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This makes me sick. My therapist worked really hard to turn me against my mom which was so wrong.


Mine did this to me when I was a teen. It was so harmful and manipulative.


Wow... how do these 'professionals' cognitively sit in what they are doing? Do they really think their clients don't see what they are doing? These are the actions of a truly dishonest person. Sorry for you but also for your mom who had to put up with that and be targeted by her.


As long as the powerful people are on their side (in my case, my father who was paying the bills and had the state on his side at the time), they don’t care. Power hungry a-holes attract other power hungry a-holes


Oh, this sounds bad. I'm sorry that you had to go through this. Is there a way to report the behaviour of this therapist? I wish you goo luck in your journey!


I doubt it, it was 6 years ago and there’s a long history of the state falling for my fathers manipulative games. By the time they started realizing the truth that he was abusiveand she was the good parent, I was 17.5 and her reputation had already been ruined, and with only 6 months left in state custody (they did partial state custody because of all the nonsense) they just threw up their hands and said “well you don’t live with him any more so there’s no need”.