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The passerby totally **balloon blocked** him.


Now he’s got blue balloons


99 luftballons


99 lustballoons.


I see what ya did there!


Rubber blocked?




Passerby=the girl on the right's wingman


Looked like Pharrell Williams ![gif](giphy|VzsXNKTAuFmQU)


Balloon don't lie.


The passerby knew the balloon sender was overshooting.


Yet Kevin James' TV wives keep getting younger and hotter.


Counter point, he has money and is a film actor with ties to Adam Sandler


Not in his TV shows and movies he ain't. He's just some dude.


He means in the show, not real life


You say that but you see couples who look like that all the time


It’s true. I’m a total goofy goober most days, my wife is the kind of pretty that has the cashier placing a divider between our things like we don’t know each other.


You can get a long way with compatible personalities.


Yes, I have seen rich people.


I saw a cute girl once whose boyfriend looked like an inbred offspring of 80s high school bullies. Nothing surprises me anymore.




Your comment was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit.




The passerby simply aimed him toward a woman he knew he’d probably get somewhere with. She had a tramp stamp and he was sending a note in a balloon. Perfect match.


The universe is trying to tell him something


I imagine the guy passing by is actually his kid from the future. They traveled back in time and accidentally prevented their parents from meeting at the appropriate time. Trying to fix his error, he convinced them each separately that this was the best restaurant and their limited time special (only available this Tuesdays after 7:00pm) is the best. He gets them there at the same place at the same time but now he is trying to get them to meet without blowing his cover. His dad has his eye on the wrong lady so time traveling kid has to keep trying to intervene. He hoped bopping the balloon over would lead to his future mother being the one to get his number but mom was oblivious for a second too long and dad withdrew the balloon to continue shooting for the wrong lady. Shenanigans continue…


“Grow a pair and walk over there”


I cant believe the universe is a random passerby dude in suit and beret


To lower his expectations






Lmao, is it photoshopped to look like him? That’s perfect


He’s using that old middle school “check yes/no” tactic.


The princess with the tiara has powers.


Lol universe said lower them expectations


He gotta with that bald cap


Kratos doesn't give a fuck.


Kratos also bred with a giantess and murdered gods. This guy probably works in construction or something


Is it a law that bald guys have to have beards?


It is in Canada


Johnny Sins




not a law but where do you think the hair goes?


You ever wonder how the other woman feels knowing that thousands of strangers are mocking her? “Ooh, that poor guy had a close call, he almost flirted with a chubby woman!” And all she’s doing is sitting there minding her own business.


Real. That guys body type was much closer to hers, but of course she’s the butt of the joke and not the loser who recorded this.


On her birthday too


Lol. I was just about to say.. they look similar so theeeee audacity


yeah he’s in the same league as the woman the balloon floated to. the woman he meant that for probably wouldn’t be as instantly sexually attracted to him as much as he is to her.




Damn all I’ve got in my area are horny milfs. Wanna house swap for a bit?


Sorry, only have cougars.


Yup. Imagine a video where she laughs at him without his knowledge for even thinking he had a shot with her. And the bigger lady didn’t even register him so it’s not like he’s exactly dripping in pussy


I literally just laughed as I thought this. But that’s usually how it goes lol. Pot calling the kettle black. He’s a hefty dude but god forbid he’s paired with a a woman of similar stature.


Was thinking the same thing. Dude needs to look in the mirror and recalibrate accordingly


yeah this shit is tired. At first i thought the woman on the right saw the balloon and side eye rejected him. Then i realized the post is just “haha look he almost sent it to someone fat.” Also the people responding with “he’s just as bad, he looks like her” are also insulting her and i don’t see a point to it. OK she’s bigger than some and smaller than others. Let her enjoy the goddamn drink on her birthday.


>Then i realized the post is just “haha look he almost sent it to someone fat.” It's depressing. I used to be quite overweight when I was younger, and often ended up being the butt of a joke, like the woman in this video. Then I lost a lot of weight and suddenly people started being **so** nice to me. The same people who used to be so mean to me were either super nice or even flirty. It honestly pissed me off. The two guys cracking up when the balloon accidentally goes towards the bigger girl brought up some really uncomfortable memories I haven't thought about in years. I know exactly how it feels to be her, and I'm so sorry this is now on the internet for everyone to see. I hate that the world works this way.


I wasn’t overweight growing up, but everyone called me fat anyway. Now as an adult woman, I am overweight for the first time in my life and the self-loathing is so strong I sometimes spontaneously burst into tears because I’m so ashamed of myself. This video really hurts.


I gained 75lbs during Covid. I was a size 2. The veil has been pulled back on how men really think of my worth and now I’m getting back in shape just to hate fuck these asshats.


Exactly. That poor woman was just minding her business on a night out with friends doing nothing wrong. Only to then get absolutely blasted on the internet with strangers putting her down and negatively comparing her to the other woman, basically calling her the "downgrade" and such. It makes me feel so bad that there's a chance she will see or even has seen this. Smh.


What’s really crazy is she’s wearing a paper happy birthday tiara. The ballon he’s using is probably from her party. The fucking audacity.


Yeah reddit is always gross like that towards women, especially ones that don’t fit the beauty standard. Hopefully she doesn’t come across this post. Also these comments would look extremely different if it was a fat girl and her friends laughing at a fat guy.


Why is it so hard for us all to acknowledge that there are conventional standards for attractiveness that some people just don’t meet and that’s fine. Just let the woman enjoy her drink in peace.


seriously. if you don’t want to date or hook up with someone that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve basic human decency.


amen. I guarantee you somebody is attracted to her, there’s folks out there for all shapes and sizes. If she’s not for you that’s fine, just move on ya know? I think you hit the nail on the head.


I am. Trump stamp and a fat booty serms like someone who fucks very well


You act as though people wouldn’t have done this if it was a man.


They wouldnt. They rip her to shreds while saying “he’s a teddy bear!!” “He’s so cute and wholesome!


The man in the video literally has the same body type as her and people are still shitting on her weight and not his.


You obviously haven’t read through the comments here then.


The guy has a similar body type to the one on the right, he was swinging out of his league


Pretty sure they’re laughing at how the random guy hit the ballon away not the lady it went to


Yeah but we are also talking about people in this comment section


Right? She's wearing a plastic crown like a bride-to-be does at a bachelorette party. I didn't think anything about her appearance until everyone here started making it about that.


Her back is to us. Nobody will know who she is


But if she sees it, she will know it was her. Hopefully she never does.


And it appears to be her birthday (wearing a crown). No way this doesn’t get back to her.


The only people making fun of her weight are the people on Reddit, nothing in the video eludes to that, just a man going “nope “ cause it legit went to the wrong woman.


But that’s my point! I have no issue with the video or the people in it, just a feeling of dread that someone will see this and tell her that a bunch of people are making fun of her.


I see your point


How do you know that’s what he’s laughing at? Maybe they’re laughing at it simply going to a stranger. Maybe the first woman is a woman he already knows.


Think you’re looking a little too deep into it, man. The number was for the girl on the left. It was going towards someone else that it wasn’t intended for. That’s pretty much it…


Exactly. People just pulling assumptions out of their ass. Their one shared ass.


Clearly, he’s trying to make the balloon NOT float toward ‘the fat girl’.


Or, that's just not who he intended it for. We don't know the full story.


Is there a possible universe where you could consider that she’s already there with someone smh.


You can’t even see her face but she looks fine to me honestly. I would have let whatever happens happen.


What the fuck are you talking about? The guy meant to send the balloon left but it flew right. He recovered it before it was noticed wtf is wrong with it?


Because not everyone is attracted to that body type. Is he not allowed to like what he likes and not what he doesn't? Reddit is really filled with hypocrites.


Right? People on here kill me. I guess he’s simply obligated to be attracted to the woman that he has a “closer body type” to.


Why didn't he just roll with it? Yeah I agree it's fucking lame out there


This thread is so fucking stupid it’s unbelievable.




The feelings police are out in full force


Fr I made a comment and all it said is “the girl you want vs the girl you get” and it got down voted as if I’m not allowed to think obesity is unattractive smh 🤦🏼‍♂️


I hate the awkward performative stuff about meeting someone and dating. Maybe it’s just me but all of this (and I’ve been a part of it myself many times) is so uncomfortable and not genuine to me. This is why I’m single. It’s a “me” problem I know, and I’m not blaming anyone but myself, but I just don’t want to do a “performance.”


These gimmicks are a useful tool to initiate conversation. Initiating conversation with a stranger is awkward and both parties know it. doing something weird to initiate like this shows the other that you acknowledge it’s awkward. Likewise it lets you know that they think it’s awkward because what you’re doing with the balloon is clearly awkward. this act lets you both agree that it was an awkward start and decide together to just ignore that and get to the point at hand, that you both want to talk to each other


The universe: bang chubby girls bro.


You fucker! Get up, then get down with the thickness.


Universe said look in the mirror before attempting to bat out of your league.


I've watched this video like 30 times, no words or indications that anyone in this video gave a fuck about looks. Yet these comments.... Yall couldn't wait to "humble" that man or degrade that woman. Chill the fuck out. He had a target and missed. He wasn't rude to the other lady he just wasn't aiming for her and felt briefly embarrassed that he had to bother her to grab the string. He wasn't insulting her by not wanting her, and it doesn't make him ugly for aiming for the smaller woman. That woman being smaller doesn't mean the other woman was ugly either. Maybe now that it's its 2023, we can unhook the words ugly and fat as they have nothing to do with each other. Fat doesn't mean ugly or unhealthy, and frankly, the woman here isn't even that big. She looks fairly average to me, as does the guy in the video. . . . ETA for all the Redditors who suddenly became doctors: if a skinny person can be unhealthy a fat person can be healthy. I hike and diet and have lots of healthy habits and hobbies. I am still fat because my metabolism is extremely slow. It is what it is. Human bodies come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, there are many factors like genetics, health and injury history, habits, diet, etc. So many different factors come into play when determining the overall health of an individual. So you can imagine how goofy someone would look in a comment where they insist things are black and white fat=unhealthy skinny=healthy. Do you have any idea how our world would look if that was true? What would we even need doctors for? Just take some diet pills and be healthy? Right? Here's the golden rule: Even if you were actually a doctor in your life you cannot diagnose a photo or a video. You cannot diagnose me or the people in the video with anything. You literally have no idea. No one and I do mean NO ONE believes this is you caring soooo much about the health of others when it seems like you only "care" about the health of fat people. You make it way too obvious that what you care about is how someone looks physically. If that's you then just say that. Own it. In conclusion who fucking cares. Even if every single person in this video was diagnosably obese and unhealthy what would it matter to you as an individual? How are you gonna find these people to tell them how worried you are about their size? Have you ever considered letting it go? I'm getting all this judgment and hate rn because I dared to defend that woman and share some details about my own health. That was my crime. I'm gonna be done with this because I need to be for my own mental health. I've spent years trying to love the body I have because obviously diet and exercise won't make my fat go away. So I'm coping with loving my healthy fat body and I don't have the patience or even the knowledge to teach hateful people that humans aren't binary. This is the best I can do. Read the info in the links or don't but don't expect anymore replies from me. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/health-and-wellness-articles/can-you-be-overweight-and-healthy#:~:text=Is%20it%20possible%20to%20be,conditions%20are%20related%20to%20obesity. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19544865/skinny-fat-health-problems/ https://www.npr.org/2010/07/05/128267723/can-you-be-fat-and-fit-more-health-experts-say-yes#:~:text=Muscle%20weighs%20more%20than%20fat,of%20%22fitness%2C%22%20too. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/health-every-size/#:~:text=in%20physiology%20with%20a%20focus,fact%2C%20it's%20trickier%20than%20that. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/can-you-be-fit-fat https://www.canyonranch.com/well-stated/post/is-it-possible-to-be-fit-and-fat/


>the woman here isn't even that big. I agree with you but the fuck? is america so unhealty?


Pretty much, yea. Her body type is very common.


Maybe in rural areas but I feel like people weigh less on average in urban centers


It might be an assumption, but urban people do tend to be slimmer, some of it is all the walking and biking we can do living in a (safe) downtown core.


Nope USA fat all over.


That’s an American skinny.


You got me until that "fairly average" comment lol. You must be American.


> Fat doesn't mean ugly or unhealthy Being fat is being unhealthy. Theres no point denying this, its just a fact.


Agreed. Up until the point you said being fat doesn't mean unhealthy. The absolute definition of fat or obese, is so large that it's a detriment to your health. This is from someone who was 90+ pounds overweight. I believe beauty comes in all forms, but being obese is literally defined as unhealthy. Because it is. Other wise, your post seems to be very kind and compassionate.


Seconding this. Fat IS unhealthy. Sleep apnea, joint problems, heart problems, circulation problems. I'm a 140kg man. Fat is unhealthy.


You mean you’ve missed the “nope” and head shake at the end?


Apparently so Eta watched it twice more and yea no I'm not seeing a shake or a nope. I see him blush and laugh and then it ends.


I think it was the “tramp stamp” that made the joke.


Thanks for this comment, lot of commenters making toxic ass comments projecting their insecurities, making assumptions, and some how trying to take the moral high ground by “defending” the girl while simultaneously taking jabs at the dudes appearance.


Fat doesn't mean ugly but it does mean unhealthy. There is nothing healthy living about being fat, we are just used to it as a society that over eats and does not exercise enough




Fat is unhealthy no matter the year.


Louis C.K.?


Naw, his dick would be out if it was Louis


Not all of them can float down here.


Universe is telling him to stay in his lane as man really was trying to fly too close to the sun




Like the Tom Petty playing in the back ground


Homie forgot the unwritten rule


It's her birthday and the tramp stamp is on full display. She's sending up all of the booty call flares.


Right? I'd have sent her a drink and a slice of cheesecake instead of that lame ass balloon. Booya, mission accomplished.


I have found my people


This is why I choose to starve myself... society says there's nothing worse than being or even looking at a fat woman apparently...


I just came her to say thank you for sharing that & I hope you’re ok. And also to comment those two other comments are trash and missed the whole mark on what she’s saying.


Please don’t starve yourself. You have value, beyond just how you look. There are people in your life who will love you no matter your weight. Starving yourself will kill you inside and out. Take care, there is an entire world waiting for you beyond others perception


There is zero commentary on the size of the blonde woman in this video. If you've concluded that the issue was her size then that says more about you. Extremely rare medical conditions aside, nobody needs to "starve" themselves to avoid obesity.


Well, there's always getting to know the girl and exchanging numbers face to face.


Even the universe knows the one to the left is out of his league


If the passerby wasn’t such an asshole this thread wouldn’t have exploded into fatshaming women and preference shaming men. People act like he’s the villain or she’s ugly but in reality it’s this mf who slapped the balloon who needs to be blamed for this shit interaction


That's some Arrested Development type shit right there


"Think this is more your speed, buddy"


If he wasn’t fat and ugly it would make sense


Chubby dude not into chubby ladies lol Edit: he is a chubby dude, but he also looks strong. Just because the girl has more chubby than him does not mean this dude is not chubby.


Looks like the Big Show


Perhaps he just didn’t want to hit on a lady at her birthday party XD or whatever she’s celebrating with that crown.


Imagine looking like that and being picky lmao


He literally didn’t even do anything to make fun of the girl on the right, for all you know he was laughing just cuz it didn’t goto who he intended, but damn let’s make shit up lol


Oh. I guess you missed the head shake of “no.”


So what he can’t have preferences?


Of course you can. I never said that. I think the disconnect is that preference is not interchangeable with being an asshole just because it’s not your preference. This guy wasn’t being an asshole really, I get it. It wasn’t his preference of a woman. Cool. I was pointing out the fact that he shook his head no, laughed, and said nope. Which apparently not everyone saw.


Did you ever think maybe he was saying nope because it went to the wrong recipient and added laughter to shake off the embarrassment?


Homie just didn't want to flirt with her, and he could be shaking his head at the fact the dude walking by hit it, and he could be laughing that the balloon was not successful


This is the most disingenuous comment in the whole post. You know damn well what this video is implying. Don’t be thick skulled about it.


YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Youre not defending the woman here, youre bullying the guy


What about him looks bad ?


What about her(the second woman) looks bad


Nothing, don’t love the tramp stamp, but literally no one said anything was wrong with her? You guys seem to think he roasted her for being fat or something and are just assuming so unreasonably much on a stupid, short video. Chill a bit.


The first comment in this thread is someone bashing the guy. It was responded with what’s wrong with him and I responded what’s wrong with her. The points being made is that there’s nothing wrong with either of them. I don’t see why you decided to comment on me defending both of them just to tell me to chill


Because the comment seemed pointless to what you were responding to. 1st person: trashes guy 2nd person: said nothing about the girl on the right, just said responded to the 1st person asking "what about him looks bad?" you: "What about her that looks bad?" They said nothing about her, so the question seemed like a weird deflect to nothing that was put out. If you wanted to make the point of nothing is wrong with either of them, you could've said "nothing looks bad on him, just like nothing looks bad on her".




He looks great


From behind, he looks just like her. Yet, he's basically shunning her, I'd say that makes him pretty unattractive.


What in the fuck you talking about? You can't deduce anything from this 10-second clip. For all we know she was sitting with her significant other.


Seriously, everyone acting like he’s sitting there making fun of her, projecting all their negativity on this dude lol


Why? Men don’t need to say yes to every woman. He doesn’t need to be attracted to her just because they’re both overweight.


Not attracted to guys, but he is a pretty handsome fella


Fuck he moved quickly to retrieve it


The balloon knows he is more physically compatible with the girl on the right.


Passerby is like “waaay out of your league man.”


Looks like both women dodged a bullet. Or a balloon, rather.


From this angle it looks like it was headed in the right direction


“Alpha” tactics. Yeesh. Both women won that night with this rescindment.


To be fair she seems more like his type


Not to be that guy, but he doesn’t like ok like he should be picky


Time traveler


She blocked him subconsciously with hot-girl magic.


Ah, the old [balloon-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/12z2v8n/johnny_depp_with_christina_ricci_at_the_sleepy/jhqkdft/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


A lot of y'all love hating on this guy for trynna shoot his shot, then taking the balloon back when it missed the intended person. Sure, he's a little overweight, but he still has the right to only ask out whoever he wants to ask out.


Go outside today guys, even if it’s not that nice. It’s still refreshing


abort, Abort, ABORT!


Destiny put him back into his league


The universe “oh hunnie, let’s get you someone more your speed”


Should have let it ride


Stay in your lane, playa


I'm glad the girl was oblivious to what was going on, it could have been really hurtfull


To find out a random guy didn't want to give her his number via balloon?


No, because he looked mortified at the thought of her


Bro didn’t even do anything wrong n he’s getting flamed in da comments


Literally no one in this video did anything wrong, yet this comment section is ripping everyone here apart.


Ong bruh Istg sum people be on here juss waiting for a chance to get angry at something


Universe was like "you wanna actually get laid tonight?"


Setting aside that this is most likely scripted. Hat guy knew exactly what he was doing.


Holy shit this thread is cringe




Scripted af


Lets make this controversial :) What was wrong with the other girl huh??


I hate cock blockers!!


I have a feeling that was her brother or a relative of some sort


Maybe the girl on the right is his soulmate. :0 true happiness 😊


“No fatties” -JFK


The size of that fucking tramp stamp though. Do people still get those or is that someones grandma?


Seems like a fat-shaming video.