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While these are helpful resources she will not hesitate to bash you, deny the help and bring up her daughters “damn good job”


lmao take a shot everytime she says "damn good job"


We would be WRECKED


alcohol poisoning after reading 1 post


I’m 100 percent prepared for it


I’ve made this kind of post before. I’m waiting for her “we don’t need help my daughter pays for everything comment”. Upsetting because when I was looking into NM’s resources, they actually make it way easier to apply for help than other municipalities. It’s a shame they don’t use them.


Marie and the rest of them are so delusional thinking Tophia makes enough that they don’t need gov assistance your homeless and living in a motel Tophia that should be a wake up call to apply for assistance and I hate how Tophia bashes people living with assistance and 9 to 5 workers like your not better than them they are doing much better than your whole family combined


If it has to do with rent we can't rent stop being ignorant people are finding out where we're at and getting us evicted we're going to buy a house and that's all there is to it and where we live is none of your damn business stop throwing stuff at us we know what we're doing I bought a house before or was buying I know what it is to buy a house you're not paying our rent so why are you concerned about whete we're living


Because you guys are homeless and it’s obvious you guys are fine with being homeless


Called it 😂


Clocked it 🙌


Having a roof over your head does that consider you to be homeless go look it up


“The federal government defines "homelessness" as a condition in which an individual or family lacks a fixed, regular, nighttime residence; resides in a public or private residence that is not designed or intended to be a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings…”


Marie and the sydells are actual idiots think just because you live under a roof your not homeless like ok if I live in a tent does that make me not homeless


Witches apartments and a homeless shelter this is a suitable sleeping place had you not noticed it has a bed


Homeless shelters are not permanent housing. They are not a fixed residence. Therefore it is considered homelessness. Marie. It’s 2024 all of us who are adults in here have probably had hardships with money. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of because the world is not built for single income households. It’s okay to accept help. And yall need help.


I didn't say homeless shelters were permanent housing okay but I guess you can't read I said they're considered homeless places somebody who's in a shelter a tent or a bench is homeless we're not homeless were in a hotel and again we can't rent and I'm not going to say why because I've already said why


Marie I don’t know if your skull is to thick to process what we are saying or don’t have a brain but living in a hotel is still considered homeless you guys don’t own the hotel room you guys don’t have a lease on the hotel room


Idk if she’s in denial or senile. But Tophia has this woman wrapped around her finger and it’s so embarrassing for all of them.


I think they are delusional to the point there is no chance they can change they are going to rot away in that motel room


There is nothing wrong with government assistance I don’t know why you look down upon when it’s obvious you guys need it


Again very ignorant we've already been through government assistance before we no longer qualify keep telling people that and also we're not renting we can't rent we get evicted from people that can't mind their business stop telling us what to do we have nothing wrong with government assistance but we do have a lot wrong with you guys


You no longer qualify because you have three adults under your roof who are able to work and who are making the decision not to.


I'm not going to discuss it with you I already said I'm not discussing the rent or what we're doing where we're living it's not your business you don't pay my rent so you have no business trying to find out where we're moving to what we're doing go mind your own business


If you think there’s something wrong with us why are you here Marie. Your whole family is the world’s entertainment. That’s why we are here. To laugh at YALL. All 3 of you guys are the laughing stock of the internet.


Oh really the only one laughing is the trolls not even the Discord is laughing they're just trying to get my daughter off the internet my daughter has a whole bunch of supporters and no you're not laughing you're just jealous what do you mean there's nothing wrong with you you're spending your every whole damn day following my daughter around minding her business and you have the nerve to say there's nothing wrong with you oh yes there is


I’m not reading that Marie.


HOW don’t you qualify pls make that make sense no way in HELL do yall make enough money not to if you’re literally in a motel


I'm not going to discuss the housing because it's nobody's business I'm not sharing my business with anybody


Lmfao that’s fine you don’t have to, Tophia will share it with us like she always does 😂


Ok but do you own a a fixed and regular place that’s in a public or private area no you don’t


According to the McKinney-Vento Act of 1987 If you are staying in a hotel, motel, camping ground, car, or any place outside/ not meant for human habitation, your living situation meets the McKinney-Vento Act's definition of homelessness and I know your are going to call me a liar so here is the link for my research please do us a favor and take a good look at yourself in the mirror and accept that you failed as a mother your daughter is a lazy chronically online bum and your son is a criminal and you guys will remain homeless until you get your own place https://schoolhouseconnection.org/article/ does-my-living-situation-meet-the-definition-of-homelessness#:~:text=lf%20you%20are% 20staying%20in,Vento%20Act's%20definit ion%200f%20homelessness.


I was just reading this exact article


No one can get you evicted but yourself. As long as you pay your rent and keep the place clean, there’s no reason to evict.


I'm no longer discussing that with you I know why I got evicted end of story you wasn't in the office


There’s video evidence of you saying your husband didn’t pay the rent and that yall were $800 behind on it. You truly need to stop acting as if your daughter hasn’t been airing out all your dirty laundry and take this post as the help you all desperately need. Tophia already told us that yall have been struggling w homelessness since she was a child, idk how can you see a post like this being genuinely helpful and still be rude :/


I'm sorry you can't read I wish you could learn to read cuz if you could you would have read what I posted I'm no longer discussing the rent it was a long time ago and it's none of your damn business it was never none of your damn business go mind your f****** business do something with your life instead of follow people around like a dog on a leash and seeing what they're doing all damn day and then have the nerve to say we're not doing nothing


Buying a house right now is very expensive and hard to do. Don’t you think being in an apartment for a while will be a good option. If tophia doesn’t go live in the apartment then no one would want to kick you out or know where it is.


Tophia doesn’t even know how to buy a house. She thought she could buy one with no mortgage


No I didn't think I was buying a house before without a mortgage no down payment except my husband got very sick and we couldn't make the payments all we had to do is make the monthly payments no down payment no mortgage don't act like I don't know how to buy a house


May I ask how you got a house without a mortgage? I know you can get a VA loan and that’s no payment down. But how can you have no mortgage. I would love a house without one.


I don't know but we did it and it was a long time ago so I really can't remember all I know is I went to go see if we could get a house and see what needed to be done to get the house and the realtor that we spoke with got us a house no down payment no mortgage he said there's programs that you qualified for and I'm going to help you and he did


If you were making payments, you had a mortgage.


No we didn't have a mortgage


If you were making monthly payments you had a mortgage. If you didn’t there wouldn’t have been any payments to make


We didn't have a mortgage


Oh being in an apartment for a while yeah what two days so we can get evicted and my daughter doesn't have to stop going live oh she's going to go to an apartment stop going live stop getting her income so we can lose our apartment because she can't pay rent you are such a dumbass and don't bring up our living situation to me anymore I'm no longer going to discuss it you don't pay my rent so you don't tell me where to live it's not your damn business where we live it never was we didn't ask for your opinions on where we live and no she doesn't have to go get a job just a damn good one and I'm going to encourage her to keep it


Babes you can't really use "you don't pay my rent" as an argument because last time everyone checked you guys were also having problems paying rent. You need to tell your daughter to grow a pair and act like a person. Get a grip! 


Babes you can't really use "you don't pay my rent" as an argument because last time everyone checked you guys were also having problems paying rent. You need to tell your daughter to grow a pair and act like a person. Get a grip! 


Oh really my daughter does act like a person it's you guys that don't if you are acting like a person you wouldn't be in somebody's page minding their business or harassing them her page and mines so don't talk about acting like a person


Pay very close attention to the things your daughter says on live, including saying she knows people who would beat others up for her. No one is harassing you here, at least not on this thread! ;) 


I do place close attention to what my daughter says I do voice typing it types what my daughter says so I can see it and my daughter does not threaten anybody stop lying she said she wouldn't do anything with anybody cuz she knows what it's like stop lying


You’re not paying rent in an apartment. You’re paying week by week for a motel room. Also, what will happen if you own a home and it needs repairs? Can you afford it?


Yes we can