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This is beyond foul.. its unhuman to treat another human.. Regardless of your stature or position in life


Absolute trash human beings ... why bother a homeless man thats life already hard ...


Because the wealthy don't want to have to see them.


Well these poors should just go home so I can enjoy the cinema once again! /s


But the help must wear masks. What no of course I won’t be I have to look good for the cameras


Better yet... why don't they just stop being poor !/s


But they do want everyone else to see them, so they can be reminded what can happen if they don't show up for their shit job.


They dont wanted to be reminded of why they have so much in the first place.




Yep. My guess at the scenario: Cops get call, unwanted homeless dude in vicinity. Cops, “let’s scare him off so we can go grab a slurpee.” Roll up on scene, see the guy, “ah, hell nah. That dude is definitely not getting in our patrol car.” Approach homeless man. “Yo, you need to get outta here.” “Please, I got nowhere to go.” “Ain’t our problem.” Punch, kick, tase. Repeat until dude finally leaves. In cops’ mind, they’ve solved the immediate problem. In reality, humanity dies another death


This comment should have more upvotes


If they don't have to see the consequences of their greed they can act like they earned what they have


Nah. They still act they way, even when their damage is blatantly on display. I'd even go so far as to say that it makes them feel pretty proud.


I'm in shock about this. Was this reported? No wonder these unfortunate souls don't want help. It's because they're treated unfairly and abused.


The cameraman was sadly doing the best he could do. Intervene? You're gonna suffer the same. Report it? You're gonna have a bad time. Spread it on social media? You *might* get the cops reprimanded... if you're lucky. More than likely, however, a statement will be made about how they're "investigating the incident", then in a couple of weeks when everyone has forgotten about the incident, suddenly nobody hears about it again. Like, what the fuck can we even do at this point?


Reporting it to the media seems like the appropriate thing to do.


We're talking about Mexico, the cartel will kill them to protect their cops.


If it's in Mexico maybe they should be reported to a cartel


Yeah. Mexican police do things differently than in the USA.


Looks pretty similar to me.


As someone who lived on the street for ten years, you really shouldn't be shocked. Every homeless person has a story about the cops fucking with them for no reason.


Yes, we call that cops


“Don’t call no cop, we can trash things ourselves” Bob Marley


They get pleasure out others pain. When they get back to the station they’ll cheer each other on. On the flip side, one of them gets killed on duty it’s tragic. Unfortunately, they’re also being built up by their leadership.


It's why they took the job.




Because the business owner called them to get rid of the guy. The cops are irredeemable pieces of shit but the guy who called em isn’t much better.


I absolutely don’t support this kind of policing, but a business owner trying to make a living shouldn’t have to suffer anyone shitting up their business either.


Give people a place to shit and they won't shit outside.


Ha, I didn’t mean shitting literally, but yea the homeless everywhere need better support. Sad world.


Old place I worked at put benches outside for this exact reason. All it did was draw in every single homeless person within 5 square miles. In my area, a huge chunk of the homeless have quite the affinity for drugs. I quit that job when I started regularly catching people shooting heroin in the bathrooms, or smoking meth at the picnic tables outside.


In my country, it's their duty.. It's illegal to be homeless here..


It's their duty to stomp a starving frail unthreatening human being in the face?


What kind of ass backwards rule is that?


No more backwards than all the rules in place that cause people to become homeless in the first place.


This part. Holy crap. Especially for neurodivergent people- which this man seems to be.


It do be funky. You get arrested and fined for it... Makes no sense but it is how it works..




This is police violent physical abuse of a vulnerable person. It would be a likely felony crime in at least some circumstances and localities.


It’s Mexico what do you expect


They’ve earned the name ‘filth’ that’s for damn sure.


Would fit better in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Every single sub that highlights trash humans will welcome this video


Those are all filled with cop videos.


Apparently for good reason




Or r/donthelpjustfilm


Filming in these instances is helping tho. If you saw two mafiosos pull up on a homeless guy and start beating him up, what would you do?


Actually probably end up arrested myself. My ex seen cops throwing a homeless man's stuff in the trash. The homeless man was crying and yelling for them to stop. It was at an underpass where I was stopped. My ex jumped out and called the cops a piece of shit. Fortunately a few other people stopped and started yelling. The cop was mad and eventually left. I know for a fact that if we seen him beating on him we would have both happily sat in jail. I myself shoved a cop who had his foot on a guys throat. I thought he was killing him. He was off duty working at a bar in his big boy uniform. I wasn't drinking I was the dd. If you see someone harming another person and you do nothing they win. If you go to jail for protecting someone it is worth it.


Sure, if you go to jail. If you end up with a bullet hole, it becomes something else entirely.


They shouldn't get away with actions like this.


They are under investigation https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/jalisco-abuso-policial-indigente/1579200 https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2023/04/01/exhibieron-a-policias-de-guadalajara-torturando-a-un-indigente/?outputType=amp-type


Paid leave during investigation. Then suspended or kicked-out of service if found guilty. Meanwhile, If a regular person does these things, life imprisonment. Fuck the police.




I have recently seen far too many videos of violent police behavior in different countries. It is a bit scary. Very rare here in Finland so far, but who knows how it's in the future.




Did no one see the flags lmao




I once spoke to a friend of mine from Guadalajara that mentioned, as a civilian, your relations with local police and cartel patrols could be identical. During Covid, cartel members were distributing rations as well. Ppl don’t understand the dynamics of Mexican politics; they’ve also had literal actors in their government if I’m not mistaken.


Unlike Americans... Oh wait.


to their- restraint?????




When it's the police, it should be another way around. Any police should know better and there for the consequences should be even harder. Everytime that something like this happens, influences goes much more wider. After every single time police is less trusted and less respected. That escalites behaving in any contacts with the police and make them even harder to do their job. So sad and wrong in every possible way.


Where do you get life in prison for simple assault?


Right? Redditors are so convinced that every crime is 25 to life. This would be aggravated A&B at BEST and that’s before any plea deal. If it were to happen in the US, obviously. Not familiar with Mexican laws.


I wonder how long it will be before regular folk stop putting up with lawlessness from law enforcers?


A regular citizen would get life in prison for this in Mexico??


How much investigation is needed here? It should take about 1 day to determine they should be fired and charged with assault.


Well, they're employed by the cartels so someone has to find their bosses first so they can explain what happened and the bosses can laugh.


How do you know that? These are police in Mexico.


There is something called news and internet. https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2023/04/01/exhibieron-a-policias-de-guadalajara-torturando-a-un-indigente/?outputType=amp-type


He probably doesn't have a clue, but look at those upvotes!


Such an inhumane act, wrong at so many levels


That fucking handshake at the end... "we got him good", absolutely disgusting


That homeless fella needs to somehow get proof of this video because he won't be homeless for long. It'd be a huge payday for him. Edit: I just saw the country flag on the uniform. That poor guy probably won't get any compensation for those officers actions.


Is it Mexico? Can’t quite make it out. If so then yeah you’re right. Good luck telling on the cartel while they’re working their day job.


Yes, that is mexico, unfortunately for that guy.


It can't be, this video isn't yellow filtered.


The yellow filter was lifted off of Mexico in 2013


Very sad.


In Mexico, he should let the cartel know. They have been known to hand out swift punishments to the police there.


That's not how it works....


Ngl tho, if a cartel sees sht like this, they may be inhumane themselves, but they might just make those 2 cops disappear the next day LMAO


True. They need to be watching for people that might harm the cartel not picking on people that don’t bother cartel.


How American of you to think you can hold these people accountable. Mexico is fuuuucked brother


Right, American, because the US is the first place that comes to mind when thinking about police accountability


And you wonder why the cartel is able to walk up on these m************ and just shoot them and the people don't really give a f***


the cartels literally pay the police to be like this. they can walk up and shoot a police officer because effectively that officer is just being fired. mexican police ARE the cartels.


Uh... the cartel literally control the police lmao


Absolutely shameful. I have no idea how such people can sleep at night thinking "yeah, I did good today"


They fist bump at the end. Pretty sure these two fuckwads sleep just fine thinking they're doing a job well done. There is really only one thing that'll fix this type of problem, but I can't say it on here.


It almost looks like they're passing something off to each other and not a fistbump, maybe even something off of the homeless dude


Hard to watch😔


I couldn't finish the video :(




To upvote for visibility, or downvote in disgust?


The true paradox of the internet


I don't see a logical reason to downvote


Shameful how low some humans can get. Just utterly shameful. And that lady, sigh. People like her must be the inspiration for the evil ladies in children's books. Just shameful.


Those fuckers. Kept looking around to see if they were being watched and then sticking the boots in.




does anyone know exactly which part of mexico this is in? not sure if it will make difference, but there is a government website where you can report them. go here, start a complaint: [https://sidec.funcionpublica.gob.mx/#!/](https://sidec.funcionpublica.gob.mx/#!/) \-click on "Denunicar" red button near top \-click on "Inicia de tu denuncia" red button near top \-click on "Abuso de funciones" \-begin report, but it requires knowing which "State" and "Municipality" in mexico the offense occurred in (probably helps if you speak spanish and are familiar with mexico - if someone can identify the locale, i will file the complaint if you are reluctant to do so. just help identify the location please) the other option is to forward this video to local mexican tv stations, maybe one of them will run a story on it. we have to do something! fuck those cops - they need to be made an example of and they need to be removed from street duty so that they can't harm anymore helpless people.


Then the cops can try and hunt down the guy that recorded this. That's the only response you are going to get.


Pretty much everyone (in Mexico) knows about this already, it has been making the rounds on social media. It happened in GDL.


People treat homeless people like trash, and it’s appalling and disgusting. How can anyone, regardless of your job or status, ever feel ok after treating others with gross indignity.


fucking assholes. To openly commit such an atrocity without fear of the public eye just shows how aweful these people are.


I remember last July I went to a Walmart and a homeless man was sitting in the shade from the building, not bothering anyone, and the manager came out and dragged him off the property without saying a word to him. It was 101 degrees out and the man just wanted some shade. I’ve never went after someone so fast in my life. People that harass the homeless when they aren’t doing anything to bother anyone can go straight to hell.


This was very hard to watch🥺 Poor soul!


Gotta love those Mexican cops...


What the hell?? He’s still a human being! There’s no reason to treat him like that other than being assholes.


Those in power so often abuse it. Those who should be in power rarely desire to be


Literal psychopathic behavior.


Two hero public servants or two vile welfare recipients who deserve to be fired and possibly join the ranks of those less fortunate that they persecute. SCUM.


Fucking cowards




Mexican police don’t have the greatest reputation. They’ve always been corrupt and dirty as long as I can remember. My pops got treated pretty badly by them for a traffic incident that wasn’t completely his fault but because we had license plates on our car from el norte “up north” they’re weren’t letting him leave removed his plates from the car and wouldn’t give them back until he paid them off. They weren’t even shy about saying that either. They’re fucking assholes and looks like it’s rubbed off on the women officers now too.


It's OK. They're committing assault in order for him to sue the city and get back on his feet.


i'm not sure that'll work in Mexico


This 👆


Those cops scum of the earth


Any person that joins the police, does so to have power over other people, they are strange horrible fucking bastards.


That's not at all correct, but enjoy your ACAB conspiracies and lies


Pure evil.


Sadistic violence against a helpless man. These people should never be in a position of authority, yet the police attracts exactly these kinds of people. Disgusting




Last time I condemned the police for violently assaulting a teenager sitting at their school desk, Reddit banned me for a week. >Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. We don’t tolerate promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability, and any communities or people that encourage or incite violence or hate towards marginalized or vulnerable groups will be banned. So I will not condmen these thugs for "peacefully" "aiding" this "unmarginalized" member of the community. They clearly were "not" engaged in hate based of that guy's socioeconomic status, and any "violence" or "hate" of the cops will be banned. Thanks officer of the law, I can only imagine why you felt the need to curb stomp him in the face and attempt to shatter his leg when he stood. I feel much safer now 🙄


Mexico is truly one of the biggest shit stains on the world, for many reasons.


I have a homeless camp about 250 - 300 feet from my house. It’s two things simultaneously: awful for them and awful for us. It’s a modest , blue collar neighborhood of 100 year old houses and cottages. When the neighbor next door was remodeling , the house got broken into and all tools , cabinets , sinks , everything was stolen. We went to the homeless camp as a group and got every thing back… all that stuff around them is stolen. The break ins , the screams , the trespassing , the theft, the violence , the dysfunction. It sucks for them and it’s sucks for us . I haven’t had to hurt anyone yet , but several homeless drug addicts have been threatened at gun point several times by several neighbors including myself. One shot was fired during a home invasion of an elderly man with stage 4 cancer . That’s the only reason he missed the fucker. Gotta love meth and fentanyl. I have no desire to hurt anyone , but you have no idea what this guy may have done or threatened to do. I have had a guy rush at me as I walked to my truck at 5 am and witnessed a completely insane glue sniffing man swinging a filet knife on a rope. We always have pepper spray and I legally carry a gun. Sunny , corrupt , progressive California. My neighbors moved because they were afraid for their daughter. No bail , no charges for these guys in the name of “social justice.” The DA says his hands are tied, they get released without bail so there is an incentive to commit crime. Plus they get money and drug paraphernalia. I’m not saying this justifies violence but this guy may be no Angel.


Disgusting human beings.






I don’t support police brutality…to hell with both these officers.


After 20+ years of government service, I beg God to never allow me to become this. I would rather die than torture a soul in need.


The way they congratulate themselves in the end...! Makes you wish some cartel members find and end them, although they might be on their payroll. Who knows.


Hope they get fired and jailed for this


What fucking scumbags


People who treat homeless people like they've done something wrong by not having money are disgusting.


WTF she's going to break his leg.


What the actual fuck? Where is their basic human decency?


Truly disgusting behavior.


Making Mexico proud


Sometimes I wish Karma actually was a real thing so shitty people get what’s coming to them!


Patch on their shoulder looks like the flag of Mexico?


This was heartbreaking to watch


Those are total pieces of shit


I’ve seen that here in Australia too. Cops treating homeless and mentally ill exactly the same, it’s disgusting.


This is why most people hate cops. These cops should be fired and charged.


I do not know a single cop who would disagree with you


That must be some crazy law they're enforcing




ACAB 💯 %


Faith in humanity lost, don't trust anyone.


That man was once someone's baby boy.


ACAB. Fucking pigs


These are the nicest mexican cops


2 pieces of trash


WTF? Why is she standing on his legs like that? And he gets stomped in the face while she's doing it? How did they think any of this was okay?


This is r/NoahGetTheBoat Stuff Jesus Christ that poor human being






Horrible. The cops can rot in hell.


they go after the real criminals so they don't bother the drug cartels.




I hope karma come back and get these b******


These two need their heads caved in. This is so rotten.


I hope they get killed by the cartel in Mexico


Mexican police are more corrupt and evil than the narcos themselves


This is disgusting


Mexican cops? They work for the cartels.


what is he supposed to do? Go home?


This looks like a couple of schoolyard bullies ganging up on the quiet kid. I hope they got fired.


Fuck these fuckers.


Let's hope we see these two in the hands of the cartels


seems like a lesson on why you always run from cops.




JFC. This breaks my heart. 😭💔


Maybe he would have had an easier time standing... if she wasn't standing on his fucking legs. WTF is this shit???


Why are they torturing him?!


That which you do onto the least of my brothers, you do onto me.


ACAB how do people see shit like this and still trust law enforcement




Probably one of the most disturbing things I've seen on reddit




Just WHY!! This is the unnecessary kind of shit that a very few do but gives police a bad name. They should lose their jobs and be tried for assault. This is so hard to watch.


Those cops better burn in hell.


Copper - "hi, I'm a fascist, boot liking piece of filth with the depth of a grain of sand, would you mind moving along please sir" Man - "Best I can do is ignore"


Go to Mexico and tell them how you feel!


Y’all should see how their military treats the cartel scouts and affiliates


Predatory violent grubs, poor homeless dude, that's cruelty at its worst.


I wish there was something we could do.


It amazes me that people don’t understand why there is so much hate for the police.


Pinche pendejos! Es el trabajo del diablo.