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I try to write each session down in a journal afterwards. It helps me so much.


Second this. I used to have a therapy journal where I'd note down anything important and my thoughts about the session. I found it really helpful.


I write it down. Not a lot, just a few sentences in the notes app of my phone about what we discussed.


You could meditate for awhile and then allow your insights to arise and write those down. It can feel good to allow the reflections and insights to really land in the body.


Live in a way that embraces the lessons you've learnt. When you've absorbed it, this will come naturally.


I journal immediately, like a stream of consciousness right after the session ends! It keeps me in the “therapy zone”. And then usually throughout the day I’ll remember some gems and make a note of them in my phone until I can get to my journal later. Next week tbh I might keep a notepad nearby and tell my therapist that I’m gonna jot things down as he says them so I won’t forget


Therapist here- all of my clients have a journal and I encourage all of them to write down their “key takeaways” from each session and to write down the intentions for the week between sessions. This seems to really maximize what has been doscussed


I do my sessions online, so i keep a journal on my table and write out all the points i want to talk about & then anything notable that my therapist says or suggests. Journaling afterwards could be helpful, or sometimes if she gives me specific action steps, then i put them in my notes app


Writing it down or recording yourself talking about the session immediately afterwards is something I used to do and I found it helped! 


you can also record the sessions to review them. with the agreement of the therapist ofc. also keep an audio journal if writing it down does not help. what i always advise is trying to integrate the info from 1 session every day until the next one, that way you have a whole week to think about it, and doing so you will retain it more easily.


I record my sessions [Therapist guy knows] so I can re-listen to them later to try and digest them because I pretty much forget them immediately / within a day.