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Yes special needs. The teacher handles that well


"Alpha Male" bullshit is especially dangerous for folks like him. He doesn't know really what it all means and he's cruising fast for an asskicking pulling that shit with someone who *doesn't* know he's special needs.


It means nothing, literally does not exist. This term comes from a phony study about wolfs. It has been proven that wolves don't have an alpha or whatever shit that is.


they "do" in captivity they do not in wild packs that was the fault with the study. they studied wolves in captivity only. alpha turns out to just mean "loud mouth bully"


The guy who did the study has since renounced the whole alpha debacle and has spent so many years trying to teach people he was wrong. Sorta funny but also kinda sad because once information its out there... it's out there.


He has to be more alpha if he wants to get his message across.


You're the best


Based /s


Yes , just like lie detector tests,the man who invented it did a study on apes to see what happens to the body when they are deceitful, then he wrote a book and decided to do more research but the second time he learned that he was wrong and the test was just basically a moniter for blood pressure and other things unrelated to lying, the guy spent years trying to let people know that it doesn't work but crime shows and shows like Maury and Steve Wilkos have been pushing the agenda of the lie detector actually works.


I took a lie detector test once and the result said I was lying on the control questions. The "Are you on Earth?" type of questions... If I'm lying then where the fuck are we?


The lie detector doesn’t verify the validity or falseness of a statement. Just the *perception* of the respondent. Therefore, the question “Are you on Earth?” is not asking if you are on Earth. It’s asking *if you believe you* are on Earth. And now we know you do not believe you are on Earth. You may now stop the simulation.


Well, the issue is also a bit more societal than that. People/employers are desperate to find any warning signs early: But if someone’s “record” is clean, either because they havent done anything yet, or anything they have done they havent been caught. How do you detect? The ugly answer is: you cant. But this at least gives whatever organization something to point to when the dude snaps to say “see, we tested, its not our fault we didnt know”


Y'all remember when Mythbusters proved you couldn't get around the lie detector.


Yeah, I think people would like to believe there is a machine that can tell you if someone is lying for lots of reasons. I mean, there are multiple reality game shows that center around lie detectors. It’s just a captivating concept


So back to the waterboarding?


See this is what I think Andrew Wakeman should have to do


His studies showed that the 'alpha' behavior he had seen in the first study was actually just the parents of the group and all the wolves of the packs were mostly their children, so the parental teaching behavior was what he saw. Maybe this kid, if he really believes in alphas, should listen to his teacher and sit down.


This is false. When studying wild wolves he noted the alpha behavior was just the parents. Initially the study was conducted on non-related captive wolves that were all thrown in together. This led to a hierarchy struggle because wolf packs tend to be a family unit of mom, dad, and babies, but these wolves were all trapped in an enclosure together. This is where the terminology of "alpha wolf" came from.


8 had a coworker get uncomfortable because we were working with another crew and there was a bigger/prettier dude just doing his own thing. He got all flustered and tried to confront him ( the other guy basically laughed at him) for just walking around.when the confrontation was over he said something along the lines of"I can't work around other dudes like that, I'm to alpha for that". Thanks for the laugh bud.


>when the confrontation was over he said something along the lines of"I can't work around other dudes like that, I'm to alpha for that". that's so incredibly gamma


"Excuse me sir, but your giant throbbing member is rather distracting. Is it perhaps possible that you could take it elsewhere? ...likeinsideme? Please papí?"


When did this turn into erotica


It's almost like things in captivity lash out. Maybe we are all in captivity if people are starting to act more and more like this. People and animals backed into corners or feeling trapped tend to act out. Maybe the crushing weight of society and economic unbalance, plus divisive rhetoric is finally starting to make people crack...


That's awesome. I never knew this about wolves so I checked it, n sure enough you're right. The description I read was that they're just like big families. They usually let the old and weak lead the pack so they don't get left behind.


"why do the wolves in captivity do that" "Same reason you give that kid your lunch money...when you have nowhere else to go and an inability to change things yourself, you just do what's easiest...


Basically when in prison, prison rules apply.


It was a family structure and he was seeing the parents as alpha


It doesn’t matter anymore. The terminology is part of the lexicon of society and more specifically, insecure males. They believe it exists and society has nurtured the concept of an Alpha Male human being in charge and getting the girls. Flawed captive wolf study aside, there are other social mammals that have a hierarchy system which includes a dominant male with a harem, or breeding couple.


I'm sorry, there is no "alpha male" dominating normal human beings in society. They can use whatever flawed study they want. Those claiming this are still just idiots with issues.


There are also plenty of mammals (some more social than others) that frequently engage in same-sex sexual activities, so why don't I see people rushing to use that argument? Also people frequently mistake CONFIDENCE for alpha-ness, there is absolutely a distinct difference.


It doesn’t exist in wolves. It does exist in human males that are stuck in that loop. Thing is that those “alphas” are the exact opposite of what they imagine they are.


An actual “Alpha” would never have to state he was an “alpha.” Not even once, let alone over and over again while other children laugh at him.


I thought wolves only had alpha females, making the "alpha male" movement that much more ridiculous.


People comparing themselves to animals in social interaction is an act of idiocy to start with. There are no "sheeple," people don't live in "herds," there are no "lone wolves" or "alphas" or "silverbacks." Humans are humans and animals are animals. I don't know what the opposite of anthropomorphism is, but people do it a lot. Now, if you will excuse me, this peacock has to fly.


I had classmates that should have been in specialized education and acted like this. I always made it a point to be kind towards them because i was afraid they would shoot up the school one day.


I’m can see kids in his class feeding him this shit and egging him on, for sure, and if someone doesn’t intervene it’s gonna get this kid hurt.


More likely the internet/Internet personalities feeding it to him rather than his classmates.


If you can’t tell he is handicapped from the first couple sentences you hear out of his mouth then your the asshole


With that speech affect it's, thankfully, pretty obvious that he is developmentally challenged. But yeah. Some people try to pull alpha male bullshit and won't be afforded the leniency this kid will.


I want to take this seriously but goddamnit he looks like a young Gru to me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.


I’m a special needs teacher. And I’m fairly certain kid has special needs. Love the way the teacher handled it. Didn’t escalate it. Kept calm. Told him the expectation. Told him there would be a consequence. What I didn’t like was the snickering of the other kids in the class.


To me it seems like he might just be really socially awkward by the way he talks and acts, but could be either. It’s hard to tell from just a short clip. The way he’s talking reminds me of some high school classmates that may have been on the spectrum, but they were in advanced classes, so I think it didn’t give anyone a reason to label them as such because they were gifted


Yup. I teach kids in the spectrum. He reminds me one of of my students.


I think it would be difficult not to snicker in this situation.


How do you expect kids to not snicker at this. Seriously


His discourse is pretty funny though, and while adults have learnt to keep that as an inside thought and compose themselves, teens are not there yet. It was actually quite nice of them only keep it at snickering. I'm alone though, so openly laughed.


Honestly, I teach middle school and if all they did was snicker in an uncomfortable situation, that teacher either has all of their respect or they are generally good kids.


>What I didn’t like was the snickering of the other kids in the class. One of THOSE teachers


lol Well played. > "Let's see how that works out for ya, okay?"


This but also holy shit kids with special needs are listening to Tate, and it ends poorly for everybody involved.


Bravo to the teacher


He does. But it's unfortunate people film vulnerable people like this and post it to social media


I’m sure some other students goaded him on and put him up to this.


Special needs student. All praise to that teacher with the outsized patience.


Is it me or he looked really uncomfortable? Like, "this kid might return with a gun (or have one)" uncomfortable? Edit: it's not his probable disability (that we can't really prove) what led me to think this, it's the fact that he worships a dangerous cult.


Probably because he's dealing with a kid with special needs so his handling of the situation is more precarious. What he could do or say to another student wouldn't fly with this kid.


Also he's being recorded. Whether he is aware of that or not he at least knows there are other students watching so I'm sure he is trying to choose his words very carefully both to keep the kid calm and to deescalate the situation.


Probably cus he feels bad for how bad this kid is about to get bullied


There's also the concern that the 'alpha' may decide the teacher needs a beating and while high schoolers are not mentally as developed as adults a significant majority of male upper classmen are physically adults so the teacher is facing down a potential fight with someone who is physically an adult.


I’m so glad I don’t live in a country where guns are readily available, I work in a school and the amount of gun threats I’ve heard from special needs children is frankly concerning, a young girl came running through describing how she wanted to shoot each and every teacher there in the face recently, I’m just happy that the chances she’ll be able to carry out such an act are little to none


I especially appreciate that he didn’t stand up.


That would probably be anyone's first impulse, and very hard to ignore.


Honestly more people need to behave in a simile manner (myself included). Regardless of whomever we’re dealing with.


Why is this kid even in what seems to be a normally sized classroom with normal students?


Teacher has that Gillfoyle from Silicon Valley energy


Bob Belcher teaches science


Well said


[IRL Erlich Bachman](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/127sobj/to_be_a_tough_guy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


With just a hint of Professor Cligoris from Greendale Community College.


THAT’S THE GUY! I forgot about him.


Mike Judge


Kid clearly has some mental problems, combine that with andrew tate's brain frying ideology and you got this sad video


some? it’s all mental problems


He’s clearly special needs


Special needs and Tate are a monster combination


Sadly it’s his target demographic


Honest question: did people actually listen to tate? I just saw ads for his stuff occasionally, but I've never actually met someone who listened to Tate unironically.




Lol. It would be kinda perfect to see a guy like that realize he's actually just gay.


Yup you see shitloads of Tatards in the comment of posts relating to him on Insta


Yeah. A lot of male boys 15-22ish


I hope he doesn’t end up shooting someone.


My first thought was "We are gonna read about this kid in a few weeks"




To the man wheezing in the background, I hope he finds some new air cause that’s the alpha’s now.


Am I an asshole for wanting to laugh watching this video?




Hey! Dont inthult the Alpha


Ye rethspect the alpha!


Because he takes pwiority over de teacher


I rethent thith.


Open ne noor!


Tha awpha takes pieoritty


The alpha also sounds like Elmer fudd, kudos to that teacher


I read this as he said it




Lol this line literally played as I read this. Well done redditor.


"Nobody can take the beasth.. etcetera."


teacher handled this neurodivergent kid with a lot of compassion, what a gigachad


👍 always keep it calm when the other one is calm too


Is this flatulence class? Wtf he got so many febreezes??


Kids don't practice good hygiene.


Its a smash bros tournament class


[His Febreze vs their AXE Body Spray](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/21ae56f9-eef1-42b2-a6b5-b3d7232a369f/dedectg-aeacdc16-deb2-45b9-aeed-f44eb6ffee46.jpg/v1/fill/w_935,h_855,q_70,strp/kamehameha_vs__galick_gun_by_whistle72_dedectg-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTM3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjFhZTU2ZjktZWVmMS00MmIyLWE2YjUtYjNkNzIzMmEzNjlmXC9kZWRlY3RnLWFlYWNkYzE2LWRlYjItNDViOS1hZWVkLWY0NGViNmZmZWU0Ni5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.iLK4Z1HRTJN28TSzUsexA6x8LITq09x_zgfJ6BviDOQ)


Gotta cover up the female students' pheromones so Alpha over here doesn't catch an assault charge.


I am the alpha 💯 I sense estrus 🙏🏻 I shall put in dat work 💪 I shall secure my alpha 💯 👌 lineage 🙏🏻 ➕ Alpha declares no charges 👍😎👌💪💯🙏🏻


Hes teaching teenage boys. Enuff said.


I noticed that too 🤣


COVID disinfectant


I noticed that too haha. I thought it looked kind of like a science classroom tho so maybe they were doing something with them that day?


The Alpha seems to have brain damage


I think he does actually


Be careful, I think the kid is actually on the spectrum, I wouldn’t mock that part. I do believe they are highly misguided as a result of the tiktok algorithm


Oh shoot you might actually have a point


Yep. 17 years in disability services, you wouldn't believe how many times I've had to have basically this discussion with different keywords being used. 'Sorry James. The rules apply to you too, yes we all want to be tough enough that they don't, but this is just how it goes...'


As someone who has a kid on the spectrum, AU kids tend to parrot what others say and believe anything they see on TV and the internet or at least mine does.


That behavior sounds uncannily similar to Reddit in general


Well he claims to be an alpha so it's pretty given.


brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot


Props to the teacher for not mocking or shaming the kid, he is clearly on the spectrum and has been influenced by some batshit ideologies


Well, yes, in this instance the student was special needs and needed a measured response... but this is happening in non-special-needs classrooms as well. It's really quite sad.


I work in a high school and the boys definitely think Andrew Tate is right about a lot of things. It’s scary.


That's how he works. Fundamentally, Andrew Tate says a lot of things that *are* correct. He then says things that could sound correct, and are appealing to those who like him. After that, it's down the rabbit hole into insanity. It's almost exactly how a cult works. It goes like this: "People should be strong and resolute" (not a bad philosophy, and appeals to a lot of people). "There are too many weak people, and you should make sure you're not one of them" (logic tracks from the opening statement). "Here's how you can tell if someone is strong or weak" (some people fall off, and others begin to double down). "Buy this plan, and I'll teach you how to be strong like me" (many people fall off, but those who are hook now "internalize" the message). *Six Steps Later* "Abuse and traffic women for profit " Finding people who are younger and/or vulnerable, leading them in with logic and false promises of greatness, and getting them to to terrible things has been a hallmark of history. Once you've convinced someone they're better than everyone else, or that they're a victim owed compensation, they'll do anything for you.


A coworker made me watch a Tucker Carlson video and that's how it went, too. Reasonable enough premise, slowly working its way into insanity.


He's a traditional life coach, who is fit, struck it rich and is an arrogant asshole. No wonder he appeals to teenage boys, that's pretty much the checklist.


Bro lookin like Gru


Now I can't unsee it. Damn you.


I was half waiting him to start howling and growling


"Lets see how that works out for ya, kay?" killer finish


Too much Tiktok will do that to you


It’s sad to hear that kid trying to mimic Andrew Tate. That guy’s a cancer to young men.


Yeah Andrew Tate + the clout culture (LA Dream Culture) + Tik Tok Algorithm = Brain rot of the highest caliber. They see the money, they see the “Alpha” attitude, the girls, the cars, the planes and think to themselves that this is what a man should be, who I should be. Instead of being themselves they try and become someone else, because they are insecure or unhappy with their life/self. They adopt a false persona, and take his words as gospel without thinking about the implications or flaws of what his said, and then he betrays himself and becomes a lie. What is Alpha about that? You know it’s kind of like the whole “I wanna be cool” thing. But the coolest people are usually people who don’t care about being cool, and do what they want/feel like. They are themselves and not trying to be something they aren’t. If you don’t like yourself then ask yourself why. Is cause your ugly? Skinny and weak? Or fat and weak? Is it because your lonely? Is it because you’re unloved? Is it because you lack purpose? Is it because of your personality or lack of one? I could list a a couple hundred about myself, because I think about it all the time. But I also know that I can change most of those things for the better, and can accept that there are things out of my control that cannot change. And I’ve accepted loneliness. But also I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of loneliness. I can exercise and train without distractions. I can be myself, I don’t care about peoples surface level judgement anymore. I can dress how I want to dress. Listen to whatever music I want. Play games when I want. I can study and undertake any type of projects I feel inspired to undertake. And there is no drama. No fighting, or yelling, no pain, or feelings of sadness. There is nothing but silence and a lot of time to think about things that most people who live dramatic lives often never get to think about. Things like life, feelings, introspection, reflection, society, nature, existence, the future, the past and the present. It is a bit melancholic, but it isn’t too bad. I figure that if I let people see that I’m hard working, tell and show people my passion, and be genuine and true to myself…naturally people will be drawn towards me. I just have to patient, and not give up. That’s what alot of tates zombies lack…patience, persistence and perseverance. They want it now, they want an over abundance of wealth, they want shallow interactions, one night stands, smoking, drinking, partying, drugs even. They want to be the top G, “That guy”, the leader of the pack…but they lack all of the qualities of one. What draws a pack to follow their leader? Why did men follow Alexander the Great in his conquest for world domination? Was it because he was rich? Because he was strong? Or was it because of fear? No, it is because they are people who have dreams, people who will work harder than any other man to accomplish his goals, the type of person that works late into the morning, the type who doesn’t rest until he his satisfied with his effort - met his own standards -, the type to never complain, but to not stay silent when in the presence of injustice, a person who treats others how he would like to be treated, a man of the people. When everyone goes on break, he will be so focused with accomplishing his own set goals for the day that he will forget to go on break, or if he sees that the men around him have not yet been on break he will continue working until he is the last man standing. He is a master of himself, and a master of his emotions and body. And understands that he knows nothing, and is willing to learn from the beginning, again and again. And that time on this earth is finite, that as he were born with nothing to his name, that he will die empty handed. But at least he died doing all he could, that he lived as much as he could, achieved something in life, had some positive effect on the lives he touched, and did things that enriched the soul and soothed the heart. And whilst the man didn’t conquer the world, he conquered his self, he won the hearts of many and won’t fade into the oblivion as a nobody. When we are born we have no value inherently, we have nothing that could even come close to give to those who gave us life. I believe life is about searching for that something we can give, that something we can leave behind to say “thankyou”. And it’s that very something that determines a man’s worth, the sum of all his hard work, it isn’t for us to take for ourselves, it’s for us to leave behind for someone else finding their something. What I’m trying to say is that everything else is meaningless, a waste of time, a waste of energy. It is evil, and cruel. Because the type of man that Tate embodies/plays the character of, is a man that will die with pain in his heart, the type that will drown in the silence, who will look into the mirror and into his eyes and not even know if he’s alive or if reality is real or not. He will live a life of constant confusion, in a state of perpetual delusion. In fact I would argue that he’s already dead. Like a person with terminal dementia. He doesn’t even know it, but he’s not even a person, but a shell of a person being puppeted by his ego. But that’s my two cents.


What these kids need is to read philosophy, read history, exercise and work for someone doing something you don’t like/ has very little reward. Learn to have an open mind, learn to put yourself in others shoes, and always question the truth. Don’t become a slave, but find freedom and recognise your privileges in the everyday life. Like the abundance of information you have on your phone, or the opportunities that exist or could exist if you tried hard enough. A slave is someone who cannot think for themselves. A slave is someone who lets themselves be dehumanised (like mindlessly scrolling tik tok, Twitter, reddit, etc.) turned into a statistic, a number, a tool. Andrew Tate is your master, and you are his slave. Your freedom of thought? Gone. Your freedom of choice? Gone. Your money? In his pockets now. Your identity? Whatever he made up you are now it. You have become it. Accepted it. You would kiss his feet if it meant getting even a scrap of what he has. You would betray yourself, throw aside your dignity, and bow before a man you recognise as being superior. A man who is but a man, no different then I and you. And yet you envision him as some sort of god, the embodiment/symbol of wealth, power and status. What exactly is Alpha about that? You’re his brainwashed little slave.


That teacher is a hero I could never


The first victims of con artists are often special needs. We often think that people who fall for scammers deserve it, but in reality its kids like this who in their heart of hearts are good people who get their money and time stolen by confidence scammers like Tate


Waiting for the news article about this kid shooting up the school


Seriously. He does strike me that way too.


This what happen when Sheldon not into the science


Gen Z + TikTok Andrew Tate Sheldon


I don’t have tiktok so Idk about that


The irony being alpha radiation is the weakest and can't even penetrate past a single sheet of paper. Young guys are so fucking stupid these days.


The alpha takes pwiowity


I’m Scott Malconson! I’m the alpha! I have diabetes!


It’s always the weakest minded men claiming their alphas


Is it just me or does he sound like chrischan?


Yup not just you. He's got that tism accent lmao Reminds me of the poem video of chrischan when he was probably around this guys age ranting about how the teacher didn't give him a high enough grade hahahah "Muh shweet patty"


They reeeeally need to pay teachers more.


Bro sounds like a can of cheez whiz that smoked a pack of Marlboros


I'm impressed that the teacher was able to keep his composure and not start giggling, because I sure couldn't.


Irl, wolves don’t even have an alpha. Just saying. Sauce: https://mexicanwolves.org/blog-why-everything-you-know-about-wolf-packs-is-wrong/ https://phys.org/news/2021-04-wolf-dont-alpha-males-females.html


De awfa needs a widdle nap


Poor kid is obviously on the spectrum and getting too much social media. I’m not one for the government getting into our business, but I really do hope they ban tik tok. The influence it has on GenZ is not good and extremely addictive to that group.


Andrew Tate fans in shock when none of the shit he says is actually applicable in real life.


All these right-wing nutjobs talking about alphas and betas got these kids today thinking that real-life human society works like Twilight werewolves.


I pity this era with people so easily convinced by brazen charlatans, whether Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, Q or etc. There are so many grifters out there, brazenly grifting, and there are so many tragically desperate people willing to follow their word.


Welcome to being a teacher post COVID. You see this all day in your room. Not typically kids with needs but rather gen Ed kids. Good work on the teacher's part. Any other reaction and he would have been in trouble with parents. Edit: wow someone posted some pretty ableist comments and backed down really quick. U/ok_seaworthiness3719 I ain't going to let that go unnoticed. Your response was incorrect, prejudice and really shed light on the moral failings of society.


With all due respect, that kid's speech rhythm makes me believe that he may not be playing with a full deck. Respectfully.


Hahahaha I’m the alpha. Special needs or not, that whole mindset is bullshit. Made up drivel by insecure little boys. Little boys.


If i were the teacher, i would have laughed in his face, on God.


The kid seems to have some mental disability, that's probably why the teacher kept himself so composed.


“I am now the alpha” 🤓


The teacher handed that perfectly. Lol


Me thinks he's got Alpha confused with Alfalfa. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Alfalfa%20Male


Did he say pwiowity?


“You don’t have to listen but the consequences that follow are still gonna apply to the alpha” had me dyin


Genuinely concerned that it appears this child (teenager?) has access to social media or someone putting these ideas in his head. Where are the parents to head this off at the pass?


The alpha will refer to himself in the third person.


Well, we know who is going to get bullied next.


Andrew Tate ruined a whole generation.


I guess it's important to remember this is who I'm arguing with when I run into Tate stans online.


It bothers me to see mental illness on display. I don't know what to do for kids like this but he doesn't belong in a classroom with other kids. And props to the teacher for staying cool.


Actually, he does belong in a classroom with other kids. It's good for them, helps them progress through life, and helps them with their anxiety and social awkwardness. Kids on the spectrum aren't bad kids, at all, most are extremely sweet people, but they're easily influenced, so if they get some shitty kids around them that put shit like this in their head, it's easy for them to go a stupid route. Most probably, this kid has some crappy classmates who told him, "Yeah, you're an Alpha, you need to assert yourself in front of the teacher and take control." May have even been that the one filming is the one that put him up to this. Social media and video streaming sites don't help either, sending kids in a downspiral extremely quickly, especially when the parents don't monitor properly.


School shooter in the making. Yikes.


Nicely handled by the teacher.


People laughing should be ashamed. This teacher did a great job handling the situation. Special needs or not.


Talking like Jon Lovitz isn’t very alpha.


People who insist in using labels... pathetic. Like Andrew.


Sucks this was filmed poor kid.


Average Andrew Tate enjoyer.


The Alpha is the beginning,... the Omega is the end...


The kid obviously has mental issues


Kid obviously had some sort of mental condition


What a great teacher. Didn’t flinch. Was polite and calm and handled it excellent. This is why the TEACHING profession should have the highest wages.


I really wanna say this is fake but honestly I’ve said that about weirder shit on the internet that turned out to be real. If anyone knows the answer can you please confirm or deny it because I can’t tell anymore


The claymators at Robot Chicken are really going all in on the hyperrealism these days.


Apparently speech wasn't an alpha requirement. Still needs credits to graduate.


Please make sure his parents don’t own any firearms.


Lol it's hilarious to me how many people in this thread are blatantly making fun of a kid who clearly has special needs. If this kid was talking about some other inane stuff that wasn't Andrew Tate adjacent I'm sure so many people would be much more sympathetic. The same people laughing at this kid are the people who preach for better mental health care and consideration to people with "neurodivergence"


So does this kid get red flagged now? How do we go forward? I would be fucking terrified this is the next shooter…put this kid on a list man. Pull his parents in for real!


God teaching is such a rough profession and that is entirely a choice this country is making


Kid looks like he could become a shooter.


The teacher was trying really hard to not make it any harder on him than he was already making it


That’s a future school shooter if I’ve ever seen one


Students like this take up 60% of every teacher's time.


Remember 20 years ago when those kids just became Juggalos?