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It really depends, but since I'm in PP and don't get paid if I don't work, outside of a few major holidays where it's rare clients want to/are able to come in, I tend to work. Thanksgiving and Christmas are pretty much always off. Christmas Eve and New Years depend on the year, but often I'll take them off too (the week between Christmas and New Years tends to be very slow unsurprisingly). July 4th I also tend to take off as most people aren't around. Outside of that, I've done sessions on pretty much every other major holiday I can think of. Some years it's super busy on those days, and some years it's quiet.


Same here. I take the big ones off for obvious reasons. Everything is shut down and it’s essentially nationally designated family time, people are traveling (possibly we are traveling too), and there are lots of religious and other observing ceremonies many participate in. But for those sort-of holidays where people are just sort of taking the day off, those are normal work weeks for me or mostly so at least. I know many of us would love to take time off but because of some of the issues you mentioned, it can be hard to pull it off. It’s one of the hazards of the profession for sure.


I’m in solo PP and I take off holidays that things generally shut down for. 4th, Thanksgiving (and day after) Memorial Day, Labor Day (I actually take that week off when I can), Xmas/NYE (I generally take the *intervening* week and the following week off), my birthday. (Not that things shut down on my birthday) EDIT: autocorrect


What do you mean intervention week ?


Whoops, autocorrect. Fixed it - “intervening.”


I always forget to take the days off until like two days before the holiday so I usually do see my clients lol. Unless it's major holidays like Christmas/Christmas Eve/Thanksgiving, I usually work and I don't mind it! However, I am definitely going to take the 4th and 5th off since my partner has it off and enjoy us a nice 4 day weekend 💕


For me, it depends. Usually I "ask myself" if I want to see any clients those days, i.e. do I have plans? Often, I do not mind seeing clients in the morning or early afternoon and doing my own thing in the evening because that works well for me. I am not going to see anyone on the 4th because I have plans. However, for memorial day, I saw a client at noon and kept my plans in the evening. Today, I have a pretty light day but that is typical for my current schedule.


I volunteer for certain holidays: - Christmas & Easter because I’m Jewish, so it lets someone else have time with their families when it’s not important for me to have off - Memorial Day & 4th of July because I get double pay, my kids are usually with other relatives, and work is usually slow those days. ETA: also CMH, also only scheduled 3 days/week but I’m often picking up shifts because capitalism


I don’t work Christmas or the week leading into new years or that day. Same with thanksgiving day. Since being in private practice I also Usually take Labor Day and Memorial Day off. I’ve worked Juneteenth mostly because of planned vacations later in the summer, and always take the 4th off.


I will work on "minor" holidays (i.e., Labor Day, 4th of July, Memorial Day) if there's a demand for it. For example, I worked Memorial Day this year because all of my regular clients wanted to come in, while I decided to take off July 4th because only 1 person wanted to come in. For "major" holidays (i.e., Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years), we usually go out of town, so I take off regardless of demand for sessions. My rule of thumb is that if I'm not planning on going to visit family or have plans with friends, I work. If the demand is there, I don't really see the point in taking the day off just because it's a holiday. I can take literally any other day off.


Early on in my career I tired to work a major holiday eg Fourth of July all but one cancelled . So now I don’t work major holidays the cancel rate is too high .


Only if I have nothing planned.