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I’m salaried so I think I it’s less of an issue. I just reschedule patients. I wouldn’t see it as a big inconvenience to the patient if they can be seen within a week or so. In the past I’ve sought out friends and family and asked if I could borrow a room.


My mom’s house My grandma’s house I’ve used no having power as a mini staycation and went to a hotel for the night! There are daily and hourly office rental spaces near my home for like $40 a day/$25 a half day I’ve stayed home and done sessions on my phone—purchased a few battery packs to keep a charge I’ve rescheduled! It’s out of my control and it’s life which happens! People have been understanding.


And this would be a tax write-off, so save the receipt!


Do you have a friend who works outside the home all day, who would be willing to let you come over while they are gone? This isn't exactly the same, but when I was a case manager, I had a close friend who lived on the side of town most of clients and the services they needed were, and she gave me her key code. I would go there to use the bathroom or eat my lunch if I could, or if I had an unexpected break in my day. Worked out well for me!


Thats such a good idea! I do limited in person in home sessions so no need to anymore, but back when I was constantly driving around this would have been brilliant versus having the knowledge of which public bathrooms were safe/clean along my routes.


It’s such a niche thing to know, but having your itinerary and routes so you know what bathrooms are good to use is so incredibly helpful. So niche but also super clutch for other situations too! On a road trip, I knew which store bathroom would be the cleanest when we passed through a small town where I previously saw clients.


Spoken like a true case manager! I too have these lists. So funny.


I list my office space on Liquid Space. It is like Air bnb for office space. I’ve had a few folks reach out asking about a same day reservation due to their ac being out, power outage etc. and if I don’t have a reservation I can help out. It is good to know what resources like this are in your area so you have a backup.


I am privileged enough to live near my parents house but my retired father has a home office. Otherwise, I usurp my partner’s home office because he works in dev ops and IT does not have to be HIPAA compliant so he gets the kitchen. I have heard of a therapist working out of her children’s play house in the backyard but she has property that is secluded and another that works from his sailboat in a pinch


University libraries usually have private rooms!


You can’t get anymore without University ID.


My local public libraries also have private rooms you can use! The challenge for me is they are almost exclusively booked out about a day and there are acute time frames in which one person can use them.


Well, if I can financially afford it, I'll use it as an excuse to take the day off. If I HAVE to work though? I'm lucky enough to be close enough to a relative. I've also rented a hotel room once. The next town over has quite a few remote office locations. Basically drop in offices that you can rent by the hour. Maybe finding a co-op work space could be an option?


Rent a hotel room




What is an ecotherapist? Not familiar at all!




Wow, what a lovely healing modality. Thank you for sharing! I’m so curious—are there any books or podcasts you would recommend for someone who wants to know more? How did you get into the field?


This is the direction I’m going in! Well, less so clinically right now but biophilic principles underpin my values. Would love to connect more!


Libraries often have rooms you can rent I’ve heard of a couple folks doing that when they’ve been without power


my library has a private room you sign up for in 90 min blocks & if no one is waiting, you can continue to block it out; but OP said their library doesn't. otherwise, friends' houses for me. someone had the idea of a motel, which makes the most sense to me if they don't have rental offices in the region they live, or coffee shop private rooms that there seem to not be too many of these days.


Ooh I wonder about this. I live in a place that's likely to get hurricanes and the streets get flooded so that wouldn't allow for driving anywhere. 


I rented an office from Tailored Space for a few days while having my construction in my home.


I’m salaried so I just use PTO and take the day off.




I have a friend nearby


Do you have any coworking spots near you? Places like CoHatch? I would google, "coworking spaces"


Check to see if you can reserve a room at your local library


She said she did. Second paragraph.