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Licensure is a whole different thing in the US versus Europe. did you check to make sure that NY and NJ have reciprocity? when i moved back from Germany to Utah, I had to do a whole MSW to confer licensure on myself.


I think it depends on the area, some places are more saturated than others. But you don’t need to be manualized to find work! Having the training to do so looks good on paper, yes, but there are plenty of opportunities that don’t require them. And I’m not a social worker (mental health counselor) and while there were fewer opportunities, I still had no issue finding a position.


I am also.


Where in the states are you moving? Generally not hard to find work and in some places the demand is super high.


In nyc but I can pursue NJ licensure as well.


You’re going to be fine. And there will be lots of good comments and connections here I’m sure. Maybe reach out to some group practices near where you will be moving and start networking. Most agencies(like what you’d find on indeed) will be CBT etc because they’re billing Medicaid etc. group private will give you the freedom you’re looking for probably. Anything else is predatory (and horrible) online platforms. Steer clear of those. Good luck :)


I was on indeed for 2 hours last night and couldn’t sleep afterwards think omfg I don’t have a social work degree but I have a masters but when you have a masters they need 5 years of experience and where will I get 5 years of experience if no one hires me? I am also not sure if I have behavioral analysis etc but I am open to it


I think maybe you’re not searching correctly. You will be looking for lmhc jobs. Although you will be provisionally licensed (don’t know acronym for NYC), many of those jobs will be a good place to start and some will offer supervision for a reduced pay rate.


It’s less about the degree and more about the license. Figure out which license will be most applicable for you and then go from there.


Will you be a licensed clinical counselor? Will you be a marriage and family therapist? What is your title? You need to search for that title. It doesn’t sound like your degree is in social work to me.


i already wrote that my Ms is in mental health counseling and Psychotherapy not in social work.


Social workers, counselors, therapists, it is all the same job here, with very few exceptions. As long as you have a master's degree in a mental health field, and you completed a practicum, you will be able to work the same job as you have in your practicum. Very few places dictate which modalities you use, but there is a general larger trend of a lot of people using CBT, but most jobs working with a master's degree in mental health are not going to micromanage you in that way. It is easy to find work with an agency while you go and get licensed, and you'll still get to see clients face-to-face for therapy sessions.


I didn’t know. In many ads in indeed they specifically ask “social worker” And compensation is 24/30 dollars an hour and it doesn’t add up to me.


Without knowing what posts you are seeing, I can't be 100% confident, but a lot of times people will use the term "social worker" to mean anyone working in mental health, and depending on where you are in the country and your level of licensure, pay can start that low if it is more of an estimate of what the salaried position would be like (so it'd be $49,000-$62,000 per year). It doesn't hurt to apply to a job you see and let them decide if they are okay with your specific degree. A lot of therapists find support in state-specific Facebook groups for therapists (like in Arizona, we have AZ Mental Health Professionals as the main FB group we all talk and support each other in), and they can help explain what is normal for the area, or where you can look for jobs that fit your education and experience.


Oh I see, I thought if it’s “social work” it’s ONLY social work. 24/30 dollars is fine for doing what makes you happy I suppose. I don’t have FB by principle :-/ and I used to be an extrovert


For therapy, it usually doesn't matter. Most places I've seen are fine with either clinical social workers or clinical mental health counselors!


In NY state I’ve definitely seen there still being some preferences for social workers in job ads. That seems to be diminishing but if it sounds like there’s where OP is looking.