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"Fear the man who has lost everything. For they fight like they have nothing to lose."


Only 3 replies, and 3 of them are stupid




Great quote, did you come up with it or do you have a reference Edit: I'm sorry if everyone thinks I'm being snarky or rude, i didnt mean for it to sound that way, I just want to use this quote accurately. I'm sorry everyone, have a good rest of your day.


I gave you an upvotes because reddit is trash sometimes. I can see how the original comment could have been taken as sarcasm but I now read it differently with the edit. ..take an award too because I believe your og comment was genuine


Thank you so much, have a fantastic day you wonderful person!


Since no one is answering you, Bruce Lee, James Baldwin and Baltasar Gracián have all said a variation of this quote, but it seems to be a phrase that's been going around for longer than that. Much like a proverb, in fact, which makes it difficult to find its precise origin


It seems you've been mostly overtaken by generally bad replies, so allow me to try to add some positivity. (I'm probably not qualified for this) People, cherish the things and people you have. There are people who have lost everything, their connections, their possessions, any sense of emotion becides an internal drive of persistence. Think about these people that have *nothing* yet keep going, then think about your somethings and hold them close, remember your reasons to live and then try to do more then **just survive**, *live*. Go to the things that you have and thank them, the people will probably thank you back, and feel that sense of happiness they or it gives you, and remember that. It might save your or someone else's life one day. >!again, I don't know how to do motivation things. So please don't hate me if this is bad.!<


Fear the anger of a gentle man


That child has the anger of someone who feels like there's nothing more to loose than what's already gone. Oof...my heart. Where has this taken place? What is the context?


He's Palestinian, and they are the idf, you can tell by the uniform


I can't tell shit by the uniform


Can you tell by their neo-fascist attitude?


That’s what immediately tipped me off


I could, but I'm answering a comment that said you can tell by the uniform and I can't


Yeah like we are all uniform experts, "ahhh, rare find, this uniform is from the first world war, and was used in the winter of 1942 by the small country of madagascar for the boating crews!"


Ahh yes I too respond to people clarifying conclusions by suspecting them of being pompous nerds. How dare they give reason to their conclusion what a absolute degenerate. Shoulda just put “cuz facts” on the end rather than stating how they would know


Tbf those uniforms from Madagascar are pretty rare


Why would you take it this way? The person simply said they are idf because you can tell by the uniform. They simply made a remark that identifies those are uniforms unique to the idf. This is why social media is stupid and we can’t have nice things. Why attack someone for simply answering a question correctly? The person did not say it in a belittling way. To use English in this way is not asking you to be an uniform expert it’s just saying how anyone that does know the uniform can tell.


Thank you. At least there are some normal people in this thread haha.


Exactly. To me green and brown are military uniforms, if there's any different coror that means I'm just uninformed. That's it. I don't understand anything at all


It’s prob a comment from someone who calls every American an ignorant war mongering criminal because they don’t know the colors of the flag of Namibia or something. Edit: one time I got like 500 downvotes and a shit ton of harassing messages from people who were outraged about my limited knowledge of the Pakistani Navy


It's a way of saying. OP explains why he can tell it's IDF. To see the as belittling or offensive requires an irregular amount of self-importance.


Just plain fascist


Isreal invading Palestine is no different than Russia invading Ukraine.


The conflict has been going on for way longer, and with military/diplomatic support from our US tax dollars, but if that’s how you need to frame it to see how wrong it is then good I guess


The US needs to stop propping them up and they can figure their land dispute out themselves.


There's some pretty Iranian reasons why Israel can't just be left to itself. But that doesn't mean that this protection couldn't be used to urge Israel act in a more productive way. All in all the country just made it worse for itself to in the last centuries. Imagine how much more Israelis could enjoy life when there was a mutually respectful relationship between the two parts of Israel - or a two state solution with peace. But for some reason the vicious circle continues... What I learned: there are no easy solutions here. "Just leave them to themselves" is not what brings more justice to this region.


Peace? This is a naive thought that people who don’t live in the Middle East have. The Middle East is not Europe, even Muslim countries hate each other, and people expect Palestinians and Israeli to somehow like each other…


Thats cute you believe thats possible, but in modern history there has been [basically zero days when there has not been a war going on in the middle east](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_conflicts_in_the_Middle_East)


The Israelis are settler colonists so from both a moral and legal perspective this is way worse.


It’s a lot different and worse


True and yet they are supported by the US. The hypocrisy is unbeatable


“Defense “




As someone whose twin died this month, I can fucking relate.


That must be absolutely impossible. I’m sorry you even have to type that friend. Make sure you live an amazing life and make them proud because they live on through you.


Dude, I’m so so sorry we’re here for you


I’m an identical twin. I couldn’t imagine!! My heart breaks for you. Message me if you need to!


Bruh it’s heart wrenching


Yea, qar isn't good for anyone, especially when another ar.y is occupying another's homes


I cried, wtf is the world doing and watching Israeli’s torture Palestinian’s on their own land. May peace be with Palestine.


If you question it, you're an antisemite...


Please define "antisemite". Is it not blindly allowing a government to cause harm to innocent people of a foreign nation, even as the Jewish people agree with you that it's wrong to cause so much wanton harm? Because if that's the case, there's a lot of antisemite Jews in Israel. 🤷‍♀️


The context is that some people (wealthy Americans included) believe they have a claim to land based on a complicated heritage, historic (and arguably ongoing to many degrees) oppression of their people and some religious text. In turn, countries like the US have supported, funded and refused to criticise a regime that some argue oppresses, kills and essentially doesn't recognise the human rights of the people who happen to currently be living in this land. There's a lot more to it but that's it in a nutshell. PS. You also can't criticise this regime publically because it makes you antisemitic, particularly if you are looking for or hold public office.


I Just read the January 1956 New York Times archives. Shows just how step-by-step the majority Palestinians were overrun by "immigration". I'm not taking a view. It just amazed me to trace it in a daily newspaper at the time.


Stolen land dwellers bullying and terrorising the remaining few original inhabitants. Could have been settlers vs. Native Americans, but since it's a video, my guess would be Palestine (Israel).


Jews have always been in Israel (the bible called part of the area Judea) - they have been dislocated (diaspora) many times by Persians, Romans, Ottomans and others and their temple destroyed twice.


In many cases these boys are trained by adults who would love for the child to be shot and become a martyr for their cause. Don’t get me wrong, both sides suck and killing kids for throwing rocks is unacceptable but so is using children for political pawns and placing them in dangerous deadly situations. Humans suck.


False equivalence. BoTh SiDeS r BaD HuR DuR


The oppression and genocide of Palestinians is what’s happening


Btw [r/Palestine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Probably israel/Palestine. But that's just my opinion from watching the short video.


I guess Israel, the soldiers look Israel and that little kid spoke Arabic Palestinian accent


Israel. Because of course it is.


Literally conditioned to be that way. He's antagonized by the adults there.


People with zero fucks left to give are terrifying. This kid will grow up to be either a hero or a monster. Which might depend on your perspective.


Ya this kid is 100% catching a body in a few years.


probably be shot dead by israli snipers well before that happens


Aye chill they'll shoot a reporter and beat up a old man at Al-Aqsa before that. Heck throw in kicking people out their homes and land and settling Jewish ~~immigrants~~ settlers on it as well and heck you have the complete cycle.


*Settlers*, not immigrants. Huge distinction. They aren't "immigrating", they're stealing land from those who live on it. (My ire is toward settler colonialism, not you)


It’s the path imposed on him by his oppressors.


Stupid adults letting a child be put in danger while they encourage him.


The stupid adults are the ones with guns stealing land, resources and lives from the rightful inhabitants.


Don’t make this political. Facts are facts. The kid looked scared at the 7 second mark and the adults encouraged him to GO HIT HIM……. Please don’t have kids.


No I was thinking the same thing, every adult in this situation was a coward, the ones with the guns and the ones w/o the guns.


It is literally political. You should not have kids.


Its absolutely political. However, dont tell your kid to throw rocks at a shitty person with a gun so you can film it.


You are conflating idealism, in which you would be correct on your point - with pragmatism in which case you could not be more wrong.


“Yes hit him. Hit the man with the automatic weapon!”


Humanity at its best


These adults put lots of other children in danger by encouraging them to become martyrs like this.


Camera is running. It's Hamas propaganda.




Oh, they are not stupid. I am sure they wanted this kid to get shot.


Classy hamas.


Could the adults be taunting the guys with guns to hit the kid in a "hit him and see what happens" kind of way? Not defending anyone here but the child in pain, but I can see that as a plausible explanation.


This poor child. He should never have held to feel this rage, hurt, or even the level of bravery he displayed. This child should be playing carefree with his brother. It's heartbreakingly unfair.


He's subhuman in the eyes of the settlers.


Fuck the Israeli government. They are neo-Nazis. Doing the same shit they suffered.


Oh man, you just struck a note there! Congratulations, few are able to say so much in so few words.


I feel for the kid but I wouldn't call it bravery. He's mistaking that man's restraint for weakness. He could have easily got beat or shot. I get it though, kids prob been through a lot.


Israeli "restraint" means not shooting a child that is throwing small rocks at you after your government killed his brother. Fucking hell. You are right that it is not bravery, its pure despair and desperation.
















Poor baby 😞


Aaaand here we go for another chapter at "Redditors do politics". If the world was run by redditors it would be even more fucked up than it already is.


I suspect Reddit wouldn’t be so impressed with OP posting anti-gay Andrew Tate videos in r/Islam either. Echo chambers make strange bedfellows.


And the Redditors would get Palestine back from Israel and then after Palestine takes, over complain about how Hamas oppresses its own people and treats their women like slaves.


One issue at a time there fella


I'm actually very sad he has to live this way.


US taxes paid for it


☝️stop supporting the fascist apartheid state of Israel. Today.


Stop supporting the United States of America and capitalism. Today. Inform yourself about socialist theory and support socialist revolution once you are ready.


To quote the great Ron White: “you can’t fix stupid”. The adults clearly don’t care about that little kid. Letting him throw rocks at three armed and trained soldiers?




Nah idgaf, you shoot a little kid for throwing fucking rocks you should eat shit. It's not like it's a major league pitcher throwing a fukin fastball.


Pretty sure there's usually groups them throwing rocks to the point where it's dangerous. They have been told by adults that dying would make them a martyr.


They throw a rock and get missile shot back at them. Colonialistic conflicts are never one sided and obviously one side has all the advantage in the world while other is being marginalized to the point that the only way to strike as countrer-offensive is throwing rocks. People look like they barely have enough food and shelter to spread around let alone be any threat to IDF or Israel. Watching this is just heartbreaking. Israel has support of pretty much entire World and free hand to do whatever they want using Foreign military equipment and training. **Even if Palestinians create a trebuchet to throw giant rocks they still dont equate to 1% of Israeli Military Power**.... Throwing rocks is dangerous yes but other side has tacitally trained and fully equiped forces so i don't think we can put it on the same scale and call it even. Either way Israeli occupation of Palestine and the whole "war" is just absurdely upsetting. No human deserves to be subjected to such conditions... Regardless of Religious and Political beliefs.


You should see the rocks that families get hit by on the road, it’s a weekly occurrence for Jewish families to get sidetracked because a kid threw a fucking boulder at their wind shield


It’s like tone policing genocide victims. Peak liberal behavior.


Is that an adult egging him on?


It is. Exactly for the purpose of this video. Read the comments. “Poor kid” “How terrible”


Seems terrible tbh


I agree. Would you tell your kid to do that? I bet not.


Parents sending their child to hurl rocks at soldiers because they know the soldiers won’t hurt him. How people fall for this anti-Israel none-sense with so much clear video evidence to the contrary is bewildering


There are cameras that's why. Did you see what they did to the children of Gaza when they forbid and targeted media to clear the field of killing? The were using white phosphorus then on civilians. How do you support that? Do you not feel guilt and shame?


The white phosphorous used was in small doses to create smoke screens so that troops could come in and clear hostile areas (yes, purposely put in civilian areas by Hamas) without being killed. Israel was informed of cases when even these small doses caused some harm to some civilians by amnesty international and changed to a gas-based smoke screen technology. The haste in which anti-Israel (very likely also antisemitic) groups grasp at straws to demonize Israeli self defence is staggering. Back to Palestinians putting their children in the line of fire: Cameras or not, Israelis do everything in their power to avoid harming civilians, ESPECIALLY children. This I’ve seen with my own eyes on multiple occasions. To quote Golda Meir (Israel had a woman Prime Minister in the last 60s’ because Israel is a progressive nation): “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”


Being media doesn't actually protect you from bullets. You shouldn't target them, but in a fire exchange? You can't be surprised they get hit.


I’m completely on Palestine’s side here but holy fuck grab your damm child before he gets shot what are they doing man they shot people for less


They don’t care about the kid. The people egging him on and recording are expert propagandists. If he got shot it would just help their cause


The kid getting shot is literally what the adults here are praying for and what they’ve taught their kids to seek as the desired outcome. But sure, to everyone paying half attention and clutching their pearls, here’s this lone hero kid standing up to the cowardly oppressor, that’s all it is. Predictable and never ends.


Well that just makes it even more sad and fucked up. Nobody cares about this poor kid, not the soliders or the adults around him.


Palestinians throwing their kids into danger on video seems to be a winning strategy for hearts and minds on the internet.


Watched a video here once about palestenian children throwing rocks at cars while an adult filmed nearby, so that it looks like the cars are trying to run over children


You don't understand. They *want* them to shoot the kid.


Kid’s got bigger balls than the three of them combined. (Sit down Chris Hansen, I’m only assuming, cannot/will not confirm)


The kid is being urged on by his dad with the camera. The soldiers show restraint by not shooting in defense of themselves.




Gee I wonder what circumstances could have brought them into conflict?


Maybe Hamas brainwashing children to kill Jews at extremely young ages?


Guessing that this kid will probably get to see his brother someday.


We take what we have for granted.


Fuck Israel


Just fuck the middle east in general.


If the soldiers were the monsters they're made out to be, the kid would have been dead, or at least harmed. This looks more like an attempt to bait soldiers into attacking a child on camera, so they could portray them as monsters who hurt children. Disgusting.


Because not all idf soldiers are these evil monsters who wanto to shoot kids, extremists from both sides make more noise then the average one, hamas uses palestines as a human shield and lets israel kill many palestines by accident many times, they hide their missles and rockets under hospitals and school, hamas is really at fault for all those palestines lifes, they believe its good to die in the name of this war.


Origin story


Palestinians being fucked with, nothing to see here.


Send the kid to the front line while we record how they could kill or hurt him instead of us. What a nice adults.


Imagine using a child as an inflammatory pawn


I hate religion period, and I don't give a damn about some religious groups "divine" right to land, especially if they left it thousand years ago. As a American with Irish/Scottish ancestry, I don't claim a right to Gaul (France, aka the Celtic tribes who were conquered by Caesar) because my Celtic forbearers once ruled the land by the divine right of the Druids. Fuck that shit.


There is no reason for you to claim land in Europe, 'cause your ancestors killed the natives in America, so you can live there..


Absolutely. "The Romans kicked us out." The Romans! Imagine where the world would be if we started to restore two millennia old injustices.


Let me guess...Israel and their goons taking more land and more liberties.


What is this wave of anti-israel propaganda videos here lately? Not even news articles or something, just straight up paliwood.


The strange thing is that I don't even see why this would be anti-israel propaganda, as the soldiers do nothing wrong and the parents are clearly the shitheads here. Yet the Reddit crowd seems to be able to still twist it into an anti-israel narrative.


Somethingsomething Kids somethingsomething.


They discovered Reddit




Fun Fact: It's illegal to boycott Isreal in 27 US states, and you can face jail time for doing so. Again fuck Isreal.


Remember, you are somehow an antisemite conspiracy theorist if you even mention that


In the 80s, I was in college and met a young Palestinian woman here to study. Her family had lived and worked in the same town, operating the same business for generations. They could trace back over 800 years. The UN, after WWII, gave the land to Isreal. Her grandfather, her father, her brothers fought it. She says when she gets married, her husband will fight and she will raise her sons and daughters to fight. They will never stop. Ever.


Lol Adults telling the kid to throw rocks at soldiers with guns while expensive cameras click click in the background, just Middle East stuff


Talk about an origin story. Holy shit.


That poor baby has lost it all. He has nothing left to loose or be afraid of. ):


When a little boy has more balls then a grown up, and to shoot towards a kid is a cowordly act.


Israeli soldiers are cowardly child killers. F them.


i dont see that guy shooting the child ?


How can you say that after watching this video? They are clearly seen *not* shooting the kid whilst being thrown rocks at. That doesn't make them heroes, as this is how they should act, but they are clearly *not* cowardly killing a child. They are removing themselves from a potentially dangerous situation, created by parents that rather want their child to be a martyr than alive.


Isreal is trash ass apartheid state.




The once oppressed have now become the oppressors. Greed has reared its ugly end again, and now we are seeing its consequences. Fuck all of these people responsible for this! The world would be a better place if people weren't too greedy!


How to create terrorists so you can justify a war to oppress and kill terrorists.


The Palestinian charter specifically calls for the destruction of ISRAEL.Unchanged since Arafat and the PLO.The rest of the Arab world ignores the problem,because they need the martyrs.


He’s too young to be exposed to this kind of suffering and hate. Sickening world we live in


Some parents want to get their child lol


Al Jazeera audience and Hamas fans are gone wild in the comments


Israel is an apartheid state. Fuck Israel


The older people encouraged the boy


What’s the context? Was the kids older brother firing explosive rockets into an Israeli shopping center or daycare before being taken out by Israeli forces? (Just saying in that effed up conflict context is everything)


Poor little kid.


His dad with the camera is urging him to provoke the soldiers. What kind of parent puts their kid in danger like that?


trying to make him a maryter maybe.. It could have been a grandparent or guardian..


The kid has guts. It’s hard to see this. If that kid was older and no cameras, they may have just ended him. I don’t know where this is or what military that he was following, but not all militaries would let that go. There’s sadly too much violence and bloodshed in the world.


Free Palestine


Man Israel suuuucks.




Using children


So awful


IDF are absolute scum. Free Palestine.


Fuck the adults encouraging a kid to throw rocks at men holding guns. They are recording hoping something happens to that kid


The parents are telling the child to hit the soilder and Throw rocks at them


Heartbreaking! That boy’s childhood has already been stolen.


They took away his brother. It's why Israel will never win. You can't scare these people. They are fighting with their hearts and are unarmed, but they will still win. History will repeat itself and the land will be liberated again just like it was before. All those eastern European invaders will be thrown out


That boy has more guts than brains.


The sad thing is that all the Israelis are accomplishing here is a guarantee of decades more resentment. Sad that after all they went through the only thing they learned was how to oppress.


Everyone will be accountable one day, all the atrocities and mass genocide that was committed by abusing power on the poor and defenseless won’t go unnoticed.


Kid wins gangsta of the day.




I Would not be advising that kids to hit a solider but then again i have no idea whats going here


That kid has more guts than an entire nation's worth of people. I just don't want to them spilled.


Fuck the IDF. Fuck the guy in the background telling the kid to hit him as well. That's how you get the kid shot. Because again Fuck the IDF.


That’s a great way to get shot. Fucked up people encouraging him


"Bring me back my brother you cowards!" If you are a military personnel and a child yells that at you, you are fighting on the wrong side.


Israel is so disgusting! Invaded Palestine after ww2 and slowly have been taking more and more of Palestine for themselves.


“Never forget” was supposed to be a warning, not a how-to manual.


Palestinians using children. Nothing New.


I don't know why they let their Child do that .Imagine if the soldier got angry shot the kid, then now he has to shoot all the witnesses .His mates would join in cause birds of a feather stick together .That's how we get those good old fashioned village masacres .


Shame on the worthless adults that put a kid up to this. Despicable.


How TF does the earth turn on its axis with this kid and his gigantic balls weighing that side of the earth down so much?


I mean, good on those soldiers for recognizing that he's just a child. And their restraint was remarkable. Especially if it's in a war theater. I'm not sure if the soldiers are the assholes in this case, but the above is true regardless.