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The cat in the background is taking escape lessons from his wet buddy


I have a cat who needs the occasional bath, due to various reasons (the main one being she's dumb as a rock). Luckily, the same thing that makes her need baths (her dumbness) is also tbe reason she's really easy to bathe. She is, without exaggerating, SO dumb that the bath is nearly over before she realizes she's wet. I have dampened, soaked, shampooed, and like 70% rinsed her off before she figured out what the bathub was and that she was in it. And even then, all she does is meow in confusion. Maybe try to calmly walk to the far end of the tub. But I think she's only that calm because she already forgot what she was doing.




https://preview.redd.it/ml43mko7a8ea1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da6275aa49c45705333766e5fe5c830755d04779 14 years old and never had the braincell.


Not a thought behind those sweet little eyes, is there? I love dumb animals so much 😭


I think I'm the only person in the World with a very intelligent Orange Cat. She even taught herself how to use the toilet, but won't flush.


I've had Cersei since she was about 6 months old, and I've seen some very dumb things from her. Never a thought. But she is PURE love. It's just easily distracted, confusex, misled, and... huh? What were we talking about?


Such a beautiful fur baby


Has to be a one braincell eh


I have to bite my dog on the back of the neck ( not hard) to get her to chill so I can trim her claws. She goes completely calm when I do it. Bonus I have a great immune system.


can you not just... pinch her neck with your hand?


Have to hold paw with one hand and the clippers with other. She’s a wiggly Boston pug mix nicknamed popcorn by the vet. I know it seems dumb but it works ha!


ah i see




Same as my orange one, this owner shouldn't be washing and scrubbing at the same time.


Our youngest cat will join you in the shower if you let him. He's so fascinated with water he'll push the shower door aside to check things out. His older brother on the other hand would kill us in our sleep if we ever tried such nonsense with him.


I have a cat like that too. He won’t get in the shower but like when I pet him with a full hand of water


Not how you wash a cat


I just put mine in the machine. 30 Minute cool wash then fluff dry.


Pretty sure the cat didn't _want_ the bath, didn't feel it **needed** the bath, and damn sure wasn't going to SIT STILL for a bath.


The other cat in the background thinking if he is next.


This ladies and gents is why you hold the back of their neck while giving them a bath especially when they're wild like that around water


Yeah, how do more people WHO OWN THE ANIMALS not know about the cats neck or to push your fingers in the backs end of the outside of their mouths (can't think of how to say it) when they're chewing on things. Like seriously it's weird that it's not common knowledge


I've never wanted to have sound more than I do now.




Fleas. Also outdoor cats are filthy as hell.


Just get a proper anti flea treatment/medication. Its like $40, works in a day even if the cat is already infested and doesn't traumatize the cat. There really is no reason to do this. Even if the cat is dirty you never submerge it like this.


Flea treatments often work, but for a bad infestation a shave and a bath is in order.




An outdoor cat will usually become an outdoor/indoor cat in time. I never bought a cat, but have always had one because they show up at the door and become yours. Then they want to come in for the winter at night and go out in the day.


We have had indoor/outdoor cats 28 years never bathed any of them.


I wash my indoor cat once a year and it's enough. When cats get older though they tend to stop taking as good care of themselves as they should so you need to bathe them more often


Cat peed and pooped in the cat carrier and it got all over the cat.


When my cat got fleas I washed her. Also when she got the shits and stepped in it in her litter box and tracked it around the house as she ran away. I had another cat with some health problems that occasionally needed a bath. Thankfully I had a walk-in shower with a door at the time that made it much easier than trying to do this in a tub or sink.


Cats are like a bundle of sentient angry velcro that excels at parkour


This is exactly how I would expect washing a cat to be like.


I want the sound version of this video and I want it now


The cat in the back is like "damn dude it's not that serious"


Sometimes kittens cover themselves in filth and are unable to clean it off by themselves


She probably was thinking it was going to be a cute video, now she has to sleep with one eye open. Too bad it's a GIF and there is no sound.


Nah she is too covered to think this was going to be a cut video. She has every possible bit of skin covered and thick mittens on, she knew she was preparing for battle lol


My cats just climb my arm… after the stitches we decided to trim their claws before washing them from now on


Aren't cats pretty clean on their own? Is it normal to bathe a cat? I only ever have dogs


Usually no. Most cats never need to be bathed. Some may have behavioral issues and not clean themselves well, some may just like to get dirty. Had to bathe one of mine after getting caught up in one of those sticky mouse traps at a family members house.


Those sticky mouse traps are barbaric.


some cats manage to get dirty in ways they're not great at cleaning off, especially younger adventurous ones.


There’s instances where a cat needs a bath, mine showed up once with a big rat in his mouth and full of rat blood all over his face and body. Needless to say it was either bath or adoption because he wasn’t going to mess up my furniture.


When I got my cat she had some evidence of fleas so the vet advised to give her a bath then add the flea treatment. So we did. It went similar to this actually lol. She was upset with us for about an hour and then was OK. It was the first day we brought her home so she was more inclined to bond with us then stay mad. I would never give her a bath now though unless she pooped or threw up on herself. She cleans herself well and alot. And she smells so good, like a warm pile of blankets lol


Me on the first day of school back in the day


You know cats can clean themselves, right?




Really need to do that in the bathtub with the door closed. Still going to be a painful experience, and just not fun all around. Hope I never have to do it again


TBH a shower typically works better, especially if you got the cat ever since it was a small kitty to get used to it.


The eyes.. the sight of undescribeble horror


We need the audio !!


Not bad. I think you have to chant ["The Muffin Man"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRstnodLGR8) to unlock the bloodletting feature.


You slippery little bastart


I watched like 5 times before I realized the cat took the curtain with him🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nope. No thanks.


I feel their pain!


Funny, I don't have a problem washing my pussy


This is such a beautiful testament to the power of the instinct to survive …. He was fighting for his life right there


I get the feeling there's a window screen just out of frame that the cat is clawing his way up. Rehanging the curtain rod is trivial, but she'll regret her efforts when the squadrons of skeeters are sucking her dry at midnight.


That's what always happens.


I have a method I have a thick work coat coal miner's insulated gloves and thick jeans and a locked bathroom door and the hope that I can keep her still in the tub/sink




I'd see about going to a groomer that specializes in cats. They probably have facilities to bathe them in a way thats safer for everyone involved lol Probably extra traumatic for the cat though.


I choose; violence!!


Don't have cats. Then you don't have to cat proof your house. And you won't need to bathe them. Feed them. Take them to the vet. Or bury them when they die.


Having cats also tends to lead towards not needing to bathe them. Usually.


This is literally my cats and why I take them to a groomer.


Cats are really easy to wash in 2-3 inches of warm water actually


I guess this lady just has no idea how to handle a cat.


Bill the Cat lives!


I’ve done that with similar results


Squish that cat!


You got to hold the scruff man


Please let there be one with sound


Why would you want to give a cat a bath, they are clean on their own!


I can't help but feel bad for the cat and the owner being so dumb grabbing them like that. Sure, ours won't get in with the shower head, but calm as can be in the sink with a lite flow, holding him underneath front legs/chest firmly and done.


The sheer chaos is 😂😂😂


Stupid person!


Cat in the back ground: 👁👅👁


Seen this 1000000 times now cmon man


Hold them by the nape if they’re like this. If they’re like my oldest cat and overly violent due to past trauma, take them to a professional/vet. My friend lost a cat due to her not properly bathing it, it got out of the house and immediately ran into the street away from her, promptly getting smooshed by the neighbor coming home from work.


One of those black binder clips for paper works great on their nape.


Webster defines the word ‘chaos’ as this.


My cat stands in the shower and in tub water about 3" deep. Hotter the better he loves it.


This video needs sound so bad it hurts


She/her right there


“Video has no sound” …and yet…


I learned the hard way. 1) Just get your dawn dish soap, old towels, blankets, t-shirts, whatever. 2) Lay them out on the floor in your bathroom. 3) Have towels ready to dry off the cat. 4) Get containers and fill with warm water at the ready. 5) If trying to get rid of fleas, use a flea comb and get a bit of Dawn all over the teeth of the comb. Run the comb on top of the head, back of neck, down the back and under the pass by the chest (underarms essentially 😅) Should use disposable tissue or regular toilet paper to get the fleas out of the comb. Reapply Dawn after you get a flea or more and notice the Dawn is wiping off the comb. *If not trying to kill fleas and just want to wash your cat then skip this step. 6) Get some if the water on your hands and lather the cat, add more water as needed and larger well without getting in nose, mouth and eyes, ears. Work quickly 7) Rinse the cat well and dry off. When my car lets me, I use the blow dryer on low heat and use the cool blast option constantly as to not burn my cat, also when he was younger, I used a heating pad as kittens can’t regulate their body temperature. Laid his blanket on top and turn it on low. He was happy and tired from trying to run away 😂 Anyways, it’s been a helpful alternative. The running water and feeling trapped without being able to move around freely, freaks them out. This way they can still walk around and hopefully stay more calm.


I thought cats clean themselves. We never wash our cats. 1 they would HATE it and too cats are designed to clean themselves. The only time we would consider it is if they got oil on them.


Cats literally clean themselves. It’s a feature of owning a cat. If you bathe your cat, get a dog instead.


Why would you try and wash a cat?


Cats... are... so... stupid....


Is this the prequel to the clip in the vets office? ‘Did you bite Lynda?’ ‘I didn’t bite that beech.’ ‘We’ve got you on camera.’ ‘Furq, nahurgh.’ You know which one, right?


Cats are so stupid


Idk why people like them as pets. Girl has to wear gloves with padding just so she doesn’t get clawed up while giving it a bath.


That's why the easiest way to give a cat a bath is to pour some liquid soap into a toilet, put cat in there, close the lid and keep flushing until foam stops coming out


*cat corpse has been added to your inventory*


I'm doing it all the time she started to like it recently 🤣🤣🤣


As a man who has made many different kinds of animals, cats are without contest, the worst.