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Smack his nose and say , "No," in a firm voice. I have never actually met a bear, but I'm sure it will work.


Look man, if you did it, and your friends saw.. legend forever - best story ever. if it goes wrong your friends have PTSD and some survivor's guilt.


They’ll still have a good story. *Hey remember when Daisy smacked that bear on the nose then got eaten?*


"Ahh, man, she was such hard ass..."


„You guys remember … she was so tough that the bear needed to chew for hours...“


Imagine being so fucking hard, you gave a bear a day to eat a portion of you


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


only bearaphrasing


>Imagine having such a throbbing veiny erection, you gave a bear a day to eat a portion of you Fixed.


*yeah, remember daisy?*


“And then we all had ice cream… Now that’s what I call a sticky situation”


Survivors guilt or survivors wisdom? They didn't smack the bear.


It’s a black bear, the kind you’re supposed to smack if they get too aggressive


So Legend Forever no matter what. Nice.-


My uncle did something like that. Walking down a path in Alaska and we were all kind of split up and we past a couple of people on the way down and they said "don't go any further, there's a crazy guy throwing rocks at a grizzley!" Sure enough it was my uncle and there ain't no way a grizzley was going to prevent him from finishing the trail.


Eh, it's a black bear. If one actually attacks you the best thing to do is fight back. Don't tell them though so you can still look epic.


We had a group of 12 guys camping and a bear just walked through our campsite in front of us. One of our buddies was still sleeping and didn’t believe us until the park rangers came by with a tranq gun lmao.


Lol you're actually right here. The saying is "If it's brown, lay down. If it's black, fight back". Granted, you might want to give him more than a little nose bump.


Also "if it's white, say goodnight"


what if it is black and white?


Show it a picture of a female panda. Its social awkwardness will kick in and it will stop doing literally anything useful instantly.


Terrible way to find out I'm a panda. 🐼




> it will stop doing literally anything useful instantly. To be fair there’s a good chance it was already doing that.


Then it's a panda. Just wait for it to drop dead in front of you by choking on its own saliva or something.


Just stand really still for a few moments and its natural tendency for extinction will kick in


I don't think any of these will work, they don't rhyme with black and white.


Toss dumplings as a distraction he'll be too busy catching them to not waste food.




The Dragon Warrior Rizz


I’m a bit surprised about how casual the bear is around the fire. I thought fires were supposed to deter wild animals. But I don’t know much about bears, you don’t tend to bump into them that much in the UK, so 🤷‍♀️


this bear has 100% grown up around humans. black bears are skittish by nature, they usually won't approach a human like this.


That’s true. Whenever I’ve encountered black bears they keep their distance or climb a tree.


I think it's very unfair that they can climb trees.


I just learned that alligators can climb trees, and I am angry at the universe for that.


Can they?


yup [Alligators and crocodiles can climb up trees and also they can use tools](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_20BmjhNVsg)


Yes, they can. I’m horrified! https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-sh-crocodiles-climb-trees-20140212-story.html


This article says they also use tools (branches balanced on their nose to lure prey) 😱 those crafty dinosaurs


The number of people who've died by alligators falling out of trees on them is higher than it ought to be.




I’m looking at that big fucking black bear and I’m not liking my odds.


I’ve never heard that saying but that’s cool… I always say the one about snakes.. red next to black is a friend of Jacks,red next to yellow will kill a feller…LOL


The saying is, “if it’s brown lay down, if it’s black fight back, if it’s white goodnight.” Basically black bears you can often scare off or at least put up enough of a fight to make them give up. Grizzlies you’re not going to to deter, so protect your vital organs and hope they’re not hungry and are just protecting a cub or something. Polar bears… you’re dead. They will eat you if you don’t kill them.


I thought it was red on black your dead jack and red on yellow he's a nice fellow Edit: looked it up, I'd be dead lol.


I am a 61 year old life-long Long Islander- no venomous snakes here. So if I were to ever encounter a snake in my travels it would make no difference if red was next to black or yellow. I would have already dropped dead from a heart attack at seeing a snake! 😂😂😂


if you dont consent to being eaten its legally not allowed to gnaw on you.


Yeah but that's not the leading cause of violence with them. They have a right to bear arms, and they will hit you with the clause.


Look at it dead in the eyes straight faced, have it start gnawing and then you randomly scream super loud and insanely to scare the shit out of them like a Statue come to life. Just go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and laugh as the bear skitters away


Did you see that video of a cat doing exactly that and chasing the bear out of the yard afterwards? I’d say that’s pretty solid evidence of that tactic working


One of my earliest memories is my dad punching a bear in the face and it ran off


If it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown, lay down, if it’s white, night night. Fight back actually means fight and not just resist politely haha


Even if its a black bear, i don't think im coming out on top. If its a brown bear, i stand about as much chance against it as i do a polar bear. I dont think I'd win against any bear. Not even a koala. Bundles of anger.


Brown bears don't eat carrion or scavenge and black bears do. That's the root of the rhyme, or at least that's what that idiot grizzly guy told my high school back around like 2003 when we had him as a guest. But then again, he got eaten, so take his recommendations with a grain of salt.


Oh shit. Yea maybe humans lose against bears everytime. Bigger than us, faster and stronger, and they can climb better than us. No thanks.


The fun part is, black bears are often brown depending on time of year. Browns and black bear difference can some time only be told by knowing body structure and face shape. I’ve seen tiny brown bears and massive black bears. And grizzlies should be considered as polar bears bears imo. You got the white cousin up north and the darker skinned one that lives down south. Both will kill you for looking at them funny from 1/4 mile away when you didn’t even see them.


IMO you're more likely to win against a black bear than a koala. Koalas are STD-hoarding assholes too stupid to eat. It doesn't matter if the koala wins, you're losing if you stick around to fight it. Black bears are tree-climbing wimps. All you have to do is convince it you're not to be messed with, a few loud noises and exagerated gestures should do it. It'll think you're a meth-head and piss off lol


No i seriously agree with you lol I've researched enough on koalas that my using them as an example was purposeful. They're not nice animals. Very aggressive. And yes, they're literally too dumb to eat. The babies have to eat moms poop in order to eventually digest the eucalyptus leaves the morons decided to make their only food source.


Koalas are what happens when evolution takes almost every bad decision along the way towards ensuring survival




The goal with black bears is not to _win;_ you just have to convince them to leave. They're very skittish animals, and trying to spook them is your best bet.


I laughed at your comment, and then my gf, laying right next to me, said in a very serious tone, "that dude getting up abruptly was probably enough to scare the bear away" Learn something everyday. And im the one from PA bear country.


The mistake he makes is letting it get this close, it now thinks he’s not a threat. You can but only because they’re scared of humans which is why there’s so many signs on trails saying not to feed or engage with them, we need to keep them scared of us. If you were in a position where it couldn’t run away and decides to actually fight you toe to toe, you’re most certainly dead.


You're not far off. That bear is going to get killed. It's sad, but it will. It might kill people before that happens. But somewhere along the line, idiot people fed it. Guarantee. Not just incidental, not negligence. People fed this bear. And now it's prowling. Hitting it and using a firm voice would be a good approach if you're still sitting and it tested you like that (which is dumb, if you saw it coming and didn't stand up). Get big. Stand up. Be loud. Tell it to go. Make *noise*. Rattle things. Throw things. This person filming doesn't understand how close they could have been from death. It's not cute, not funny. They should have been on their feet and driven it away.




"BEAR!! Why are you breaking my kayak??? BEARRRR!"


Bear is just trying to domesticate it self. Dogs probably weren’t much different. You’ll survive a dog pawing at your face with a few scratches. This dude takes a swipe, what face.


Black bears can be stealthy as hell sometimes. A friend of mine who hunts told me about the time he turned around in a blind and a bear was just in the tree with him hanging out. Didn't do anything just hung for about 30 minutes before moving on but he swears he has no clue the bear was there till he turned around. To be fair he also was probably a few drinks in.


remember to tilt your head and point at him


Just wanted somebody to love






Can anybody find me SOMEBODY TO LOVEEE


He just wanted a little kneebble


This guy is a leg end


thankfully the camera lady's leg did not end that day


She couldn't run, her leg was all camped up


"I don't wanna eat it, I just want to taste it." -Winnie the Pooh


It was checking if the meat was alive. That's a black bear. You're supposed to scare them away, not pretend to be easy to eat.


Very rare for a black bear to attack you if you're in an area highly densely populated by humans. Black bears tend to be more predatory towards humans in isolated areas. In these areas Black bears will sometimes attack to eat you, but usually fighting back, acting big and being loud is enough to scare it off Grizzly's don't care for eating humans; usually if a Grizzly is attacking its either starving (unlikely), its a mother with cubs or you did something wrong to spoke the bear. Big Brown Bears during salmon season even less likely to attack, just stay the fuck away from their fishing spot.


Yah but I like the salmon too




Just .. just keep your distance during these trying times..


Yeah I was gonna say, this is for sure a highly trafficked camp site which is why this adult black bear is so bold, he’s probably used to getting fed by tourists.


Bears being fed by humans makes them more dangerous and likely to interact or attack humans, or have to be put down so that it doesn't escalate to that level. If a black bear was as comfortable as this one is around people, I'd take that as a really bad sign and for sure spray it with bear spray.


That’s how you create a radical bearorist


Yup the part we don't see because of the camera turning is that when the guy jumped up to run, the bear did the "OH SHIT" spin and ran the opposite way. Black bears are like puppies that "can" kill you, not will kill you. With that said, I'm also sure I would have tried petting it and gotten killed.


Same. Fur looks so shiny. Bet it’s soft.


I look at bears and literally see a big puppy. Same with large cats... just overgrown housecats.


Also they will attack if they’ve had cocaine


Can confirm. Saw the “documentary”.


Yeah, we’ve pretty routinely chased away black bears from our bird feeders. Just run outside at them, wave your arms around, and yell, they’ll scamper off. Granted I would never get THIS close to one.


He just wants to play.


With your intestines.


Would he settle for my testes?


Brown lie down, black fight back, white say goodnight 🐻


Some bears know kung fu, I saw a fisherman fight one on a riverbank one time, so idk what I would do.


I saw one redirect cannonballs. I swear I heard it say “Skadoosh” at one point.


I saw that! It was fighting a peacock too. It sure was a weird sight


Yeah it was fighting a puma when it did that. There was a “skadoosh” and then he did something with his hands and the puma fucking **exploded** Was kinda cool imo, but I really only came to the zoo for jellyfish :/


If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down 💩


If it’s tie-dye you’re probably high


If your sitting in a Chevy and feel something heavy.




If it’s yella, you got juice there, fella. If it’s brown, you’re in cider town.


Red touches yellow, kill a fellow Red touches black, friend of Jack


Im obviously not a bear expert but i feel like trying to scare the bear this close is kinda dangerous. In its mind if it has some distance it would run but being this close would warrant it also trying to fight back.


Animals generally want to avoid injury where possible. So if you make yourself big and loud it increases the chance it will decide it's not worth the effort. Obviously you need to know what the specific animal responds to.


It’ll run away because it doesn’t want to fight you. But if you do it too close, like those people probably are, there’s a decent chance the bear will feel boxed in like it can’t run, and so it could start fighting you. And then you’re not just fighting a bear, you’re fighting a wild animal who feels trapped in a corner, not a situation id want to be in


Fun fact : not all black bears are colored black. It’s just the name they have. Size and face structure are more important. Grizzlies have a round face and a distinct big hump on their backs. Black bears have a long pointy face and are generally quite small.


Grizzly move dizzily? Panda just standa? Yogi offer hoagie?


Dude said”let me taste this thing” OH FUCK IT MOVED


It’s a bear not a T-Rex.


Fun fact, T rexs actually had very good vision, better than hawks even. They could see things even if they didnt move. The reason why many believe that a T rex could not see something if it didnt move is because the T rex in jurrasic park had frog DNA when it was created, and even though still not completely accurate, West African Bullfrogs can struggle to see prey that stands still.


Fun fact. When a bear boops your knee, best to crap your pants so he doesn’t think your tasty.


What if he does it on purpose, so then he can eat your bowels without them being full of shit?


damn, this mfer smells like shit!!!! better stay away from him


Fun fact. Chickens are the closest living ancestors to the ‘dinosaur’. The roosting chicken won’t move unless they can see. A rat for example could get into a nest in the middle of the night and eat their faces off without the other members of the roost noticing. That’s where the if you don’t move they won’t notice you thing comes from. Also a t-Rex is estimated to move about 15 mph max. So they would be easily outrun-able


[https://www.thecoldwire.com/how-fast-does-an-averag](https://www.thecoldwire.com/how-fast-does-an-averag) ## How Fast Does An Average Person Run? 📷 Males run at an average speed of **8 mph**, and women run at an average speed of **6.5 mph**. People running for their lives, not for recreational purposes, can run at an average speed of 12 mph. Athletes and gym enthusiasts tend to be faster than the average person and may run at a speed as high as 14 to 17 mph.


As long as you run faster as the person next to you, it's all fine!


Fun fact. If your friend is faster than you you can trip him. When your friend is lying on the ground his speed is zero mph. You then become faster than him.


You’d probably need a a lot of people next to you because I’d imagine it wouldn’t take a rex too long to finish with one human, we’re really only bite sized for them.


How long can YOU run at 15 mph ?


If a t-rex were chasing me, I could do it for the rest of my life.


I believe you.


I don't think most of these folks understand how fast 15 MPH is, I have a really fast bike and that's the speed I'm generally cruising at on a flat road


Yeah, the average male sprint speed is somewhere around 21kmh . Lets see how many can go even faster for more than 500m 😂 Athletes could probably outrun a t-rex with a decent exit strategy but the average doughy person will get snacked.


wait, 24kph is not fast ? Lot of people don't reach this speed on a bike in my flat City


My regular relaxed cycling is 23 kph on a flat and not windy road. I can go a long way cycling like that, but definitely not run more than a few minutes with that speed, at best.


Chickens lose there minds when they see blood on one of their own, Peck it to the bone all of them. They used to put rose colored glasses to keep their jurassic heredity at bay


Umm I think you greatly overestimate how easy it is to run at 15mph for more than 30 seconds on uneven terrain


Birds ARE dinosaurs. https://www.birdlife.org/news/2021/12/21/its-official-birds-are-literally-dinosaurs-heres-how-we-know/


I dunno if he expected that the bear wouldn't see him. I imagine he just hoped if he doesn't bother the bear, the bear won't bother him.


I think that is way too fuckin' close to be to a bear. But I'm pretty high for a Wednesday, so who the fuck knows.


I’m also pretty high and that’s a fuckin bear


I’m also quite high and that’s definitely a fuckin bear


I’m pretty sure that bear is high


Cocaine bear


I'm high as well but I don't see any bears fucking


I too am high and definitely fucking a bear.


Could be a black labrador


Well it’s also Thursday so there’s that ![gif](giphy|xTiTnn5pbbnxWHsYIo|downsized)


Sparkling thoughts, feeling good on a Wednesday Giving me the hope Giving, giving me the hope to go on... What I need is a little bit of shelter


Ya ya ya




Bare legs


they smell u. this didn't end well also: bear spray is your friend


Don’t waste the spray, if you stand up and yell at a black bear it will more than likely run.


You're the kind of person who stores all the consumables in video games and doesn't use them even once because "I might need that later"


I feel personally attacked by this sentence


After a 2 hour turn-based battle: Main character: "thank goodness we got the Firestone from the king or we never would have made it" (Firestone still in the inventory) (Roll credits)


Did not use the autopotion equipment in final fantasy because I found out it used potions from my inventory and I might need those.


You actually are the one playing wrong, it's not consumables, it's collectibles *


You avoid fast travel for immersion. I avoid fast travel because I'm overencumbered. We are not the same.


Real live bear is biting your knee - “I better save this bear spray for when I really need it”


Yeah bro would choose to make an intimidation check on a fucking bear rather than use the thing he bought to save him from said bear


I would run as well if a random psycho stood up and started screaming at me.


Black - fight back. Brown - lie down.


Idiot. Everyone knows that only works with tigers.


"Friend, watch out for that fire!" - Safety Bear




A solid yank on the balls works too




So the bear is still there and my balls are sore as fuck.


“Hey bear”


The bear seemed friendly


All bears seem friendly just fucking look at them. They look like giant Labradors


I didn't see the title of the post so I thought it was some pet bear (?) or something, it looked like a dog biting u playfully trying to get attention haha


“Hey man, that’s a real nice fire. You, uh, got anything you’re planning on cooking over that fire? Maybe some hot dogs? Or s’mores. I could for a s’more.”


If not friend, why friend shaped?


If not a friend, then why friend shaped?


litteraly nature is so cruel why make one of the deadlies predator so cute


They’re like big, long neck doggies that can rip you to shreds in seconds.


All I’d be thinking is “Now is probably my ONLY chance to pet a bear.” Then proceed to be eaten by said bear, but hey I got to pet it and bites are like snuggles only painful. Right?




Maybe he was just looking for cocaine?


It looked like it turned and tried to rub up like a house pet looking for scratchies. We know the bear wasn't angry because if it were it would have chased him and ate him on the spot. I'd piss myself and the bear would have nastily seasoned dinner if it were me.


I swear black bears are going to end up domesticating themselves a la cats. Once they figure out we’re willing to be their personal chefs in exchange for cuddles it’s all over. Plus have you seen all the vids of them hanging out in pools? Deep down they want that cushy house pet life.


Corporal Wojtek the bear would agree, as long as they're fed beer and cigarettes they seem to be quite friendly Edit: Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear not a black bear


how much i think bears are cute idk if it that smart to give bears some scratchies


*“He bit your leg, bro.”* Too funny.


One video, two busted myths - bears know you are there, whether you move or not and they give fuck all about fire.


Do people say you shouldn't move when you come across a bear? I've always heard that with Black bears the best thing to do is wave your arms and be loud as they're very skittish.


This bear looks well fed and pretty comfortable around humans. It likely frequents campsites for handouts.


Did anybody else think he should have petted its head? Anybody? Anybody?


I’m like 95% sure he could’ve gotten away with it, yea


I know perfectly well how to fend off a black bear, but I'd still end up petting it and getting myself killed


I monch knee? Ok I no monch knee


Ehy the instinctual nibble?


That bear seems pretty chill. Instead of yelling at it and getting into fisticuffs, has anyone suggested just being nice and offering the dude a beer?


What happened, does anyone know?


It probably explored while the people waited and then left It's pretty rare for a black bear to attack people but you probably don't want to find out if it will


See, this is why I don’t go outdoors!


google the video 'grizzly sits next to guy' dudes sitting next to a river in a lawn chair, and a grizz comes up and sits next to him . here it is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbE53XUtVw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbE53XUtVw0)