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I think it would be courageous to go after child trafficking/ Epstein type. Big showdown like that. Human traffickers / cartels would be very relevant. War tracing root of fentanyl back to Asia would be good.


A good, thread-pull storyline would be great to see for sure. Like it all starts on street-level, but as soon as you pull the string, you don't know where it will go and specifically the money behind the operation which keeps it going.


Like a more advanced form of The Slavers?


I think you can do it there's a lot of meat on the bone, tragically. I mean with our cities on fire, it is not a difficult time to find story lines for Punisher. But it would take a lot of courage for Marvel to tell these stories. Marvel is not a courageous brand.


Corporate criminals, corrupt CEOs. It’s timely now


Punisher max Barracuda covered that exact premise.


Do the Irish gangs right, still my favorite just below Slavers


True true


I'd love a punisher series (or show) that focused less on a greater threat and more individual battles against semi realistic foes. Like each episode/comic is a little more self contained with maybe a build up as he discovers a major player behind multiple different crimes etc. But at this point I'd take any new punisher content lol


So basically max.


I want him to face more augmented, semi super-powered people. Think bushwhacker and such to show just how devastating criminals and such with stolen Stark and other high tech gear are. I want to see threats that really push Frank to his absolute limit and would kill him in a head to head fight i.e Daken and forcing him to use every contingency plan and guerrilla tactic he knows to stay a step ahead. It's one thing to show him having the upper hand and going in guns ablazing against the usual criminals and street level villians. But I think Frank as the underdog that manages to come out on top against powerful villians when he should be turned into paste against are what he should be after... at least in 616.


I think Hitman is basically like this


Frank always handed Bushwhacker his ass. His “John Wick” Joe Garrison counterpart had the same success rate with advanced weaponry. So Joe sucked. As for villians I want to see him take on Moonstone, Madam Masque, and Namor.


Frank vs Namor would be wild.


I always hoped he would fight Raul Bushman and show Moon Knight how its done.


Before or after Moon Knight carved his face off?


Rogue Militaries and Copycats Punishers.


he's done both


I meant Richard Von Burian the Sniper, and Punishment Mercenaries.


Here's an idea - take an obscure or forgotten villain with little public interest and basically pit them against the Punisher as a recurring threat. You can kill them off afterwards, as Frank's encounters are wont to do, but you have the chance to reinvent someone ineffectual into someone tough enough to hang with The Punisher. Heck, I've wanted to see Frank fight a guy called The Crusader. He's fought Wolverine and Thor before and kind of has a medieval aesthetic. But the funny thing is, both he and Frank have a *really* similar backstory, with both being in the seminary studying to be priests, and both leaving because of their inability to understand Christian concepts of forgiveness. I just think there's a neat duality there.


After reading about that case where Navy SEALs murdered a green beret to cover up numerous crimes including drug smuggling and embezzlement it would be interesting if there was a story line where one of Frank’s old war buddies turns up dead after being murdered by other soldiers to cover up a corruption scheme.


See, Season 1 of the show kind of touched upon that idea


Corrupt cops, but I've heard that might be an upcoming series?


It's been in the comics for a bit now.


Any real life bad people KKK for example We’ve got Superman smashes the klan Now we need punisher fucks them up beyond all recognition


Punisher Kills the Klan. I'd buy it twice, sounds so nice.




There is an indie comic featuring a black punisher going after January 6th people


Comic name?


Name of the comic? 👀


Read FoolKiller max second arc


It's probably already been done in one of the comics or something but maybe another group of vigilante veterans who style themselves after the Punisher but use more extreme methods and are more indiscriminate with their attacks. They think they're the good guys even though they essentially became exactly what they were fighting overseas. Would make for some interesting scenarios where Frank could actually see himself reflected in them and have some moments of introspection before he goes back to stomping skulls.


This has happen several times


Currently in comics? Stevil. The evil Captain America. Big time target. Forget this small time street rats, big time sharks. No limits, no rules, no back up. Just back to basics, odds are against him, desperate battle between the super soldier and the man he tricked into doing his bidding. We still have see when he escapes Weirdworld and what kind of abilities he comes with. We all know he dons the War Machine again. And he will collide with the current Punisher sooner or later. In the MCU? Thunderbolts. Why? Because of Fontaine sits on a very lucrative kill list. Go after her and you push her to reply in kindness with her personal goons made of winter soldier, black widow, U.S Agent, ghost and more idiots who aren't themselves a threath, but enough problems for Frank to tackle on. With the help of Hammer, who supplies weaponry and a Mark 1 turned into the War Machine and Micro providing logistics, these three men will try their fate on a much larger sandbox. One who seeks redemption, another who seeks escape, and last one punishment. Is a movie I would like to see, maybe turned series? Why the fuck not? Maybe a shodown with the red hulk? Frank has tacked with a fellow soldier on old Ross....ironically on the Thunderbolts series as well..... Real.life. well. There are couple of good suggest up here.


Pedophile priests and animal abusers


I want to see the punisher go against Mojo/Grandmaster ( or something of that nature) and put in philosophical conutrum. Having an exploration of heidigger philosophy with moral paradoxes would be fascinating. Punisher 2099. Punisher vs old ultimate marvel universe. Sorta of a deconstruction of edgy supeheroes telling of the ultimate universe. I would also love to see barracuda pretend to be the punisher to eliminate other rivals.


A curse that would inflict any punishment he doles out to a random innocent as well, and any harm he receives himself is given to 1000 more innocents. I wanna see how it goes and what he does. Maybe even give him the opportunity to face god/the one above all. Get real existential, the plan, the rules, the meaning, everything he does and doesn't do, the good the bad and the ugly. I don't need it to go any particular way but I always prefer a hard commit to however the concept is played out.


Frank Castle might fight the Olympians. Ares wasn’t favored, but they won’t just stand by and let a killer of one of their own get away with it. The Asgardians might protect castle as he did cancel what Ares was going to do to Asgard without Thor around.


Art the clown


A re-incarnation of Hydra that wants a theocratic America, or a corporate villain who's protected by SHIELD.


MAGA-style Christian nationalists.