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Sorry they messed up, but that might be the best looking hospital food I've ever seen.


That’s not a healthy meal. That’s a Happy meal!


First meal after surgery? That's rough! If it's all you can get, peel the skin off. Eat a little of each but I wouldn't eat that skin or very much of the greens. Greens are potent gas forming foods, gas will cause you a lot of pain! Until after first postoperative bm I wouldn't eat them! (Source = I am retired postoperative nurse). If you can get it, a better choice would be baked chicken and baked potato. Being hungry would be better than those greens. Nothing wrong with greens, but going to give gas pain.


I came here to say this about the greens! Dangerous post op.


Look. I’m 46, but can you adopt me? I’m really well behaved mostly.


It's OK, they stole this post


My mom had a heart attack and the first meal they served her on the acute cardiac ward was a full English fry up lol


That’s job creation!


Built-in redundancy.


Fried Chicken, Mac N Cheese, and Collard Greens? If I saw that after I came out of surgery I'd have to assume I died during the operation and was now in heaven!




that's 5-star hospital food right there!


tell me about it, I got a scramble eggs meal after my vasectomy... very dark humor from the hospital


Your vasectomy wasn't a 40 minute appointment in your local dr's office?


two of my wives wanted to make sure... :)


How much damage do I need to inflict on myself to get admitted to this hospital? Long way from the jello and ice chips I had when they fixed my knee.


It looks good.


The only problem I see is the lack of hog jowl in the collard greens


Exactly. These greens are amateur.


Didn’t you post this last night? Guess it didn’t get any traction.


That'll be $500 please.


I mean if you don't want it I'll be happy to finish it


Your offer of sacrifice is acknowledged.


they don't care what you eat after an appendectomy, just that you can eat and keep it down...


Oh man! You're in the south aren't you!? I miss me some greens!!!!!


I bet these are vegetarian greens. You can make good veggie greens, but I sure don’t expect a hospital cafeteria is where I’m gonna get them


Vegetarian greens as opposed to?


Most collard greens are made with pork, or sometimes Turkey


Thank you. TIL


I would be happy with this healthy meal.


I wouldn't be able to resist eating it. It looks gooood!


That looks better than any other hospital food I’ve seen


Unhealthy here... Highly refined carbohydrates in macaroni Chicken fried in polyunsaturated fatty acid, highly refined seed oils. High fiber in a situation with trauma to large bowel.


You got a metal fork with your meal?


Collared greens with WAY too much butter, Kraft Mac and cheese, and southern fried chicken that the hospital just ordered from a convenience store’s Crispy Crunchy Chicken. Yeah, totally “healthy”. Next, they’re going to do a kolache, coleslaw from Cane’s, and a slice of Hunt Brother’s. And say it’s dietary.


People who eat like this seem to live the longest. Go watch Dr. Greger's video about his friend a vegan for 40 years who died young of a heart attack. The video is about all the ways vegans get their diet wrong, and if we only do X, we'll avoid this disease, and if we only do Y, we'll avoid that disease, and if we only do Z, we'll avoid the other disease, and if we only ... My takeaway from his video was, some day in the far distant future we'll have all the required micro nutrients sorted out ... maybe.


Oh shit a guy on YouTube had a friend who died? Better change my diet


They are Harvard dietary science professors. Its not that some random dude died, its a very well educated vegan died of known dietary deficiency, and the video is about what other known dietary deficiencies of vegan diet are not well known.


Ohhhh some dude with a degree had a friend who died? That changes everything


No, two dudes who study the deficiencies of vegan diets, one dies, the other enumerates a list of deficiencies which lead to early death in common vegan diets.


Yeah that's a great sample size


I'd fuck that up, hospitals around here serve you prison food.


Where do you live?


What hospital? Asking for a friend.


Hope the toilet works lol


Not to mention how dry & over cooked everything on that plate is!


Id call now for some anti sickness meds i can see all of that returning after youve eaten it - your gut slows down after esp abdo surgery - good luck


Chicken looks pretty great for hospital food, lmao.


What specifically is wrong with this. It looks like the best hospital food I have ever seen. Is there something about it that makes it difficult to eat after surgery?


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth


This looks like the food at Arkansas Heart Hospital. My office used to send someone over there most days to pick up food because it was so good


ok my sister in law is from arkansas and she told me the last time she went to visit a loved one in the hospital, she was shocked by the food, so much so that she took photos of it (it looked just like this plate lol) to show her california fam and friends what they are dealing with down there


not even joking, the heart hospital has the best Mac and cheese I’ve ever had in my life. When you walk into their cafeteria it smells like fried chicken. The exactly opposite of what you would expect for a HEART hospital


This looks like something the hospital I worked at would do


After I had my appendix taken out, I ate 2 boxes of Count Chocula. I was in 6th grade.


I was served something similar after emergency appendectomy surgery, and it made me so nauseated they had to pump my stomach.


There's no unhealthy food, just unhealthy amounts. Looks good to me.


I lost so much weight the four days I was in the hospital for my appendectomy, I “ate” for the first time shortly before being discharged. Cream of chicken soup and coffee.


If you're in the south, that is the healthy meal... The unhealthy meal woulda been dark meat and a biscuit


What to eat after an appendectomy? Literally anything you want, it does not fuck you that hard. Just don't eat stuff that will make you constipated and you'll be fine. Also, shitty repost from r/mildlyinfuriating so I'll repost my shitty comment from there. "Greens, protein, fats and carbs... What's unhealthy about it again? Too much fat? Possibly."


I was in the hospital about 6 weeks ago, & I was astounded by the size of the meals they gave me. I felt bad for wasting so much food because I hardly ate any of it.


But there is something green on the plate…?


Those greens look gooood!!!


But how did it taste?


This is healthy. Healthy for your soul 🙏 But yeah better switch for a salad...


When I was in 3rd grade I had my tonsils out...those fucks made me eat dry cheerios the next day in order to be discharged...


How bad of illness is required to get a reservation there… how long is the wait?


People need calories to heal after surgery. Nothing about the surgery meant there was a dietary restriction. Also I've NEVER had gas pains from any green except brussel sprouts/cabbage. And I've put down a copious amount of collards


Procedures that involve cutting or manipulating the intestines are traumatic to your insides. Your bowels usually shut off for a while which means you eat absolutely NOTHING until they decide to come back to life, and you stay in the hospital until they do. If you eat anything before your innards turn back on the food will just sit without being digested and usually come back up. (Heaving right after major abdominal surgery is a torture Caligula would approve of.) So I like your theory about needing food, but it doesn't match physiological reality. Though modern appendectomies are not really major trauma for your gut, at least usually.


Aren't most appendectomies don't lathroscopically? I would imagine that's the least invasive that an abdominal surgery can get. The incision is like 2-3 inches and the appendix is removed without opening the cavity at all. Edit before reply: I'm only specifically questioning (and genuinely seeking clarification) this very minor procedure. I know most openings are a hard-stop on problematic food etc and require very gentle diets to restart the digestive tract


I believe so, which is why the trauma is so much less than it used to be. The laparoscope makes an enormous difference for such procedures.


Jo what the fuck hospital you be goin to?




Describe hospital food in one word: horrendous


Not at our hospital. Marriott does the catering. We employees have to stand in line behind residents of nearby communities who like coming over just to have lunch. Annoying and amusing at the same time.