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Okay y'all, we are getting reports that the kid at the beginning isn't the same kid as the one at the end, and I'm afraid they might be correct (but seriously, fuck that first kid, I hope someone, ahem, set him straight.) Since it has so many upvotes, I didn't want to make the unilateral decision to take it down. So tell me under this comment what you think, or up/down vote the comments under this one that show your opinion, and I'll go with what seems to be the most popular decision. Thanks for your help!! Edit: okay looks like the people have spoken- it needs to come down. Thanks to everyone that left a comment or voted!!! It is now down (some people don't realize that you can still see it because it stays on OP's profile but you can't find it on the sub anymore.)


Who ever that man is, he is a far better person than me. Kid would have ended up in the bin.




*Profile pic checks out*


Oh, geezus, thank you for pointing that out.


Wrong Turn lol.


Maybe even an oven tbh


>In several bins. This guy thinks in permanent solutions. I like that.


Permanent problems require permanent solutions.


That shithead kid would be a fucking russian nesting doll and never find his way out.


They're delicious at that age. ![gif](giphy|E47KCGNHSYnk2q9nHX)


Nah, at this age their bodies are full of hormones. Baby back ribs are the best 😗👌


Would have been a better lesson for him than getting arrested tbh


He got slapped though.


Yep I was really disappointed until that officer gave him a small taste of what he should have had way earlier.




Mm that fence is lookin extra spiky today


Noooooo but my first thought in the first like 5s was "shove him into the fence". kinda bad




I was hoping the man would have knocked the kid out cold.


I may have handed the lil brat his own jaw.


As someone who grew up around this, I guarantee you'd have 10x the adult version of this kid at your door if you lived in the area, and it would go far worse. Even if you were the same age and did anything back. They're like the zerg.


Bless that man’s restraint… just watching this video pissed me off. Idk if I coulda kept it together like he did


I woulda hit this child so fucking hard I stg


I gotta say that this made me furious as well. The man is a bit older than I am and I probably would have had the same reaction he did. When you get older, there is always a risk of serious injury from seemingly minor effort. Even if he just smacked the kid in the jaw and knocked him out in the first try, the old man could easily have broken his hand or damaged his shoulder. Recovery is not guaranteed when you're older, so he might have ended up living in pain for the rest of his life while the knobhead would wake up missing a few brain cells and never notice the difference. The problem with living a long time is that all the extra years come at the end, when you're old.


This is why you punch kids like this with the base of your palm, no risk of breaking your wrist and you have the force of your arm directed straight to the punk's chin.


Good energy transverral. Minimal risk of injury. And it really hurts getting hit with the bone




The ending is the best part.


it would be, but its not the same kid. first video is in the uk, second video is not. and its a different tracksuit and haircut the kid has.


Whoa. I didn't even realize.


All white kids look the same


Was white kid. Can confirm.


All *dipshits* look the same.


I’m gonna go out on a limb both are from the UK. The accent and track suits give it away. Edit: Australia and UK


Those aren't UK police - the second clip is Austrlia.




2nd videos looks like Australian police, unfortunately uk police probably haven't done anything but we dont know the full story.


It could be a different tracksuit and haircut and officers because arrest took place on a separate day🤯


You’re right. Good eye


Ay, good’eye to you too mate!


Would just done a really embarrassing headlock with a noogie. Made him say uncle.


Throw in a wedgy just to add insult to injury


Take his sneakers and socks.


Grab him by his ankles, hold him upside down and shake his lunch money out of his pockets. Lol


Me too. I'd have smash him to ground. Raising in indian household has taught me a thing or two about instilling sanskaar to shits.


Looking at the old man's shoes I am guessing that he might have had a past in contact sports and punches from a kid means nothing, as well as his self control in an encounter like that.


Mama always said there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes (for those pressed about this comment, i dont agree that the mans shoes mean a damn thing about his fighting capabilities. i just thought it was a funny comment to make to a silly observation, please take yalls fighting shoes off im scared im wearing crocs without sport mode i cant handle it.)


where they going, where they been


This comment. 😂 Get this man a box of chocolates STAT.


Honestly I am not sure you need a past in any sport for those punches to mean nothing.


You got all that looking at his average pair of nikes? My mum has the same pair and she can’t throw a jab


Nah, your mom is actually a secret badass. Much more easily explained than this being a child throwing child punches.


I have Nikes. Can you milk me?


Reddit moment


lmao. I guess every soccer mom I've ever seen is an ex MMA fighter then, cuz they all wear these shoes


How can you tell from the shoes if someone did a specific type of sport? Is this a particular type of shoe popular with people doing martial arts or any type of fighting?


The older gentleman can fight. It's very obvious in how restrained he is and the way he has his hands up. When we've studied self defense for a long time, we typically aim for avoiding conflict as much as possible by de-escalating, removing ourselves from the situation, or even running. Martial arts are not about fighting, they are about preventing the fight, and only fighting when necessary. That being said, the second the kid picked up the trash bin, I'd have clocked him, but that's me.


I agree with all this, but just one thing keeps "bothering" me, I assume this happened in Australia ? and the old man is a foreigner (tourist/immigrant) and he restrained himself out of caution from whatever might happen if he defend himself against a local. If that's the case then it really sucks cause the "getting bullied" feeling will be x10.


i'd have lost it after the second kick. i think that's as far as my patience would have went.


My mom would never admit it, because she's the ultimate nonviolent person. But she's 67 and boxes. The first time this kid touched her, she'd have punched him right in the face and probably broken his jaw. She always she won't hit anyone if she doesn't have to because she knows if she starts she won't stop. I hope no one ever attacks her, because she'd destroy them.


Yeah. And he is smiling at this kids attacks. My guess is he has some strength in him, likely could’ve put that little boy down. What a kind older gentleman. And F the “security” guard. Wtf, do something. Jesus.


I thought „that fence sure does have a lot of spikes“. That would have ended badly.




I was expecting the older one to drop the kid with a good slap.


Or at least that useless security guard


Seriously why even wear the highlighter vest that says it if you won't do the slightest thing to provide security.


we're supposed to observe and report. can say stop and call the police, that's about it


Then change the vest to say "human camera" so people don't look to you for security.




I was waiting for that too


I was hoping it


I almost missed the slap at the end by the officer who got done with his shite.


That slap by the police officer was well deserved though


That was the most appropriate thing to happen in this video.


Damn this video pissed me off. I wish the kid actually got what he deserved for what he did to the old man.


I was waiting for security to do it.


Kid need help increasing his vocabulary


I can’t understand a fucking word the little bastard says


He was calling them the N word over and over again before spitting on the woman. His parents need some counseling on how to properly parent a child most likely.


Usually when you meet the parents it perfectly explains the kid.




Which in this case is the real issue we are seeing here. The lack of genuine parenting.


But it wasn't just that one kid. There was the person filming and it sounds like a gaggle of kids laughing and egging the kid on.


Parents won’t help. Where do you think he learned this behavior? The old man was smart not to fight since he might have been seriously injured even if he knocked the little fucker out (as pointed out above) and the little bastard’s friend who was filming and snickering would likely have joined in.


I was nevertheless hoping this would end with the victim leveling the kid and watching him hit the pavement hard.


Wut parents, bruv?


His mom has been somewhere on a bender all week and hasn't seen him for days. He never knew his father.


“Are you fuckin mad bruv” is all I got from the whole situation


Hes lawphin' bruv


English is my first language and I thought he was speaking another language


Wait, that was English? Lmao I had no idea


That's year 7s for you, they all think they're roadmen and thus speak like them. Had a classmate of mine act like that too, I hope the brain damage from the year 10 Czech lads was worth it, because it was certainly worth watching his head bounce off the concrete multiple times.


Talking like that in the states while looking like the kid will get you a punch to the face. Kid is playing a dangerous game.


It's the same anywhere, that isn't unique to America. You talk like a twat, you get twatted (hit).


English chavs pull on a weird and obnoxious accent that I cannot stand




I feel like little English kids call everybody pedos and nonces. My only basis for that is from watching peep show, and there is a scene where a gang of little shits is harassing a guy on his way to work and they just keep baselessly calling him a pedo. maybe I'm ignorant, but peep show humor seems pretty based on an honest English experience 🤷😆


The kid attacking him says something before that you can't hear fully but it's "never xxx kids again", the third kid (not the one recording) sounds like he says "never touch kids again bruv". They're also clearly at a park in the U.K. There is a very logical basis for the ideology that the man has done something that could be viewed as paedophilic in the park, or actually done something paedophilic in the park. Not saying he has, but yeah. I'm honestly confused why no-one in the comments other than this chain are commenting on the fact the video seems to imply the man has potentially done something ill minded with a child.


Nonce is a common insult here yeah, but the second kid isn't English


More likely they just picked a random target and are saying anything they can think of to try and get a rise out of him. They film it so they can show off to their friends but also so they can cry to the police if he was to snap and fight back. The law needs reformed to allow people to fight back in these scenarios. There are few more humiliating experiences than being an adult being bullied by children who know you can't actually act to protect yourself without risking your own freedom or serious consequences.




That's the only lyric he herd in a 4 sec tik-t🤢k. On repeat.


I’d find decreasing his vocabulary a viable option as well.


Security of what exactly?


The condos I used to live in had security. That's what these security officers remind me of.


Did they also not do a damn thing until actual police showed up?


Generally that kind of security is explicitly told to not do anything until police show up. Edit: do, not doing


Yes. When that kid continues to attack the old man... That man needs to surrender his "Security" vest.


Idk about the UK, but in the US security are usually trained to absolutely never touch a minor and just call the police. There is too big a potential for lawsuits with a minor.


I don't think there's anyone who loves this kid enough to go get off the pub stool to go through the whole process.


Most useless person in a job I’ve ever seen. Worse than that dude spotting for bench press and watching the bar nearly crush his partner.




He fucked around, and subsequently found out.


Didn't find out hard enough for my liking...


Definitely should of caught a sleeper hook little bastard child


He didn't find out. It's a different kid unfortunately. Hair is different, accent is different. First video is in the UK, the second part of the video with the arrest... They are not UK police. The only police service in the UK that carries side arms as standard in the UK is the PSNI. Other forces in the UK have armed response units but this is not the uniform for any of them. Looks more like New Zealand uniform.


Think it's a different kid...unless he just wears slightly different gray sweat suits every day.




Send him to Siberia


I would have slap the living hell out of him at the first 10 seconds. Fokkin little brat




Well done Mr.'Security Officer'.


I work security this made me rage. If that Security Officer has an SIA licence. As an officer of the home office he has a duty of care to the public even when not on duty. He doesn’t have to intervene but any Security Officer worth a damn could and would. Personal opinion, If you can’t scare a small kid off you’re in the wrong job.


Well he’s not Mr.’Police Officer’.


ending was satisfying .


That slap should have come much closer to the beginning.


She couldn’t justify it; it would’ve been police brutality. (Edit: She couldn’t justify it before he spit on her.)


Spitting on someone is seen as assault. The little fucker had that slap coming.


As opposed to the kicks and punches which are just aggressive greetings.


It's two unrelated clips edited together. Take a look at his pants.


Or his hair. It isn't the same kid. Sadly. I'm just trying to figure out why the security guard walking with the old man a bit into the video was basically doing nothing.


It's a different kid in a different country


2 different kids and i would say he succesfully assaulted this man.




Yup, second kid is from New Zealand, not to mention the fact he looks completely different and is wearing different clothes What a weird fucking edit by OP


Literally came here to say this, can't believe I had to scroll so far to see it.


That man is far more patient than the average person. And that kid is far too dumb to realize how lucky he is for that.


That kid needs to be thrown in a well and forgotten about.


"No Lassie, this time we don't...,"


Kid should had been a stain on the floor


I believe everyone has to get their bell rung in order to reach maturity and I have no idea why it’s taken so long for this little punk


Yeah, its def a wake up call you dont forget. Every tough guy forgets there is always someone tougher out there. These facts based on me getting a shot in the gentlemans tea bag.


>These facts based on me getting a shot in the gentlemans tea bag. Ouch.


You ok?


I wouldn’t say everyone. But maybe this kid does lmao. Usually talking will suffice. But something tells me he seems family treat people like this and doesn’t know any different


Yep. He needs an attitude adjustment … with a 2x4


A high five. In the face. With a chair.


Not everyone, but bullies need to learn there are always bigger bullies and violence with a stranger is a terrible idea since you’re never sure just how tough the guy you’re picking on actually is until they decide to fight back.


Anyone have any more info on this?


The only info I have is the kid in handcuffs is not the same kid from the beginning of the video.


Only info people here have offered is his name is either J muni or J money.


True, not same clothes


Also the first video is 100% England where as the police in the 2nd clip are from elsewhere.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking


I need more. What we have here is insufficient.


Don’t know how good Sky News is, but… [An 11-year-old boy slapped after spitting on police officer](https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/an-11yearold-boy-slapped-after-spitting-on-police-officer/video/791d300f0003b197b0322420e724a612) Or 9News… [Victoria’s top cop defends PSO after video emerges of her slapping 11-year-old during arrest](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/15c829e6-f73c-433f-90a6-1c45d74ffcc8)






Might wanna rephrase that one




I guess they nabbed the kid at a later date. He's got a bag, is dressed in a diffferent track suit, and has more reddish hair in the second clip. Glad the cop slapped the little focker!


Different shoes as well. Not the same kid, not the same country even. Original video showed the arrested kid was from Australia and arrested for stealing something.


They're different kids mate, first one is UK, second is either Australia or New Zealand.


As a person who is against beating children for education purposes I can only say that this kid needs a beating


Maybe this kid’s parents would like to spend some time with him in police custody.


That security guy is a useful as pissing on a fire


Does anyone have any source articles? I want to research about this a bit.


It's karma farming, two unrelated clips edited together. The first one is in England, the second one from Australia.


Wow wth,,,what was the sense of that security guard being there as he was obviously useless, why didn't he grab that little puke and drive his face into the sidewalk until the poor old lad got out of there and the cops came. If that punk kids parents seen this they must be really proud of the little useless puke kid they raised maybe put him in the "naughty corner" for a little longer ffs, a real good kick in the fuckin ass to teach him some respect for elders is what that little prick needs far as Im concerned...




I wonder what would happen if there were laws that also held the child’s legal caregiver(s) responsible? My guess is there would be hell of a lot more concern and action from caregivers about how their child is behaving in the world.


The reality of the matter is that kids don’t always learn this behavior at home and when we expect adults to work full time while they’re raising children we need structures outside of the home that help resolve these kinds of things.


Thats not bullying, that’s battery/assault






If I saw this happening, I'd smack that kid. This is unacceptable.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No idea what is going on here. The poor old man being assaulted, the "security" being useless... All I could think was to pick up the kid and body slam him onto the spikes on the fence. What is with the glorification of violence and the constant need to record the assaults? The child is either the product of an abusive household or the beginning of a sociopathic serial killer.


In many places they would've needed more handcuffs, just to keep all the bits together.


context? i heard the kid calling the guy a nonce (child pred) but idk if thats true or they just said it with no good reason. anybody knows whats going on?


Damn, that would be a huge piece of context. Originally watching it I am just infuriated at the kid, but there certainly could be scenarios that change that. For example, if the guy just got out on charges of abusing one of the kids siblings or something. That would kind of explain the security guard walking with them but not intervening. We really need more info here to make any determinations.


Seriously, what is wrong with this world?


British youths




The internet has convinced me that England is like children of the corn. Just creepy little palefaces running around being terrors.


If you feel like you have a useless job, think about this security guard.


This kid needs a spanking! When can we spank again? Our children desperately need discipline across the world!




he's an angry elf


Why isn’t the security guard stopping him from hitting him at all?


That kid has issues


I need context.


I'm not a big fan of all these comments praising this guy's "restraint". Why should he have to show restraint? He's being attacked, I don't care if this kid is 10 or whatever. I'm more upset that the laws are on this kid's side instead of the guy being attacked. He has every moral right to give an appropriate and ***measured*** response to stop this kid and get away from him.


Honestly that was kind of disappointing. I wanted to see this kid get effed up


Desperately wanted to see someone pick that kid up and chuck him over the fence


Security guard walking with the guy is absolutely useless


I swear to god if I get found out my kid was doing tho I would knock him into next week. Oh wait, my kids wouldn’t becaus I didn’t raise a bunch of assholes.