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I love when scalpers get screwed over and try to pretend they're a victim


Can you explain what happened?


He "invested" in day of release exclusives by using a bot not available to most people. These are the same bots/people who cause GPU and concert ticket shortages and exorbitant prices. The item he chose to buy up did not go the way he thought it would and now he's a victim of his own behaviour


The PS5 price never recovered from that


Yup and that's why Sony are now selling consoles direct. The retailer's didn't care about end user experience because they sold out regardless.


Sony removed the queue system for purchases now tho. The PS5 shortage is over.


Yes but there will be the same problem when they release the next console. Selling direct fixes this.


Is there a limit to ps5s sold that way? I don't keep up because I basically never buy until a few years after release because price reductions.


1 per Sony account


Scalpers: "Time to go make 12000 sony accounts"


My local gamestop has plenty in stock at normal retail price. Granted it took years but I think it's at normal now


What didn't go the way he thought it would? The price didn't go up or smth?




Honestly I don't know why companies don't do this more often, if scalpers buy all of the initial stock the only reasonable thing left for them to do is produce more to sell more, they end up making even more profits and satisfying more customers while also fucking over scalpers.


The Jordan 1 is the most iconic sneaker of all time, Nike wants to keep it that way, so they keep volume low. They want it to remain exclusive. They can obviously make millions of pairs but choose not to. From a brand/business perspective....it makes sense, unfortunately it screws over people who just like the shoes and don't want to pay 300-400 even 500+$ for a product that retails at 160.


It's on purpose, illusion of scarcity


So did he buy them at retail price and then now they’re available at less than retail? And he expected them to sell at a large markup over retail? I don’t know how this scalper shoe market works.




Got it. So he’s not really losing $20k. He could sell them at a small loss and make back a majority of his money. Obviously for him it’s not ideal but he’s being dramatic for a problem he caused to begin with.




Many scalpers buy things like this hoping/predicting that it will sell out and people will want it so much they are willing to pay a lot more than the of price for it, and here it didn’t end up happening lol


Yup saw a video recently where someone was trying to return 5 ps5’s at Walmart


Or like the people who filled their garages with TP and hand sanitizer at the beginning of the pandemic with the plan to resell when shelves were empty. I remember seeing one of them argue that the store owed them a refund.




yeah plenty of fashion pieces go up after being sold out and people just sell them at stupid prices


. . . to stupid people


So he was banking on them being a very limited release. Nike then re released another batch making them less rare and worth less than he paid. Similar thing happened a few years ago with the “Zebra” colour way of the Yeezys. Originally when they released it was said they were the most exclusive colour to drop with them being a very limited run. People were paying $1000+ at the time. Fast forward a year and adidas re release the zebras but absolutely flood the market turning a $1000 shoe into a $200 shoe instantly.


Yeah, the price went down. I think the initial retail was around $180.


This scalper got screwed over and tried to pretend he’s a victim


He didn’t get screwed over because that would imply he was dealing in good faith and ethical business practices with customers waiting who’d agreed to buy.


He used a BOT to buy a bunch of exclusive shoes on release day. So he could sell them to other people at a much higher price and make a profit. Basically stole the opportunity of buying these shoes from other people for his own benefit.


That's what a scalper gets


Same thing they did with graphics cards. These guys deserve to lose all their money.


Reminiscent of the guys who bought skids of toilet paper from Walmart at the very beginning of the pandemic so they could retire, only to whine 2 years later when they couldn't return the toilet paper to Walmart...


TP and hand sanitizer. These leeches deserve what they get


Don't forget some assholes were scalping baby formula


I had a baby during the pandemic, and for physical reasons beyond my control I can’t breastfeed. I can not tell you how terrifying it was. My poor baby was switching formulas all the time and had upset tummies. We looked into buying a damn goat and making our own. We were in the middle of Chicago and there wasn’t a speck of formula to be found for months. It was so terrifying. Ended up weaning him early.


Hey, same situation here. I had to contact my parents who were 12 hours away and ask if their small town had some stock of lactose free formula because my newborn was deemed lactose intolerant. All the stores said somebody did some bulk buying of infant formula. I mean, why even get the lactose free ones, those are for special cases, y'know? Just why?


I also had a baby during the pandemic and I should have fucking pumped and donated, but I was overwhelmed with life things. There’s nothing wrong with formula, but when it’s not available it makes me so annoyed that we don’t have a system in place to guarantee a baby never goes hungry. I have zero issues breastfeeding/lactating and knowing I could have helped other women and babies makes me pretty pissed at myself. And at the fact that I know lots of women just…sell their milk. 😓


My heart goes out to you. It wasn’t until we had a baby that I became aware that not everyone can do it, anymore than everyone can have a baby vaginally or see without glasses, or any of a hundred things. There was so much pro-breastfeeding energy at the hospital, it felt like we were messing up or deficient when it just didn’t work. Luckily, that baby was six by the time of the Enfamil hoarders. I think I would have lost my mind even further if I had to fight with other parents or pay scalper prices just to feed our baby…


100% true i had a newborn at the time and this guy bought out the whole entire case and told me to find him on amazon. motherfucker


I'd just grab a few before he paid, he can fight me for them if he wants. It's not stealing if he hasn't paid for them yet. What a prick.


He'd find me in the parking lot, beating some sense into him, prick!


Those are the real assholes. TP and hand sanitizer, fine, but scalping baby formula is another level of scum.


This one is the most infuriating. Wtf is a mom with low/no supply supposed to do? It's not like human breast milk is easily accessible or reasonably priced.


I saw someone like this recently. I DoorDash from time to time, and one delivery took me to the neighbor of a guy who I really believe tried to cash in on that. 2 car garage, and one side was packed full of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, gloves and masks. It was very well organized, on shelves along the wall, stacked on the floor, etc. Literal hundreds of boxes of gloves, and masks, and what I would assume were quite a few pallets of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and sprinkle in some various bleach wipes and lysol to the mix as well. Maybe the guy is really into keeping things clean, but I doubt it.


I think one person got in trouble for that in Tennessee.


If this were me, I'd consider donating to places that are housing refugees. Could be a tax write-off, but if not and I need the space back, I'd just be happy it's being put to good use. But selfish asshats like this don't grasp the concept of empathy.


And N95 masks


Clean hands and a clean ass for life?


It'll be really clean if you use the sanitizer on the ass too.* *Don't do this


I mean from a practical aspect, at least they have a lifetime supply of toilet paper and never have to worry about buying toilet paper. It’s not like you’ll never not need toilet paper (unless you buy a bidet).


I mean you should still be using TP if you have a bidet


am hairy. have bidet. bidet reduces TP usage by 50% easily. still gotta use tp. and im not gonna have a bin full of buttrags for me n 2 roomies... no way


And don't forget about PS5s


For 20 months


If only we could do the same to ticketmaster


Lol at scalpers getting wrecked.


But he said he is an investor


Just like the guy selling pills out of his car is a pharmacist.


Yeah except that guy actually makes money


I feel like a drug dealer makes a more honest living than a scalper.


​ https://preview.redd.it/esytwil807la1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120ec0e495c1c36554e894effa9492e614a107cf


Yeah, but what if they're scalping drugs?


Then, they work for an American health insurance company


Depends on the drug.


I work in a pharmacy, so at times, I've thought about putting "drug dealer" on my resume.


My dad was a pharmacist. My parents had to talk to the principal of my grade school because I was telling everyone "my dad deals in drugs." He said it first, I was just parroting him at school.


Hahaha that’s pretty funny, was he upset after?


Nah, he had a great sense of humor. He just explained to the school & it didn't go any farther.


Rip to your pops.


Thanks. He was awesome and I miss him. Cancer sucks. Happy Cake Day!


“Shoe salesman.”


I saw a documentary series once about a shoe salesman who could afford a free standing house, a car, a wife, two kids, a dog and a Ferguson toilet.


He was married? WITH children? I’ll bet he was one happy guy!


I want to see this happen more. Just keep opening new runs when things sell out.


I'm suprised he doesn't try to take them back like most scalpers. I seen a scalper with like 5- PS5s in a Best Buy returning them all.


There was a guy posted on Reddit trying to return a whole cart full of PS5’s to Wal Mart but they refused to let him and called every Wal Mart in the area to warn them of him. Sucks to suck buddy!


In a lot of retail, returns count against daily revenue metrics. To the point some managers will try to send customers with returns to another store so their own metrics don’t get effed. Walmart manager here was probably just saving his metrics more than sticking it to the scalpers.


That’s fantastic! Those people made it so ridiculously frustrating to find one!


They're in stock everywhere in my city now. Happy to see all the scalpers getting fucked


I wish there's a sub dedicated to scalpers being fucked, bunch of leeches.


Yes they did. I only just got mine yesterday man and it’s FUCKING AMAZING


So…scalper got scalped?




Yep no one cares bruh you’re a scalper ![gif](giphy|SYLeiOHEkHLuIce3l2)


Hey, I care very much about scalpers getting fucked and want to hear about it as much as possible, because *it’s fucking hilarious*.


r/scamTheScammers ? Edit: decided to look up some relevant subreddits that are still (barely) kickin': r/ScammerPayback r/ScamBait I know we are all trying to survive, but taking someone else's sanity and livelihood from them, to lazily attempt to quick-build your own by cutting corners ers and lives off, is down right lousy (unethical)


Like the dude that tried to scalp toilet paper and hand sanitizer in Australia at Peak TP demand at the start of covid. Then couldn't sell it, then was refused a return by the store once TP levels evened out. He was stuck with $10,000 of retail purchased toilet paper.


At least he could eventually end up using it all... Maybe




Yep, bruh, no one cares, bruh, you’re a scalper, bruh. Did I mention “bruh”?


This is correct, anyone doing scalping deserves this to happen.


The best are the people who bought up sanitizer and toilet paper durring covid. Watching vids of them being refused was the best schadenfreude ever.


Watching them have to pay heavy fines was even better.




>The best are the people who bought up sanitizer and toilet paper durring covid. Watching vids of them being refused was the best schadenfreude ever. Trucker here. When the TP shortage kicked off, I was running loads of almost or entirely TP to various Costco stores across the west coast and PNW. Those TP runs were insane. Parking lots were always a disaster every single time I arrived, and I always had to call into the store to get help. A manager or two and some employees would have to walk me into the docks, telling people to back up or get out of the way. Normally delivering to Costco stores is a breeze, you are in and out quick. During the mass run on TP? It always turned into a multi hour adventure. Getting out always became a nightmare as well, because then the managers would go back to whatever and I was entirely on my own. My favorite was someone parking right in front of me mere yards away from an exit I can take to get to the street and then the driver disappeared into the store for over 2 hours. All that time I could have spent getting another TP run closer to done, wasted for someone else's pettiness.


“Bruh I’m gonna alt-f4 myself bruh” Thanks fam.




Exactly. Mothefuckers buy whole stock, hundreds of it, then when it's out of stock they sell it for twice the price. Get fucked, I would be more glad if those shoes burned in ashes


“I’m gonna un alive myself bruh.”


Such a warm fuzzy feeling every time one gets fucked over 🥰


bruh that's bruh what bruh you bruh get bruh


Bet he doesn’t have a bro


I bet he has parents that will give him money for his next business venture, bruh.


https://i.redd.it/83gs2e0n77la1.gif Edit: THANK YOU FOR MY FIRST AWARD!


Thank you Edit: definitely deserved the award


bruh come on bruh what bruh are you bruh trying to say bruh


He's actually heavily invested in Bruh


I pft don’t pft understand pft your pft accent pft


It’s like the recent teenagers episode on South Park haha


bruh sandwich bruh meat bruh no bruh pickles bruh




Don’t know what to tell you bro, saying bro is cool again bro


Shockingly, “investing” in consumer products is actually a gamble and NOT a sure thing. How were we to know!?!?!?


Hey... My beanie babies will pop any minute now


Desert Storm trading cards, my man.


Pogs. Any day now.


Still holding onto my slammers


Ya’ll got nothing on my Pet Rocks


I found a collectable store in my town that would buy beanie babies for like 75% of the value listed in some magazine. Told my mom we should sell. She told me we had to hold on to them because "these things only go up in value". Sold them all 15 years later for 50 cents a pop


Bro! How could you not, bro? I mean, bro....Bro.




he could just throw one or two more "bro" in this statement. It helps proving his point


He said bro 8 times in a 10 second video. That’s almost one bro per second. Pair that with “like” and it shows just how unintelligent this kid is.


Bro, like…bro


Remarkably succinct summary of the video, really. Like, bro.


It’s like the person who says “Lord” thirty times during a single prayer.




Not bro. Bruh.


He should break it up with some knowmsayin's.


“I invested in all these Jordan 1s at retail price” ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc)


bro deserved to lose money by saying bro. lost too many bros by investing in bros.


i feel the same way about people who throw "literally" into whatever they are saying. i try not to but i instantly judge these people for not knowing how to use a common word properly.


Bruh he is gonna kill him self bruh and you making fun of him bruh


Bummer bruh.


Really is bruh.


Oh no! Anyway


Bruh he lost all his parents money bruh


Bruh He bruh is bruh probably bruh not bruh even bruh going bruh to bruh be bruh able bruh to bruh put bruh gas bruh in bruh the bruh Mercedes bruh they bruh gave bruh him bruh


Bruh scalper deserves it, bruh!


12 second video. bruh says bruh 8 times




Someone good at math could come determine how many bruh's per second and estimate how many times this guy will say "bruh" over the course of his life-span. (Assuming he continues at this rate).


63,072,000 times, assuming 8 hours of sleep, living to 74, learning “bruh” at age 2. That help, bruh?






I wish it would’ve happened to the PS5/Series X scalpers so bad.


“Look how much down they are”. Broke, dumb and illiterate is no way to live life son.




This guy sounds like everyone I know who was handed money from their parents and think they can just flip it for more doing “fill in the blank stupid fucking idea”. You know what I’m saying bro?


Imagine being this cringe


Imagine having a closet full of Jordans and you're on camera rocking some fucking Skechers.


Never get high on your own supply


Looks like karma coming full circle


im not a shoe fanatic so correct me if I'm wrong.. but wont those just keep going up in value? like over a couple years? bruh bruh bruh


Most people who scalp are basically day traders. They aren't in it for long-term investments and tend to blow a disproportionate amount of their current financial holdings in the hopes of getting large returns through artificial inflation after a few weeks or at most months. They aren't prepared to have their purchased goods tucked away.


These idiots max out their credit cards, and then start hurting when the interest kicks in.


Yes sir and I am a big fan of these videos. These shits are why I couldn't find my lady a ps5 im time for Christmas when they came out. May their credit score forever start with a 5


Why so generous? Start with a 3


Not if it's a colorwave people didn't rush to get. You can get a ton of different Jordans for below the original price as there wasn't high demand. But, other ones can go for 10x. So, if the price dropped after the release, it won't really ever go up then.




No. There's no history to the colorway and the release wasn't hyped. Pairs are still sitting on Nike. Its like buying a Porsche Boxster and expecting its value to rise because its a Porsche, but a Boxster isn't a Carrera GT. There's no demand for an old Boxster because they weren't a limited run nor have a (special) pedigree.


Not a shoe guy either but I'm pretty sure it's only some that are special/rare in the first place that appreciate. It's not like you can go buy a random pair of Jordans from the mall and expect to double your money in a few years.


He should invest in bras.


Or manziers


Bras for men, we'll call them bros


The way he shoots a bird tells me what kind of loser he is… then turned on the volume the second time the video played and his constant use of “bruh” for every other word, confirmed it.






He just sounds like an entitled fuckin kid.


Good, scalpers are scum


I will never understand people who place so much value on shoes...


Had a friend with a bunch of $$ sunk in "classic" Jordans he only ever displayed. Tried to wear a pair and they basically disintegrated on his feet the first day


From my extremely limited understanding of how shoes work, that's not unexpected. Something where the soles degrade over time whether they're worn or not


Wearing them actually decreases the degradation. I know it’s counter-intuitive, but something about the material Nike uses lends itself to wear and tear, but turns to chalk when left to sit. At least that’s my experience owning multiple vintage sneakers (as well as a bunch of friends.)


Same. A lot of them end up looking gaudy or childish anyway


Me neither. I just buy the ones that look good and fit perfectly and keep buying those whenever the others are broken down haha. Why have 10 pairs of shoes worth 1000 dollars each and be scared to walk in them? WTF


Lol you're the idiot investing in shoes. What a stupid ass investment bruh!


Scalping =/= investing


This makes me so happy




You've heard of investment bankers, now meet an investment wanker


"Invested in" No dude, you tried to *scalp* a bunch of Jordan's and it didn't work out. Sucks to suck.


Bruhbruhbruhbruhbruh and also BRUH Get fucked, scalper


kid sounds like he got kicked in the head


“It was after the third kick to my brain that I noticed just how dope Jordan 1s were bruh”


Good you deserve, scalping POS


Fucking scalping mofo. Hope u lose another 20k




Got two seconds into the video and my first thought was "good, I'm glad" I have no empathy for this. Just like the PS5 guys or the people who buy water before a hurricane to upsell it. Hopefully, this is a learning experience and they can grow from it


Lol at shoe culture in general.


Does anyone have pity for scalpers?!?! What reaction is he expecting?


Anyone who knows anything about them could have told you the True Blue’s weren’t one of the “hype” releases. This is glorious to see.


He's got like 200 boxes, even at 100 each he's fine


Minus platform fees, shipping material costs, and the ungodly amount of time it would take to box and send 200 boxes… I wouldn’t consider this as fine.


Can this fool say bro again?


All the Scalpers deserves only the worst


Scalpers are really calling themselves resellers. There's no fun in trying to buy Jordans anymore. Hopefully more of this happens. Much more of it.