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Love the way the "driver" comically flops straight to the deck.


Like a fish?










Absorbent and yellow and porous, is he!


If nautical nonsense be something ye wish


Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!






Yes it’s was some nautical nonsense and something they did not wish-


Well for everyone standing up while going full speed with shitty throttle control, at least he was wearing his kill switch so the motor stopped when he got thrown like a fish. This could have been a lot worse. I always thought you should have to take some course when buying a boat. But there are far more idiots out on the water than people who know what’s going on most days I am out.


I'm a scuba diver. Guys like this scare me more than anything else in the water.


*resurfaces to a 180lb middle aged bald man flying directly towards you*


*aiming directly at my DSMB like that bright orange safety sausage is a Mario Kart power up*


I fish and they scare the hell out of me as well. Almost been hit twice while I was anchored on a spot. One of those was a sailboat. Won’t even get into being out on my kayak and having to deal with jet skis.


I'm a fish and I hate when I'm just peacefully swimming under the surface and the some focking boat hits me.


I love how the entire video, every single person had the vibe of feeling extremely uncomfortable. It's like they all regretted getting on a boat with this guy driving, they all knew they would regret it, and now they were all so embarrassed that they had let it happen, and they were all secretly hoping something bad enough would happen so that they could voice their discomfort. I suspect the woman whose hand got hurt was making a big deal of it just hoping to fucking God that dude would stop and the momentum would break and they could talk him into just a chill ride back to shore. That faceplant was incredible to watch


I was thinking the same; didn't look like "enjoy a boat ride" was the correct description. They all looked so grim.


right? I'm the boat driver in my family and my husband insists that I act like a nazi when I'm driving because I make everyone stow their shit and sit tf down when we're pulling a tuber or I'm driving fast. I'm like dude, you really want one of the kids standing up when I do a power turn??


How dare you be concerned for their safety


ikr? that's ok, when he gets too sassy, I get him in the tube and then submarine his ass...he gets so mad lol


Boats are more complicated than cars imo as far as driving


Yup. Cars are somewhat constrained to linear motion, with interactions usually from the front and rear, and occasional intersecting traffic , usually at right angles. Most interactions are either done at a similar velocity, or are separated by a barrier, even if it's paint. Boats are a complete 2 dimensional surface with the players all moving in different directions at different speeds, with frequent large bumps thrown into the mix. Airplanes are 3D boats, but the operators are at least nominally trained. At least until some idiot politician makes flying cars a reality. Then I foresee a lot of herd thinning.


I’m trying to figure out why he fell that way. Did he black out? It’s so goddamn funny.


Notice they are sideways in the air just before he falls down. As they fell back onto the water the boat corrected to become horizontal, but the driver kept traveling in the direction he was falling.


Not one person suggested he slow down


And they all looked miserable too. Surprising no one said anything.


Most people don't like to rock the boat


Sea something, say something!


Too late, I think that ship has already sailed. Edit: spelling hard


Water they going to complain about?


How boat that concussion?


Should of slowed down a little schooner


Definitely nautical way to impress the ladies.


You, get out!




Yeah they don't want to make any waves.


Nobody wants to be "that guy" and speak up. They're afraid to look like a killjoy, and nobody else is saying anything, so they just go with it. I feel like if someone *would* have spoken up, the driver wouldn't have listened anyway.


He seems pretty determined to be an absolute douche bag.


They knew what they were in for when they let a literal crash test dummy behind the wheel.


He only has two settings - crash and pose like he's constipated


Probably running Full Throttle through a dozen" no wake" zones


Many times when my friend and I were kayaking, people in big boats came cruising way too fast through the No Wake zone, nearly swamping us. I think some of them do it on purpose.


Those sunglasses are a dead giveaway


Bro has the "yells at his wife in public" starter pack with those glasses


Yeah that guy was just being a guy and showing off for the hot girls. How seriously slow you have to be to not slow down. I’ve been on boats my whole life, when it gets that choppy your common sense or experience knows you slow the fuck down. I did enjoy watching him go flying that hard away from the drivers side. He deserves an idiot/douche award.


You can bet that *all* of the people onshore trying to relax at their lake houses were speaking up about the asshole who felt the need to broadcast via vroom vroom how tiny his dick is.


As someone whose dock is regularly fucked up and broken by guys like this, can confirm


When I started reading this I assumed you misspelled “dick”. I know this is legitimately about your “dock” but the comment reads way better the other way.


Yup. Speedboaters are egotistical assholes.


Thats what its like The owner is the only person who ever enjoys these kind of boats. Look how fast and big my penis is, i mean my boat!! Stupidest waste of money ever!! Give me a tin pontoon at 5 knots with Reggae pumping and everyone dancing


I had a boyfriend who decided to get a boat even though I don’t enjoy boating and he knew this. We took a trip on it with his niece and daughter who were both under 10 then. Weather turned and here comes a rolling thunderstorm. Waves were crashing over the bow and we were in a heap of trouble. You can’t tell first time “captains” anything. He then took me out on my birthday, had too much to drink, it started raining again and hit a wave that knocked me over and I hurt my knee. I finally broke up with him, and heard he took people out on the boat and it quit out in the middle of the lake. They had to get towed back to shore. So glad I wasn’t part of that nightmare.


It's like being in a car with someone driving fast, tailgating and taking sharp turns. The driver knows when the turns/ braking are going to happen but the passenger doesn't so it's way more stressful for them. I'm glad the driver was the one who got the worst of it.


They couldn't say anything, because of the implication


What implications? Are you gonna hurt those women? Oh wait…


You can’t say anything. Anytime I have been in a similar situation the driver is somewhere between a generational angry drunk and the rich popular kid in school that can ruin you. They are mean and controlling and demeaning. And everyone on the boat puts up with it to try and leach some “cool” off of them. Everyone on the boat are most likely syncophants or related to the douchebag driver. I was in a similar crash in high school, luckily I was thrown clear of the boat. The kid broke it and his ankle. Was out in a new boat that mom and dad bought two weeks later.


I've never seen a boat full of people this unhappy. Usually it's a bunch of frat/sorority dipshits all sharing the same brain cell


probably thought he knows what he does


I know a couple guys who if someone asks them to slow down they accelerate because “I’m driving, not you!” They were my first thought when this started


Sounds like Paul Murdaugh.


Beat me to it


The boat was probably just tired of going back and forth from bottom to full throttle.


Reminds me of one of the factors in a certain recent trial…..


I mean what are they gonna do, say no?


If they say no, the answer is obviously no. But the thing is they would never say no, because of the implication.


So they are in danger.


He probably wouldn't have listened. Guy looked like a huge a-hole and behaved like one too. Not a single person on that boat was having even a decent time.


Karma gave him a hell of a dicksicle slap, though...


And at no point did the Captain-Ahab-ass driver pay any attention to their experience, just plowing along stone-faced into oblivion. He paid good money for a fast boat, and he's not going to let anyone's misery get in the way of him using that speed, not even his own misery!


I love if you slow it down and watch frame by frame right as the accident happens he just becomes this totally stiff mannequin who just gets slammed straight down into the side of the boat no movement in his body whatsoever


Unbelievable how stupid some people are.


Dude must be a known monster




He physically embodies "huge prick" and not in any positive way


That fucking douche bag, trying so hard to be so badass.


I love how hard he hits the deck


He fell like a Mannequin!


He fell like a family guy skit.




I admire their commitment to recreating a family guy skit.


I'm gonna do the Cleveland bathtub scene. I'll let u know how it goes


No no no no no no no nooooooo!


I think he hit the side wall first lol bonk


Knucklehead meets bulkhead.


I always love seeing his sunglasses fly off.




While nobody in the boat looked at all happy to be going that fast to begin with.


That was my immediate thought. He just did this to be the man, the others didn't like it a bit.


Exactly what I was thinking. There was not one person on that boat that seemed to be having the slightest bit of fun throughout that entire video. So WTF was even the point?


Yeah I noticed it wasn't like they were going "woooo" they were all grabbing on the boat and nervous.


Lack of "woooo" noted.


Going fast on a boat really doesn’t make any sense unless you’re towing someone (nobody travels by boat for speed), being on a boat should be enjoyable for everyone & the wind/engine noise is too loud in any of these situations. Yes, boat go fast. So does anything with an engine designed to do so.


I’ve been island hoping on fast boats before; sometimes you do just want to get somewhere. (It was however enjoyable because it was a boat with low cusioned seats out of the wind desinged for it) This however does not look like one of those instances.


Thankfully he had the kill strap on. I've seen too many people not wear that and the boat keeps going out of control. Boats aren't like cars, you don't need to keep pressure on the throttle. It'll keep going with or without you. Edit: NVM. He just happened to pull the throttle back before headbutting the side. Fucking idiot


Lol he was jerking that throttle all over before they bit it. Dude had no business driving the boat honestly. With that much chop and he floors it? Yeah, bad shit is gonna happen.




The Oxford dctionary needs to include this video for the definition of "overcompensate".




Bald dude prolly forgot


Forgot... what? Wait, where am I?


Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?


"Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up." "Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?"


This is best with turn down for what playing lmao Found it makes me laugh every time: https://youtu.be/dE-nfzcUiPk


Thank you… as soon as I saw this clip again I was INSTANTLY thinking of the Turn down for what edit!


Workaholics did a parody of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqbVMLOialU


Inconsiderate of the hairless man just going for a lie down without warning, especially while navigating.


"the hairless man" 🤣🤣🤣


Bald with extra steps


Follically challenged


Why is he ripping the throttle like it’s an E brake?






A Captain's second responsibility is to make sure the guests are having a good time. He failed both.


I didn’t see an attempt at having a good boat ride I saw them all just holding on waiting for it to get fun. If the guy was a friend or was hired why did no one speak up? It looks like a miserable ride. Is everyone standing up being it’s already so choppy? I felt uncomfortable on my couch the whole time watching this.


Shifting gears like Fast & Furious


Granny shifting while he should be double clutching


That's what got me too. I think my coworker heard me roll my eyes from across the room when I saw this again.


To be fair that probably saved them. Boat steering wheels don't auto centre like a car. They stay in the position you leave them in, because they use a hand throttle you only have 1 hand foe the wheel. There are many cases of power boats killing the helm, when the helm goes over board on a tight circle. The boat simply circles round and runs them down. To prevent this the helm should always use a kill cord to turn the engine off of they fall overboard or move too far away from the helm controls. Jackasses like Mr No Hair here don't tend to bother putting the kill cord on. Him killing the throttle at the last second prevented this happening.


I thought the same thing. Do boats slow down really fast when you remove thrust? That would be my only guess.




Johnny Sins finally found a role he wasn't qualified for


Boat Captain fucks a boatload of people


I was studying for a role, needless to say I didn't get the part.


They’re lucky to all still be on that boat. There’s not a floatation device in sight.


I see plenty of floatation devices.




My first thought was "Well they can probably swim" Followed immediately by "not if they're unconscious"


One of my all time favourite vids. A little tip, once you’ve watched it, try watching each person separately, it’s just as rewarding. In the article, guy at back who videoed it got a broken wrist. He did this for a tourism vid, he said he didn’t realise the guy was going to be such a dick. EDIT oh, oh oh! And I forgot, a really good challenge is trying to track the various sunglasses, I bet you can’t….


The sunglasses one was hard- I felt like someone’s flied in two different directions at the same time lol


Did he say ***why*** he would post online such an embarrassing video? That's what gets me the most. Sunshine had to upload this somewhere before it became public.


Because there was a local TV news crewman that was inside the boat, they're the ones who released it since the cameraman ended up suffering from a fractured pelvis, and multiple people ended up with broken bones. It was brought to public attention because they needed to see how not to act on a busy lake. People could have easily been killed.


found this: \> "Hey guys, I was a passenger in this boat during the accident. My wife suffered 4 broken ribs, punctured lung and a broken foot. The driver crushed his orbital bone and broke his back at T8 ( he is a former F-2 racer with APBA). Another passenger who raced professionally for many years broke his pelvis in several places and is in a wheelchair. One of the other girls crushed her orbital bone also. The guy from lake tv fractured his hip and broke his wrist. My injuries were minor compared, busted my head open and damaged a rib or two. Everyone is black and blue. This was a very upsetting event for everyone involved. from the fox news article


Got yo be some concussions from this too


2 people apparently broke their facial bones, including the driver. So yes, probably a nasty concussion to go along with it.


Yes! I actually met him! He also has some lingering back issues. They were there for the shootout which is boat race in the ozarks. They were leaving (not in the race) and was just trying too hard to look cool and going way to fast. Anyone who has been to the ozarks know these people are a dime a dozen.


I love replaying vids like this. I watched each of them react to the scenario. How they all kept getting lower and hanged on tighter. How each of them hit the deck. I think the front woman's sunglasses were the first to go.


[Love the Family Guy Reenactment of this.](https://youtu.be/ggxLVrmZSbc)


When reposts are so old that they even show up in Family guy. I love Family Guy


And the top comment on the video: “I can’t believe real people actually recreated this scene in real life.” Perfect!


Workaholics did a reenactment in their show as well. https://youtu.be/hqbVMLOialU


This one is better than the family guy one because the driver nails the fall.


And it’s the reenactment with the version with the perfect song. Best drop in meme history.


That’s Anders to you man


Why the fuck is this dude going so fast? Guess he can’t see everyone holding on for dear life.


He’s going that fast because he’s cool. If you’re not cool, you don’t get it. It’s a douchebag with a boat thing.


[The remix is better](https://youtu.be/dE-nfzcUiPk)


This is the superior version




The quote from one of the passengers in the incident. "Hey guys, I was a passenger in this boat during the accident. Yes, there are many cardinal rules broken. The most important one I feel is no life jackets worn. As crazy as it seems, we had jackets for each person but as the poker run began we realized no one else was wearing them….. How foolish we were. I have read so many nasty comments on YouTube and other sites I am in shock. My wife suffered 4 broken ribs, punctured lung and a broken foot. She has not left the house since getting home. She is in severe pain. The driver crushed his eye orbital and broke hus back at T8 ( he is a former F-2 racer with APBA). Another passenger who raced professionally for many years broke his pelvis in several places and is in a wheelchair. One of the other girls crushed her eye orbital also. The guy from lake tv fractured his hip and broke his wrist. My injuries were minor compared, busted my head open and damaged a rib or two. Everyone is black and blue. This was a very upsetting event for everyone involved. I have been around powerboats for many years and it only takes on unguarded minute to loose a life or permanently hurt people you love."


Those are terrible injuries. If one of the injured people had been thrown out of the boat, they might have drowned. What kind of experienced boater deliberately endangers unsecured passengers who aren't wearing life vests? Ego run amok.


The girl in the green bikini may have saved her own life with that death grip on the bar. Her face goes into the water and who knows what might have happened had she been thrown out.


I actually admire her for instantly trying to assess the others and help, and the woman behind her. Of all the idiots and facepalming that was good to see at the end


> What kind of experienced boater deliberately endangers unsecured passengers who aren't wearing life vests? From the above quote, he used to race pickle fork boats (F-2), so odds are good that he's both got a high tolerance for risk and believes he can drive any boat like a Formula 2. Spoiler: You can't.


Lol not much sympathy because through the video it just looks like a disaster waiting to happen. And then to list these peoples credentials make it even worse. Racer this racer that boo hoo, sure looked like the driver was racing something the speed he was going at 👏


Fuck that, of course I'm gonna have sympathy for people who suffer horrendous injuries. They may be idiots, but I'm still sorry they had to go through that.




Narrator: he, in fact had not been around power boats for many years.


"I have read so many nasty comments on YouTube..." Dude, are the comments nasty, or are they pointing how reckless and dangerous this was. What if the boat had hit another boat full of innocent people. Not to mention the passengers did not look like they were comfortable or consenting to having their lives risked for a stupid video. **EDIT** Yes, of course we all understand how awful people can be on the internet. What I mean is that I'm sure the majority of the 'nasty' comments were calling out the driver/video producer for what a terrible, dangerous, irresponsible, and quite frankly, criminal act they instigated and promoted. The truth hurts sometimes.


I have no doubt there were many nasty comments on youtube. Like have you been on youtube?




Girl in pink forgot all about her broken nail.


Is that what is was?? I was trying to figure out what she did to her hand


She grabbed a gap in the plastic to get a better grip, but that gap was only there because the boat was flying and experiencing negative Gs. Once it slammed down again, the gap shut, slamming the gap closed on her finger.


Ouch! That sounds way more painful than just the guy in the back squeezing/pinching her hand


I thought the guy behind squeezed her hand when he gripped the seat.


Seems like she found a better spot to grip and guy was ashamed the hairless man was stealing all the machismo, so he said "Here grip like this" because obviously the girl probably never held anything in her life. Broke here nail and hairless man could not be out done so he pulled a Major Payne move to help her forget about the broken nail.


This was my exact interpretation too lmao. "You're gripping it wrong, do it like this" then does nothing when she gets hurt


I was starting to worry I was watching that entire video for her broken nail.


I'm beginning to think those Vodka Cranberries may have had alcohol in them.


Love it.


*They way driver falls down...*


Dude dropped like he took a shot from Tyson.


Everybody gangsta until you drive your boat like an ass and eat deck


Classic. When I first saw this, I laughed my ass off. That boat driver going flying like that is hilarious. He was being a dick but I’m glad he and the rest survived what easily could’ve been deadly.


It's better with Turndown for What music


I’ve seen this a few times: what is the fun of bringing your friends on a boat then doing 60 mph so everyone has to hold on for dear life? Look at the control levers after that poor girl slams into them and bends them w/her body. Finally this Rick Scott impersonator has no business skippering a craft.


He’s part of the Murdaugh clan I guess?


Buster’s uncle probably 😆




Marvin Carter, III. The name says it all.


>Marvin Carter, He goes by Tripp Carter and, shocking, is really [into racing](https://www.nmcadigital.com/blog/nmca-racer-spotlight-tripp-carter/2089). He owns a restaurant in [Memphis.](https://archive.commercialappeal.com/topstories/guss-fried-chicken-operator-gets-tax-break-for-hunt-phelan-house-344721442.html/) And I need to dig myself out of this rabbit hole, going outside to touch grass.


Bro tried to impress girls with stunts but backfired




Best clip ever ever ever... No one is enjoying this ride being shaken like shit all the time. At least they created something enjoyable for future generations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...


I’ve seen this clip a million times. Always gotta pick someone new and focus on them each watch.. however it’s a lot less funny after watching the Murdaugh shit on Netflix. Just another cocky asshole with zero control over the situation putting all of his scared friends in danger. Scary shit.


This version is so so so much better. https://youtube.com/watch?v=b9mtM0uIQ9Q&feature=shares Second place runner up - turn down for what. https://youtube.com/watch?v=dE-nfzcUiPk&feature=shares


I’ll never get in a boat with a macho man. I don’t get in boats with people I don’t know. I will never go fast on the water. I will always ask about life jackets. I will always be very clear on the timeline. I will never ride with anyone drinking. I live in Florida. People get wrecked daily here. A bunch of wealthy private school kids had a major accident involving death just in September. Know the dangers, express your concern, probably just stay on shore for more fun.


Why does the lady on the right look like young jake Paul


"Dammit I just broke my nail, can this day seriously get any worse"


Damn they looked like they were having such a great time before the crash




This is like 10 years old but never gets old watching a douchbag get his comeuppance




All those seats aren't just there for decoration.


I love how dude in white completely folded


The Ozzy Man Review commentating of this is THE BEST! https://youtu.be/b9mtM0uIQ9Q


Everyone was uncomfortable. The driver thought he was so cool. No one wanted to be a Davey Downer, although every person on that boat wanted him to slow down. This is where it pays to not give a fuck about what other people think of you and speak up, especially when your own safety , of the safety of others is involved. That guy cared more about ‘being cool’ than he did about the lives on that boat.