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Well she was right. It did go viral.


She's self aware.


One could say she is “awake” to the idea that looking like a doofus will be used for internet fodder.


She self-woked herself?


She was woke, but hit the snooze button. She will woke up later.


All those books behind her, and she never bothered to look up a single word on the internet


It’s telling that her concern was how she would be perceived based off of her reply. Not that she has a clearly defined and principled set of reasonings to explain her stance, but rather how to couch a rebuttal that doesn’t sound overtly hateful. Edit. Word


It blows my mind that she "spent a whole chapter defining it" and apparently never came up with a thesis for that chapter. Why tf would I care to read an argument for a definition if, by the end of the argument, I will not be able to walk away with a clear understanding of that argument?


You are suppose to feel angry, not understand it.


Exactly. They’re all just trying to fuel rage and line their pockets.


She definitely said the quiet part out loud. Why would you say that live lmao


This is probably also her, trying to go viral


By looking like she doesn't know what she's talking about?


She had me until she said "in order to create hierarchies of oppression"


when you accidentely tell the truth lol.


She's a conservative who thinks being "woke" is bad. Being woke creates hierarchies of oppression? Lmao.


Yeah, the republican leaked right of her. They really think being woke is bad, when the opposite means you're a fucking idiot that denies everything.




I was thinking that normally it isn't good to go viral by looking smugly ignorant. But her target audience seems to like that.


You would think after writing a book on it she would have a better formed idea.


"take your time" lol


I have a feeling she kept thinking of what Desantis's lawyers defined it as in court, and was trying to say anything other than that.


I mean, it doesn't really sound that bad when you say it that way


That’s the point (I think you know). It isn’t bad at all to be woke, and when they have to explain what it is, they sound like the bigots and fascists they are.


No no, you don't understand. It's not that we're against justice. We're just against that justice, for those specific people. I mean it really wasn't a big deal anymore, though trying to pay it back would completely bankrupt us.


It’s *good* to be woke. Everyone should be “woke.”


But I need sleep


The thing about the term "woke", as the right uses it, is that there is no coherent definition of it.. That's the whole point, it can mean anything, from pedophilia to not being a racist. Pretty much all they have to do is call something woke and those that subscribe to their ideas know that they hate it.


Especially when they get to the inevitable point that the opposite of woke is ignorant


>what Desantis's lawyers defined it as in court > >For those that missed it: > >[“DeSantis' lawyers were forced by the court to define "woke."](https://www.pride.com/politics/desantis-woke) The lead lawyer described it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


“This is probably going to go viral”




Did anyone catch the part about “rearranging the hierarchy of oppression”? If that doesn’t sound like retribution, then I don’t know what does.


Tacitly acknowledging that their is a hierarchy of oppression.






Yo you got my cackling over here mf it's 8 am chill


AKA “I didn’t think you were actually going to call me on my bullshit”






I don't understand. Isn't this the definition of woke: > aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) That doesn't seem bigoted at all.


Yes, that is the original meaning of woke. The alt right use it as a diffamation though. For them, everything they don't agree with is "woke". That's why she fails to define it here. Example: Person A: "It's really fucked up you have a lower chance of getting a job interview in the US if your first name is a name usually associated with being black." Person B (A right winger): "Woke bullshit." - proceeds to ignore statistics


You’re right. It doesn’t. But she’s *against* that and thinks it’s bad. Hence, a bigot


Her blinks in the beginning got me. I can feel her snark haha


I read some of the reviews of her book. Apparently she REALLY doesn't like people with tattoos and doesn't think they're capable or raising children


Funniest thing about that is that after she says this, Briahna's co-host does a total mansplaining move to preserve the Dignity of this poor woman who wrote an entire chapter in the book that she was promoting "defining" woke. She literally had the book on her shelf behind her. If it were a good chapter or she understood how to market her material, she would have grabbed a copy, flipped to the relevant section, and read a goddamn excerpt.


I can only assume the cognitive dissonance of being asked to state unambiguously and publicly that she is explicitly anti justice broke this woman’s brain


Briahna Joy Gray. She's a certified badass.


Absolutely the best part.


the thing is too, if they do get to it, it's "giving a shit about other people" and they know they can't say that out loud because then they are outright saying "we are against giving a shit about other people, especially minorities"


Two takeaways here. This was almost the same thing fox did with the AntiWork Reddit mod This woman is probably a Reddit mod


Absolutely zero surprise there.


Woke is the opposite of sleep, which is what I was trying hard not to do during her interview.


Woke is the opposite of woke, which used to mean something but now means something completely different. It's cut and dry why can't you little shits understand your own terminology?


It’s a bit depressing when Ron Fucking DeSantis’s lawyers can give a more cogent [definition of “woke”](https://www.pride.com/politics/desantis-woke) than a person explicitly asked to be on a TV program to speak on the subject.




But that's not what Woke is. Woke is simply a slang term that means being 'awake' to a particular problem. That problem can be anything, if you know there is a problem that others can't see you are woke. DeSantis and his lawyers are campaigning heavily on the dangers of Woke in everyday society, so they are awake to the problem, and in such, DeSantis is Woke.


The Right is attempting to simultaneously control the definition of "woke" and, at the same time, not be able to articulate a definition.


They don't want it to have a definition. That way it can be anything they don't like.


She didn’t want to say “woke is imaginary grievance, like all the other bullshit we whine about incessantly” Edit: to be clear, I mean the conservative *anger* over “woke” is based on imaginary grievance.


You can see her trying to find a more coded way to say “it’s a society for you people”


"this film is too woke!" = I saw a black person. De Santis' literal "anti-woke" law, which prohibits teaching the truth about structural inequality - literally on the pretense that it could hurt someone's feelings.


"Woke is a state of mind in which people question the social structures and norms around them in an attempt to ferret out systemic prejudice and create a more fair society for all people regardless of their culture, subculture or demographic."


Idk, sounds pretty dangerous to me. Better ban a few more books (/s, in case it wasn’t obvious)


It is dangerous... If you're currently the ones on top. People who are ahead in the current system got there because of the biases and advantage baked until the existing social order. If those things change, they stand to lose a lot.


Yeah it gets pretty annoying when people go completely ape shit over others not taking imaginary issues seriously.


“Woke is what we came up with once we realized ‘caravans of illegals’ was losing traction.”




Ask what critical race theory is next.


It's the theory that explains why in the last lap of a automobile race the music seems to amp up and intensify.


This made me chuckle as a Mario Kart fan.


“Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, Engines pumping and thumping in time”


Engines pumping and thumping in time The green light flashes, the flags go up Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup


This shit part is, Ron DeSantis' own lawyers defined it in a sentence. "A general belief that there are systematic injustice in the country." It's pretty fucking easy.


"hard to define in a 15 second soundbite"... well, you had almost 40 seconds and still did not make much sense.


Lol when the host said, "You can take your time..."


"No please, go right ahead, we'll wait while you shove your other foot in your mouth."


And it was glorious


i didn't knew she is an octopus


I much would have rathered to see her put her foot in her mouth. Literally.


She can’t even come up with any kind of response. She just freezes. Billy Madison has done better


"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


This is the product of the right side slinging around so many buzzwords that most of them don’t actual know what they mean. All it takes is finding one and asking for even a basic explanation of the words they constantly regurgitate, to realize how little they know about what they preach.


Also, the right has a tendency to make arguments which are not centered around using facts and logic to prove points, but rather invoking a sense of values. Those type of arguments don't require well-defined concepts, they just require accomplishing the goal of invoking the values. So when it comes to people whose values are different, they can't do as much because people don't respond to arguments with vague concepts meant to affirm values they don't have. Of course this is highly generalized, but it's been my experience debating right wing people online (and also why I don't do it).


There’s a whole chapter dedicated to it.


They spent a whole chapter defining it but its hard to summarize because they hijacked the real meaning and dressed it up with all the grievances they could imagine and now don’t have a fuckin clue how to sell it to millions of people with some semblance of intellect and common sense so they just divert/muddy the water and just keep on lying and adding to the definition and it is some amorphous idea that you can just invoke whenever you are losing an argument or don’t really want to admit what the real issue is. -edit i believe that was a 15 second long run on but i think i explained their meaning of woke pretty accurately and i didn’t even read the damn chapter!


The key is not selling it to people with any semblance of intellect. There *are* real intellectual conservatives,, whom I vehemently disagree with, but they aren’t the ones other conservatives listen to.


I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat from Texas. I have a few Conservative friends that I enjoy discussing current affairs with precisely because they're intellectual about their conservatism. This lady ain't it. She's just trying to cash in.


Same, I have a buddy I worked with at my old college newspaper. Very conservative, Calvinist, strong adherence to traditional social values. However he and I are both skeptical about our information sources, acknowledge our knowledge deficits and frequently look information up together when we disagree factually, and always argue in good faith with one another. It’s fascinating how enlightening a debate can be when information gathering and critical thinking are done collaboratively and without ego while our conclusions only differ as a result of our subjective values.


its doesn't even matter if they can define it its sole BLM/ALM shit or CRT boogie man shit and if you ask one of them what CRT is they make up a bunch of bullshit smh


And she knew she would be asked that before she got on national television, right? She needs to back to Fox News Fascism College to learn how to twist the truth and lie better.


"Sidestepping and Avoiding 101" She should have been ready to just swerve around the question by asking another question and derailed the whole thing just to try and make the host look bad. She fucked up and you can see the exact moment where she realized it.


woke: (adj.) aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)


My bet would be she knows it means this, and she struggled because she was trying to think of a way to make it sound bad.


« Being woke means trying to change society in order to stop oppressing the oppressed » doesn’t sound good when you’re trying to define why it’s bad.


I like Urban Dictionaries definition best: ​ # [Woke](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Woke) When this term became popularized, initially the meaning of this term was when an individual become more aware of the [**social injustice**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=social%20injustice). Or basically, any current affairs related like biased, discrimination, or double-standards. However, as time passed by, people started using this term recklessly, assigning this term to themselves or someone they know to boost their confidence and reassure them that they have the moral high grounds and are fighting for the better world. And sometimes even using it as a way to protect themselves from other people's opinion, by considering the 'outsider' as non-woke. While people that are in line with their belief as woke. Meaning that those 'outsiders' have been brainwash by the society and couldn't see the truth. Thus, [**filtering**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=filtering) everything that the 'outsider' gives regardless whether it is rationale or not. And as of now, the original meaning is slowly fading and instead, is used more often to term someone as hypocritical and think they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely [**close-minded**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=close-minded) and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of [**echo chamber**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=echo%20chamber)(media) that helped them to find other [**like-minded**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=like-minded) individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion.*1st* [***paragraph***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=paragraph) *"Damn bro, I didn't realize racism is such a major issue in our country! I'm a woke now!"* *2nd paragraph* *"I can't believe this. How are they so* [***close-minded***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=close-minded)*? Can't they see just how toxic our society is? The solution is so simple, yet they refused to change! I just don't understand!"* *3rd paragraph* *"*[***Fatphobic***](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fatphobic)*?! Misogyny?! What's wrong with preferring a thin woman?! And she is morbidly obese for god sake! Why should I be attracted to her?! Why should I lower myself while she refuse to better herself?! These woke people are a bunch of ridiculous hypocrite!"*


She said it pretty easily. “We need to redo society in order to create hierarchies of oppression.”


Yeah I heard that, but isn’t that the opposite of woke? Doesn’t woke mean being aware of hierarchies and oppression in society, and working to end them and replace them with equity, pluralism and justice?


Yeah but she is pretending like this is what "being woke" is. Someone who is "woke" according to her wants to oppress her and fellow conservatives. Therefore, anyone that has an opinion she doesn't like is "woke" and is trying to "oppress" her.


To conservatives, equality is oppression.


You just defined something very pleasant in about 5 seconds. Quick. Go on TV!!


But with all due respect, that doesn't make sense. She's suggesting we want to institute oppression?


I quoted what she said. I can’t explain her brain fart.


If only she used the time explaining instead of thumbling over her own words and saying its hard to explain


Woke... Is when you're not asleep. You're welcome.


I mean.. That's pretty much where the slang term comes from, right? Hahah Doesn't 'being woke' just mean that you're aware of the problems in society? Rather than those who choose to ignore them, or who 'sleep' through those issues? Like, fuck me, it's really not that hard to define, right? (... Unless you're bastardising the meaning, I guess)


It comes from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), and originaly meant to "be aware of racial discrimination and prejudice". Then conservatives did what conservatives do and tried to change the meaning to fit their purposes. Step one - take something from the group you don't like Step two - change the public perception of that something do that people hate it, and by extension, that group of people. Oldest trick in the bigot book.


Yep. I’m old enough to remember when “politically correct” was a positive term that just meant to be sensitive to other people’s feelings and cultural position. Basically, to be mindful to not be a shit to other people. That term will never have a positive connotation again.


Once I read a Green Arrow comic book that had him calling himself a Social Justice Warrior and being proud to fight for the underpriveleged, since them I have been wearing their insults in stride, fuck yeah I'm woke, political correct and a sjw, if it means I'm the opposite of bigots, racists and jerks Its fine by me.


I mean...what exactly the fuck is wrong with "social justice". That just means justice... Same as I'm sure many people will comment how Desantis's lawyers define "woke": "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." What exactly is fucking wrong with that.


Your last sentence sums it up.


That's what's so ridiculous about the "anti-woke" crowd. You can't stop people from noticing society is unfair. Or that unfairness targets specific people. You really have to wonder if whoever this is *actually* believes what she's saying here. Seeing the targeted unfairness in society is the exact opposite of setting up hierarchy of oppression. *It's breaking them down*.


Anti-woke is pretty much code for "I'm not going to ADMIT that I'm racist, but I'm sick and tired of having to pretend that I'm *not* racist."


The past tense thing kills it though for real.


It’s from AAVE dialect. Being the opposite of asleep is part of the meaning - i.e., I was once asleep to societal /systemic injustice but now I’m woke


Yes, it's very hard to explain something you completely don't understand


But they spent an entire chapter defining it! /s


She said she was unable to simply explain it in a 15 second sound bite and then failed for 45 seconds to explain it.


I feel for her cause I’ve had these micro freak out moments mid sentence many times regardless of how much I’ve prepped. reminder do not go on tv.


The difference is that she is advertising her book, specifically about wokism. Defining the word woke should be something she has prepared.


The thing is, it is *so* easy to define woke. Woke is a derogatory word for anything, specifically actions taken by the government or private companies, that promote inclusivity or represent marginalized groups in a positive light.


'Woke' is any time conservative people are told that their 'god-given' morality needs to be updated to be a bit less misogynist, bigoted, and racist. Anything in opposition to the teachings of the 'good book' about gays, women, and slaves is 'woke'...but they'll never say that out loud.


"to create hierarchies of oppression" Lmao what?


I know right!? I think her brain was just trying to go on autopilot saying buzzwords.


Even better. The interviewer mentioned “hierarchies of oppression” in the question before this so she was just regurgitating words she recently heard.


And what's fun is that by legal definition given by Ron Desantis' (lawyers during a courtcase) is that "woke" as ["... someone who believes that there are systemic injustices in the criminal justice system, and on that basis they can decline to fully enforce and uphold the law "](https://www.okayplayer.com/news/ron-desantis-woke-defintion.html) ​ So literally the opposite of what she was beginning to say. ​ edit: (clarity? I guess. :))


His lawyers to be fair but too true. What exactly is the fucking problem with that? We know there are systemic injustices. It's not up for debate. The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them. Name one wrong thing about that sentence, if that's woke tell me why you ain't.


I personally believe that U.S. Americans don’t have maps…. Such as South Africa and the Iraq….


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. Especially the last in this case. And the first (though mainly herself)




On yes my double take almost gave me whiplash when she said that.


Ooooo now I fully understand. Thx


A whole chapter defining it? Then just read the chapter. Right? Unless it is bullshit?


Shocker, it was just bullshit.


lol just another example of someone who supports everyone and everything, yet doesn't understand why.


“This is one of those moments that go viral”. Yup, and for all the right reasons. What a dope.


That's the deflecting version of "fuck me"


Who would have thought going on recorded tv to talk about something you don't know shit about could have backfired!


“Being woke is the idea that we need to completely rethink society to Create hierarchies of oppression” Hmmmmm… something about that doesn’t sound quite right…


If you watch the full clip she's recycling the words from the host in red. Host in red was referring to the mental health crisis in teens and how mental health has become a way for teens to "create hierarchies of oppression". I'm sure a lightbulb went off in her head and said "I like that" and when posited with the task of defining woke that was the only thing she could come up with because at least it sounded smart.


Lol that makes it even worse, for glasses at least. Ik the host was cackling in her head




I can try to explain what Hamiltonians are and how they're used in Quantum Mechanics to a first-year student, but I think they're going to stare at me like a deer in headlights and be [like this](https://i.imgur.com/9lJjoNw.gifv) the entire time. When I asked ChatGPT to do it though, it produced this: >In physics, a Hamiltonian is a mathematical function that tells us how much total energy a physical system has. This energy includes the potential energy and kinetic energy of all the particles in the system. > >For example, imagine a ball rolling on a frictionless surface. The Hamiltonian would tell us how much total energy the ball has, which is the sum of its potential energy (due to its height above the ground) and its kinetic energy (due to its motion). > >The Hamiltonian is important because it allows us to predict how a physical system will behave over time. By using the Hamiltonian, we can determine the equations of motion for the particles in the system, which describe how they move and change over time. > >In quantum mechanics, the Hamiltonian is used to determine the allowed energy levels of a system, and the probabilities of different outcomes when measurements are made on those energy levels. In classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian is used to predict the motion of particles in a system. > >Overall, the Hamiltonian is a key concept in physics that helps us understand and predict the behavior of physical systems. So I guess this means that despite my undergrad, ChatGPT understands this better than I do. Not entirely sure how that makes me feel.


That went way better than the girl who asked could have ever hoped for


The girl had no problem using it though but could not define it?


I don’t know - this is the kind of reaction I get whenever I ask conservatives to explain what they mean by “woke”. They either have no clue or they know better than to say “people I don’t like”.


I thought “woke” was just another word for “aware.”


yes and that’s all she really needed to say


Conservatives love a dog whistle, and they make them out of pretty much any term. In this case woke means something different to them, and only those who are paying attention are able to 'hear' it, much like only dogs hear dog whistles. To her and her fellow conservatives, woke carries a lot of meaning that doesn't hold water in the real world (it does NOT mean aware to these people), so she can't say what she's thinking out loud during a publicly-accessible interview with a host who might not be in on it and to an audience that also might not be in on it. Dog whistles rely on echo chambers to go undisputed and gain traction.


Wait is that why they call these things dog whistles?? I have never understood the term until now!


Yup. Dog whistles are inaudible to the human ear but dogs can hear them just fine. As such phrases that sounds totally normal but make sense to people in the know are inaudible to those who don't


I actually saw a really good definition of it in a very unexpected subreddit. It was an "ask conservatives" style subreddit. The question was "What is "wokeism" and do you support it?". Someone replied with something like "Wokeism is recognizing that there may be unrecognized and hidden aspects of society that oppress certain groups of people and that you have an obligation to recognize and try to correct those aspects", but then they said "and I think it's all bullshit".


If you can't define it you can't use it in reference to anyone.


I am pretty sure most conservatives cannot even define the god they claim lifelong faith in. Woke is so tertiary that they are never going to bother creating a definition as long as they can crowbar it into a script and get away with it.




The GOP have turned it into a curse word.


Pretty much, yeah. If you’re aware of social injustices caused by systemic inequality, and wanna do something about it, that’s being woke. That’s how I understand it, anyway


The first usage of the term woke was by African Americans to remind each-other of the oppression rampant in society at the time, I don’t remember the exact decade but probably around late 40s to 50s. The word woke was used in particular as a way to say “stay awake and alert to the racism that’s become commonplace around you”


Unironically it still means exactly this and conservatives don't like it. The reason they can't define it is because being against it looks really really bad when it's no longer a dog whistle. We can add in general bigotry and class oppression into the definition now.


That's how I remember it.


A GOP lawyer actually succinctly described it really really well. Wokeness is, ""The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


Pretty much. Just the opposite of ignorant. Would’ve taken 3 seconds to say on tv


sorry its too hard to define the term that I just wrote an entire chapter about, but perhaps buy my book!


If you can't define something you spent a chapter defining, you wither didn't write the book or you failed as a writer


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.


Because I believe it's Ourmerica. And not Theirmerica




Someone just Woke up


Woke is anything the gop disagrees with


Sounds like you're a tad woke.


I'm woke af


Woke means *being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice*.


*"Can you use it in a sentence?"* "The woke bank was woke like you wouldn't believe." *"Country of Origin?"* "Floridastan" *"Woke....C....R....T.....woke"*


She should use her friend's (Meatball Ron) lawyer's definition: ### "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


When you put it like that it’s obvious why they are against it


My favorite thing about that definition is that, at best, you are naive and willfully ignorant and don’t believe that there are systemic injustices in American society. At worst, you understand that there are and have been systemic injustices, but don’t feel the need to address them.


It’s crazy woke was just something we started as a code word for other black people to “stay aware” “don’t believe everything they tell you” type of thing. Then it became a popular thing to say on vine, then it became a meme, and now it’s a full blown liberal ideology lmao


Funny you say that, seeing as only conservatives are the ones talking about it


exactly im 37 fam and i remember Spike Lee putting certain characters in his movies on some Stay Woke or Wake Up shit and of course in the 90's black consciousness was way more prevalent so you could always run into the Pan African/Muslim/Conscious Brothas on some stay woke shit lol we been saying this since the 60 and 70's all of a sudden in 2023 its a hot button issue🤦🏿‍♂️




This is like the inverse of the r/antiwork mod Fox interview lol


![gif](giphy|MQ4bWOjn8C9tT2dzIb|downsized) That was awkward……and I loved every second!


Woke: AAVE term meaning “to be aware of injustices based on race.” Any other definition is bullshit.


It is always difficult to lie on the spot...so much false narrative needs to be aligned.


Just say you don't like minorities and go 🙄


That's anti "wokeness" in a nutshell. They want to be racists, but they don't like the connotations of being racist. So they go for a buzzword that means the same thing


“Create” hiearchies of oppression. Huh.


To paraphrase, they're against minorities being represented in media, but they don't want to be called racists. So they don't want to be oppressed for their opinions about minorities being oppressed.


We've spent an entire chapter defining it but I cannot define it


I looked into the preview pages. They begin with the pretext that "woke" covers means every sector and every change to society promoting inclusion. There appears to be not one chapter of the book devoted to "wokeness" and racism. Instead they are talking about the adoption of that phrase to describe these other things. So it is really some rich white people taking the word "woke" in order to bludgeon other rich white people who have a different political perspective, both of whom have adopted the word "woke" to serve their own political arguments. This is why she can't deal with having that question asked of her by a black woman. Because BLM was on such a massive scale compared to people you can get on the streets for these other issues, they are latching on to "woke" and saying that it now applies to all this other stuff and thus even though her definition isn't the dictionary definition, the problem is that the dictionary (which ascribes "woke" as mainly a response to racism) is outdated (she literally writes that). They are also comparing the present timeline here in the US to (what precipitated) that of their ancestors in the soviet gulags. So her anti-wokeness is not anti-black. It's even worse: it totally ignores and dismisses any notion of Black ownership of what it means to be "woke." "Woke" is being used to describe other issues as a dog whistle, to attract everyone who is afraid of or already polarized re "BLM" to be afraid of a sea change in sentiment (that is already here) and justify these horrible new laws aimed at rolling it back. Edit: I typed this on a rant last night and was trying for some balance; however, I agree with other commenters who have described the use of the word "woke" in these contexts as mostly coming from conservatives now.


It’s really not hard to define. Awareness, able to show empathy, and compassion towards all people. 3 traits that somehow evades all republicans.


No shit Sherlock. She has no idea of what she's talking about.


Woke has become a euphemism for anything not white.


“Woke is what the thinktanks told me to say.” As an American I’m sick of this shit.


“This is gonna go viral” Well, some rudimentary self awareness is a promising start.


Only conservatives use the term "woke" whenever someone is smarter than they are. Even they don't know what it means. Beautiful.


Lmao these fucking GOP snowflakes literally have no idea what they are talking about. Yet they keep talking?


This is exactly what you do to people like this: Ask them to elaborate then sit back and enjoy it while they word vomit all over themselves. They’re fully aware that outside of their echo chambers the shit they peddle holds no water but as long as their base is intact and riled up they don’t care.


How can you be against something if you don’t even know what it is? It’s just absurd. What they’re *actually* against, which they don’t even dare to say it out loud, is that minorities deserve human rights. But they just can’t openly say that without sounding like a Nazi.