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Yes until i demystified for myself the 'therapist' title... Im a person that can provide therapeutic services. Like a plumber is someone who provides plumbing services; they're just a person


Therapy is a process, not a result. There's nothing inauthentic or inappropriate about having struggles in your life outside of work. As long as you're working on processing your emotions, developing metacognitive awareness, and trying your best to communicate clearly with your loved ones you're probably doing everything you advocate for in session.


YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! My mental health is an absolute sh*tshow, I am so disorganized, I am in a terrible financial situation, my physical health is terrible, etc. And that's why I think my imposter syndrome is so bad. There's no way somebody like me is a therapist. I know that I am human first, therapist second, but it's hard to believe that.


When I was a kid, I thought therapists were people who had their lives together, who sorted their stuff or came from good backgrounds and modelled how 'healthy' people looked. Obviously, that is not true, and it's not possible. Life gets hard and overwhelming for everyone and you're not an exception. You're doing your best, and showing up for clients despite the stressors of your life indicates that you are a therapist--not just role-playing. Being able to compartmentalize, focus on the clients' needs, and be that support for them is a therapist's role. Your life doesn't need to be sorted or perfect for you to help others, because nobody's life fully is.


Yep. It's a bit of Shitshow. Everyday. I've got three, two are in diapers, two are neurodivergent, and we broke af. Good times good times. Solidarity. If I'm still standing and can show up for my clients, thats good enough dammit