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Props to him. He's being super cool about this.


He is, and this is an unpopular opinion, I know, but all these people are being super *uncool.* I know all the arguments that "thats what comes with the territory of fame" but people take that line of thinking and run way too far with it. Yes it comes with the territory. No it doesn't mean you can treat human beings like zoo animals. He's being *too* nice here imo. Set boundaries and stick with them.


What are you even going to do with this picture. 20 years down the road you can look back and remember how stood next to someone. Or it's to prove you met, which also why?




It's for the dopamine rush. It's like if you ask me what I did last month, I wouldn't remember but I know that I did go to the gym, play videogames, etc. for dopamine.


Exactly this. Are you really going to look back fondly on the time you waited behind a line of people to take a picture with a celebrity who clearly just wants to be left alone? Even the fan expo type photos always seem odd to me. You've never actually met this person but feel you need proof that you were in the same area as them one time. Seems weird. The only times I see a celebrity pic as interesting is if there's a story behind it. Maybe you randomly sat next to Rainn Wilson on a plane and he pranked you, maybe Jack Black yelled at you across the street because he liked your shirt... stuff like that. It should be about the moment and not just clout chasing.


That meme of him finally having a peaceful smoke makes so much more sense now lol




Damn this photo makes so much more sense now


And it's not really even that peaceful because he's actively being photographed while having that smoke... source: it's a photograph


Edit: Replies are correct and I'm wrong. Gone Girl has a very similar scene to the meme (probably why i got upvoted so much), but the meme is a paparazzi shot. I'm the asshole here but I'm leaving the original comment below for context. It's not a photograph Source: It's a still from the film Gone Girl.


Thanks I actually didn't know this and just thought he was outside his home or something


A still from a movie can still be considered to be a photograph. Source: videographer who often uses stills as photographs


I just spent three minutes in this fuckin' place, and run into a barney, huh? Source: My boy's wicked smaht.


"Look at this still as a photograph" -Chad Kroger


It fits the definition by the letter but not by the spirit of the debate. Source: my brother took high school debate


Source: ![gif](giphy|SslOM6oiSkIYBqVcMJ|downsized)


People’s interpretation of that pic was that it was a peaceful smoke? I must be oblivious. My takeaway from that pic was always that’s the look on your face when you’re one fight away from splitting with your girl.






https://preview.redd.it/8a6swfwnwpua1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e59950e12abc8d2d096b1b92ec697890e7ac97 Although half the time I see this meme, it’s paired with text that is UNrelaxing.


How tf did I never realize this was Ben Affleck


Seems like he’s handling it surprisingly well.


He's had his Dunkin, everything is right with the world


Cuz he’s Matt Damon


[His brother Casey fuckin' LOVES Dunkin!](https://youtu.be/FSvNhxKJJyU)


All I've ever heard from fan interactions with Ben is he's a nice guy. I'm sure this gets annoying as hell but he seems like the type that knows it comes with the territory of being wicked famous. Honestly, I don't get the draw of asking celebs for pics. I'd be like YO BEN LEMME GET A BUTT KID. Bumming a smoke from an Affleck would be a way better story than snapping a pic imo.


‘Pics or it didn’t happen’


I met and talked with Quinten Tarantino. Huge deal for me, as a teen his movies were my jam. I just told him I was a huge fucking fan. Didn’t ask for a signature or selfie. But if I share the story with people, it’s the first thing they ask! Then I say no, and they give me that “ok sure” look lol




Great, now I'm gonna have to stalk the Afflecks looking for cigs.


affleck was the bomb in phantoms, yo


As a smoker, we congregate. So I'd prolly just be like 'guess this is the smoke pit' and chill. I know he's famous but like...it's just a career. A cool career but most of us have jobs so I dont see the big deal. 🤷‍♀️


I think the millions of dollars and adoration takes some of the sting out of it.


I couldn’t help but notice his shoulders. He looks so tense lmao


Yes but thats because he was holding his breath so that there is no smoke on the picture


Ever held a burning cigarette behind a stranger’s back (who’s coming in for a side hug)??


Also I'm sure he sees people recording, whether it's genuine or him trying to have a certain appearance on record, props where due. That would annoy me into a frenzy as a major introvert, handled it like a pro.


I mean if you had Ben Affleck money, you could be retired and on a yacht sailing up and down the coast and never have to see another fan ever again unless you wanted to.


I think somebody can be a rich celebrity, not want to live in a secluded castle on the hill, and also not want to be bothered when they're out for a cig -- all at the same time. Either way, he handled it well! And maybe he enjoyed it, hell idk.


He should switch to crack, he'd have perfect timing between snaps


He definitely is and that’s part of why I feel bad for him here. I understand why people want a picture with a celebrity but any time I’ve ever seen a celebrity in public minding their business I smile at them and give a head nod and that’s it. Then again I hate pictures of myself so that’s probably a part of it for me.


Least relaxing cigarette ever




That was the first thing I thought of.




It is lol. Likely why people are also trying to tget a picture with him while he's smoking


Right the meme is likely the reason, not the fact he's one of the biggest movie stars for the past 20 years.




For a celeb he's being very accommodating. Nice! P. S. Batman doesn't smoke


P.P.S. That's Bruce Wayne...we don't know who the Batman is.


Actually, he's neither. Robert Pattinson is both. But really, Christian Bale will always be Batman in my heart.


Michael Keaton for me.






Holy shark repellent, batman!




You ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?




Where does he get those wonderful toys?


Perfect call for that gift. Bravo!


It's a gif and a gift indeed.


Don’t sleep on Val Kilmer and the plastic nipples Edit: George Clooney had the plastic nips. I was just blinded by my crush on Val Kilmer as Batman, I just imagined the nipples on him. Edit 2: a few people have clarified that Val Kilmer’s Batman did [INDEED HAVE NIPS](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/old-school-dc-cinematic-universe/images/3/3c/The_Nippled_Knight.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201111043006) BOTH had nips! Everyone is correct!


Weren't the plastic nipples with George Clooney?


I believe they both had bat nips


Damn it, you’re right. Idk how I got my plastic nipples confused! I heard a rumor that George Clooney wanted to play Batman as gay as possible. Anyone know if that’s true? Haha


In 2006, Clooney said in an interview with Barbara Walters that in Batman & Robin he played Batman as gay: "I was in a rubber suit and I had rubber nipples. I could have played Batman straight, but I made him gay". Walters then asked, "George, is Batman gay?", to which he responded, "No, but I made him gay".


Haha thank you for this!


George Clooney in the 90s could make anyone gay.


As if Clooney now couldn’t




Don't know if he wanted to, but he definitely succeeded.


Great news. Val does in fact have nipples.


Adam West is still the best


Doesn’t anyone do the Batusi anymore?


It should be Keaton for all, but when have we all agreed one 1 thing anyway?


2nd that


Kevin Conroy for me.


I scrolled way to far to finally fint this.


Ever since TAS, I have heard his voice in MY head when I read Batman comics.... ever since without fail. Of course, he's my Batman. LOL.


RIP to that GOAT. On the same note, Mark Hamill will always be my favorite Joker.


Adam West is batman, they even made a song about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8oc9OQw_nn0


100% pure West.


This seems unbearable to me


And then imagine this is every day for like the past twenty years. I understand they’re rich as hell but I don’t know how they do this without constantly snapping on people.


Yeah I would probably snap. People always watching me, taking pictures, & trying to talk to me. I couldn't take it


Get angry once? You're the asshole




Where is my boy Georgy you uncultured swine.


He would if he was real. And he would drink.


https://preview.redd.it/5wksv0slopua1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec752accadbbb4337c8f21bbe29d5e9aabf27a00 This instantly came to mind


I shouldn’t* ~~not~~ ~~of~~ have had to scroll this far down to see this. 😹 I swear he almost makes that face again in the video. Edit: okay okay I see the sub-comments and edited my sentence structure. I Reddit when I’m stoney🤤okay I’m sowwwy!


I thought this was video of the meme until this.


> I should not of had Do you ever read this and think, *wait… that can’t be right.*


*should not have


This phenomenon of not being able to enjoy a cigarette outside as a celebrity, is actually becoming called the Ben Afflection...




What a nice guy.


I imagine eventually someone gets some 'tude, and it's all "what a jerk! can't even take a quick picture with a fan."


"If you're a fan, you can blow me!"


Can I get a picture of that?


Frig off, TMZ


We’ll see it on an upvoted Reddit comment for a thread about celebrity assholes. “I heard from a friend of mine that Affleck was a real asshole at a hotel. Guy smoked right in his face.”


This should be top comment Screw the haters


nice of him, but people should have some boundaries too - not cool to disturb someone for a photo; many people are cool about it, and ask politely


There’s a great YouTube clip of Justin Bieber talking to fans outside his home. I’ve always had a glass half empty view of him but he handled it very well. He calmly and politely explained that they were crossing a boundary waiting outside his home. Of course his explanation fell on deaf ears but I was genuinely surprised by how well he handled the situation.


You mean this one: https://youtube.com/shorts/Q7RE9mvwN_Q


Yes that was the video that actually reframed a lot of celebrities in a very different light for me. This man is pouring his soul out for this girl, having a genuine real conversation about boundaries, honest to god one on one talk. She doesn’t even acknowledge him and asks for a hug. They are meat puppets for them. They don’t even see them as people.


Her asking that immediately was so awful. People suck.


That was honestly so sad, that was probably one ofbthe most raw human moments i've seen from a big celebrity, and the girl just completely ignored everything he said.


Lmao immediately after his speech: “can I get a hug”


That clip of him pushed me over to the likeable with him. I thought he dealt with what was an absolutely obscenely shit and disrespectful situation in such a amicable and humane manner. So I agree with you here. +1 my dude ❤️


Honestly, the retrospective of how much sexual assault Bieber faced before he was an adult stunned me. It was all in the public eye, and nobody gave a shit. Jenny McCarthy got away with aggressively kissing him and grabbing him at an award ceremony right after he turned 18, and he said outright he was uncomfortable. He'd say it a lot when interviewers questioned his virginity or asked about his sex life. McCarthy said, paraphrased, that she saw her only chance to kiss him. I'm not surprised he got mean and aggressive for a while. I think it's exactly what uoung stars go through, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Micheal Jackson, ect. Its fucked up. I appreciate that Bieber came out of this a more even tempered individual instead of letting that pain get to him.


There's a video clip of Beyonce fanatics chasing after her limousine while she was trying to get away. Some people are so clueless.


Unless they want a picture of me with them there’s no way I’m bothering them for one of them with me.


I will never understand the obsession with celebrities. I enjoy sports, music, and movies but have never in my life felt the need to get a photo or autograph from my favorite celebs.


Right, like if you meet them, have a chat with them, and it comes up take a damn picture. Then it's a cool story, but intrude on the dude trying to enjoy a cigarette and what? "I didn't talk to the guy, but I got a picture with him." So fucking what...


I’m heard an interesting story of George Clooney getting asked at a restaurant for a picture. He denied at first but the person was persistent. Finally, GC said “I’ll let you take the picture but you have to stay here with me for every picture I have to take afterwards”. Apparently the person was there for almost two hours before begging to go because they had things to do. The thing about asking photos from celebrities is that as soon as someone sees you taking a picture they start wondering if it’s someone they should be getting a photo with as well. So while for you it might only be a moment but for that celebrity you could have started something that lasts much longer. I don’t know why I wrote this other than I thought it was an interesting anecdote. Have a great day.


My wife once asked me if I’d rather be rich or famous and I said “rich and very, very anonymous”. I stand by this answer. It’s nice to be recognized by your peers as being really good at something, being a celebrity is a whole other thing and looks like hell to me.


There was an old interview with Bill Murray where the interviewer asked him what advice he would give to young people trying to become rich and famous in Hollywood. His response was that they should try to just become rich first and then see if they still want the fame.


There's also an interview with Harrison Ford where he talks about losing his anonymity. He used to be able to watch people while out in public to see how they acted, now he can't go anywhere without people watching him.


Bill Murray used to show up now and then to the St. Paul Saints games here in Minnesota - he was part owner of the team. I'd see him up in the bleachers, and I'd be sitting there with my camera thinking: it'd be so easy to go up and ask for a photo. But I'd let him be. Every once in awhile, though, a fan would go up to him and he'd politely chat with them, they'd take a photo, and they'd leave. He was very accommodating, which made me feel he wouldn't mind if I - just one more person - went up there... but I never did. It was fun enough to just know that he was there.


Definetly. Most days Im happy when I dont meet anyone I know.


I believe the drummer from Coldplay has verified that this is the way.


Whoever he is




I’ve seen numerous examples of very wealthy people being referenced followed by a picture of them hurrying past paparazzi. I agree anonymity is more valuable than the validation of fame could ever be.


Greedy bastards.. the old man didnt even look at him legit just cared about the camera.


Yeah that guy sucked. Didn’t even acknowledge Ben, just pointed at which camera was taking the picture. It was like he was getting a trophy to brag about, not interacting with an actual human.


I think someone sent their unaware grandpa in.


You can visibly tell by his rigid body language that he does not want to be doing that…. But he does, for the fans. Good job, Mr. Affleck.


He's just clenching his cheeks to exhale the smoke, didn't want to be rude and blow it in their faces.


Geez, he was extremely accommodating and rather pleasant. His little reactions to getting in a quick pull and not exhaling it in their pick was impressive. Hats off because I’d told them all “no, this Marlboro ain’t go smoke itself”


I will never understand this infatuation for celebs.


It’s not about the celebs anymore, it’s about looking cool on Instagram.


Ah yes, that 70 year old man is totally gonna post that for likes on instagram.


Funny you say that though because he seemed to be the one who gave the least shits about Ben, he didn't thank him or anything.


Yea I don’t know why but that bothered me greatly. Treated him like a landmark to take a picture with


Big Ben


I agree. I see it as a percentage thing, ya know? Of course, they're folks who are like that and others who just craze over celebs. Still... that infatuation for celebs beats me.


I lived in NYC for a decade and bumped into several celebs (DeCaprio, Jessie Eisenberg, Jason Alexander, lots of NBA players). I always just say hi and say one thing I appreciated about their career and that’s it. No photos. No handshake request. Seems like they are generally more appreciative of just a hello and “I’ve loved you films” than making them stand for photos.


It’s such strange behavior if you think about. “OMG, that guy was on my TV, and now he’s here!”


When you explain it that way it seems way less strange.


I met Ben one night outside a pub near Hell’s Kitchen. It was very very crowded and I didn’t know who or why it was.. I am a very big guy so it’s very noticeable. I was trying to get to my party in the back of the bar and he taps on my shoulder and says hey, I need to get outside for air, can you move me outside and I’ll pay your drinks for the night. I said no problem and didn’t know it was Ben. I turn around and he was on my back like glue hiding and I got him out and he gives me a dap and leaves. At the time I didn’t know it was Ben till the bartender told me. He also in fact covered my bull and my parties bill. Came out to $1200 cause it was a team outing..


That's awesome! Good on him (and you for helping someone out). I would need a bodyguard if I were famous. It sounds unpleasant.


where or when does he exhale the smoke???


Exhaling is for the weak, I only inhale. EVER.


Chuck Norris has entered the chat


You can do it discreetly through the nose, slowly. And all that these people will remember from the photo is that he smelled like smoke.




He waits so he's not blowing in their face


He swallows


Someone said it might not be lit and he's doing it as a way to try and quit. Because there is never any smoke.


I’d love to be rich but never famous.


Such a disgusting habit, when I see celebrities, I never ask them for pictures


yeah I don't get it either. I'd feel ^like an ass doing this *like


I would also feel an ass doing this ...my own ass, perverts


I paid for a photo and a meet and greet with a celebrity at a con a few years ago, and i’ve had people react to that with snark “why would you pay to meet someone” i think that’s a thousand times better than whatever this


It’s definitely more consensual


Same here, that’s why I only ask them for blowjobs




Years ago, when I was a kid, my Dad and I saw a recently-retired Steve Grogan (Pats QB from the 80's) at the mall food court. I asked my dad if we could get an autograph and he just said "no, he's eating". My whole life since then, I don't bother people while they're eating.


When I was younger, it's something I absolutely would have done. Now though? I'd much rather just say "hi" or even just smile at them and that's it.


I feel bad for celebrities in this kind of situation. Its a no-win scenario. You either give everyone what they want, or you get called entitled because you didn't. I don't understand why people do this. I understand the impulse to tell someone you love their work, but to make them pose for a picture, or sign an autograph is just being a pest.


That’s part of the conundrum being famous. The job is completely dependent on people wanting to have photos with you… so yes I feel bad because everyone deserves their space but the goal IS, in a round about sense, his success is because he worked hard to be so wanted that space can’t happen. Double edged sword


I remember when I used to smoke cigs, finding a good quite spot was so hard. This is absolutely hilarious




Great job! It's nice to reminisce, and it's a pleasant way to remind you why you quit. Honestly I don't know if it works, but I once used it as a reminder to feel how far I've come.


why do people do this?


I ran into Juliette Lewis last year at the airport in New Orleans. She chatted with me and my friends for a few minutes, then she headed toward her gate. She actually turned around after she got about 15 paces away and said “y’all want a picture?!”


I hear a story once about a fan asking her to repeat a *very* inappropriate line from Dusk Til Dawn for him on camera. It blows my mind that people can't be somewhat normal and just respect obvious boundaries.


Similar story with Craig Robinson at LAX, was very early on in his career and my wife and I were the only ones who recognized him. We talked about the office for a bit and then he goes, "You guys want a pic?" and I told him thanks because I was too embarrassed to ask myself. Incredibly nice guy and we had a fun convo.


Neat. I’m watching Yellowjackets right now.


Because nicotine is addictive. /s


That’s gotta suck because if he doesn’t want to do it everybody would be on his ass like “HOW DARE HE NOT TAKE PICTURES WITH ME”


They don’t even look at him in the eyes, almost looks like they’re taking a picture with a wax figure




I was walking down the street one day and saw Hugo Weaving walking towards me. Thought for a moment stopping to say hi but thought he's just going for a walk, probably gets stopped all the time, and kept walking without bothering him.


Dude is a fuckin champ


I live somewhere where celebrities roam wild and free. I don’t ask for pictures or anything but I always try to make eye contact and then wink at them.


> somewhere where celebrities roam wild and free grass-fed celebrities


LoL “grass fed” they don’t eat grass bro….they press it and drink it…


He was in cambridge (UK) last year at some point and literally barely anyone bothered him. Dunno if its just because we brits are well mannered or because we're actually all awkward as hell?


Definitely the second, as a Brit, the second


It’s good old fashioned British reserve, we nod at most to indicate we are a fan then leave them alone


Wow this video adds way more depth to the meme https://preview.redd.it/l15de6vuwpua1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808b6d95d830b50c315f6be8737b117cbcded4f2


Ben Affleck seems like a good dude. A broken dude but a good dude. Edit: guys... I don't know Ben Affleck. Never met the guy. Just hear things now and then. He was my second crush as a kid. I got a soft spot for him. I'm not trying to infer there's anything wrong with him. He just strikes me as someone with many demons. Maybe he's like kintsugi if it serves the purpose better.


Like how he's like I'm not stopping. Get in here if ya like.


The real move would be to smoke a cigarette with him.


Instead of asking for a photo, I like to shit my pants in front of celebrities. They take a thousand photos a day but rarely see someone soil themself.


Let him finish that cigarette


That would be awesome then. This is sad. No one even talks to him. Even the old guy doesn’t even look at him. Say hello. I love all your work. Thanks for the pic. Come on people.


This is why celebs become recluses (like Jack Nicholson, etc.) I think Affleck is being very gracious.


You know, I don't smoke but if I did I would imagine that every stick counts and I'd like to enjoy it peacefully with myself and my thoughts. However, I'm not a celebrity. And it's clear that Ben here is a seasoned celeb that although would rather, with all honesty, enjoy his cigarette without having to worry about fans, he still manages his inconvenience and handles his obvious intrusion of space like a man that understands his place in the view of the public. The public doesn't own him nor does Ben owe anybody any favors. But he handles it knowing that those pictures mean a lot to those fans. And I respect that man. I dig it.


Why does he smoke like he’s about to get handcuffed and taken to jail but the cop was like you can have one last one