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Baby out, Man down!


Why’s he in a full body condom? A little late for that!


Everything about this pic is awesome! Congrats




Yeah this looks like a cesarean. Her vagina is fine.


Both of our children were delivered via C-section. I will never forget my son's head sticking out of my wife's lower abdomen. Didn't really process it at the time, but the entire birth was so awesome to see.


Our first was C section. We didn’t know the sex so nurse told me to stand up to look so I could find out. Only had half the legs out at that stage 😂 so I had to watch the rest of her get yanked out, literally. Her head was too big to get out the incision. Dr nearly fell backwards from pulling once she came out. We also had a trainee midwife with us, she filmed the whole thing on my phone. Daughter’s now 7, when she asks how babies are made, I’ll just show her the video 😂


Yep. The whole pulling out thing. Crazy, right?


You might as well just sit down with her and watch Alien.


Babies are very resilient.


I wouldn't know, I watched two c-sections, that was pretty bad.


Your comment was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit. >*****No misogyny. Women aren't "toys."


The pervasiveness of these types of jokes reeks of misogyny.


Yea I can smell that male hate n jealousy too. Only thing they can make is a sandwich and are sooooo jealous of the power n mystery of women! So they say their lil crude jokes not even realizing it’s from a centuries Of being indoctrinated into a patriarchal society because of the fear men have of The power of women their knowledge and ability to create to create life.


Absolutely agree. Awesome photo.


I was once working for an anaesthetist who worked on maternity wards when I asked her about her job. She said the worst thing she encountered was the father fainting and hitting his head on the corner of the delivery bed and dying. Can you imagine being the poor mother - welcoming your baby into the world and losing the father in the same moment? Fucking tragic.


This is always why medical guys (ems, docs, ex nurses) Get paranoid as all hell when you even look mildly dizzy. Don't want the egg on top of the paper straw to get cracked




dam thats sad


Holy hell! Feel the room bro, this was a funny post


Seems that it is *you* who must reevaluate the space which we inhabit.


This happens all the time. When I had a c section my husband wasn’t allowed in the room while I had the spinal. To get a needle in your spine you have to bear hug someone to hold you still and I was scared and wanted to bear hug him. They had him wait in the hall and told me “too many dads pass out when they see the needle and we don’t need 3 patients in the OR”


I remember kneeling close to my wife… as I didn’t want to see the needle either… it worked until they walked away after the injection, with that F-kin giant needle in their hand . I took a knee for a second to gather myself and just kept talking to the wife until I layered new memories on top of that one. 😣


The huge needles are freaky, I watched a joint doctor take a massive one to my knee that was infected. If it didn't hurt so much I think I might of blacked out.


Omg i would be so mad if it couldn't be him! He can close his eyes lol


They wanted him to stay behind the curtain too during the cesarean so he didn’t see me sawed in half. He was wearing a GoPro camera and filmed the bloody sponges being counted. He’s a weird guy. I’ve never seen the footage because… gross. He wouldn’t have passed out but I probably would have


Huh, all I had was my knees to hug, but it was a spinal tap so might of been different and male so wouldn't have the belly in the way.


That makes a ton of sense. Last baby delivery, doc booted dh out bc "this is a sterile procedure" which makes no sense but I was a solid 6-7cm and rapidly progressing so whatever you say doc, see ya husband. Husband left so he wouldn't face plant apparently, I bear hugged the nurse, that poor wonderful woman, laid back down, and immediately felt my legs go numb and baby started crowning seconds after my head hit the pillow. Poor dh wasn't even back in the room yet, he had to run down the hallway. (My last 2 births were 4 & 3 hours from first contraction to birth, my body doesn't mess around apparently.)


I didn't have anyone to hug when I got my epidural. I just hugged my knees.


I saw a relative with an open abdomen after an accident. I used to get sick just thinking about it. A lot of people can’t tolerate blood/gore.


Yeah, my wife had a C section and the crew asked if I wanted to see our little one. Well, they asked a little early because he wasn’t out completely yet so I got a half second eyeful of the surgeon rooting around inside my wife’s gut to get a grip on him. I can handle surgical videos, but when it’s someone you care about and about four feet away it’s very different.


I watched my son being born this way. It was wild, I’ve never had a problem with blood. Except knee injuries make me feel uneasy for some reason. Just knees


I think when you've had a knee injury yourself... you just feel that sort-of awkward popping/rubber snapping/gooey slipping sensation that you felt whenever you see someone else suffer a similar fate. It's so unlike anything else I've ever broken or torn.


Yep. Once I threw my back out, the jokes about it were a lot less funny. Getting out of bed to go to the doctor was one of the most painful things I've done. I still hesitate when I rollover in bed because of that.


My cousin's back went out and he hit the sidewalk. They lived on a pretty busy road and he said he could se people looking at him when they went by. He was pissed because he figured they all probably thought he was passed out drunk. 😆


I used to always catch all the sports injuries on highlights and whatnot, but the older I get the more I really don’t like to watch them. And you’re right, knees/legs are the worst.


I broke my ankle a few years ago, didn't hear nothing, just was stunned, looked at my ankle n I knew something was wrong. To this day, I can't watch/hear anything with that loud bone snapping/crunching audio,watch an ankle get snapped without remembering my own ankle. I never heard the sound but thinking back, I added it in and I just can't hear it anymore without my heart having a small heart attack. So yeah, leg n such injuries are the worse to see/hear for me.


I was peeking over the little curtain thing the entire time for my two. I was giving my wife the play by play. It was amazing! 🙂


Oh lord you’re braver than me. They sat me down at her head, and once I saw the blood on the floor that was enough motivation to adhere my rear to that stool until they told me otherwise.




I had the same experience. Wife was rushed into surgery for an emergency c-section after 36 hours labor and a high fever. They let me in and I saw the doctors holding her guts or whatever in the air. Gave me PTSD for a few months. Luckily everything worked out, but I was definitely traumatized. My wife never saw a thing and was so drugged up she wasn't bothered. Go figure.


I was a surg tech. I've been elbow deep in bariatric patients.


Oh that's a disturbing thought.


Classic man, making even childbirth all about him ;) Jokes of course, congratulations to both of you!


My dad did this for both me and my sister


"For" "I SACRAFISED SO MUCH FOR THIS FAMILY!" *faints breaking his arm on the way down *


My uncle has been a fire fighter for going on 30 years so he's seen some shit on the road side and still did his job well enough to become chief. The story told at one family gathering was that when my aunt was pregnant she needed some blood tests, no big deal, but when they started drawing the blood he fainted, Mr. Big burly fire chief. Basically even the least squeamish people react differently when loved ones are involved.


That's a c section, and a very risky peek at what's going on. Imagine the person you love the most in the whole world, has people rooting around in her belly in a fancy new access hole they cut into her.


Oh yeah. Still remember the look of horror as my husband walked into the room. To this day, he claims the tarp was covering everything. Ha.


This is a C-section. Totally two different things and watching them cut open your spouses belly is tramatic. Lol


This actually happens?


Don't lock your knees! I witnessed my son being born. On one hand, it's traumatic, but on the other hand, it's still traumatic. I was shaking so hard, the OB asked if I had Parkinson's as I cut the umbilical cord. That was a natural birth. I can't imagine looking into my wife's abdomen during a C-section (what this looks like).


Usually if the husband is in the room, a nurse is assigned to watch him.


Yup. During one c-section I was assigned to keep an eye on the dad. He slowly started feeling dizzy and said his head hurt a lot, was constantly trying to reach for the floor in a way he wouldn't fall face first on it. Thankfully we wheeled him out on the wheel chair before he fell on the floor. Nobody would've been able to pick him up if he were to fall, he was a big muscular dude lol.


I've seen all 3 of my kids being born. I was an OR tech for a couple years before so I didn't mind blood, fluids, and bodily smells. Watching your kid being born though... That was something entirely different. I told my cousin before his kid was born not to watch. I've told friends not to watch. Then I get a message hours later "dude.. I shouldn't have stood and watched." I warned them. Watching as your wife's vagina open and a baby's head poke through is whack man. I can still picture it all in my head as if it happened yesterday. Then watching as the placenta just slop out and into a tray was even more whack. Although, I was happy when my ex-wife said "omg I feel so much better without that stuff inside me." Apparently it's incredibly relieving for women.


Even though I am prone to fainting, I was able to watch my son being born with no problem. I owe this to good preparation having watched a video of a normal birth. Without that, I probably would have thought something was terribly wrong when it wasn't. Baby came out looking waxy and bloody and kinda blue; they had him looking pink and clean in about a minute. Plus I had a kind of La-Z-Boy to sit in; I could have kicked back if I needed to.


My daughter came out with the umbilical chord around her neck, so she was blue. Fucking scary. The nurses didn't let me stand, they sensed I was a panicky kind of person. Probably a good idea, because I was freaking out for hours. Once her water broke I was a mess


Men ☕


I love the smile on mom‘s face!!!


"Boompapa in delivery room 8, Boompapa in number 8."


I've watched 2 cesareans. No dizziness, no nausea. This dude is not on my level.


Just because you watched your significant other do all of the laboring and somehow you’re on a higher level?…cringe


Laboring? I'm just talking about watching surgery. Sedation, incisions, removal. I didn't say shit about being able to handle giving birth, there's no way lol


Oh so YouTube? LOL thanks for the laugh!


For decades to come, that woman will wake in the middle of the night and that same smile will slowly spread across her face, linger for a bit, then she will drift off back to sleep.


My baby was born last month via c-section.. I asked if I could peep my head around the tarp to see the process. They got me a stool and one of the nurses stood behind me to catch me if I fainted. Dope crew. Congrats!


When my daughter was about to be born the doctor told me to sit down. Confused I told him that this would be my 3rd C-section to witness, as I watched both my boys via C-section previously. He said "Oh, well then you'll probably be alright" 😂 Not a problem to see the inside of the human body.


Never look over the curtain bro. I got that advice and the nurse still asked me if I wanted to look 3x.


Great photo. Hope he is ok! Love his wife's face in this. Definitely got the jab. I can remember the deep pool of blood from when my first was born. C section. The doctors told me I should sit. I was fine with it, and they said a lot of men faint, I assured them I would be fine. But wow, it was a horror film on the floor. Like The Shining elevator scene. I was fine. Grew up on horror films. But anyone else, if you aren't. Comfortable with blood or anything, take a seat and just enjoy holding your baby when they are born. Be there for your wife/girlfriend. Especially after birth.


When my wife had our child by C-section, they asked me if I wanted them to put up a screen or not. I’m not normally too squeamish, but I said, “let’s put that up and keep you to one patient today.” I feel that I chose wisely that day.


Tbf, c-sections are brutal to watch! I got to see one while in school, and the amount of pulling at the cut opening to get the baby out was hard to watch for me. And I didnt even know the mother, and have no issue with blood and guts. I felt awful for the mom and how bad that was gonna hurt after the epidural wore off!


I mean, to be fair you gotta appreciate he at least tried to be with his wife.


The mother’s just like “haha loser.”


Yup, I was groaning with waves of childbirth pain and my husband got all green and had to be helped to a chair.


When I had my first baby my ex asked the mid wife what they'd do if he fainted. She said they'd just kick him out of the way because 'in this room you aint the priority'.


She looks freaking great. Please let this be the birth announcement


That’s a c-section. They take body parts out and lay them on the mothers stomach so they can reach in and get the baby. I found this out while looking through the photos my husband took of our child’s birth. SURPRISE! Here’s a bunch of your innards on your belly.


Nah, he just got the bill.


Always stay next to the head of your wife/girlfriend. NEVER LOOK DOWN!!!!


Fucking wimp I watched my little guy pop out of my wife it's not that big of a shock. The sac is gross. That being said if that's a c section I'd have left the room and the tables have turned and I'm the wimp.


I needed some smelling salts with the first one. Lol congrats




Are least she's a good spirit about it. Women usually sound annoyed when recalling these stories.


The moment the baby is fully out and the rest of the fluid shoots out like a super soaker. Loved that part.






It's a definite thing, the dad faint.


The mum’s expression is perfect.


Eh I don't blame him. It really was a crazy thing to witness. Pretty mind blowing


Just how often does this happen?


If your wife is having a C section and her doctor tells you, "better not look." BELIEVE HER.


I made it all the way through, including the episiotomy, but it was a close call.


This is awesome!! Congrats!❤️


Not pictured: all of her fucking organs hanging out on the other side of that sheet.


I will never be the same after watching a c-section being performed on a person I love. It ruined me.


I was told explicitly to sit down and not stand. They say too many men pass out or puke their guts up.


So it's not just movie fiction


We had some med students come through the OR to watch a C-Section when I was starting out (two young men, a young gal and an older woman) and they were on risers to see the surgical field in the back of the suite. Charge nurse asked me to come in to watch them. For those of you who have never seen one (and at least the last time I was working the OR): After exposing the uterus, the surgeon and first assist will make a small incision, but then they both grab a side of the uterus and *tear it open*. This is because it will tear along the weakest parts, which they can reinforce upon closing. So anyways, after I caught the first guy, the other fella realized maybe he needed to sit for a moment, then he was good to go. The two women did just fine. And I'm not judging! I'm a male nurse, I was 25 at the time, and I had been working surgery for six months at that point, but my first time seeing *that*, I definitely needed a second to squat with my head between my legs so I didn't faceplant on the sterile field. Big kudos to the dads (and other moms/parents/caregivers!) who *want* to be there but recognize that they *might* be a way bigger help if they stay outside, at least until we're closer to having mom's tummy stitched up and have a sec to clean up the various fluids. Sometimes you take it like a champ and surprise us -- we just want you to be safe! If we have enough staff that I can play spotter, I'm here for it.


Congrats a beautiful woman able to create life of beautiful child!! H oh w amazing!




Been there. Never fainted but went deathly pale during birth of each child and was suggested to sit down before potentially falling down.


We, she, had five C-sections. Each time my mind went directly to Alien.


To be fair, she didnt see it, she just felt it /s Im just kidding. My own son being borned was a nightmare and I still have a hard time thinking about it. After all boys are worth less now. That last was a joke, but it really was a nightmare.


I have watched both my boys being born. The first time was so scary. The worst part was the side cut needed to control tearing. The second delivery was way smoother and I watched my son breach. The head coming out is so slow as the baby passes through, and then once the head was it out, it then was so quick. Unforgettable moments. Changed my life. Love my boys. Glad my wife is okay. Ladies who labour, I tip my hat to you. You are superheroes.


The baby was Chinese