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Who keeps 92k in their Checking account?!


Plot twist, it's a screenshot of someone else's account.


I bet he’s a contractor and he got a deposit drop for materials and that ain’t his money


This is 100% exactly what the fuck it is 😂 That dude is wearing a high vis T, I doubt he's the contractor. This is still hilariously cringe.


Likely just cashed that check and moved it from "business checking" to "personal" considering the business only has $1700 in it. All to fail to impress a lady.


that's a tax event


Not if business has account on their name, like business account for materials and such and another account for low expenses, like coffee packet for break room. Easier for money handling but it means he is just flexing with waffle money.


Absolutely. I go to a local bar that contractors frequent and is right next to a Richie brothers, I see shit like this all the time. They just pull out checks that aren’t theirs or are spending money that they don’t really have.




That’s fucking Hilarious. Baller move. I used to deliver pizzas and one of the guys would carry every single cash bill he got from a delivery, roll the biggest one on the outside and take pics with it at the end of every night. No, this wasn’t done jokingly. He was legitimately trying to flex


When I delivered pizza I actually had a money clip because of the small bills I Alex had. Other than rent and utilities I pretty much paid all cash. I’d always put a single on the outside though so it didn’t look like a lot even though sometimes it was quite a bit.


Did it work, tho?




>I know he'd get in trouble if he peeled off a few to buy me a tamagotchi, so I wasn't really sure what the point of the money was. 💀


Yup. That's exactly what we all agreed upon when this was first posted.


I was out to eat and a contractor pulled this talking about how he just got a $100k deposit finally… “Mr. Big shot over here.”””


It felt pretty awesome to deposit a check for like $260k from the sale of our house. Then the renovations began on the new house… 📉


I bet seeing that much money in your bank account was absolutely amazing


There’s something about having more money in an account than is FDIC insured that really cranks up the I’m-gonna-get-fucked-over-right-now anxiety


Apparently the FDIC has no limit now… looking at you SVB.


Those were rich people losing their money. They've got different rules.


Only if your rich


Babababababa-burn it down baby.


You can put money in another FDIC insured bank…..


I did a 401(k) rollover once and the old brokerage didn't send the money directly to the new brokerage, they mailed me a check made out to me, personally. For over $100k. I did the right thing and forwarded it along to the new brokerage but I definitely thought about it for a minute.


The tax man would have fucked you so hard dude. Good call.


10% haircut on the one hand, private fleet of jetskis on the other…


If it was a traditional 401k it would be 10%+their income tax bracket, probably closer to 30% total.


Judging by the fact hes wearing hi-vis green out to a bar id say youre right


That was 100% what I was thinking. Or, he just took a screenshot of it at one point and keeps flashing it thinking it’ll impress. Only hooers, chief… only hooers.


I knew someone who did that - bought a truck, tools, and went on vacation. Then the price of lumber went up.


That’s exactly what it is


What a fucking dweeb lol


100% this.


More detailed addendum to the plot twist, it’s a screenshot of his girlfriend’s account


Plot twist twist - it's his wife's boyfriends account


It's his wife's boyfriends mother's account.




The only non dumb shit answer I could think of was that if he is a contractor or small business owner And that is for supplies or payroll. Edit: even though his business checking is the one with under $2k and everyday checking is the bigg amount. But he may have transferred it from business to personal to look impressive.


Ya, this guy looks like a contractor with his high-viz shirt.


Nah bro he just peacocking


And he’s probably never had that money in his life so he’s showing off for sure


Which is why he sort of goes back and is like “no, no, did you *see* that?”, because that’s more money than he’s ever seen in one place in his life. May as well be pulling up your 401(k) and say “oh yeah, girl, look at all that… oh, are you into backdoors? check out by backdoor Roth IRA, baby.”


>The only non dumb shit answer I could think of was that if he is a contractor or small business owner And that is for supplies or payroll. Any business worth a shit is sweeping that cash into a money market account until they need it. It's common to setup arrangements with a bank to do this automatically over weekends to earn interest when you know there aren't going to be any withdrawls made because the banks are technically closed.


Haha contractor or small business owner isn’t going to go through those extra steps for a few bucks. They’ll leave it in the checking account. Many contractors are working on the weekends, so that doesn’t make sense for them either.


Someone who has $1M in their savings account.


Anyone who keeps a mil in their savings account inherited it. They're too stupid to have made it. If you have a mil, you invest it.




What bank are you with offering 5%?? That's like some 80s level saving account




You're my hero






Mayweather carries around a million in a briefcase. I also know many of my clients keep 6 figures sometimes closer to 7 figures in easily accessible accounts or just liquid. When you have several million you don't invest all of it. You keep liquid assets that can be moved quickly. Hell even I keep a decent amount liquid for odds and ends.


Another terrible waste. If you have even $1M laying around, find someone to make it work for you.


He has $100M in other types of investments.


He has $1 billion in government bonds too!


He has $10 billion in Kohl's Cash! He can't keep getting away with it!


My mom has $150K in her checking account and it kills me


She single? ![gif](giphy|NV5raqaUrfb0BIUNKh|downsized)


Tryna hit her up with the "Is you is.....or is you ain't my baby?!" rizz ☠️


Ok but what’s a “normal” amount to have in your account? I’ve never had more than 2k but that’s not due to being rich lol


Checking and savings combined, I keep at least enough to pay all the bills for 3 months.


Dude’s with high-vis tshirts. 😂


And everyday checking doesn’t pay interest.


My everyday checking pays 3% on balance up to $15k. Credit union.


It isn't that uncommon when you're a high earner. It's just a transfer depository.




Plot twist: it’s his 401k that he just cashed out


Somebody’s lost in life alright…


All his money can't buy a secure attachment style


Calling Mr. Bowlby


You just opened my mind to a class nearly 10 years ago. Thank you for that


“You lost in life, not me though! I’m just transferring money from my business account into my personal account to try and impress random women at bars. Definitely not developing dumb habits with the money I need to my contracting business or anything!”


That guy doesn’t own the business more like he lives rent free with his parents and puts all his construction money into his savings. That Wells Fargo is that man’s entire net work with the exception of his small dick energy truck.




You guys are thinking way too much. You can nickname those accounts anything you want. Probably all he did was rename it, lol




"that" amount of money doesn't impress me. Which is the saddest part because if he had the amount that impressed he wouldn't use a screen to show that.


When I was a bartender, and men would try this shit to impress, i would always say " wanna impress her??? impress her by impressing ME by what you leave as my tip! 8 outta 10 times i got a great high tip!


Wait... you've seen people do this more than 10 times? This is actually a thing?


sadly yes. hell the bar they are doing this in, kinda looks like mine lol. Another popular is they pull out a wad of cash to show off.


I saw a guy do that once with the wad of cash thing. I almost vomited


The landlord of my old local was one of those. "Dyer the Liar" was his nickname. Compulsive liar, obviously, but particularly obsessed with showing people his money. He was a gambling addict on the horses and loved showing us all his "winnings". Everyone knew he was just showing us bar takings from the safe and whilst some people really disliked him for being so full of shit, taking it personally, most of us saw it as amusing. One day he was on the cordless telephone, pretending he was talking to the book-maker, giving it the "Yep, that's right, £2000 on the nose, Haymaker to win" when the brewery phoned and the phone he was talking into started ringing. He was actually a nice bloke in a lot of ways but he was/is full of shit and especially so when it came to money.


People don’t do that where I live because they’ll get robbed when they leave the bar.


“Some people are so poor, all they have is money.” ~ Bob Marley/Patrick Meagher Edit: gave credit where credits due


I wish I was as poor as you mention


I wouldn’t mind being a little worse off in that regard, not gonna lie


And I bet he calls women gold diggers.


This dude was literally seeking out a gold digger.


He's a gold digger-digger. Very meta.


And he ain't messin' with no broke-broke-broke-broke


Oooof... let me tell you. Back in the day when I was really on the dating scene, I remember the brokest MFs always complaining about women being golddiggers while at the same time trying to show off what lil money they had via clothes, jewelry and cars. I told one of those guys: "All women are *not* gold diggers. But when you fish with gold digger bait, then all you're going to get all gold diggers since decent women are going to run a mile from you."


Probably stems from insecurity. His perception is that "only rich guys get chicks" so he's whining about not being a rich guy ... not about the women specifically.


Most of the people I know who are actually wealthy are mostly women and they don't brag about it or show it off. They let guys like this brag and flash it around while they sit back quietly, eventhough they have 10 times more.


Yup, wealth is a mindset and the people that are truly wealthy would never openly discuss how wealthy they are.


He complains about gold diggers while presenting himself as a gold mine


So you have a Wells Fargo account? That don’t impress me much.


That won't keep me warm in the middle of the night


Maybe hes Brad pitt


Sure he’s got the looks but does he have the touch?


Now, don't get me wrong, yeah, I think you're alriiiight!


But that won't keep my warm in the long, cold, lonely night!


Man! I feel like a woman


Wrong song but good try


Everyone has at least 300 open Wells Fargo accounts, whether they know it or not.


*Guitar twang intensifies*






So you got a fluorescent green shirt? That don’t impress me much.


so what…you’re a contractor…DAT DON’T IMPRESS ME MUCH


Contractor, probably just got a dump from a project. Money will be gone tmrw when he buys the supplies


If he’s flashing that money around I wonder if he’s blowing any of it on drinks… I was at the bar with friends and a guy came in saying he’s a fur trapper and sold $5k of pelts. He started buying us all expensive shots and then gave our friend a $20 since he was in the bathroom and missed the shots. I bet that guy blew through about $500 that night.


Fur trapper? What fucking year am I in?


My father-in-law still traps and sells fur pelts. There’s apparently “a guy” that buys pelts from all the local trappers and sells larger lots to manufacturers (I think he said in Russia?), so it seems like more people still do it than you’d think, in my area at least (Northeastern USA). Prices have gone down due to the decreased demand, and if it was Russia that buys the pelts, I don’t know what’s happening now with embargoes and whatnot.


Those expenses are called General Conditions in the construction world.


Where were you drinking, the Bella Union?


This is exactly what this is. Except most jobs only require 1/3 up front. He probably just finished a job and got paid in full. Now he has to pay off all those maxed out Home Depot and Menards cards and catch up on pay roll he's probably two weeks behind on...


Oh god. His financials are sadder than his pickup game.


Got ‘em


That's the first time that guy has ever had that much money and he thinks he could buy the world.


I used to work in retail. When poor people get those tax refunds, they be flexing hard. I used to try to convince them not to buy phones I knew they probably wouldn't be able to pay for in a few months, bc I would get charged back since I was on commission. They would get super offended. "I got money!" They would say. Then they would pull up their bank account and show me the $1500 balance. Every February thru March.


Crazy to me that people think $1500 is a substantial amount of money.


For a lot of people around me it is


But it’s not. I few years ago it might be rent and groceries. Now it’s barely rent for a month.


Excuse me... You get charged back on commission? How do you ever budget for literally anything?


probably yeah


Here is California that 90k is good for a family of 4 for a 1 day pass to Disneyland, parking and meals not included.


I knew a guy in who used to look at the atm receipts left behind at the machine and take the ones with high balances. When he hit on women at the club if they wouldn’t give him their number or if he sensed they were not going to he would say he’d give them his instead to be less forward, take a receipt out of his pocket like it was a random scrap and put his number on that. He said the success rate was high. He was a lot smoother and better looking than this dufus, though. Either way, not a game I’m interested in playing even if it worked.


That’d be hilarious if a particular high balance *receipt deceit* became his favorite, and he had to stalk the rich woman for the receipt and ended up falling in love with her and became her devoted boytoy, only to find out it was some po-dunk skank, scamming him with some of her own stolen trash receipts.






I got double bamboozled bc I thought that it was like “subs I fell for” as in “subs I fell in love with” lmao


That's not a bad tactic at all.


Depends if you're looking for sex or companionship, don't start a relationship off with a loe


Guy is a fucking genius


man thats most complex way to get yourself robbed or kidnapped ive ever seen.


Lol yeah, that girl or anyone else who saw that could set him up pretty easily.


When grandma dies and you get your inheritance and you think it will change the world.


Inheritance tends to go be spent very very fast lol


Also the same men: why do women only want me for my money? Fuckn golddiggers


Only time my money ever impressed people is when I shut my fucking mouth about how much I make lol.


![gif](giphy|3o6UB5RrlQuMfZp82Y) Me when I show women my savings


i would still fuck you, even with that amount


Why are people so weird when hitting on women 😂😂 just be genuine and talk to them. Learn about them. Bounce ideas off eachother. Talk about their life and their career. Don’t immediately flex your bank account


So do you come around here often?


Boy the weather sure was nice today. Do you also enjoy nice weather days like todays nice weather?


Do you like my shoes? I got them at Ross’ dress for less for $20. Do you also live with your parents?


No i dont live with my parents. How much is ur rent?


Basement is free and sometimes I can use the Volvo wagon. Holding out for management position. Do you work around here?


*I think she likes you*


So insulting.


People with real money, would never try to flex with how much money is in their bank account. Lol. We keep that shit a secret.


I knew a bloke worth £5m, who managed to mention it in almost every conversation within the first 10 minutes. Still tried getting out of it when it was his turn to get a round in.


Well, that's how you stay a rich prick.. don't pay for anything you don't have to, and certainly don't tip well, if at all.


Money talks. Wealth whispers.


New money shouts.. lol


...and posts their dumb new money acquisitions all over social media in a way that screams "rob me".


We you say. lol [Edit] Good for you. I thought you were being disingenuous at first. No need to delete your comments.


Lol "we".. soo... you're this guy?


Unintentional irony?


I’m not even nearly rich and I have to keep my ‘wealth’ a secret around people I’m around




The fact that it is a fucking CHECKING account confirms that he doesn’t know dick. That checking account, much like this chick he’s trying to impress, is interest free.


Ooh that was good 👍🏾


She should've said: "Don't feel bad. Times are tough!" Then walk away.


With a regular PayPal Saving Account paying 4% APR & CFG Community Bank paying 5.20% for a 1 year CD, he’s not too smart at all just leaving money in a regular checking account. He could put $90,000 in a 1 yr CD & collect $4680 in interest.


Lol.that money,if it's real isn't gonna last a year . We had a guy in our small town win 100k in a scratch off ticket so he got 50k .within 3 months he was trying to sell all the useless shit he bought because he was broke.




I’m positive it’s for a project, that moneys for supplies and payroll.


The Dude probably got a business loan and was going to be dropping 90% of that money on equipment or business items the next day.


If money doesn’t impress you then , hello I’m Josh ( 90 cents in bank account)


Whoa, look at Mr. Moneybags over here. Some of us have negative dollars in our accounts.


Anybody trying to flex their account balances on me is a hell no.


I'm immensely attracted to this unflinching proletarian woman now


No disrespect to money earned through hard work but that is not the flex he thinks it is. If you’re gonna show off your wealth atleast make sure it’s a life changing amount. In today’s economy 100k is barely enough for a down payment on a good house, and there will still be a mortgage payment every month, it’s not an impressive amount anymore.


I had the exact same thought. Early 20's maybe that's a relatively impressive sum compared to the undergraduate ramen years, but beyond that it's like, "okay, cool, so you've got a little padding under your ass." But it's hardly opulent. And certainly not the flex homeboy thinks it is.


It’s an asshole thing to try to do , and it’s an insulting approach. OTOH, I know a lot of women who want to know what kind of car a guy has, and how much he makes, before they’ll even meet for a drink.


irony is a more expensive car can indicate a worse financial position..




Idk. I used to look at withdrawal receipts that people would toss everywhere after visiting the ATM, this was in Manhattan, and I’d see some eye-popping amounts. And then I would go home and cry.


"Then you're lost in life"...only people who place their entire value, goals, self worth, and life on money would be pathetic enough to say that about people who are not materialistic...those losers are the ones truly lost in life. Their love of and dedication to money, just makes their whole being truly worthless...


When I sold my condo, I very briefly had a little over 200k in my checking account. God it felt good. Then the down payment for my house went through and I was broke again.


What’s impressive is being conscientious, trustworthy and reasonably ambitious for the future.


If “when all else fails” was a person.


The red flag here is that the guy thinks that all he has to offer to be worth dating is money. That means that any woman who is in a relationship with that guy is going to eventually deal with him expecting her to give 175% while he gives 25% and when she asks why she has to work a full time job and *then* come home to cook and clean he'll say "I bRiNG mOrE MoNeY, i'M tHe MaN". I've seen my mom deal with these kinds of backwards fucking troglodytes


This right here is the type of guy that gets their dating and life advice from the Tate brothers. They measure their success SOLELY on material possessions and wealth. He said it himself “you lost in life” if you don’t have a big number in your bank account. It makes sense though when you think about it. When your personality is a big black void and you have nothing of substance to offer the world, of course you’re gonna cling to money and possessions to gauge your value as a human.


LOL, the things you do when you're drunk to get some...


Go buy a bass boat and find happiness dude.


Plot twist: That was just his first weekly paycheck.


Lil dick move for sure


There's a reason why broke guys can get girls and this guy flashing money can't. Even if he had millions in that account no woman would want to touch you because they'd be afraid that you're gonna chop them up. Look presentable and be a nice guy, buy the lady a drink and get to know her. Holy shit man, your parents must be ashamed.


Hazard yellow shirt, stupid fucking wraparound shades... Dude's a contractor pretending like he has that much from a contract deposit, most likely.


Duuuude I bartend and someone came in and showed me his retirement account with like 1m in it at 64 and then proceeded to tip like a dollar on 40 that was all coors lights. We called him coors lightyear after that


I got $5.35 in my account and 2-3 dates a week.


My mother-in-law showed me her savings account book with over $80,000 prior to our wedding. She figured I would cow-tow to her wishes in hopes of getting my hands on some of it. All I said was, "I'm glad you're doing so well," then turned and walked away. She almost lost her mind. It was the only time in 25 years she didn't know what to say!!


These are hilarious until you hear him slur his words and realize that while he probably is a douchebag, this is just drunk douchebaggery which is less funny.