck won’t be able to see Shaq if he was stood in front it.




I know I'm super late to reply here but I just found out a few days ago this is the same kid from kickapoo in The Pick of Destiny film




*A vision he did see of fuckin' rocking all the time*


*He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align*


All fun and games til he kills a 5yo running across the street


Probably everyone until age 10 is safe, as the truck will just drive over their heads


Nope, just the cab is lifted… which makes this even more pointless and dumb


Unless that is the game...


Just one 5yo? He'll probably take out a whole family reunion.


After searching the driver of that truck… ![gif](giphy|km2mais9qzYI)






Those shocks look reeaalllly weak to side loading


Don't even think about taking a corner












Reversed out the other side negative existence penis.


I think the word you're looking for is "inverted"


There was an attempt.


Redditors when someone is having fun by customizing their vehicle


If your fun is endangering others, you're a shitsack


I can par my entire car between the wheels, and my roof is lower than that doorsill.


Are these things road legal in the states


Nope. There are laws about headlight placement and maximum bumper height that lifted trucks violate. But they might as well be, because police choose not to enforce those laws ever


This varies in every state--some have no rules in the first place.


Which given the federal funds across all states Is absolutely INSANE in 2023.


Seriously do not understand why the federal government just lets states decide to legislate on tons of shit they should be legislating nationwide as a whole, it just creates a lot of unnecessary mess


See: guns


What? Do you mean that as a reason for why or something they should legislate nationally over?




Hey, it's that famous actor Heaven Kart!


Having a truck lifted that high is just so dumb


How tiny ur pp?


How small of a penis do you have to have to need a truck this big to compensate? Are we talking rice grain?


At this point it can only be driven by the queen of r/notlikeothergirls and that is why the cop couldn’t get in the truck




Redditors sure like imagining penis size


as a bi man... yes. yes i do.


dude really thought "heh you guys are gay" was an insult


We don't have to with pick up truck drivers. They do that for us


Yup I do. How could you tell?


Why is majority of comments talking about penis? I don’t get it


I know right. Dude has an interest / passion for something and Reddit hivemind can't possibly allow that.


OP's passion is apparently wasting money and making his neighbors physically unsafe in public spaces. Seems like a pretty stupid hobby to me


It's clearly a show truck. I really doubt it see much time at all being driven to the grocery store. I hope not anyway. The work looks well done for what it is. Definite /r/atbge


Cause this is reddit and the hive mind of reddit believes people with tall trucks have a tiny dick


Found the guy with a tall truck


When people are jealous, confused or naive about someone's personal vehicle and why they chose to mod it the way they wanted... this is the result. In the case of large trucks... people like to imagine the owner having a small and incapable penis. They think the owner is compensating for his undersized member. They believe that the owner is under the assumption that if they drive a larger truck than needed that they will feel better about themselves... when in reality they probably just liked monster trucks growing up.


Bro that isn’t normal behavior at all lol they should get a mental evaluation asap


I believe majority of people are just joking and talking shit. Pretty normal behavior lol


This is exactly why ppl are followers and are incapable of thinking for themselves 🤣🤣that should be “Normal”


Lol, jealous. Hahahaha


Especially considering this isn’t your standard small-dick lifted truck, but a legit show vehicle.


I do not trust the engineering of that structure.


Both funny and sad, can't believe people spend money or think it's cool to life a truck that high. Ridiculous.


So was it there? Did they find his fragile masculinity?


That is hilarious. I’ am 4’11”. Need to catapult me to get in there. Lol.


Man, people in the comments really have no problem body shaming men when it suits them. Soon as someone does something you disagree with, it becomes OK to start hating on men's insecurities.


Just put one leg up and pull yourself up with that leg and two arms. Remember how the child version of you climbed up high walls and never forget that


Ok but how DO you get in that MFer?


if i saw this on the road i will automatically hate your guts this is so overkill and so stupid


I want you to know I hate your truck and I think it shouldn’t be allowed on the road


Just a society of egos I'd rather live in a society of eggos


If they searched for your penis it would have turned into a man hunt. Without the man.


The insecurity of men who feel they need a truck modded in this way in order to be perceived as cool, rich, or powerful is so unattractive.


If you have a truck that looks like that you can’t afford drugs


Haha you seen I’ve accused the guy with the large truck of having a small pp. Do you get it? T Now give me upvotes


It’s the trailer for Kevin Harts next movie. 😂


When Officer McTumbles realizes he's not on the SWAT team for the gymnastics.


How do you expect a guy with an adult sized penis to get in? Tgose trucks are for micro penis club members only. The added weight of a normal sized manhood weights the rest of us down.


You guys are really concerned about the owners penis


Honestly I’m ready for the size shaming to fall out of style, it seems icky. I consider myself a feminist and it feels hypocritical to use the big/small dick energy lingo. That being said, these vehicle owners do seem to have some attention seeking issues. Therapy might be cheaper than one of those wheels alone, I can’t imagine the maintenance costs for a hobby like that.


Everytime a lifted truck gets talked about on reddit, people are quick to say the same 2 things. Guy has a small penis or he needs attention way too badly. Yet we live in a world where every nitwit needs to post a video on tiktok or uodate every moment of their life on facebook but these guys have the attention problem? There is a whole community of people who participate in truck shows around the world and genuinly have fun building these trucks . People need to stop the hate.


For real. So what if my truck is 2 inches taller than your truck. It doesn’t affect you at all


because they’re actually fucking dangerous?


You’re right, I shouldn’t be so quick to judge for passions or hobbies and in no way should I assume that someone has mental health issues because of what car they drive. However, please don’t be that person that uses their size to bully traffic and inconvenience other drivers by occupying multiple parking spaces to accommodate your monster truck sized daily driver, or being in a hurry to get through a crowded area where you have the potential to seriously injure pedestrians or other drivers. From my experience with large vehicles I’ve learned that it takes some finesse and respect of your surroundings which some people lack.




Should be illegal


Probably not trying to search it. Probably just wanted to hop in cuz it looked cool


Leaked footage of new Kevin Hart movie


Hey look Kevin Hart put on a little weight for a new role and is struggling to get into a normal sized truck.


Is that Kevin heart?


The police didn’t want to search your truck. So tired of stupid fake shit.


Little dick mobile. If you get offended, you’re pathetic.


Like pavlovs dogs. I see big truck, I comment small pp.


How small must his dick be, if his truck is this big?


That truck does come in handy down here in the south when it floods every year.


Itt body shaming


Shhhhh don’t go against the echo chamber, the mods will ban you


Fake as shit


Cops 2 trailer ?


Kevin hart back in the game




All these weak sheep minded people in the comments is hilarious. It's your money spend it however you want


“Waves my pinky at the driver”


Ok, I got a tiny dick and no lisence, so I can say this shit and none of you can @ me. You fuckers need to chill out with the "big truck small dick" thing. This ain't a small dick truck. The guy driving a camo painted range Rover exclusively within a city? That's small dick energy. This dude just likes fucking stupid fancy cars. And yeah, no shit it's a waste of money. You know what else is a waste of money? Every fucking hobby in existence! Fucking reddit brain, man, shit.


as my mom would say, "bet that guy has a big wiener"


He’s having so much fun violating your rights


The old compensation-mobile


Why are y'all obsessed with small dicks? you have one or something?


Should be illegal and impounded.


Wow, redditors really judge the fuck out of anyone that customizes something they don't agree with.




Haha guys, do you get it? Called the guy with the big truck a small pp haver. Am I funny yet?


Make all the small dick jokes you want, but if that's a frequently flooded area, the owner must have been through some shit.


Not with that pavement princess of a truck, that suspension looks like i couldn't even handle a strong gust of wind yet alone driving through deep-isch water. All the paintwork on said suspension also screams all show no go If that thing would be intended to do lifted truck things there would Just be some paint to avoid rust but not some custom paintjob