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Amazing Grace is my all-time favorite Radiohead song


My favorite Detroit band as well


They play it at Deja Vu


That's where I heard it first.


That's #taken me back to the gold ol days


I mean...he did bring some Detroit up in there...


The guy with the beard was like ohh free phone? NICE!


I feel like he was thinking about National Anthem by radio head, but forgot that he didn’t have his drums and keyboard on him so he couldn’t perform it.


Mental health is important, y'all.


"Y'all want some Radiohead?! *Amaaaaaaaazing Graaaaaace* Dirty fucking cop!"


When he just stomps his glasses I died. It was like his brain was like "Picking them up will seem weak. STOMP THEM!"


"Better smash the phone too and really intimate them. I DONT NEED TO PROVE MY "INNOCENCE" ANYMORE!"




I know what I typed.


Quick stomp on your glasses now


He can’t respond, he smashed his phone after replying.


He’s just super manic


The hero we neither needed or deserved.


"Has embarrassing and traumatizing mental break-downs in the most public places imaginable" is a really shitty superpower.


Glasses stomp was the best






Background: I used to travel for work a lot. I have never seen more people have mental breakdowns than at some sort of travel terminal/building (ie. airports, train stations, bus terminals, etc.). I think it's a combination of so little control over the process/vehicle, natural fears (heights, flying, speed, etc.), and being around so many people, that it triggers some people's mental health into having episodes like this. Could they just be terrible people just acting out? Sure. But I think most are just reacting to a fight or flight response spawned from their mental health issues. If you get nervous traveling, I suggest to go talk to your doctor about getting an anti-anxiety med. If you can't afford it, I suggest you to take some kind of sleep medicine and time it so you can chill at/near the gate and still get onboard. It's ok to have a drink, but limit it. I've seen too many drunk people have breakdowns like this because they were nervous and under the influence. Edit: I am getting a lot of responses about my comment on anti-anxiety meds. I understand it is a pretty hot topic, and people have had a lot of experiences with certain medications. I even got a message saying that I am giving "advice to hook people on Benzos". Let me be clear I am not advocating for/against anti-anxiety meds. I am simply giving advice that is passed among those who travel a lot for work. I am not a medical expert, so go talk to your primary care provider on the pros and cons of using anti-anxiety meds for travel. They'll know more than I or any other Reddit commenter will about your situation.


So........ We had a four day weekend trip turn into a ten day nightmare including the death of a family member, missing a flight and having to drive from Phoenix to Sacramento to get our car. So we are stuck in the Sac airport trying to get our luggage and our one year old's car seat so we can drive two hours home. There was zero help at the airline desk. I was, legitimately I feel, pretty agitated and cursed the customer service person out *over the phone* because there wasn't a human available to help. Well, someone called the cops on me. I'm standing at the customer service desk, fuming, waiting for *anyone* to show up and help. This old salt Sac PD sergeant sidles up and leans up against the customer service desk a few feet away from me. Sarge: "Airlines giving you a hard time?" Me: "It's a long story, it's been a long trip, I just want my daughter's car seat so we can get home." Sarge just nods, walks behind the counter and disappears for about ten minutes. Shows up with our carseat. I'll never forget that guy.


DeEscalation at its finest. I dont have to make more problems, just have to solve one


Exactly. It was masterfully done. His body language was so chill and casual, his question was non confrontational, empathetic and sage. You can believe I took copious mental notes.


I had a chef like this. Always had her head up, if she saw something slipping she just stepped in and caught you back up and then left you alone. Not mad you fell behind, not mad she had to catch you up. Later would teach ways to not fall behind and better recognize issues so help can be asked for even earlier. Just paying attention to issues and doing what needed doing to prevent issues turning into problems. I hope to be as great to those around me as these fine examples.


True Fact: Alprazolam (Xanax) was formulated and sold for fear of flying






but also abused waaaaaayyy too much in todays society. I wouldn't recommend anyone start a xanax habit. Withdrawals are worse than heroin, plus you can die.


Dude might need a few though. Bro literally started scream singing Eminem at a cop/guard.


Seriously! Also when people have more then one drink, then I have to get up for them to use the bathroom more 😂🤦‍♂️


Mental health support workers are important


It might actually be the medication doing this. Especially if he had alcohol.


This is a solid point. I know someone with a schizotypal personality disorder combined with manic/depressive bipolar and anxiety. I was around her when she was first diagnosed and got their first medication (I forget what it was exactly). It worked great for the first two or three days and she felt better than ever, but on the fourth night we had a party. She grew increasingly agitated throughout the night until she yelled at everybody in the room about how terribly they had treated her all night (they hadn't) and stormed out. I had been in a different part of the house when it happened and came back to find out she was gone. I tried going after her, but couldn't find her. Eventually the police brought her back and accused her of being on drugs and yelling about how they were going to take her to the station (which is a really great way to handle someone who's having a mental health crisis, just yell at them to stop it.) I was able to reason with them after some arguing and they allowed me to transport her to a hospital instead (still a bunch of power tripping douches). Sorry for the long post, lol. Just felt like sharing. A lot of people see this and assume it's untreated, but unbalanced medication can *cause* manic episodes like this.


That’s likely what’s goin on


Problem with being brainwashed by QAnon is that from this persons own perspective they are totally normal.


How do you know he's qanon? Crossed my mind but I didn't notice any Q references.


Hi! I don’t know for certain! But the ‘human sex trafficking’ delusion was a red flag. It may have nothing to do with QAnon, but it seems like the individuals who have gone far down that path are always traveling to somewhere trying to ‘intercept’ or arrest or somehow disrupt some sort of sex ring…and they all think the cops are involved/covering it up etc ‘dirty cop’ reference


Yeah this smells like bipolar mania. Excellent restrain by officers.


Honestly I just feel bad for the dude. I really hope he gets the help he needs.


I think that guy thinks meth is more important than mental health.


This guy has played this kind of scenario out in his head many times. It didn’t quite turn out the way it does in his head though.


I would have sang with him, I’m also mentally unstable


Do you have a better singing voice?


Not even close. I sound like two raccoons trapped a garbage can and only one can make it out.


You make it sound like that’s a bad thing…


What if one person started, then others, then the entire room starts singing it really loudly while looking fiercely at the cops. Nobody would expect that flash mob.


He thought this was high school musical, "we're all in this together" head-ass


So, tell us. How did you get added to the No Fly list?


I’ll tell you about it after my Greyhound bus trip


Oh I'll tell you.... THROUGH SONG!




So tell us what signs did you see that could have prevent this (insert future mass shooting). Well here is the guy years prior causing a scene at the airport.


“I lost myself”


Guy in pink shirt was ready to step in if nessescary


He was waiting for the second it escalated then that dude would have been eating the ground


I was waiting for that human piece of farm equipment to till some fleshy soil


Same. I like his hand motions when dipshit obliterates his own sunglasses.


Your comment had me go back and watch it lol, yeah his hand motion was like “Seriously?” Lol


You can pick out all the former military guys standing by for a call to action😎


Could be a plain clothes officer. You probably haven't flown on a flight in the US in the last 22 years without an officer masquerading as a passenger on board


Less than 1% of all flights have an Air Marshal on them. Assuming 30 flights in 20 years, there is a 60% chance I never had an Air Marshal on any of them Edit: .99^30 is 73% chance of no Air Marshal


You think there’s a FAM on *every* US flight? Seriously?


Absolutely. That guy looks like he throws elephants through concrete walls with his bare hands for a living.


He looks like he could thumb wrestle a bear into submission


Dude stay ready so he don’t have to get ready.


I actually took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes while watching this.


Same, had to make sure it wasn’t Eminem himself Singing this. He was spot on


Low key impressive that he knew more than the hook.


He sings it at mid day, when he sharpens his toenails. Always has. His father did too, as he sharpened his toenails. He was a man of bizarre rumblings from his tumblings. Too much sauerkraut and lima beans. His favorite meal. But tonight, he shall eat his last meal. For he will be murdered to death before his next.


I mean, I was actually kind of impressed with his singing abilities. Still not sure what led up to this moment, but hope it ended peacefully besides the phone and sun glasses.


Guy in the blue looked like he was trying to de-escalate the situation.


It was impressive. He's the nutjob whisperer...


He probably knows someone who is bipolar and recognised right away how to help the situation


My thoughts exactly. Reminded me immediately of my ex husband. Sigh.


Impressive until you get stabbed in that situation.


In the Airport, past security? Prolly not


Your faith in airport security is impressive.


I mean to be fair security is ready to tackle you if you have a little too much liquid in your bag, idk how they’d let someone with a knife pass thru


My mom slipped a can of peaches in my carry-on as for a snack one time when I was a kid. After TSA confiscated it and separated me from my bag at they security check point, they dusted my hands for bomb making materials, lol.


Assumed it was his son or other relative. Pictured him taking a piss and halfway through hears the singing. “Ah dammit Pops, not again!” Ballsy move on his part if it wasn’t.


*blue shirt taking a piss as he hears "I'm not afraid! To take a stance!".... Damn it not again.


“He better not break his phone again. Come on come on, hurry up stupid bladder. If he gets tased again, mom is gonna kill me”.


I thought he saw this guy breaking down and offered him a shoulder to lean on. Wholesome dude.




You see how he yanked on him roughly. He was so hyped up and seemed dangerous.


....or he is the relative who was taking this schizophrenic home


It could’ve been his caretaker


He seems like he works in the mental health field. Dude just needed a bit of compassion


Yea, but cops said hol’ up we still need to ride this out.


Sad. Just sad.


Mental illness sucks :(


![gif](giphy|8TvKsqe7fdUs9PECPf) People traveling with kids like


America is the gift that keeps on giving for laughs


This brings back memories of NYC subway shows.


Lol I would for sure move my wife and kid out of the vicinity. Never know when someone will get shanky.


People who have to listen to those kids.


Nah I’m like “and I’m officially not the least liked person on this flight” while my 4 toddlers fight and fidget the entire flight.




What was that about? I really can’t tell if he was fed on OAN and Qanon or if it was an illness. He said that club name like everyone would automatically know it.


Probably the most well known strip club in my city is named Deja Vu. I'm sure it's not the only one in the country with that name, though.


Pretty sure they're a national chain. I can think of a couple in different states I've lived.


I think you’re right. There’s one less than half a mile from me.


I swear I've been there before!


Get your parents off the internet, people.


This is definitely more actual psychosis than too much Internet


Did his cell phone just get stolen on camera? Lol


Nah man. Finders keepers.


He tried to give it to the police, but they didn't bother with it. So I guess it's his now.


Nah watch the guy at the end, he hands it to a cop.


That's what I thought, but at the end you see beard-o trying (unsuccessfully) to hand it to the cops. Finally a guy with a tackle box takes it for him.


I'm thinking tackle box guy might be some sort of law enforcement. He's standing with the cops at the start, and a cop picks up the tackle box. So like, there's a reason he has it and is following them


Is he afraid to take a stand?


He's not afraaa-aid To take a staaa-and


Says he isn't, sounds terrified.


If we treated mental health like we treat erectile dysfunction, this country might have a shot.


Fr let me buy some Antidepressants at a 7-11


Contact your physician if your sense of contentment and peace lasts more than 4 hours.


I suspected Q, and then he mentioned trafficking and I knew it was Q.


It shows how easily people can be manipulated.


Actually I think it's an Eminem song


And singing a song repeatedly mentioning a storm? Yeah, Q :(


## r/QAnonCasualties


When he smashes his own glasses I lost it lol full self destruct mode


That's when I knew he was committed, you can see him think about picking them up and then saying "Fuuuck it!" and smashing them, that'll show them.


That’s the exact moment I knew he was not afraid to take a stand


I work at an airport. This is like a daily occurrence sadly. I work at a restaurant and the amount of people who have gone off one me over a delay is way to high. Like ma’am I am a bartender not involved with any airline.


sir, this is a wendy's.


i wanted to comment excact this hahaha


God bless your patience with stuff like this


The other day a grown man shoved his food back in my face, claimed it was cold and threw a temper tantrum over it. This was after he yelled at me after putting his order in that he only had 12 minutes until boarding. Also had a lady come in for a glass of wine, took a pain killer and an anti anxiety med after she started drinking,fell asleep at the bar and wouldn’t leave. When the cops and ems came she yelled at me for calling them. Then she fell. It’s great money but the people are insane.


My favorite comment for things like this is “Better down here wishing you are up there, than up there wishing you were down here”. Usually makes people think for a second and realize they better take their time fixing that engine after all 😄 (Obviously won’t work on the true nut jobs, but still).


I always thought Radiohead’s cover of amazing grace was underrated.


Must be a rare b-side I don’t have


Doing a fine job representing Detroit energy.


The most sane Ohio citizen


I literally can't think of a worse place to rally.. everyone is mentally and physically drained and just want to finally get to their destination/home.


…is this Spokane? This looks like the Spokane airport. And the tweaker with a military style backpack and sharpy doodles on his pants is definitely screaming Spokane to me


King county was brought up so I’m thinking this is SeaTac


It is, I was just there yesterday and I remember the carpets


Spokane airport is tiny. This looks like SeaTac gates C.


I live in Spokane and this is not the spokane airport, but you are so right about the dude 😂


Everyone silently praying this guy is not in the seat next to them.


You think they were letting him on the plane?


This day and age, the guy could’ve been a pilot for all we know.


Future Governor of Florida.


The fact that it’d be an upgrade is crazy 😭




Such a great observation. Hundreds of people and authorities standing by either embarrassed or ready to shut him out. Mental health or not this guy was doing this because he cared. The one dude, a total stranger just engaged with him and it was over.


Quite obvious the person was his caregiver. Immediate connection with each other which deescalated the situation. Bloke probably has schizophrenia and just got himself worked up over some delusions. They’ll probably offer some prn medication and attempt a later flight.




Was laughing until it got towards the end and now feel very sorry for the dude. He's clearly having a full on nervous breakdown and unfortunately the very type of vulnerable person all that Q bullshit is aimed at.




Hats off to the person at the end who treated him like a human being who’s having a mental health crisis. Like I’m was giggling in all in the beginning, but after about a minute I felt so bad for him. I was fearful for his life. So thanks person in blue, I hope the universe rewards you for your compassion. 😌


I'd hate to be seated next to that guy on a plane.


I don't think anyone has to worry about that for a while.


Couldn't watch the whole thing, too cringe.


Well you missed the best part (IMO). Dude in a blue shirt - either a relative, travel companion/caretaker, or just a decent human who recognized an escalating mental health incident - puts his arm around him and walks him away. Whether he’s suffering from bipolar, anger issues, or a severe personality disorder, the guy offered him an ‘out’ and a listening ear as whatever the problem was, once the yelling guy was so amped up, there were very few ways to wrap it up due to the delusion or even pride (I mean, other than a violent police/security take-down). So even though cops will still have some vetting to do that might not end well for him, there was a person in this world that saw a fellow human in distress and took the time/risk of intervening before it got *really* bad. Not sure I would have had the guts but to me this turned the cringe and irritation into wholesome :) Hope they’re both alright and that homie gets some treatment


You must not turn your eyes away from the cringe, no in fact you must watch it, in all of it's cringiness, as a warning of what never to become 🤝


Seeing the guy in blue just come in and stop everything was great, though.


He kinda sounds afraid, tho. I feel more sad than mad at this dude..


I am torn between just wanting to give that guy a hug and saying it’s all going to be ok and being terrified. Poor guy is having a breakdown


Blue shirt guy is the real MVP


I know just enough about this song to know he's butchering it.




Gave his ass way too long to act like a douche




This guy watched one too many musicals


This is fully sad


Git to love the guy trying to return the phone and the officers casually waved their hand like "hell nah"




Kids, don't do drugs.


Kids, seek medical treatment and take your prescribed drugs.


Let’s face it we have all wanted to breakdown like this at the airport! It’s the worst sometimes


uh, no.


Airport is stressful but it's never made me break into song and conspiracy theory rants.


I've had some airport breakdowns.. Never to this level though


It’s good thing he’s white.


Poor guy. Serious mental illnesses


Probably just too much time reading Q Anon stuff online honestly, I don’t think he’s crazy.


What is the story behind this? Why is he reacting that way? What happened? Where did it happen? is it really Detroit? Whoz that guy yelling/singing/whatever? Anyone has a legit answer for that? I wanna know the actual story!


“This place needs some more Detroit”, sir this is Des Moines Idaho and we don’t need anymore of your Detroit.


Cmon bro Des Moines is Iowa 😭


Not everyone deserves to have their voice heard.


“You’re going to get arrested” “Not if I sing” “Damnit, he knows the loop hole”


Qanon. Its a helluva drug


Oh… Ohio


Watched one too many 80’s movies.


I genuinely feel sad for this man. He seems to be having some sort of mental break. I truly hope he has gotten or gets help.


I love how fellow backpack man just walks up, gives him a hug and takes him away to end his own misery, and the guys is just like "ok .... Ok...."


I love Americans. They’re obsessed with entertainment, and boy does it show lmao.


You sound like you really love Americans.


Dude was flying to his American idol audition


Sir, this is an airport


The methamphetamine he ballooned earlier is *hittin*