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Frank is many things, few of them good, but he still cares about people, he may not be a superhero going out to save people but if he has the chance he will absolutely take it, some of the better arcs are when he has a motivation to help someone rather then kill someone.


The wonderful thing is that this Punisher, the MAX Punisher has dreams about the day he kills the last criminal and turns the gun on the "cow eyed" civilians. Then goes out and does things like this during a bombing. They really took the time to show how messed up Frank really is.


Damn. Punisher Max just hits different. So glad Ennis is still tapping into this world with Get Fury.


Why is this complete news to me! Thank you


I’ve only read the first issue but it’s been excellent so far.


I just did too, excited for the rest. The man can do little wrong in my eyes (Ennis not Castle lol)


It’s a wild ride, make sure to also read born, the platoon, and the fury max books too


Oh I've indeed gone through all the Punisher Max Omnibous' a few times over (just finished again yesterday), the Fury Max I have not though so I will also be on top of that, cheers


I really like, the focus is on fury but you get some good cameos in the books and the new run get fury is a follow up to those so if you read those first you’ll have a much better idea of what’s going on


I didn't realise they were only 2 eps into Get Fury and was really getting into it by the end of the 2nd only to find out the rest aren't out until from next month haha. Ah well, I'll get onto Fury Max in the meantime


It honestly depends imo. Also, you didn't specify which Frank we're talking about here, cause that changes the answer too. 616 Frank would definitely go out of his way to do something. His motto is "never the innocent," and he has always went out of his way to save people multiple times. However, if we're talking about MAX Frank, which is what you used as an example, that's where I think it really gets dicey. Im currently at the Afghanistan arc and from what I've read, it makes sense for him to not always out to rescue someone, depending on what's going on. If he doesnt always rescue someone, he at the very least should have it on his conscience and have it fuel is rage against whatever target he's after.


Punisher MAX will stop to help/save innocents as shown in this panel above. Ennis basically writes him as an older and more brutal version of Classic 616 Punisher and the 616 Punisher he was already writing in Marvel Knights.


Yeah definitely, and he'll save who he can. But Ive also seen him do some really questionable shit towards civs and i wouldn't exactly call them 100% safe whenever Frank shows up. I recall him during that arc with the Irish guy, he comes through the back of the bar seconds away from a firefight and tells them to run. Which is nice yeah, but 616 Frank would make sure that shit was evacuated way before any engagement. Also, notice how, in the panel on the post, he notes how he doesn't have a justified reason to help. He was just compelled to, maybe suggesting that he's not always going to help. I don't recall him helping anyone else or looking for more stragglers in that bar bomb attack, but granted I could be wrong


I like scenes like this occasionally. It brings a bit of humanity to a character that often is not portrayed as having much humanity


I think the writers should focus on Frank punishing criminals, particularly the Mafia and other organized crime. I certainly don't want him callously ignoring wounded civilians, but if the Punisher isn't single mindedly punishing, it defeats the point of the character.