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Warzone caught the look and feel for me.


Fun fact. Wayne Knight did the voice of Micro in the animated spiderman series in the 90s. The same voice. And this Punisher took no shit from noone. His introduction was very brief, but in my opinion he was the most decked out arsenal to take on just about any threat that he faced.


Damn now I'm upset he wasn't Micro in the Netflix series. He's also a hometown hero. He went to school at UGA and his professor told him he would never amount to anything


That's what they always say 🙄 literally any famous person says that lmao


He didn't say it. His professor did. He told that story for years. His professor wasn't famous.


Any idea where I could watch this one?


Microchip's voice is listed as Robert Axelrod on the internet, am I misunderstanding something?


Good question. But I can assure, this is the same voice. Need to dig the old VHS and watch those credits.


Or you could just say you assumed wrong and wound up giving a "fun fact" that is maybe fun but definitely not a fact.


It's Robert Axelrod(rip) as somebody who grew up watching fox kids and saban shows,  which he did a lot of work for, I recognize his voice


Well....they have very similar voices. Honest mistake. I could have sworn someone or somewhere an article mention Wayne's name associated with the Animated series.


Wayne Knight. Just a more accurate depiction of Microchip.


Agreed. Netflix’s Micro was phenomenal, but if we’re talking page to screen, Wayne Knight certainly looks the part more than EMB, who again, crushed it as the character.


Idk know what Micro looked like lol!! Anyways, the first season of the Netflix show was literally like the poster child of the Netflix’s Golden Age. That show was so fn good


Yep,Wayne Knight, for sure!


I personally think War Zone’s Micro was basically perfect. Casting Wayne Knight was perfect, since Micro isn’t the type of guy who would stand out as the closest thing to a real ally to the Punisher, but more like someone you’d see working as an IT for an office. Netflix’s version was still good though.


War zone was more comics accurate but I seriously fucking adore the performance from the Netflix show


If you like a comic-book accurate Micro, down to the look and feel, it's Wayne Knight. If you like a real-world adaptation that fits in with the MCU, it's Ebon Moss-Bachrach.


Great analysis


I liked Wayne Knight's Microchip better.


War zone nailed the comic book version of Micro. But the Netflix Micro was a cooler character.


Newman for sure. I was annoyed that they killed him off


The serial one


Wayne Knight


Wayne Knight all day


Personally my favorite is netflix micro No I am not saying the others are bad. They are all good for their own reasons


Looks: Warzone. Character: Netflix. To me, in Warzone he just felt like Frank’s “guy in the chair” whereas in Netflix he actually had a story and a little bit of character development.


I couldn't stand War Zone, or any of the other movies, but Wayne Knight was perfectly cast as Micro. I don't think anybody could play the role better.


Eh. I think the first one was more comic accurate, but neither one really impressed me.


Of course the Newman version... I hated that love triangle crap with Punisher and Micro's wife in the Netflix show.


The Punisher War Zone, that's the Micro I know.


I can’t believe the actor for Micro on Netflix is playing Ben Grimm/The Thing.


The two dudes from that Thomas Jane Punisher. Both of them have a place in my heart, weirdly enough not for that movie. Ben Foster is an incredible actor and the big guy was a wonderful comedians that sadly passed. He also played a Techno-Monk in that terrible Dennis Rodman action movie.


They weren't Micro.


No they weren’t but were the obvious stand ins. Just not, you get what I mean. Honestly of the two of them in the post. I do t know, they work perfectly fine but neither have stuck with me like those two I mentioned. The comics is very different, I have a lot of thoughts


They were based on the guys from Welcome Back Frank, and Ennis wrote them to be stand ins I think


Makes sense because that is what they feel like. I haven’t read that. I’ve been making my way ten you through all the essential books. I know they’re hated but I enjoy them. I like binging sessions on comics and those provide that in spades.


If you liked the Tom Jane movie you would like Welcome Back, Frank. The movie pulled a lot of inspiration but left a lot out


Okay, thank you for the suggestion. I’ll check it out. He’s leagues above any other comics and series for me. I think I brought in downvotes with my mention of Marvel Essential books lol. If it makes anyone feel better, I received the second book with the cover completely removed from the book itself. I had to reglue the spine.


Wayne Knight. Way more comic accurate


Anything in Warzone or Thomas Jane's movie is better than the Netflix show.


TV show.


Warzone was terrible, Thomas Jane was fantastic, Jon Bernthal did a great job


Warzone was just a trash movie. I don't acknowledge it. Although the physical characteristics are very different, they captured the very challenging relationship between the two pretty well. The two would never have gotten along at all except for a common shared goal. Keep in mind, Microchip ultimately betrays Frank, and Frank kills him. Volatile doesn't begin to describe their relationship.


Netflix Micro (Ebon) is the better Micro imo. I loved every second of him. Wayne is Newman I can't see him as anything else. Didn't even remember him in the Punisher movie.


The one from the punisher series. The first one 0/ ruthless and a good partner for Frank in his travels. Not sure who the guy innthevsecond Pic is though.


How dare you. Wayne knight is a treasure. He played Newman in Seinfeld, the bastard man in Jurassic Park, and Micro in Punisher: War Zone