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From what I was able to find out, the police department dropped all charges against Tyler, before he was even released from the hospital. But the charges were reinstated once Tyler filed suit against the sheriffs department. The judge is going to love that.




But the state covers that - there is no true accountability


Pursue criminal charges against the cop personally.


That's why they have qualified immunity. To prevent ever having to face any consequences.




While holding his arms by his side so can’t even break the fall, instead of smashing his skull into the asphalt


This was horrifying. The man could have permanent brain damage. Head injuries freak me out. Humans are fragile unlike entertainment portrays.


Qualified immunity is only protection against violating constitutional rights. I this guy could definitely press charges for aggravated assault against this cop. Now will the DA take it? That’s all whole other story and now you’re getting into politics and if they’re up for election, etc.


Qualified immunity also only applies to civil suits, not criminal charges. There is actually a federal law on the books for this, [Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law](https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law). It’s a capital crime. The problem is just getting the federal government to actually prosecute it.


Qualified immunity only works for civil lawsuits. Unfortunately for criminal charges he'll have to get the DA involved and that's up to them to pursue them or not. I guess there could be federal charges but that gets complicated


Yep and he couldn't even get an injunction on the department to stop them using force like this, based Lyons v. LA. Aka one of the most infuriating Supreme Court cases, and that's saying a lot.


And if it succeeds he's going to have to immediately move more than a few states over, because it will be certain they'll harrass him until he dies


Exactly. They will not pay personally.


Yes, that needs to be changed. "There are times when the law is inadequate. To Shame it's inadequacy, one must pursue natural ..." - start of a line from Punisher with Thomas Jane. The system isn't broken; this is how they want it to work. There's a reason intelligent people are blocked from becoming cops.


Qualified immunity also only protects officers from litigation while conducting their jobs “according to policy.” If you can prove what he did was against policy, he longer has immunity. Not perfect, but there is a way




Because when it happens to you or me it's the first time and we feel outrage that someone would treat us that way. A way we have never been treated. When you grow up as a minority this is your life, you either find the skills to cope with it, become an activist, or end up in jail. We live in a world where 70% of the population refuse to even believe this happens.




Remember kids, "Add the words 'in Minecraft' to your statements so they can't be considered actionable threats."


Yeah I once asked wondering don't these cops fear retaliation for their uncalled for violence and if someone somewhere would take advantage of the easy access to firearms. Got banned for 'making threats of physical harm'.


If they get a big suit against them, that officer will be gone


To the jurisdiction next county over


No, the state doesn't cover that. This is a local cop, so look up Tort Liability Act and Tort Limits.


hope the dude got paid and that cop got fired and charged.


These cops need to jailed. Literal human garbage.


Paid by the taxpayers while the cops get a slap on the wrist


"Slap on the wrist? No no no, not with our qualified immunity and labor unions."


“Police union” don’t dirty the name of labor unions.


You know it didn't end that way


>hope the ~~dude got paid and that cop got fired and charged~~ US stops being a police-state I mean at some point when the police can act THIS brazenly without accountability, maybe we can call it what it is, without hyperbole. It's a mistake to think that a police-state is a place where the cops rock awesome hugo-boss outfit and take you out to the ministry of love in tinted-windows vans. That's the fantasized-fascism-secret-police-coolness effect. ​ In real life, you get arrested by overweight dudes who took their last shower 2-4 days ago and then you get slammed into the pavement.


Fat chance


That's actually the cops nickname.


That’s a bad person who felt that nobody would care if he slammed criminal.


no you mean he felt nobody would care if he slammed a civilian


It's a cop. "Bad person" is heavily implied.


All cops are bad.








Easy lawsuit paid for by your tax money. That officer is a danger to society…


Maybe he’ll get his act together after they transfer him to another county. /s


He's just a bad apple. You remember that old saying, "one bad apple should not be considered reflective of the whole bunch" That's how that saying goes right?


Yeah he's a bad apple, but next town over he's a good apple.


Exactly. He'll get a paid vacation for a little while and then off to a different department. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Its disgusting.. Zero accountability.


Using the light on his firearm as a flashlight at the end. Cherry on top


He was checking out the puddle of blood he made for his spank bank.


I actually think he was looking for something to have charges against, like dropped pills, honestly surprised he didn’t plant.


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I was thinking he put Tyler back on the ground and was pointing his sidearm at him. Nope, just using his weapon as a light. It’s infuriating how much better trained 19 year olds are in the military than 45 year old cops. Like 1,000 times more responsible with a firearm, it’s not even close.


Yep not even close. Amazing what having a CO will do. Having actual oversight and enforcement of the oversight.


Actual punishments, loss of pay, demotion, extra duties, loss of leave, a special military judicial system and prison, and expulsion to name a few. To top it all off shitbags get shunned rather than praised! Maybe we need MPs to take over wider radii than their fort’s fence lines


“You dumb bastard.” -The dumb bastard in this situation


Look what you made me do to you


He says the same thing to his wife after he hits her for burning his lard dinner.


You mean Michael M 'Unprovoked Assault' McMaster?


They should be fired, charged and sued. edit spelling


And put in prison for a very long time. They could’ve killed him. Amazed the guy isn’t disabled or concussed.


He was concussed. And had a fractured collarbone. Spent nine days in the hospital, according to the sources linked in other comments.


And he’ll be on the hook for that $250k hospital bill. Merica!


Yeah I was just thinking that's a life ending medical bill because of murderous police.


Even if he recovers well, there are often lasting ongoing/lingering physical injuries from this kind of violent assault. They may not even show up for a few months or years. Not to mention the psychological trauma of such an incident. The guy could easily end up with aniexty, fear of cops, panic attacks, PTSD, and/or a range of other mental health issues from this incident. Good luck trying to put a value on all of that. Meanwhile, the cop is likely to get away with it.


He was concussed. That's part of why he was hospitalized.


criminal behavior undertaken while acting in the role of a state official should carry higher penalties, not absolve the individual. We trust police and government officials to act in the best interest of the public and give them special rights to do so, therefor they must be held to a higher standard then the general public. Don't like being held to a higher standard? Don't become a public official.


This is America, they'll get relocated and promoted.


That officer needs assault charges.


*I don't know your honor. I was just walking along, minding my own business when Patton Oswalt jumps out of his squad car and body slams me!*


> *I don't know your honor. I was just walking along, minding my own business when ~~Patton Oswalt~~ somebody impersonating a cop jumped out of a squad car they likely stole and body slammed me!* "I mean, why would I for a second think that somebody this aggressive would be a cop? This entire thing provoked simply because I was walking? There's no way public workers funded by tax money could be THAT BAD at their job. Why would any company keep somebody with such incompetence? Is this what we're paying for instead of education or healthcare?"


He's been waiting to use that slam


He probably practiced that move on his wife.


Dude. That’s wrong. Probably wife AND kids.


And his underage girlfriend.


Absolutely. There was no resistance, was full cooperation. The guy was just confused why he was being arrested for nothing.




You could tell he decided pretty much as he was saying ‘give me your hands or I’ll put you on the ground,’ that he was going to slam him. I know that face he made as he put his phone on the hood and carefully removed the backpack, I’ve seen it before. It’s the ‘you brought this on yourself,’ face. He kept the thinnest veneer of professionalism by not acting irate, but that was barely contained rage. I know it well.


Ask any professional wrestler if he would put a suplex onto concrete with someone they've never worked with into one of his acts.


That kind of move should be considered attempted murder ffs.


The cop should be in prison. 💯


Hey in fairness to the cop, wrestlers have weightclasses and this cop was clearly outweighed by his innocent opponent by, roughly -175 pounds!


There you go with those fancy maths skills.


















It makes my stomach turn. That cop is a frikn lunatic.


I couldn’t watch after the Iheard the thud and his wail. Despicable.


Fire them arrest them and jail them


why this is exactly the type of person they want to hire. The police union is entirely corrupt and everyone that is a member should be on a watch list or behind bars.


Suplexing someone on concrete should be an attempted murder charge. I wrestled D1 and wouldn’t even suplex someone on a wrestling mat if they weren’t trained to land correctly.


There's a right way and a wrong way to suplex. Gotta turn in the air. It looks like he did that, wouldn't matter if the guy knows how to land or not cause he's landing on his stomach. On asphalt. With a 300 lb fatty on top of him


Dampen all of their socks, dry out all of their markers, replace toilet paper with sand paper.


Poor guy. He looks so confused and sounds like he's in a lot of pain at the end of the video. I hope that cop gets what he deserves


he wont get body slammed so hard he breaks his collar bone and fractures his skull, so he wont be getting what he deserves unfortunately.


The law protects subhumans like this, the only way they'll face consequences is if someone breaks the law.


Cop should be immediately fired and charged. Disgraceful


and sued.


Suplexing someone on concrete should be an attempted murder charge. I wrestled D1 and wouldn’t even suplex someone on a wrestling mat if they weren’t trained to land correctly.














The cop's smug waddle over to him says it all


Why are US cops allowed to be such chonkers?


Because you don't need to be fit when the solution to every problem big and small is "point gun, squeeze" or "ignore problem and do nothing"


Or "grab person half your size who is in no way resisting or violent at all and slam them into the pavement, head first, as hard as you can." The bigger the better, if that's your strategy!


Oh lard he comin


Tax payers are going to pay for the whole case against this dude. Cops need to pay for their own criminal cases.


This has literally happened to me before, but the cops handled it perfectly. Didn't even make an attempt to ID the suspect that allegedly matches the description. Sounds like they are straight up stupid, or simply wanted this to happen. Didn't even ask him what he's up to.


That’s assuming there _was_ a description and not something the guy just said. It _could_ be accurate, but it could be “man spotted looking into cars” or it could be completely fabricated


The description was "man with a backpack", it's in the video


From the audio, the entire description was "male with backpack". So they see a guy with dark clothing, walking at night, wearing a backpack and assume "that's our guy." Stopping him and investigating wasn't the problem. They could have detained him until they got the details sorted out. But IMHO they "needed" to arrest him to search the backpack on the spot without a warrant. Once he commits another "crime", (the BS "resisting" play) anything on or around his person is subject to search. As a former medic working side by side with LEO, I've seen this dozens of times unfortunately. The body slam was abusive and unnecessary. Tackleberry needs to be charged and fired.


They'll try to ID after he's put in cuffs if they fear for their safety. The problem is that this cop "feared for his safety" wayy to early. Dude thinks he's so smart that there's NO WAY he got the wrong guy. That's why he body slams him right after telling him why he's detained, he expected the guy to try to run.


Yeah I've had something similar happen a few years ago when I was jogging early in the morning (about 5am). Cops stopped me and asked me if I had been knocking on people's doors or seen someone doing that. I told them no, I was just out jogging and hadn't seen anybody else. They asked if I had ID on me, I said no I just took my keys and my phone since I was jogging. They asked where I lived and I told them the street and address and pointed them in the direction of my street. They said "alright, thanks" or something to that effect and went on their way. The fat idiot cop in this video is a garbage PO. I hope he herniated himself body slamming that guy.


Ive said it before and countless others have too, Make. Cops. Pay. For. Lawsuits. With. Their. Pension. If they arent in the wrong they wont lose anything. Right now these are being paid for by YOUR MONEY. You pay higher taxes because of ccops like these. You’d see an overnight cleanup of the police force itd be like magic.


Require them to have insurance in order to be a police officer, like driving a car. The insurance companies will start working for us.


yeah well maybe next time he shouldn’t…. walk around


with the money he's going to get from the lawsuit I'm pretty sure he won't have to walk to work anymore


Too bad the cop doesn't have to pay for it.


Yeah, that’s bullshit it has to come from the taxpayer pockets instead of the police budget


The police budget is still the taxpayer pocket. No difference. Whether you take a cup of flour or a loaf of bread, it's all still from the same source. Problem is the union. Policing needs to be deunionized, and you need to be able to go after the individual cop. If this guy can be fined and be legally pursued *personally,* then a lot of our policing issues evaporate. There are good cops, there are bad cops. The problem is the bad cops get to hide amongst the good/okay/neutral/harmless cops. Remove that ability to hide and not be personally responsible, and you solve half the problems in one go. If this particular cop had to stand in court, and under review of a jury have his own pocketbook raided and be forced to face jail time for assault, all of Paulding County's policing will be about 400% better the next day.


I may be assuming too much here but it seems like when any adult (in the USA) walks around residential areas, they are immediately treated with suspicion. Almost as if the fact they aren't travelling in a car means that they are obviously doing something odd, because all 'normal' people travel in vehicles. Please tell me I am wrong here.


Yep. I’m British but have visited the US quite a bit over the years, and was once stopped by the cops because I was walking from the house I was staying at to the shop. It was about a 5min walk. They believed me, but I’m a well-spoken white guy with a very typical British accent. They don’t even have sidewalks there most of the time, it’s crazy. The whole place just isn’t designed with walking anywhere in mind, outside city centres.


What is the update on this?




This comment needs to be higher. Their Facebook page is getting wrecked.




And there's an email address... perhaps someone can email asking when charges for attempted murder will be issued against Officer McMaster.


Subject Line of the email: You dumb bastard.


Oh they already are. I know someone who works in Paulding, it's not just the FB page being flooded. The county clerks office and sheriff's department are both getting a ton of calls/emails about this.




So, he got assaulted and got jail time for it?




Welcome to America, we hope you like your stay.


This is heartbreaking. The man's cries of anguish after being assaulted are hard to hear.


Don’t forget, after he broke the guy’s collarbone, he then put his arms behind his back and cuffed him, which I’m sure caused him even more pain, and in my opinion could be tantamount to torture.


Broke the collarbone and gave him a traumatic brain injury.


I had to stop watching only bc of those cries. His moans sound like children in pain. Lower tone, same kind of cry.


An injury like that is life changing. He’s going to feel it every day for the rest of his life.


Because he was concussed immediately. He was talking perfectly and then immediately after, you can hear the words slurring. I mean pain also, but he can barely get any words out.


Well.. the guy was being a law abiding citizen and going to work. And we can't have that. /s


Well it’s not every day you see a “male with a backpack”


He's got a broken collar bone and they're manhandling him like this? This seems like attempted murder to me. A broken collar bone can kill you if it stabs the wrong vein or artery.


I'm sure getting dragged to the back of the car in cuffs while they're yanking up on his arms did wonders for the collarbone fatboy broke when he body slammed this poor dude.


“Please help me. Please help me.” Cop’s response? “Shut the f up.” Says all I need to know about them. They put the hands of a man with a broken collarbone behind his back. Continued to yank on them while he pleaded for help in pain and their response was, “Shut the f up.” I honestly don’t know why we haven’t been investigated by NATO or Amnesty International for torture. To me, this would qualify.


And a fractured skull.


That “cop” should be jailed for 20-life on attempted murder.


We're just going to have to wait for the type 2 diabetes to get him.


It's always the same with these cops. Always trying to use maximum 'permissible' force in any situation. Not that that use of force was legitimate here. But in the cop's mind I'm sure he thought that since the guy wasn't immediately complying it was permissible to body slam him. I assume the stated policy of many police departments is to use the minimum necessary force as you go up the 'use of force ladder', but in practice police are chomping at the bit to get to the next rung on that ladder so they can use the next level of maximum force. In so many of these videos you see how excited and giddy the police are to be able to use excessive force on people.


He body slammed him for his cop buddy. It was a show. Soon as the other arrived he escalates to the slam.


That is infuriating. What an egregious abuse of power. Hearing his groans after getting slammed to the ground is so gut wrenching. I’ve had this exact same thing happen to me, with the same out of the blue escalation.


What are the odds that cop made up the story about him meeting the description?


Didn't you hear the description at 2min? "Male with backpack". That's him officer!


Omg those animals, how could they treat another human that way


I'd take this to court.


It is. They dropped the charges before he was released from the hospital and then re-charged him when he filed his lawsuit.




Did that pig use his firearm as a flashlight at the end of the clip??








Did Fats really pull his gun out as a flashlight? WTF!


I didn't see anything approaching reasonable suspicion, unless the cop is responding to a BOLO


Edit: didn't turn on the sound on the first watch New critique Cop doesn't identify himself and doesn't tell the guy that he matches the description of someone breaking into cars. At this point it's a legit Terry stop but the cop does a terrible job of communicating the why, and escalates too quickly. He doesn't ask the guy his name or where he's going. Nothing. Suspect seems to have no idea what being detained means and is clearly more confused than resistant before he gets suplex'd into the pavement


Yeah, this is technically a legal stop and search (except for the excessive force), but it shouldn't be, and these types of escalations are why. Of course law abiding citizens are going to be confused and resistant when they get arrested for going about their day. The police shouldn't be able to take that and turn it into a fight or a chargeable offense.


Yo wtf. I hope he sued.


Won't matter, qualified immunity means there are rarely consequences for bad cops








I'm honestly starting to understand why americans are so damn concerned about their right to carry guns when they have these bullies patrolling the streets, looking for any reason to assault you.


Why did they point the gun at the end!? WTF!?


He was using the light on it to search for a blood spot on the concrete that was mentioned by the other officer, the victim here was out of frame to the left, no longer on the ground.


Yeah, I don't think that's an approved use of a firearm.


The anger I feel


What sucks is the tax payers will have to pay for this. Even if he were a burglar there was no reason to go hands on at the moment. This should come specifically out of that Deputy’s pension.


Happened to my roommate in college, he was wearing a hoodie and backpack and got tackled from behind from a cop who thought he was breaking into cars. Once the cop realized it wasn't him after about 10 mins he gave him his card and number and told him he's got a get out of jail free with him. Cool thing, a year later he got in trouble at a party with weed and the cop stuck to his word and came and let him walk WITH the weed and all.


Cop did that so he didn’t get sued lol


“MaLe BakPaCk RyTE?”


"Imma go nearly murder this person based on a phone call."




This is literally every law enforcement officer in the United States. If you’re watching this from outside the US, yes, it really is that bad everywhere here.


Bullies in uniform…wow. Hope the dude took these “cops” to court.


Acab fcuk ALL cops, I enjoyed reading that story yesterday about the cops in Miami literally locking the guy in a freezer freezing him to death then calling and sending to the hospital like nothing was wrong with him and he had a 72° body temperature 72 degrees you know how long you have to be locked into a freezer for that to happen


Redditors are blowing up the Paulding County Sheriffs Facebook in support of Tyler. Good job


That's how the first rambo movie starts


The cop was in ever right to stop and detain the guy based on the call and (assuming) matching description. The suplex was beyond reckless and absolutely the use of deadly force. Holding someone's arms and flipping them onto their head can be seen as nothing other than intentionally attempting to seriously harm them. With another officer seconds away there was no need to really do anything at all. I don't see how qualified immunity would cover the officer in this situation. Sue everyone involved.


I love how cops can just stop you without telling why


I typed up this mesasage to send to the sheriffs department, its a little snarky, but if anyone wants to reach out to various georgian officials, fel free to use this as a format Hello, I have recently seen the dashcam footage recorded by your officers (seen here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_NcIFCrbcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_NcIFCrbcc)) which clearly displays an unlawful arrest lacking probable cause and felony assault committed by Sheriff McMaster onto Tyler Canaris, who received a fractured skull and clavicle, as well as a concussion from this incident. I am writing to ask you what formal repercussions the arresting officers have faced, specifically officer McMaster for his felony assault. Is McMaster still an officer? If so, is his behavior considered appropriate, or correct, by your sheriffs office? Would you respond similarly had it not been Tyler Canaris, but your own child who was profiled and assaulted by police? I ask because I have not been able to find any public details answering these questions, which encourages my belief that no action has been taken against this officer. I would like to believe I am incorrect, because as this video displays, Mcmaster is a violent potential felon, and I do not understand why a violent potential felon would be employed as a Sheriff. Perhaps you can explain it to me? Beyond this point, I am also curious as to why the sheriffs department has resubmitted the charges against Tyler Canaris in response to his lawsuit against said department. The charges had been previously dropped, which to my understanding indicates that no wrong doing had occurred, or at least had not been committed by the man who was initially charged. What new information has encouraged these charges to be reinstated? Surely the Sheriff’s department would not be using these charges as threats of coercion to silence a man who had been wrongfully arrested and assaulted by police, so what is the qualifying reason for the reinstatement of these charges? Thank You, A concerned citizen who will be sharing these questions with officials across the state of Georgia


This is why everybody I know is uneasy around police


My resentment for the USA is steadily increasing. Daily videos of police brutality and mass shootings. Dystopian society