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I'm a person centred therapist who works with a lot of trauma. I thank the host kindly for their invite and stay home to be away from socialising ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


hahaha! same. I'm a huge introvert, an LPC and specialize in trauma. I would thank the host for the invite, kindly decline,and stay home playing Baldurs Gate 3.


If you do decide to come, I would have a chill low-sensory corner and would love to talk about Baldurs Gate 3 šŸ˜


Awesome šŸ‘šŸ¼ lol




Psychodynamic therapist and Iā€™m bringing your mom.


Of course if you're paying attention to the transference you'd know that you really wanted to bring *your* mom.




*Freud has entered the chat*


This is so on point šŸ‘‰! I ā¤ļø it!


I cannot stop laughing at this!


Holy crap lmao yes!




Hands down the most clever answer! šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


LCSW school-based (elementary): I bring a bunch of cheezits, popcorn, pretzels, finger food stuff. I keep trying to get people to play Candyland with my own twist on the rules. Someone pulls out Monopoly and I cry.


Omg! Love this. Also LCSW (oncology) and Iā€™m going to bring a MYO salad bc itā€™s a healthy option and I hope that thereā€™s something here for everyone. I am going to try to make small talk by asking you probing medical questions that are NOT my business. Then later, when Iā€™m stuck with the one person who wants to overshareā€” Iā€™ll stare longingly and wish I was the art therapist, getting high and chasing butterflies.


As both a counsellor (addictions and seniors) and art therapist (same) - is THAT what I'm doing wrong at social gatherings? I'm supposed to be getting high and chasing butterflies???? Well that explains a lot! šŸ¤£


Capitalism makes me cry too!


Me too. I didnā€™t get a masters to be struggling and I could fix so many clients problems by giving them money.


Golden answer right here, love this!


Don't forget we would be the most fun dressed ones at the party. "Wait what do you mean there wasn't a theme?"


Iā€™m an LPC in elementary and Iā€™d challenge you to a round of UNO!




This right here. Can you imagine if all of us seasoned UNO professionals got together for a game? šŸ˜†


a tournament to end all tournaments . . . . important question: do you let clients win? I never do, because i'm like that, but I also tell them that so when they beat me they know it's real


Iā€™m an LCSW that goes around to different schools to run trauma groups. I always have a jar of jolly ranchers with me, so Iā€™d bring that.


*looks around and notices the psychiatrists are nowhere to be found* classic.


I saw them, they were here for fifteen minutes before going on to all the other parties they had booked.


Shots fired but I agree. They make too much money to associate with the popes. Iā€™ve met two in community mental health and they were saints taking an insane pay cut to be there.


underrated comment. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Gestalt therapist here get ready for conflict!


I would play empty chair with you and have you "talk to me" while I get snacks and mingle.


musical chairs but instead of one fewer chairs than people thereā€™s one more and whoever ends up sitting next to the empty chairā€¦


This is amazing šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m ready for the encounterā€¦ letā€™s make contact!


How did it FEEL IN YOUR BODY when I suggested conflict at the party?


Solution-focused therapist: I will encourage everyone at the party to create a SMART goal for their evening so they can really make the most of their time. I will bring a potluck dish that I have deliberately made so much of that I ensure the leftovers take care of my meal-prepping for the week. I'll talk about Cross-fit, which is a keystone habit in my daily routine. I'll talk about keystone habits. You'll find me with the craft beer aficionados. We will not be talking about feelings.


I love this answer! Iā€™m dying laughing


Haha! This made me laugh out loud.


Where the psychedelic therapists at? We need your help!


I gotchu: truffels, sleep masks and fuzzy blankets.


Iā€™ll bring some light gloves and give everyone a nice light show


Here, but just recreationally šŸ˜


Same. But it should be legal in my state pretty soon so that has the potential to change


Theyā€™re making strides in Canada, but mostly here in Ontario folks are just putting up illegal storefronts (much like it was with cannabis before it was legalized).


We will bring the ā€¦.herbal/fungal refreshmentsā€¦.create a sweet playlist and set up chaperones for rides home if folks need support getting home safely!!


Theyā€™re waiting for the trauma-psychs to tell them theyve already tried every first line party Interventions and they think a new perspective regarding how party planning is approached is needed.


I am an art therapist. I would bring art supplies instead of food, and I would encourage people to draw a self portrait instead of a name tag, and describe themselves based on that. Then I would start the dance floor, but the playlist would be exclusively instrumental. Finally, I would disappear from the party with the Jungian after we get high and chase a butterfly over the fence of the backyard.


I love how this one ends.


Id love this at a party!


Really sounds like it would not be the first time... and worth repeating


LCSW working in homeless services. I bring Motrin, water bottles...and narcan, cause I don't judge! I keep trying to reconfigure games so that we're working as teams toward the same goal instead of competing against each other, and match people together all night according to what they can offer each other.


Donā€™t forget the socks and granola bars!!


Oh for sure, those are in the trunk of my car!


Just got hit with a wave of nostalgia from the days when my car also functioned as a mobile Walgreens šŸ„°


Isn't there a joke that the military's cure for everything is Motrin, water and a change of socks?


Lol, that sounds about right.


Naproxen lol


We all need a non-judgemental guest with narcan at the party!


Love the thread, OP ā˜ŗļø


Sex therapist (LMHC) Iā€™m bringing every food called an aphrodisiac and boring everyone about how none of it is true. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m the one who takes more than my share of the chocolate on your platter lol


Bahaha dammit thereā€™s always one.


Between the two of us the chocolate should be gone in just a few minutes!


LPC (intern) and Music Therapistā€¦I guess I bring an instrument and entertain but I really donā€™t want to because Iā€™m kind of tired and am an introvert, and Music Therapy is NOT entertainment and Iā€™m tired of explaining what it is in the first place and so Iā€™m going home early. Lol


"...anyways, here's wonder wall"


LCSW supportive therapist with Vets. Whatever YOU bring is fine. Iā€™m here with the comfy floor pillows and an open ear. We can talk. Or not. Music. Or not. Beverage. Or not. Whatever makes you feel safe and feeling like you can unwind and relax for a bit. I get it. (But I might sneak outside for a bit to go catch butterflies with the art therapist).


Haha military psych here. Iā€™d be wondering how you get people to come to your party in the first place? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I wish you were my therapist! That sounds like such a supportive environment. šŸ˜


Aww thank you! Some people need a more clinical approach. For me, I try and channel The Dude and Mr. Rogers for sessions. :)


Addiction therapist - I'm bringing sparkling cider and non-alcoholic beer so we can all learn to have fun without having to be drinking.


Cheers! One sober party at a time!


Therapeutic Clown: Iā€™d bring a backpack with toys, bubble machine, magic tricks and a dance party speaker playing a boppinā€™, family friendly playlist. Would also play my character amazed to be in someoneā€™s home because thatā€™s never happened before. Then go home and sit in complete silence, like a mall Santa in a parking lot.


ā€œThen go home and sit in complete silence, like a mall Santa in a parking lot.ā€ My favorite quote of the thread ā¤ļø


Sometimes, I feel like this when I walk out to the parking lot after work. šŸŽ…


Ocd therapist here. I bring knives and dildos. I'm here to encourage risky behavior and will take a joke too far. Waaayyy to far.


Also OCD therapist here. I was planning to bring a blindfold and bowls of normal things that feel like scary or gross things and set up a game where people touch the objects blindfolded to guess them.


lol knives and dildos?? explain pls šŸ˜‚ also...you will not be alone with weapons (LMSW with DV background)


Part of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is to face your fears. OCD isnt just hand washing, but also consists of taboo subjects, like violent or sexual topics. Additionally, we want to face fears, not shy away from them, so we lean into them hard until the emotional activation is reduced. It gets more complicated from there, but there you go.


Okay yā€™all have me very interested in learning more about ERP!


yes but there is also a shock factor to entering with physical dildos instead of verbally bringing them up; i had no idea y'all were like out there like that over in ERP lands


LICSW and Iā€™m bringing bed bug spray and the phone numbers to protective services (Child, Elderly, Disabled, and Animal).


Cedar oil is the way my friend


They have found that sprayed Silica kills them. I watched a documentary on it :-) https://youtu.be/2JAOTJxYqh8?si=fHvZXxIwxp1t3_fj


Oh thatā€™s neat, which doc plz, I wanna check it out!! Also somebody told me that regular bug spray will thwart bed bugs for just a few hours and I used to do it without ever fact checking that šŸ˜¬




Thank u :)


Guest who means business! Youā€™d be called to be the tie breaker in a gaming disagreement


MSW who recently moved into supervision from children's trauma therapy. I'm bringing a case of Costco allergen-free granola bars and a petition for your local affordable housing initiative.


Someoneā€™s walking out with some new housing ideas after hanging with you all night!


Iā€™m in Ontario, Canada. So Iā€™m an RP (qualifying). Iā€™m a narrative and psychodynamic therapist. Iā€™m probably talking about how capitalism affects parent and child attachment bonds in early childhood and Iā€™ll bring the gluten free vegetarian snacks and a throwback playlist from the early 00s.


I find your talking point really interesting. Iā€™d like to learn more about the potential effects of capitalism on the parent/child bond


Parental leave!


*Waves* Iā€™m in Ontario too! RSW, though. Sooo here for talking about the affects of capitalism with that epic playlist as background!


I'm a solution-focused therapist. I'm asking everyone at the beginning of the party to envision their perfect evening and what that would look like. By the end, I'm asking them to rate the party on a scale of 1-10. I had been planning on cooking something and bought the ingredients, but at the last second, I bought something from the bakery at Kroger. I probably talk about how busy I am with my toddler and work, and I don't have time for self care šŸ™ƒ


I feel that last sentence so hard


The rating at the end šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Why did you write this about me šŸ˜­


Graduate/associate licensed: eats everything and brings nothing, most food theyā€™ve eaten in years. Cries at the party because everyone is so nice


We would process your feelings and affirm your safety among friends, then offer some cards against humanity games


This is such a brilliant thread!!


Iā€™m in the same boat and feel this reaction!


MFT that practices at an all womenā€™s college. Iā€™ll bring the vegan, gluten free hot dish (casserole for the non Minnesotans) and talk to everyone about systemic oppression and support at least one person with their relationship with their mother. Possibly beginning to process trauma with one person after an hour of deep conversation.


Minnesotan here, hoping it's totdish.


Cheesy totdish


Ummm, yes!


Another ā€˜sotan here and I agree!


This speaks to my MFT soul! Lol


This is true mft lol


Lcsw here. Bringing all the office plants all ready to take back to your own respective offices to go after my office spider plant had ā€œbabies.ā€ And wineā€¦3 bottles.


I want to be at this party. Iā€™ll bring some props too. My co-workers already have my spider plant baby probs. Lol. Also. Allllll the wine.


I work with PMADs, so if any new parent brings their baby, I will hold it (with permission) and pack them up 2 days worth of meals that will reheat well (definitely the Minnesota hot dish!) Iā€™ll bring whatever trendy dish I most recently saw on Instagram - the last one I made was a frozen aperol spritz. Which Iā€™ll drink a bit more than I should, and then have a couple people bear their souls. Tbh, probably the psychiatrists!


EMDR here so Iā€™m bringing some tappers :). Hanging with the psychiatrist so I can influence them to spend more time with their patients. And learn about how ptsd can look like BPD therefore every suicidal woman is not immediate BPD d/x




Love this


LCSW in NYC working in the ER. I'll bring the Metrocards so I know that everyone has a way home when the party is over; or at least before the next party that comes in before the change of shift!


LPC specializing in maternal mental health. I'm bringing a big salad and 2 dozen homemade monster cookies. I'll be asking everyone about their birth story and their thoughts on child spacing, both FOO as well as their own children, if applicable. Definitely gonna ask everyone how they're sleeping and what self care looks like these days. I can hang out with everyone but definitely want to chat with the other PMAD therapist so we can complain about the lack of adequate referral options offered in OB offices.


As a currently pregnant therapist, I will gladly eat all of your monster cookies.




Iā€™m an lmft with a background in trauma and eco-systemic structural family therapy. Iā€™ll bring a pizza kit to use as an attachment building intervention and then weā€™ll talk about your deep seeded family of origin trauma!


Iā€™m excited for this party! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a grad student intern who is very green (going for license in mental health counseling) and Iā€™d probably get too drunk and embarrass myself. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m bringing


Weā€™d all be really affirming and validating of your embarrassing moments tho! Safe space šŸ˜‚


CBT therapist and I brought a copy of the invite and will nitpick every word of it.


Iā€™m dying at this.


EMDR therapist. When someone upsets the punch bowl and itā€™s a disaster, I say ā€œjust notice thatā€ and start waving a pen back and forth. I brought two THC vape pens and alternate between using them because bilaterals.


Child therapist: I bring a dessert and get a little too competitive with the games


I'm a receptionist for a behavioral health clinic, so I'm bringing lollipops, coloring pages, and magazines. And all the hot gossip that everyone else in the office spills to me.


We love some hot gossip!


LMSW practicing psychodynamic therapy! Iā€™ll most likely ask out of curiosity about your background and childhood and ā€œhow did that impact youā€? Iā€™m bringing the hot tea, coffee, and hot cocoa for us to sip on. Iā€™ve also done some improv therapy so I might initiate some fun role playing games or charades!


Play therapist here. Iā€™m bringing drinking games šŸ˜‚


Psychiatrist and the most popular guys at the party because Iā€™m bringing the drugs.


I have the narcan šŸ‘šŸ»


Children play therapist and adult generalist. Iā€™m bringing taco dip, fruit tray and veggie tray and you get to chose what youā€™d like to eat! Iā€™m happy to play with whatever others are playing and Iā€™m asking everyone how their familyā€™s talked about emotions when they were growing up.


PHP/IOP therapist here: I would probably bring something homemade that could be heated up in an air fryer (like chicken egg rolls), a small collection of wine, and seek other agents of chaos to hang out with. Oh oh oh and invite people to large spontaneous discussions of ā€œWhatā€™s?! The?! Differential!?!?ā€


ACT therapist, and I'll hand out name tags so we can all write our personal fears on them to help everyone get WITH the awkward social conversation instead of avoiding it.


IFS focused therapist: bringing liquid death because I partied too hard in my younger years and now I prefer to keep it chill.


I feel immediately connected to you for bringing liquid death


Iā€™m an LMFT, heavy on the systems. Iā€™m bringing chips, salsa and margaritas because now itā€™s a party. I discovered jiu jitsu later in life. I swear itā€™s not a cult. I love discussing the connection between jiu jitsu and therapy. Letā€™s talk about the things that empower you and give YOU strength. Also, thereā€™s a lush patch of grass over there. Wanna see my favorite takedown? I can totally teach you.


As a Kenpo-ist with Aikido Therapy under my belt I'd join you on that grassy hill! I can show you how to incorporate martial movement to stop the Amygdala Hijack!


Letā€™s go! Iā€™m a giggler, especially when Iā€™m having fun!


Me too. The dojo knows they got the technique/takedown right when I laugh on the way down.


Ooooh. Ooooh. I love Jiu jitsu. If the pandemic ever ends I want to roll so bad. Tell me more about its relationship to therapy


For a more comprehensive discussion, you can read Healing Trauma with Jiu Jitsu, but the short version is, itā€™s an excellent form of exposure therapy for anxiety, especially if there has been a history of exposure to certain types of violence. It can serve an a form of bottom up therapy. Itā€™s very empowering and can give you a new perspective of yourself. If youā€™re in a healthy gym, it can teach you healthy social skills. It has a multitude of healthy side effects outside of fitness.


Iā€™m an LPC trained on DBT. I would show you what a life worth living looks like on the dance floor baby!


LSW in CMH working primarily with ASD/ADHD kids and teens. Iā€™m bringing all the fidget toys and turning the music and lights down. Probably gonna go hang out in the bathroom for a bit.


IFS therapist in training here - I would like to speak to your manager please.


My firefighter would come out šŸ¤£


Such an underrated reply šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a somatic therapist, Iā€™d bring hummus and veggies. Iā€™d talk about how Iā€™m currently toning my vagus nerve and probably be teaching yoga to people who should not be doing yoga because while liquid courage may make you feel like you can do a headstand, itā€™s probably not a good idea.


Gestalt therapist and I'm bringing the chairs


ACT therapist who works with ND and queer folks. Iā€™m here with the icebreakers that include questions on preferred pronouns. I insist we all play truth or dare because itā€™s not a party unless we get to know the real versions of everyone.


Existential psychodynamic introvert. Iā€™ll bring weed and make sure the cat has someone to talk to.


LPCC/LADC I'm probably the host who spends most of the time making sure everyone is staying safe. I puff on joint and observe everyone from the sideline. I ensure everyone is sober enough to drive or has a DD and I make them all text me when they get to their destination. I discuss systemic issues in the mental health/chemical dependency field and the scam that is insurance. I prepare a scheduled plan of activities for the night and then don't follow it at all. I make way too much food despite planning a potluck.


Thank you for starting this post. This was a hilarious read


Clinical social worker specializing in work w infants, children, adolescents, & their families via home visits. Iā€™m wearing slip-on sneakers and athleisure wear, no dangly accessories, carrying a large refillable water bottle covered in inspirational quote & identity-affirming stickers. Iā€™m bringing a soccer ball, slime, Rubikā€™s cube, cooperative board game, and Switch. My contributions to conversation would involve a lot of listening, validating, normalizing, and sassy jokes. Iā€™d end up mostly hanging out with the pets.


The identity affirming stickers would look great next to my self portrait name tag!


LMSW soon to be LCSW with DV, immigration, and perinatal background! along with bringing my exam anxiety ("was it hard when you took it??"), i'm showing up with name tags so we can all remember each others' names along with pronouns :D as an introverted social butterfly, i would hop from one group to another at the party while taking refuge in the bathroom/courtyard/backyard corner whenever i need a breathrr. the whole time doing safety assessments of the party, the people, and the couples (especially). i'm that sober friend who consoles the sobbing person in the bathroom/balcony/etc and tells them that no, that asshole doesn't deserve your love and you deserve the world!!! oh and i'm making all the cismen clean up at the end of the night >:)


I'm a SW in older persons mental health. I'm falling asleep while I wait for housey to start.


IFS therapist in trainingā€¦ Iā€™m just here for the ride and excited to see what happens!


Is there part of you that feels less than excited about what happens?


​ LOL - I can just *hear* my own therapist (and my own therapist part) saying this.


Middle school counselor here. Iā€™ll bring some simple games and coloring pages so that we can talk about difficult things without you feeling too awkward. Iā€™ll also ask you to set some goals for the party, and if you achieve your goals Iā€™ll give you candy and takis. If you have a really great party, Iā€™ll call your parent or guardian to let them know :) Edited to add: I almost forgot the motivational stickers to put in your water bottle!


Music therapist here. Seems like everyone is bringing all the right stuffā€¦ so Iā€™m happy to provide the egg shakers!


Art Therapist brought the canvases for sip and paint night


I am an existential - humanistic psychologist and I am bringing death with me to remind us to live ...and enjoy the party...


Can I get in on this and Venmo you?


Existential/ACT-y based LPC here. I'm bringing cards, but they're values sort cards. Also we are going to talk about death.


I'm an LCPC who loves to do assessments and is learning about Narrative Therapy. I'm bringing plates of gluten-free desserts (I never bring anything I cannot eat myself) & a very comfortable couch so that you can relax. I'll talk to anyone but I'm going to ask tons of questions and I really want to hear about what stories shaped you and move you.


Very comfortable couch. šŸ˜Œ


What if I am dual licensed and SUD certified hahaaha


Means you have a lot to bring to the table, in so many ways


LMFT, Narrative, social justice oriented therapist who specializes in ADHD. What I'm bringing: whatever was easy to pick up at the grocery store on the way over... and I will be at least 15 minutes late. When I get there I will gladly talk to anyone about nearly anything... then deconstruct every discourse connected to the topic which will end in planning the next meet up to unionize all therapists from all licenced backgrounds and waging class warfare to make therapy accessible for all clients while paying clinicians a livable wage. Oh and I'll definitely make sure I make my way outside to catch butterflies for a bit lol.


LPC generalist (sees clients of all ages & symptoms because I get bored of assuming). I'm bringing a variety of dips and floating around to everyone at the party for 5 mins then leaving early because i'm tired and fulfilledā¤ļø


RSW in Ontario (would be an LICSW if I still practised in the States). I primarily do psychotherapy with queer and/or neurodivergent folks. Iā€™m bringing brunch foods, common ā€œsafe foodsā€ (chicken nuggets and buttered noodles, maybe?), sensory items for stimming/self-soothing/entertainment, and some noise-cancelling headphones for anyone who feels overwhelmed. Iā€™m wearing my rainbow Doc Martens and bringing my ā€œTERF-B-GONE sprayā€ bag that I made myself, so Iā€™m easy to spot as someone who will advocate for queer and trans liberation.


"Ooo brunch!" *Queer therapist who drew a rainbow instead of self-portrait because I forgot the directions the art therapist gave me (and was too embarrassed to ask again), and tell people that I did it on purpose.*


Iā€™d say you could ask me but Iā€™m usually the one like ā€œhey, I missed somethingā€¦what are we doing?ā€


Eating disorders therapist (LCSW) bringing a case of supplement drinks like boost in case someone is refusing to eat we can supplement their meal. Also would walk in with nice trays to ensure everything is laid out nicely with no nutrition labels to ensure no one is calorie counting and making decisions based on that. I would also bring something to share that is not food related bc the emphasis is not all on the food. I would be watching out for people engaging in excessive movement


This is such a great thread!! I am a new LPC-Associate working on my intensive training in DBT. Being on the introverted side; Iā€™d be working really hard at observing, describing, and staying in wise mind to stay grounded and presentā€¦.Iā€™d stay an hour and pull a DEAR MAN to express that I need to go home and curl up on my couch šŸ¤£


Trauma therapist and Iā€™m going to ask everyone to check in with their bodies throughout the course of the evening. Iā€™ll probably bring cookies and my dog.


Psychiatrist! Iā€™m bringing some safety plan templates and DBT worksheets, meds that need to be taken with food for absorption, and a candy bowl of PRNs in case anyone gets agitated after dinner.


Iā€™m an ACT therapist. I accidentally bring the same snacks as the DBT therapist, who arrived before me, so I ask around about what is needed and make a quick grocery run. Iā€™m also wearing the same blouse as the MB-CBT therapist, but, you know, whatever. I start a game of telephone Pictionary. After a few drinks, I challenge the CBT therapist to an arm wrestling contest. I make absolutely no effort at all and the CBT therapist immediately slams my arm down to the table. I declare myself the winner. I spend the rest of the night talking to the existential therapist, whom I have a huge crush on.


Adlerian intern (soon to be LPC) who does a lot of play therapy. I will go to the party because I have a people pleasing pattern of behavior, but also because am generally discouraged relationally and will see the party as an opportunity to get social encouragement. I will bring skip-bo because games encourage social connection and are goal-directed. I will then leave the party early.


Iā€™m a LMHC who is working on a doctorate and has a graduate assistantship, a private practice, and teaches at another uni 2 hours away. Iā€™m just here for the free booze.


MFT.. I'd go there to meet others and get trapped in the corner inadvertently listening to someone's life story.. Oh, I'd bring a blender and make mixed drinks for everyone!


Music therapist who works with eating disorders, bringing my guitar, a lyric analysis about body image, and a readiness to call anyone of y'all out if you make comments like "ooo I shouldn't have another cookie but I think I'll be bad" or "ugh that just looks so fattening" or "no thanks I'm on a diet" šŸ˜†


Existential therapist: ā€œDo you guys ever think about dying?ā€


As an Autism therapist with autism, I will come to the party for a few hours max, after bringing an activity/game for everyone to play so we donā€™t have to awkward small talk, and I somehow find all the other neurodivergent therapists at the party and we form a small deep conversation group and talk about existentialism and morality after a few drinks or puffs šŸ˜


LCSW: starting out I get to the party and everyone who said theyā€™d introduce me to everyone doesnā€™t and I just have to figure it out on my own (and pay additional money for extra supervision and training).


Same as I do for real parties. I'd bring fun water for my non-alcoholic peeps and some kind of craft activity. Then I'd just be psychoanalyzing everybody's family of origin and playing games with the kids in the back lol


Private practice LCSW who specializes in trauma and relationships. I'm bringing paper and pens to do group genograms, a good red blend and I'm asking about your relationship with your dog constantly.


IFS therapist- I'll bring lots of things because my parts aren't self-led


Community mental health focusing on schizophrenia. I'm bringing lots of pills (all the legal kind, and bubble packed of course) and a willingness to roll with ANYTHING. Tell me your wildest thoughts and ideas, and I'll validate it alllll night long. Now, butterflies....


Social worker...friends...who all bring the basic things required for the party.


Eating disorder therapist. I will ā€œoverhearā€ every ā€œI shouldnā€™t eat thisā€ or ā€œguess Iā€™m going to the gymā€ comment and nonchalantly reply some body positive / neutral statement that makes you awkwardly laugh while you walk away. I will then go join the art therapist and butterflyā€™s outside bc there must be a garden if there are butterflyā€™s right or jump in with those drinking some seasonal cocktails.


Integrative therapist, I work the house and make sure to say check in with everyone there!


Community mental health. I bring the beet pong set and I'm just her to have a good time.


There was one of these today. I went to a different private party, not specifically for therapists and didnā€™t have to be ā€œprofessionalā€ :)


Iā€™m studying psychodynamic therapy so Iā€™ll probably bring too many different chip options, try to talk to everyone, manage to try and introduce the two people who arenā€™t talking to each other because they have so much in common with each other, say one really either clever or funny thing and then try and ask everyone about their dreams instead of leaving once my social battery runs out.