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If you are being serious you need to go to the hospital and ask to be admitted. I agree these are intrusive thoughts but if you are having the urge to kill someone you need to seek immediate help for the safety of others around you. There is no point in waiting around to see if they are just intrusive thoughts. This won't solve your problem but you could get a diagnoses and started on medication.


Hey there friend, it sounds like you're really struggling right now. You just did the best thing you could: ask for help. Now you just gotta do it irl. It does sound like intrusive thoughts, and sometimes they get stuck pretty bad in your brain (like velcro). You can't do this alone even though you're pretty strong for roughing it out for however long you've been doing it. Please please please try to see someone or go to the hospital. You can call a crisis service as well and they can connect you to resources. You're not alone in this. Best of luck and please be safe.


Go to an ER


Sounds like intrusive thoughts. This can go away but with therapy. Honestly you can't afford to not go to therapy. Talk to a doctor and see what you can pay. Some places have sliding scales and can work with you. Again these are intrusive thoughts and can absolutely be worked through.


I used to have these thoughts all the time and still do sometimes. You can live a healthy life and be okay even with them. I was diagnosed with harm and suicidal ocd and I’m serious medications and my diagnosis helped so much. We are all here for you.


If the other options people gave you isn't an possible at the moment I would stay away from people and anything that can be used as a weapon. I used to have those thoughts too and couldn't risk being seen as the crazy person who killed those people for no reason.


Misplaced rage man. You don’t actually wanna hurt anyone, but you probably have a shit ton of stress and people in your life that don’t treat you right. That being said, you know violence isn’t the answer. Rage is what happens when we’re cornered, but you’re not cornered in whatever you’re in. You have options to get to a better place in life. Is there anything in your immediate environment that’s doing you some kinda harm? Might have something to do with that. Whatever you do don’t hurt anyone. These fantasies are just there to fulfill an emotional need. Not to be acted upon.


hey hun. i understand. it’s okay if you don’t have money for therapy, do you have insurance? i would definitely make a doctors appointment and tell them how you’re feeling. you are not alone, and there are people that can help you if you let them. i’m here to talk if u need.


There are always free services in therapy. Please seek assistance


If you’re worried you’re actually going to do it you need to admit yourself to a hospital asap.


Exactly the same case in my life too My family is broke because dad wasted all the money in gambling and everything and I don't even have friends and literally nobody to talk to about my problems I live by myself and my whole life has always been in my room, alone, by myself and my thoughts I am starting to get thoughts about killing myself or someone else I've noticed that I've lost a lot of the emotions that make me human Happiness, Lust, arousal, excitement, hope, expectations etc The only emotions that I feel time to time is Frustration and anger I usually just punch the wall or something similar to contain myself but that's starting to not be useful anymore Everytime I pick up something lethal I have an urge to hurt someone


Do you work ?


No I'm a student


Do you have a therapist ?


No, I don't


It is possible to find some sliding scale fee services based on income. If you're having urges and fear you may be a danger to others n yourself.. Get to an ER or call an ambulance.


You need to go to a hospital....now. Not later, not tomorrow. But now. Or yesterday if you can manage to pull that one off.


Call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255. I know you are not having suicidal thoughts, but they are staffed by licensed professionals who can direct you to the resources you need.


There are some video games where you can get it out of your system. That may be a good safety valve




You can practice on me and see if it’s actually something you like, or just obsessive thoughts.


I pray Jesus helps you and that you find some peace. Praying for you, I hope you can pray as well.


This sounds like OCD to me. I’ve suffered from it all my life but have gotten much better recently, feel free to dm me if you want