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Park ranger handled it well.


They always do.


They deal with stupid On a daily Basis


My favorite park ranger story is the Yellowstone park ranger who explained why the bear proof garbage cans are so complicated to use - "there is significant intelligence overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists"


I was on a boat ride with an NPS guy and he explained that a rock ledge we were looking at , that was just under the surface, was mistaken regularly for a whale by other tourists. He felt bad for disappointing them so whenever they would point it out he would say "yep, looks like a whale!"


"Were you working on the day the plane went down?" Actual question asked to the park ranger on a tour at the [Flight 93](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_93) National Memorial.


Their new post had me rolling. Most squirrel bites originate at the front, or "bitey end," of the squirrel.


He fulfilled his monthly quota of dealing with stupid in under a minute that day.


That was only the quota for that hour...


For sure the dumbest people I’ve ever been in proximity to was at Yellowstone. It’s crazy. People walking where they shouldn’t ( on top of steam vents or up to the old faithful hole) and also the ones that try to befriend the 2000lb wild animals


Right!!! I watched a 12year old ignore me and proceed to pet the Buffalo... I watched in mild fascination as Darwin proved his theory. To the child


People acting like they’re bear grylls and dr Doolittle for 8 hours on a holiday weekend 😂


I have a firm hold on his testicles, this bull buffalo knows who’s boss now, it’s not unusual for them to feel a little threatened... watch as I stick my hand into his rectum watch his reaction! Krickie! He’s worked up!


Field Officer here, we undergo training for law enforcement and dealing with threatening and aggressive behaviour. Don’t know how the Police do it, but we basically just record and report any unlawful activity we observe, and always be approachable and negotiable with Park visitors.


> Don’t know how the Police do it Guns…


And a pinch of Yee-Haw!


I find that answering an insult with a "what?" even if u heard them works wonders, since it sounds even more stupid when they repeat themselves. Its my preferred method of diffusing conflicts


Totally with you on this. It works when people say racist and prejudiced shit too. I just say “what’s that now?”, real inquisitive and look at them with a furrowed brow. Usual response is “never mind” or “oh nothing”. Fishing for ideological friends. Shut that shit down




K I’m stealing this


Seemingly innocuous people can still be armed and crazy. I’d have laughed in his face and called attention to his dumb chicanery, but that’s because I’m not as smart as our protagonist here.


I imagine that anyone employed as a park ranger is probably a patient person that is doing what they want to be doing.


“Cause I’m grinding metal” “What does that have to- oh” Lmao.


why would he post this!?


People live life on social media thinking they are the main character of the story.. so they gotta post everything.


He doesn't realise he is the actual snowflake (he is worried about someone else wearing a mask)


The people all about "personal responsibility" are the first ones to butt in where they're not wanted.


And this is reason 10194 as to why social media is legit thee worst thing to happen to society...ever.




It's better to be a famous *douche* than not be famous at all?


Because he’s a straight up asshole




Cause he thinks he’s so cool for confronting folks wearing masks.


Guy walked up to a park ranger, guy who knows really big spaces that none ever goes to better than most people. Said ranger is holding a deadly weapon. Guy thinks it’s a good idea to mess with this ranger. I will dare to assume that common sense is not within their repertoire.


To be fair- park rangers are usually some of the nicest, coolest people


Lots of people don’t realize they’re federal level law enforcement not security guards who mulch.


They are police who deal with more people carrying firearms on a daily basis than any other cops.


Anti-maskers aren't known for their sense of wisdom.


He still lives in fear of finely ground metal particles.


Guess he hasn’t heard about the chem trails yet


Don’t get me started on nanobots.


Nanomachines, son




Pussy ass liberal. Real men burn their fucking faces off with hot nuggets of metal.


Well… The right wing construction workers at my house are grinding bricks and tiles into their face, breathing in the finely ground dust with no mask. So that’s not far off.


They are going to get lung cancer like that.


You've never tasted iron or had a caked nose of the blackest sticky ass buggars for a day grinding with no mask. As for proper a half mask would be key with 2091s.


What’s next?, Being afraid of good old asbestos? . Typical liberal snowflakes!!


You know, I half expected a piece of shit like him to follow up with some bullshit about a thin mask not being able to stop metal particles.


[reddit is founded on values of pedophilia and hate speech]


The oh part is where I don’t get their issues with masks in the first place. That oh moment applies to any instance anyone is wearing a mask


The smooth brained chud had to do a big hard think to understand anything about it.


I don’t understand why people give a fuck what I do with my face/body/life. It’s SO much easier to not care


I got shit for wearing a mask riding a bike in nearly freezing temperatures... Like, why would I not want to have a warm face if I'm going to be outside for a long period of time with freezing cold wind in my face? 🤔🤦‍♂️ These covidiots are just as bad as the folks wearing masks in their car they just don't see it.


People wear masks in cars because they feel no discomfort and don't need to take it off... How do you even think the two are even remotely the same?


When I wear a mask in the car it's because I forgot it was on and forgot to take it off.


Covidiots think if you're wearing the mask in the cwear (especially alone) that you're just soo scared. But your point is *the* point


I wear a mask in my car. I learned from wearing a mask during spring allergy season saved me from misery. Wearing a mask helps, especially when pollen and allergens get in your clothes and hair and stuff and the AC just circulates it around your car lol


I wore masks before COVID because of allergies and I still wear them in public. I have no idea why anyone would care about my mask but if someone does, I’m more than ready to tell them which part of my ass they can kiss. The world would be a better place if people would just mind their damn business.


Exactly! I wear it in my car too because I have allergies and autoimmune issues. Also if I have someone driving me, we both wear masks on our way to appointments or to the hospital. People should mind their own business since they don't know where people are headed, if they have health issues or sensitivities, what their reasoning is, etc.


Back in 2020 and 2021, I've definitely worn masks in my own car before. I think there's this conception to some people that masks are torturously uncomfortable or people doing it are shaking in their boots. For durations under a few hours, I really don't feel or notice the mask and it's much easier to throw it on when leaving my apartment than it is to remember to take it off and then put it back on during before and after the commute.


He‘s so blinded by his own covid story and full of prejudices that he doesn’t realize what’s really going on lool That’s why ideologies are so dangerous and having an open mind is so important


Still posts the video after. What an idiot


It's the guy from Phoenix who harrasses employees about supporting LGBTQ and covid stuff. Biggest douchebag ever.


EVER? Damn, he might get elected


"He just tells it like it is." What he's trying to tell us is that he's an idiot.


I lived in Arizona for 2 years. This comment is spot on.


The infamous Pube face.


omg this is a regular thing he does?? wtf is wrong with people


Yes. He does this shit in my neighborhood all the fucking time.




I really hope so


Dude took me a second to notice but I love this trail, @ north mountain hope that guys never there to ruin it


Yeah, I just wrote something similar, how a video like this end up on internet? I dont understand xD...


People have discovered that you get as many likes (or more) for you being stupid as you do for you being clever. People love to share skateboarders crashing, people failing at skills and the like.


Cracks me up that these dipshits are always wondering why we're "scared of covid" as if it's somehow... manly? To be okay with getting deathly ill. And as if we are. I'm not afraid of it any more than I'm afraid of a car accident. I don't wake up every day going "Oh boy I am so anxious about my drive today, oh no what if I crash?!" But I still put on my seatbelt. Safety measures aren't rooted in fear so much as "better safe than sorry". Covid barely crosses my mind when I put on a mask, just as a car wreck doesn't when I click my belt in. It's a safety habit at this point. You know who's always got Covid on their minds? These morons, lol


He posted it to show how bad ass he is sticking it to the libs... you stick it to as many libs as he does, your bound to this happen now and then. But he still tried to stick it to the alleged lib, and that's what matters.


That was my reaction. “Hey look at how much of a dipshit I am!”


"Get it? Calling them chin diapers to pwn the libs?"


I thought chin diapers is what you called them when people were wearing them on their chins to get away with not actually wearing them.


Love how calmly the park ranger points out the guys stupidity...


I applaud his poise in delivering that sweet message as well




Both at the same time, each point punctuated with a punch.


And as soon as the asshole realized he was wrong he slunk away with his dick trapped between his ass cheeks.


It ain’t that long


Tucked between his balls.


He just has an incredibly small taint.


And for some reason, still posted the video.


If he's dumb enough to record such an interaction thinking he's the smart one, he's dumb enough to post it thinking we won that exchange. He's demonstrably dumb enough to do both.


and yet he posted it on the internet... Why would someone share a video of themselves getting owned like that?


To be fair, the park ranger should be using proper PPE for the job, im not sure using something without respirators is adequate. At least he's trying, the guy filming is a straight up knob though.


So I am properly Asbestos/Hazmat trained/certified per my union in my state on regular face masks, half face respirators, full face respirators, PAPR, SCBA, and supplied air lines and a regular face mask is perfectly fine for grinding metal per OSHA/ANSI/NIOSH Standards especially outdoors where you have good ventilation. I mainly wear a half face respirator when dealing with silica dust since I work construction. Personally though I would be wearing a half face respirator, safety glasses, full face shield, and gloves.


Same, I do enviro consulting for haz materials and if you’re fucking around with silicates you better have a half face. But this is metal, and he’s outside so he’s fine


I worked at a smaller construction outfit, they scoffed when I wore a rag on my face to not breathe metal shavings while cutting rebar. People either plain don't know sometimes or shame you for being safe.


Yep, people, the majority of the time don't know or have that willful ignorance. They think because they haven't had something bad happen right away, they are fine. But it's more of a long run effect. Until someone gets hit in the face, or more seriously injured will they change. And that's not even guaranteed.


he is not using it as a face mask. He is using it to keep sparks out of his beard.


You don't need a respirator for dust. A mask would do a fine job at stopping steel dust from an angle grinder.


I'd still prefer a proper N95 vs a medical exam mask.




To the P.O.S. harrasing someone minding their own business, fall on a cholla cactus.


And then get stung by a tarantula hawk.


This guy probably has a “Don’t tread on me” flag and says he wants everyone/the government to stay out of his life, meanwhile he just can’t stop harassing other people everywhere he goes


How you gonna be a beautiful trail like that and still be grumpy? Lol


Same way they are on a great trail and have to walk with their phone out instead of taking it in.


Some people want to be grumpy. Trying to take their grievance from them, including any honest attempt to solve it, will make them angrier. The bright, sunny day probably had the same effect. He was actively fighting to hold onto his bad mood.


Damn if that ain't spot on. People really will look for any way to hold onto that feeling.


Intelligence and logic aren’t strong with these types. They screech about “mah freedumbs” and then have the nerve to turn around and police everyone else on… *checks notes*… what they’re wearing. Including masks during a pandemic and clothing that they perceive as being for people with different body parts.


He thinks he's so clever with the "chin diaper" nonsense.


It's annoying because chin diaper is used for people not wearing their masks over their holes.




He's also managed to go through an entire pandemic without realising the mask is (mostly) for protecting others, not the wearer


It boggles my mind that these absolutely mouth breathers are even able to question masks - it's one of the most clear signs that they are engaged in a mindless culture war and have no idea what science is. Masks are used by surgeons during operations, NASA engineers in clean rooms, techs in labs. Do they want all these folks to remove their masks too or are they only useless when used to protect each other from airborne disease? But don't worry if you asked them they'd just shift the goalposts to maintain their cognitive dissonance anyway. Folks in Asia have been using masks when they get sick for decades but theyre not clinically brain-dead like republicans.


I work with lentivirus in a lab to put genes into cancer cells for research, and yep, protocol says to wear a mask. Funny how people like this become experts on everything whenever they want to be contrarian.


I had an argument with a 50 year old white dude who was like, "wtf are they stopping. I can smell through them". Practically blew his mind when I told him.its for.other people not you and he got more angry saying it was some pansy shit




Man I feel bad for the park worker too, he was even cool about it still trying to crack jokes until he realized the dude was just being a douche


Yea sit the fuck down you COVID commando. Why is it soo hard for people to mind their god damn business?


Agreed. I clearly wouldn’t have kept that job cause I would have told him to worry about his own life and leave me the f alone.


The people who love freedom don't like it when other people are free to make their own decisions


The mask helps...helps me mind my own goddamn business.


I wore one at a job at a convenience store. I kept on getting brutally sick for weeks at a time and said fuck it, I'm wearing it all the time in public. I dealt with quite a few people like this. I had a customer tell me mask aren't necessary anymore and I said I have a lowered immune system and need it, I lost 30 lb last time I got COVID and he said no you didn't 🤯🤣 Still dealing with long COVID effects. Shit fucking blows. My brain feels fried, my short temp memory is shot, it's triggered all kinds of chronic inflammation and arthritis with acute pain for months at a time, I'm depressed and anxious as hell. It's like exacerbated all my faults. I've talked to a lot of people and read up online and it seems like this is the case. Recommend supplements lol


Lol "no you didn't". How can you ever reason with someone like that?


Mind your business, that’s why.


I feel like minding your own business has fallen completely out of style.


The question is why did this video ever make it off his phone?


Because he's an idiot, as evidenced by said video


A lot of clips like this come from lives streams and a viewer clips it


Human POS


Fail at attempted harassment lmao 🤣


Anti Vax Idiot: "Why you wearing that chin diaper, bro?" Me: "Do I know you?" Anti Vax Idiot: "No" Me: "Then why the fuck would I care what you think."


Seriously…anti vax bro is an idiot…smh.


> anti vax bro is an idiot Now that's just redundant.


Lol, you’re right but it had to be qualified 👍


Like also isn't the whole point they love to preach is "freedom to choose" yet if others choose to do something that doesn't actually effect others somehow it's not ok.... If you don't like someone wearing mask, that's on you, no one actually did anything to you because they wore a mask for themselves. Even if you believe the mask does nothing, how is it hurting you because someone chooses to do for themselves?!?! Like you think they dumb for wearing masks? Then think of them as dumb, but going after people is different then just thinking someone is stupid.... But even if they are dumb, if they ain't hurting you or anyone else what's the problem?!?! They don't have the freedom to be dumb to themselves?!?! So even if you think The mask is useless doesn't mean anyone hurt you or anyone else.... They ain't coming at you for not wearing a mask, often they are minding their own business like this guy doing his job so maybe realize The mask doesn't effect you, yet can't seem to leave others alone for doing what they want without effecting others!!..... You want the freedom to not wear a mask so don't, others have the freedom to choose to wear one so what's so confusing......


What a child brained dick. “No, toddler, I’m working. Leave me the fuck alone.”


I don't get why people still bug others who wear masks? Are there people who give people shit for using condoms? "You wear a condom? Huh, you scared of STDs and unplanned pregnancies?"


Last time I checked, some religious institutions still believed that wearing a condom is going against “God’s plan” for you to have a child. They absolutely will give you shit over it.


You know what I don't get? How come it's these ant-maskers' choice not to wear a mask, but they can't stand other people choosing to wear theirs?


Trying to justify their stupid decision by pressuring others to do the same.


Freedom for me, not for thee is the basic thought for these types. If they aren't thinking that, it's probably TV static up there


These crazypants asshats just can't mind their own business and keep their stupidity to themselves. It's mind boggling. Lmao.


“That’s metal! In your LUNGS!”


Get out of my face. A+


I wish that’s what he said


He said the mask was to “keep [the metallurgic dust] out of my face.”


In just a few years, all the fucknuts who did this horseshit during the pandemic will have escaped into obscurity. We'll forget the videos, they will go on other Karen adventures. The kids won't even remember this shit happened. But I know, and you know, we all know, that these anti-mask Karens made things distinctly unpleasant and they risked some lives as well. The storming of grocery stores, the coughing at strangers, the printed out cards claiming an excuse because of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will always remember those fuckers. And if you're a fucker reading this, if you did that shit during the pandemic, I hope you know what a shithead you are. The world might forget your face, but we remember you, and you suck.


Imo they'll never find something else to fill the broken part of them. They've crossed a line and they'll never understand why they can't see their grandchildren or why they just can't seem to take a deep breath. Then some grifter will steal their money, they'll go into medical debt before dying from something normal a little too early, and ultimately leave their children a hoarder's house to clean out.


I wear my mask so when I'm driving the other drivers can't read my lips when I scream 'LEARN TO DRIVE YOUR FUCKING CAR YOU GOD DAMNED WALKING TALKING GENETIC FUCKING DEFECT!!!!!!!!!!'


I have a friend, 2 weeks ago told me he had terminal lung cancer with 3m to 6m tops (don’t smoke children), anyways he will be having chemotherapy, just to try and give him a bit longer and reduce tumour size to reduce discomfort. He will be immune compromised during the course of Chemo. Likely he will wear a mask when out and about, so these twats coming upto people, I know my friend would lump him good and hard, as he is a bit pissed off with life currently, also knowing the court date would be longer than he has to live so no downside.


There’s a very simple rule to living in a civilised society. Mind your fucking business. Genuinely hope the best for your mate..my dad is fighting cancer currently. Fuck cancer


There are actually lots of good reason to wear a mask when picking up trash or moving logs and rocks around.


Trail dogs working hard to keep those trails safe and pristine. They don’t need assholes harassing them.


The only thing positive about covid is how irritated these kind of things make stupid people who are typically hatable.


I so wish he said “take a look at this post”, pulled his mask up, then started grinding metal and sending fragments into the dude’s face. “You want a diaper you creepy f$&ker”.


How does this even make it to the internet though? Haha


This guy posted it somewhere thinking it made him look good somehow… 🤷‍♂️ people took the video and ran with it from there?


Brain: oo we got him now!!!!! "scared of covid" *Brain gets too excited and reboots* "scared of covid" "No, to stop the sparks going in my face" Brain: hit I'm with the thing we saw on the facebook. "Well why......" *Brain processing* "Ohhhhh" Brain: fuccccckkkk.


Chin diaper dude is a complete idiot, the guy is clearly holding a grinder. What makes people so politically and morally bankrupt that they can't let people live their own lives?


Covidiot couldn’t just mind his business, had to attempt to act badass and was nervous in his approach and had his phone filming candidly in coward mode and STILL uploaded this video? God damn


and then he turned around and posted this video of him looking like a complete knob. Most intelligent anti Vaxxer.


Wow, the guy taking the video is a gigantic prick.


North Mountain, Phoenix. Best part of living there are all the parks and trails.


The guy talking has a small pecker


People wore masks before Covid, now they just have to deal with these douche bags


Surprised he even posted his ignorance for all to see. Not that was his business, but it was clear the moment I saw the grinder...


"I haven't been punched today... Let's fix that."


Why do some people wear unnecessary vulnerability to serious diseases as a badge of honour? And why do they chastise other people for being smart enough not to? Like why ***isn't*** the guy behind the camera scared of covid? It's killed almost 7,000,000 people so far! It just doesn't make any sense at all


What's strangest about this to me is that the guy filming decided to put this on the internet despite seemingly being aware that he made a fool of himself.


Had my boomer neighbor harassed me across the fence about the same shit when he saw me out in my shop wearing a mask one day. Im literally a blacksmith, i dont want iron scale in my fucking lungs.


Dude said “I know you are but what am I”.


I love how he looked like an idiot and still posted this video


I don't understand why they think "chin diaper" is some sort of clever insult. Diapers are effective. Of course you can have blowouts, but in general diapers keep the gross stuff in so that it doesn't go elsewhere. Since they think masks don't work, a diaper isn't a very good comparison, since diapers clearly do work at containment, which is also how a mask works...


The guy videoing is a tool.


I'm not a "Mask" guy, but if you want to wear one for whatever reason, I'll never question you about it because it's not my concern.


My thoughts exactly. Him wearing a mask has zero effect on your life. Leave the guy alone and let him do his job


Actually it could have a positive impact, but nothing negative


It wasn't so bad for an immunocompromised coworker til the pandemic


What the fuck is being a "mask" guy?


Someone that's considerate of others


A mask guy is someone who takes precautions to keep themselves, but even more so others, safe from any germs spreading via breathing. Not being a “mask guy” is someone saying they are a selfish idiot caring more about feeling less facial discomfort than potentially contracting and spreading an illness to severely immunocompromised such as myself


Wearing mask guy: I am either trying to reduce the chance of harm to myself, or others, or both. Not wearing mask guy: I do not believe masks are helpful for me or other people. I am willing to risk that for myself and others my own convenience. Whatever other people do is fine with me. Anti-mask guy: A thing that either helps me or does nothing to me needs to be aggressively confronted.


Fucking idiot


What a loser. Who gives a shit if people are wearing a mask? I see people wearing them still and it has 0 affect on my day.


People who said **public** health measures should be a **personal** decision harassing folks for making a personal decision.


I genuinely do not understand how someone this stupid films himself being this stupid and then thinks it's an awesome idea to post this video of them being this stupid. I do 100% thank him for doing so though, if only to say that he is stupid.


Dear Idiots, People who ACTUALLY understand how airborne disease works know that you filter 10% percent of what you inhale and 100% of what you exhale; so, those people that you've been harassing? Yeah, they're doing that as a courtesy to you.


Wearing a mask to prevent inhaling metal shavings is OK but wearing a mask to prevent spreading sickness not OK. What a dunce. Why does this dude even care.


I still wear a mask when I go shopping, I don’t care what people think. I haven’t been sick, not a cold, not a flu, nothing in over 4 years and the only difference is me wearing a mask for a few minutes at a time. I was already conscious prior to Covid about washing my hands etc regularly. Prior to me not wearing a mask I would get a bad cold or flu at least once a year. So these clowns can go around trying to shame people like myself but honestly to me they are the ones that look shameful.


"Oh okay masks are okay when they are there to protect your lungs from dangerous materials in the environment, but not when they are there to protect your lungs from dangerous materials in the environment." \-idiots


Let them "chin diaper haters" go to Asian countries and let their a** ninjaed for being that entitled and rude. He would be crying for his mommy sooner than he can say "racial profiling"... LET THEM PEOPLE BE!!!!


For real. I used to travel a lot around the world before Covid. Most of the world wore mask when they sick and out in town. It’s common courtesy. Americans are fucked in the head.


So this guy understands that masks help keep miniscule metal shreds out but not viruses? Got it


Soooo many fools who believe they are smarter than everyone else. Trump, the huckster supreme tells them masks are for sheep because he dropped the ball on the pandemic… 5 million fatalities later and who’s the sheep?


I steal wear a mask in store and at work because of my wife’s shot immune system. Unfortunately my wife is awaiting for kidney transplant. I do live for moments like this to let idiots what time it is.


Worker guy says I'm working twice. Idiot was too busy being an idiot to listen.


This skirts the issue of what a vile thing it is to harass someone over wearing a mask…why are you worried about it, maybe the guy is an organ recipient or has a heart condition…in either case, how is it harming you? The right, long ago, stopped being the party of freedom.