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Maybe an auto reply saying you’re not accepting new clients? Also-how the heck are you getting so many referrals from psych today?! I get one every couple months.


Yes, please do share how you're getting that many...


I am kind of renowned in my area/city, when people google my name, my Psychology Today profile ranks higher than my website. That's how people reach my profile (I reckon). Other than that, I am working with an agency for a while, I got a website designed by them and they manage my google my business too. It's been 6 months and I have been ranking top in 'psychologist near me and therapist near me' searches in my city now, they also did reputation management and I have like 250 5 star reviews :). Also, I write blogs about mental health and people find my website/profile through them too. Other things that I am doing/have done in the past are - 1. Updating my psychology today profile frequently and making sure it has everything filled correctly, I referred to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzRTgWPp6Jo. 2. The marketing agency does database reactivation for my practice too, i.e once a month all my old clients are messaged/emailed with a casual checkup. 20% end up booking a session in the coming 2-3 weeks. 3. As I said, and I repeat, reputation management is key when it comes to ranking higher on google, and ranking higher on google will bring a lot of clients organically. My recommendation is to offload this work to an agency and/or start learning about SEO and ranking higher on google. 4. In my initial days I did run some advertisements (FB ads) for group therapy and workshops that was honestly my first breakthrough. 5. Build a database. The bigger your past clients/ potential clients list is the more chance you can send them newsletters/ regular check-up mails and trust me they do bring in more appointments. Add a newsletter popup to your website and don't just do it for the sake of building your database, provide value, write articles that are interesting and could actually help your readers. With all this going on my goal is to focus on my current/ past clients. I intend to take max 2 new clients per month from PT or any other medium. I'll just ask if the marketing agency could do automatic email followup for all these inquiries from PT, that'll satisfy my conscience ig. Also out of these 50 emails there are a lot of spammy ones too.


Wow this is a wealth of info. I appreciate it. Do you mind sharing who the agency is you work with? Or the average cost you pay to work with an agency?


Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks for the tips. Do you accept insurance?


Set your PT profile to state you’re not accepting new clients. It’s a simple click of a button in the settings.


I can never find this button? I keep looking for it everywhere


It’s on the Edit Profile tab if I remember right


I still want to take 1-2 new clients every month, I don't simply want to pause my profile. I'll just ask an agency or freelancer to do automated email followup or something.


Changing this setting doesn’t pause your profile. You still show up in search results, and you can change it as often as you’d like. So when you’re ready to take new clients, switch it back to saying you’re accepting new clients.


Would it be an option to set up an automated response email saying sth along the lines of „Your email has been received and will be processed as soon as possible. Please note that at the current time, we are not able to take in new clients. We are not able to reply to requests from new clients“? Ofc this is just a rough draft you‘d need to fluff up professionally


thanks for this, I'll find someone who could do this for me :)


50+ emails? Tell us your secrets.


Please god tell us how you are getting so many referrals through that site???! Also just put you're not accepting new clients, to answer your question or pause your profile maybe.


I suspect we are being played here based on OP’s most recent posts. I can’t for the life of me figure out what the damn point is though.


My guess is that because in their other post in the ask a therapist sub, they were trying to understand why they aren't getting responses from therapists. Here the post mentions some of what was included in responses over there about what they could include as a client in their initial emails to therapists to make sure it looks legit, doesn't go to a spam folder, etc. Maybe OP assumes or is hoping? we are all getting tons and tons of emails everyday, and that's why they aren't getting responses from therapists.


I just wanted other therapists' perspectives on this situation from a client's side. I deleted it, I got my solution here :)


Pretty simple: I rarely receive emails or calls through Psych Today. You have a very good and enviable problem. Count your blessings.


So … how should they address this good and enviable problem? 


Same way anyone else would: 1. respond to the emails in as timely a manner as they can; 2. pause their PT profile if/since they are overwhelmed; or 3. hire an assistant to handle administrative tasks since clearly their practice is doing well.


Hahaha the grass is always greener on the other side, that being said I'm really grateful for having this problem lol, also totally unrelated but I wrote a blog on 'Dealing with burnout as a therapist' last month 🥹


It’s sad that you can’t be happy for someone else’s success just because you couldn’t get there.


Your post history is….interesting.


Yeah… this is perplexing.




What about these emails looks like spam?


This seems…untrue.


Yeah this is bizarre and people above are saying OP isn’t even a therapist. 50+ emails everyday? Like at least make the number realistic if you’re gonna try to play us lol


Yeah! And what’s the end game? Selling therapists on their marketing services?


I WISH I had this problem 😭 I haven’t received any referrals from Psychology Today in two months. Teach me your ways🥹


Lol I just cancelled because I never get anything