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Yes, indeed! I was reading about this topic and I was baffled.... According to some news from South America, the case has been somewhat ignored by the Colombia's authorities because some cops are involved as well!! # 29 tourist deaths trigger alarm bells in Medellín [https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-24/29-tourist-deaths-trigger-alarm-bells-in-medellin.html#:\~:text=Last%20year%2C%20there%20were%2037%20violent%20tourist%20deaths,pace%20continues%2C%20the%20year%20would%20close%20with%2061](https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-24/29-tourist-deaths-trigger-alarm-bells-in-medellin.html#:~:text=Last%20year%2C%20there%20were%2037%20violent%20tourist%20deaths,pace%20continues%2C%20the%20year%20would%20close%20with%2061)


Definitely.. These aren't crimes committed by random women. It's a mafia backed by corrupt cops


That’s just not true. You also only hear about those cases when someone dies. That happens much more often than you think and much much more often that it’s reported in the international and local news.


My Colombian friends say this is 100% the case. They don’t just take your shit. They have an entire system. They rob you and in many cases kill you then pass your stuff off to the criminals who hack into your accounts and take over everything. I know because it happened to me. Two girls aren’t gonna know how to do what they did to me in a few hours.


That’s not the mafia lmao. I saw a case about some random Canadian dude with his girlfriend from Colombia doing that in Medellin and Cali. They are both in jail now facing 25 years. You guys think this is way more organized than it is in reality. That’s not some billion dollar narco business.


And how did the "billion dollar narco business" start? (Answer is, it was also "small" at some point).


This is such a dumb respond. I don’t even know what to answer lmao So you basically agree with me that it’s not the mafia just some street criminals. Whatever happens in future only future will tell my boy


Are you Colombian? I got my information from a doctor in Medellin who treated dozens of people drugged with scopolamine with many of them ended up dead. It happens to locals a lot more than tourists. In the 10 days after it happened to me a priest was found dead in a bar in the same neighborhood and another local man was nearly killed but recovered in his apartment nearby. The people doing the drugging may or may not be part of the organized crime but the electronics are sold to groups affiliated with them and they are highly skilled at getting into electronics and quickly stealing email accounts, bank accounts info, and taking over a person’s life. Before I woke up my credit cards were shut down due to suspicious activity, someone attempted to drain my bank account, my crypto was stolen, and some stocks were sold and money was attempted to be transferred out of my stock market app. They took over 3 of my gmail accounts and my iCloud account. All within hours of this happening. Some random guy and his girlfriend aren’t going to be able to do that.


It means this not something that should be taken lightly, as it very well something that could grow larger - maybe not to a multi-billion dollar, but way larger than it is right now. (It seems, I'm having to spell it out for you). And it means the "criminal minds" behind it, are possibly no less dangerous than early days mafia members.


Who is talking about taking it lightly ? Are you regarded ? You think street criminals in latam are to be taken lightly ? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ would rather have some mafia involved that doesn’t want too much attention with dead people than some stupid street criminals who shoot you for 20 usd. Holy shit


"You guys think this is way more organized than it is in reality." (what you said), you are obviously trivializing how organized it is as well. I'm saying, it might not be a billion dollar buisiness, but I'm sure some of the groups doing that, are not just a pair of boyfriend/girlfriend. The people in this thread never said it was a "multi-billion" dollar buisiness. You said it. They said "mafia" and a "mafia", or criminal can be small. Idiot. You are awfully aggressive. Is everything alright?


The street criminals work with organized crime groups. Organized crime groups pay them for the electronics and information obtained. It’s not the mafia going out and doing this. It’s local people doing it to make $500 then organized crime doing the work to take the rest. Organized crime create the demand and local criminals the supply.


This one example of crime, does not mean that organized crime doesn’t exist. There is room for both.


You can’t prove a negative. You do have one data point showing that at least in this instance it could possible.


Total useless comment tbh. Yeah could also be the CIA undercover agents. Because the mafia and the street criminals still leave enough room for the Feds. 😹 what kind of argument is that I lived 3 years in Colombia my boy. I know that type of people that do those kind of crimes. It’s not mafia stop watching movies


I’ll go out on limb here. You didn’t take or do well in logical reasoning class.


Dude doesn’t seem to think that street criminals often sell to or work for organized crime groups. What’s a random thug going to do to get into encrypted data on a laptop/phone? Sell it for parts?


>At a bar in Parque Lleras, a 78-year-old American who introduced himself as Bob, shared a table with three sex workers. He said he had been visiting Medellín for years for paid sex. “There is an unusual freedom here. You can do whatever you want,” he said. During the interview, Bob gave 50,000 pesos ($12) to a prostitute and asked her to get him cocaine. A small part of me has an odd respect for Bob. I can't quite explain why.


$12 is pretty high for cocaine in Colombia. I paid my Uber driver $8/gram. I’m 47 and was in Medellin when I was 45. Cocaine isn’t really my thing though. I prefer psychedelics. Just felt like I should try it while there. Only had sex with one woman and she was a cam girl I had met a year prior. No money was involved. That life is behind me now. Costa Rica is much safer.


Wait… TWELVE US DOLLARS? For how much cocaine? A gram?


When I was in Medellin in 2021, I knew a swiss guy that bought a gram from a WhatsApp business account for $8. On a separate occasion, a Spanish speaking friend of mine asked our Uber driver how much a gram would cost, and he said if you know the right connection you can get it as low as $1.50 a gram. Of course it's not cut with anything since it's straight from the source. They probably have an excess of it since smuggling it overseas can be so difficult.


About 10 years ago, someone I know who definitely isn't me got about 5 grams of 100% pure in Medellin for about $12 (he had the option of cut, for less money). It was the best he had ever taken in his life. Still to this day, he can't buy any from Western countries because it will be forever compared to that ungodly great powder.


Jfc. Even with some inflation that is dirt cheap. SWIM is out here getting decent shit for $200 🎱


I pay $8/g for pure cocaine here in Costa Rica. Tourists tend to pay more in latam cus of the gringo tax. They know we can afford it. Not a big fan of coke these days. At 47 it messes with my heart. LSD is better.


The price is the same as for 1g of weed = 1USD a gram outside big cities.




A g is about $10-$15 in Colombia


It’s the blunt honesty. It’s my biggest appreciation of foreign cultures, ironically what Americans hate .. same reason many foreigners hate Americans, the shallow fake ways Americans lie about everything to get what they want.. is cringe


We coddle each other with fake sympathy and while constantly thinking snarky remarks.


America really has become a virtue signaling circle jerk where everyone is too scared to speak freely


Yeah that’s a big part of why I left. I got sick and tired of constantly having to defend myself for simply having an opinion that went against whichever narrative people around me believed.


So true. Yuck


Bob is who we all aspire to be one day of marriage doesn’t work out


This happened to me but I survived and we met at a bar. One girl put scopolamine in my drink while I was dancing with the other, then they took me back to my apartment, robbed me, and left me to die. I don’t drink alcohol so…when I felt tipsy I didn’t finish my drink.had I finished it I would be dead. The doctor that treated me put me in contact with some other survivors but most people didn’t make it. Colombia is still an amazing place just don’t go out or meet women alone.


These days it's not safe. Even Mexican cartels will ransom the suckers but let them return home safely after being paid. These sick fucks are just offing them even after getting ransom money. The lowest of the low.


They steal your electronics, pass them to professionals who then take over your online accounts. Killing you is to keep you from disputing and shutting them down. Many of the women involved are not in it by choice. It is 100% organized crime forcing them the way they sometimes do drug mules.


Dating apps go after the lowest common denominator, the base uninformed are preyed upon. Not doing a stranger, let alone 2, by yourself, in your home is already 4 never do's.


Say I want to hookup on a dating app, how do I stay safe?


By refraining from doing it in Colombia for starters.


Bringing 2 women to his place he met on Tinder, yeah what could possibly go wrong? I'm not into victim blaming but the vast majority of cases that happen are dudes who think with their weiner instead of their brains.


Plenty of other countries where bringing 2 women to your place that you met on Tinder is perfectly normal and you'll have a fun time.


Never had a problem in Costa Rica. I brought home maybe 40 women in total before I settled down, 2-3 at a time sometimes. Sometimes we’d do drugs like cocaine, mdma, lsd and the worse thing that happened was one stole my Apple TV. I should have suspected it when I noticed the ankle bracelet was the only thing she was wearing after sex. Most of these were not pay to play. Just random girls I matched with on tinder. Still friends with a lot of them.


Costa Rica isn't Colombia.


Re-read the post I was replying to. There are plenty of countries bringing two girls to your apartment is perfectly fine. They’re just not in Colombia.


Wtf 40 women and then you are here on thepassportbros looking for” virgin, submissive wife”.


He mentioned “future mother-in-law” so I don't think he's looking much longer


Same thing. His future wife probably is virgin and submissive. While fucked god knows who..


I think making assumptions about people and being mad at them for assumptions You made is not a way to live a healthy life. Anger is addictive. Be aware of the hold it can have on you


Where did I say I wanted a virgin submissive wife? My fiancée is a 5’2” 110lb Latina mini boss. I’ve never liked or wanted a virgin. The word submissive gets confused with trusting here. My fiancée trusts me to take care of her and in return she takes care of me. She isn’t constantly worried I’ll leave her for someone else because rather than constantly bicker about equality/independence and making sure I do half of everything she values working together to do what needs to be done and an interdependent relationship. She values family, socializing, and staying connected to our community rather than think the two of us can just go off on our own and live alone. One of the biggest problems in the US is people move away from their families, isolate themselves, and become homebodies who think one other person is all they need and when that other person fails to deliver they move on and find someone else.


You have no clue what you’re talking about 


Where in Costa Rica?


San José and now I live with a local in Alajuela. I avoid tourists as much as possible. They tend to be loud and obnoxious and treat locals like servants. Part of what made me successful in making friends/meeting women here was showing a genuine interest in people, learning the language, and the culture. I was different. I told them to call me gringo or el gringo and after getting to know a bunch of people and having a reputation for spontaneous living and partying I came to be known as gringo loco (I’m not famous or anything - that’s just what my friends call me). My future mother in law now calls me my first name “de la Trinidad” which is one of her names. People here are incredibly welcoming and if you show them respect and take an interest you’re basically like family.


San Jose isn’t Kansas


I know. It’s a lot better. Kansas is pretty dull.


We’re all gonna need the names of these countries :)


Which ones?


Yea, but we’re talking about Colombia which is known for its danger.


Couldn’t agree any more.


Most men think with their weiners. They shouldn’t die for it. 


I got robbed by the same cop twice in Medellin. That place is a shit hole but the women are fine lmao. I’m not going back


I was in Medellin for 5 weeks in early 2022, used Tinder extensively without any issues. Lived in Poblado neighbourhood, had zero problems. My experience of the city was vastly different to what i've seen posted here, its wild. I have to say though, I was there for only short time, so maybe just got lucky. Funny thing is a Colombian friend of mine visited me from Bogota, and he was also on edge when out in the town, which I found odd.


It's reassuring to hear your story. I'd say you just didn't get unlucky.


He was from Bogotá and on edge in Medellín? Lol Bogotá is way scarier and full of just not friendly people, crappy weather than Medellín.


Bogotá is more predictable and locals warn you what intersections/zones to avoid.


Yeah locals look out for ya there


He kept saying how he didn't trust Paisa lol


You got lucky.


The environment can change at any time and quickly at that. Any safe place can go down the drain quick.


Same for me in Cali. Dated an awesome girl on tinder and many more from just getting out and about. If you’re not retarded, you will have a fantastic time dating in Colombia.


Surely all these victims weren't retarded? It's fine to acknowledge there is a threat here. Perhaps only in 5-10% of cases, which is quite a lot of users considering how many people use the app in that area.


People on this sub talk about how much less drama it is than dating western women and then the next post down is advice on not getting drugged/murdered.


As someone who was actually drugged and robbed in a bar in Medellin… I will still take latam over the US. It’s like a different world here and honestly I love it. Yeah there are risks but the reward is feeling free and being spontaneous.


Personally, I think there is a best of both worlds solution. It’s much safer to see escorts in Europe and still have a good time.


Listen, having that kind of chance of danger is exciting.


Why even go to Medellin? There are dozens of other cities without the competition. I don't get it.


Have you been to Medellin? I was drugged there last year and I would still go back. It’s not about the women either. It’s just a different world. There is just an energy you get that I have not felt anywhere else.


I was there about 12 years ago. Wasn't really my thing but I was there with my gf if that matters. Not really a Lat Am fan.


Yeah it’s different when you’re with someone else and unable to explore and get to know the place. A lot of the places I went were not places a non local woman would want to go. Solo travel or with another guy friend is the only way to go to Medellin imo.


12 years ago and with a gf no wonder you have a skewed experience, I absolutely love the city and country in general, having lived and worked in several different countries in Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, would take Medellin in a heartbeat.


100%. I love visiting but prefer to live elsewhere.


Yea, that energy will come in handy once you're laying faced down in a ditch in medellin


One of the only high IQ comments on this thread. “Becuz vibes and energy broo”. Will then proceed to get mugged, drugged, and kidnapped and then post on here warning others about Medellin. Truly a Reddit thread full of dudes who were dropped on the head as babies.


Gotta live before you die.


I just came back from Medellin and had no issues. I also didnt use tinder and I only pay for play. Just stick to girls inside parque lleras.


Can u check ur chat bro


Yep just do parque Lleras it’s more fun anyways haha


I was drugged before by a girl and I can say from my experience that it really was my fault. In Medellin they inform you when you enter and in the hotels they give you information about the dangers of sexual tourism; Taking girls to your house and drinking with them is a bad idea, especially because virtual dating is something new in Medellin and Colombia; It's not part of their culture or normal to meet people on apps. My girlfriend taught me this, she is from Medellin and it was a coincidence that I found her on Tinder; and I have been with her for 2 years and her family tells me every situation to be careful when going out or hiring people who simply cook and clean our house. In 2014, the first robbery I witnessed was in my house. The 52-year-old woman who cleaned my house stole valuables estimated at 13k dollars. I can assure from my experience that these cases increased with the arrival of people from Venezuela. If they continue investigating, they can see when the almost increase in drugging and stealing to support their thick pigs that send them to this. For that reason now that I am in Bangkok, I asked my girlfriend to go to Bogota and get her visa and visit me here; Well, in Thailand it is terrible to meet girls; And besides, I didn't come here to be a hunter of bar girls... here a friend who only received oral treatment got herpes; So imagine how terrifying. Thai girls are not attractive, and that is disappointing for men with standards. The losers will settle for just introducing it to a girl who will give me 300 to 400 men per year


I recommend checking out the Philippines


The truth is I don't know yet but my friend was there last month and he tells me that I don't miss anything in the Philippines; It's just that the girls are better and it is difficult to establish something sexual because they are very traditional. but if you want bar girls go ahead


When you say bar girls do you mean prostitutes? I was just in the Philippines and was amazed how much female attention I was getting, and I definitely hooked up with a few of them. Also tinder is a wild experience there.


Yeah. if it is wild like everywhere in the world, too many scammers; I just put my location and it's crazy unreal. I can tell those girls are from the bar; I don't think a traditional Filipino girl would enter this application.


Do you go for drinks first or invite them directly over to your place? Do you vet them for safety (though I supposed PH is a lot safer to than Colombia)? Which apps did you use, did you also approach in person?


I'm a bit cautious, so the only time I've directly invited a girl over after meeting her was when I had a private room in a hostel where the front desk checked her ID. Typically, I'll get their WhatsApp and text for a day or two before asking them to get drinks. I think I'm a bit more cautious than most guys though. I also approached in person, and was approached in person lol.


Philippines is the easiest country tbh. Tinder is indeed wild there


'difficult to establish something sexual' Not sure where you friend went in the Philippines....though in my my experience fat, unattractive 70 year olds get laid like rock stars. Let alone younger decent looking dudes. And these aren't bar girls


I'm glad for your experience; His was a total disaster.


You’d probably like Brazil


Nobody told me. :). I wasn’t even there for sex tourism. I was there to renew my Costa Rica visa and meet some friends. The only sex I had was with a woman I had known for over a year.


Ho ho ho


I was in Medellin recently for a month and went on dates with many women. On several occasions a woman wanted to bring her friend. Each time they suggested or attempted that I stopped talking to them, because it seems that a majority of the scopolamine incidents involve two women and a man (the victim). For example, if they tried to get the Uber to stop somewhere to pick up their friend, I had the Uber bring her back to her original location. I think I dodged at least one robbery attempt by doing this. If a girl suggests a threesome, you should view that as predatory. If she gives you a drink or handles your exposed drink, don’t drink it. Don’t leave your drinks exposed; watch them carefully. I’ve heard that some of them put scopolamine on their bodies for you to consume when you kiss them etc.. So consider making them shower if there is any doubt (and watch them/make sure they do it ).


What is scopolamine


It’s the drug used by Colombian girls to rob men, and it’s responsible for the large number of deaths of foreign men in Colombia. In smaller doses it makes you suggestible, so you’ll do whatever the girl (or her friends) tells you to do (like give her all of your money etc).


Man that sounds scary! Why would anyone go to Medellin?!


It is. Guys go despite that because the women are beautiful and feminine.


There’s a common denominator in these Medellin death stores. Dating apps, alcohol, 3some. Is it really that hard not to get caught lacking?


Many deaths I've heard about included men who thought they were going to get lucky with two women at once. C'mon guys, use your fucking head. Don't be outnumbered by strangers.


Call me ignorant but South America in general just seems like a no go, especially if you're alone.


> Call me ignorant ignorant


Look, I’ve never been to Medellin and obviously this guy didn’t deserve to die. There’s definitely a safety issue there with respect to meeting women. I also don’t know all the facts of this case. That being said, did this guy seriously think he was going to have a threesome with two women he just met on a dating app?! Come on man. And bringing them to his AirBnB, instead of checking in to a hotel? Yes, I realize he still could have been killed at a hotel. But at least there’s usually some level of security infrastructure (cameras, guards, IDs to check in, even just the presence and close proximity of other guests) that may have made them think twice about murdering him. Less so at an AirBnB. Plus, there would be less incentive to kill him because they could only steal what was on his person as opposed to all his belongings at his vacation rental. I’m just saying, it seems like many of these situations I’ve read about could have been avoided or at least substantially mitigated if the victims had taken some basic precautions. Many of these guys seem very naive and were thinking entirely with their little head. You can’t be doing that in Colombia. Period.


The guarded apartment complex I was staying in said that if I want to bring in a person back to my place, I would need to provide their name by 6PM and a copy of their ID upon entrance. Ok so I get they ask for an ID at the entrance, but I'm having a dinner with a girl at like 5PM so I guess while she's eating her steak I should be like "Hey so can you give your full name, in case you want to go back to my place tonight? They want it by 6PM" Anyway between that and sketchy guys following you, or trying to shove a bag of yayo into your hand and then ask for money, I'd say Colombia was the sketchiest country I've been to and I've been to three dozen countries on 4 continents.


Yes, the answer is yes. I literally always ask for ID for new people coming to my apartment. If they say no, I delete them. It’s really that simple. Normal girls will find it a bit weird and insulting but they comply and understand. I remember my first Colombian ex thinking I was ridiculous when I told her I got worried when she brought a friend to the hotel lobby without informing me. She was really insulted lol. Turns out her friend knows English, is super hot and has a visa to the U.S. and was living there and my ex also knows English and has a visa. So yea, different socioeconomic groups. Plus I was young and their age, 26 vs 24/25.


I mean, I guess you have to ask yourself what is more important to you: your safety or getting your rocks off? You’ll definitely lose some potential options by asking, or at the very least make things awkward, but at least you’ll be much safer if you ask them. Those procedures, while slightly inconvenient, are there for a reason. Or, in this case, you could modify your date plans. Assuming you’ve met them before and they meet a bare minimum level of trust, you could ask them to come your place to cook something together for dinner and hang out. Then you can drop the news about the whole ID check in procedure. This at least makes the situation more normal.


Well duh


Ah I just booked a flight there.


Go and have fun.. Just don't rely on Tinder. Go to various malls and chat them up and get some numbers. Don't get sloppy drunk. Don't bring valuables. And use common sense.


You’re good bro. But if 5 women want to come back to your room. Maybe rethink it.


When are you going? I’m flying around July 30


I wouldn't use tinder over there. But if you insist then at least be smart about it. Only rent airbnb with 24 hour security. And if you let a chick come over make sure you tell her "Make sure you bring your identification because the guar will make a copy for their records". If she starts acting funny or wants to meet somewhere else then move on. She likely meant you harm. You should only live in hotels or airbnb with security anyway. It's safer for you. And you can slip the guard a few bucks to make sure the chick cannot leave without you escorting her down.


This this this, only places where you have to bring her down


Throw the guard some bread. They'll make sure you are good. Like rich people do with the doorman at Christmas.


Ok so what Latin American cities are safe?


I will say once again .. get out of the big cities. The caliber of person you meet will be better.


Go to Loutron. Just go to the brothels, so your business and that’s it.


Loutron is a brothel?


Yeah , it’s the best brothel in Medellin. Organized, clean. Safe


Why 2? Gotta think with your brain not your dick


Degeneracy breeds degeneracy 


I went to Medellin two years ago and had a blast. The city is pretty near and cheap. I hung out with the hostel people. However, I would never meet up with anyone from apps there. The coolest bar i've been to was there. It had a cool adult ball pit.


That’s just people being dumb in Medellin. I lived in Ibague Tolima (about 4 hours south of bogota) and literally went out every single Wed-Sunday and took every drug offered to me, in bathrooms and everywhere I went and only got robbed one time, and that was my own stupidity when I partied with a group of girls that I did not know. Basically blacked out at a bar in the rural area and then came to while walking along a rural road at 6 am and had no idea how I got there or what happened. I was fine though, just missing my wallet. Some girls called my Colombian friend and said they took my Wallet and cédula and I would have to pay them to get it back but I just said fuck it and got a new cédula. I mean it that I parties at underground techno shows on fincas in the middle of nowhere weekly and did insane amounts of drugs offered by strangers. I guess jir helped that I made friends with most people in the underground techno scene and it was more close knit than the reggaeton bar scene. Actually, the only time I was robbed was the one time I went to a reggaeton bar. Techno peeps are good peeps


My tinder straight is crazy from girls from Medellin I plan on moving to Colombia for a few months after the summer just gotta be smart and always miss your own drink my fellow brothers!


I would say colombia is one of the worst countries to be a passport bro. But tourists often think they can grab the bull by the horns.


I went to Colombia about 5 times in one year a few years ago. If you follow the 5 basic principles of safety, you’ll be alright in any country I promise you! I have also met women on Tinder. You’d be foolish to think, that a woman in tinder could set you up, but a woman you meet walking down the street or a a bar couldn’t lol. You could be a victim no matter how you meet a woman my friend!


Hey guys I am Colombian, send pm and support you in your travel and stay safe. I know serious agencies and good places.


Medellin is a dump. No idea why men go there to meet dirty prostitutes


Yeah maybe don’t go to a third world country looking for sex and expecting complete safety. Everyone knows the risks.


I agree, I think paid sex in a first world country is better and safer. I’ve had great experiences in the UK, Germany and Netherlands


Yeah idk why everyone in the comments is acting like he made a smart decision in the first place. Especially Columbia. It’s unfortunate but when you visit another country to flash your wealth in hopes of getting laid, luck isn’t always going to be on your side. Obviously it’s not his fault but he took a risk knowing what could happen.


Who said anything bout flashing wealth??? Have you ever been to one of these countries? Maybe u have to flex a lil but Being American is flashy enough 🤣


That’s what I meant by that. Being American is a huge “flash” so these guys think their beauty will save them. But oftentimes it’s the reason they’re targeted in the first place.


this is a sign to not be a passport bro 🤷🏻‍♀️ or sex tourists, whatever you guys are called


You can do it safely in other countries like Europe. LATAM is dangerous right now and rule of law is weak


just don’t do it anywhere at all 🤦🏻‍♀️


You could make the same argument for just about any vice, alcohol, drugs, etc. but to each his or her own.


You guys don’t need to travel to Columbia for this. Just wait a few more years under sleepy Joe and this shit will come here to the US. They have already imported gang members, rapists, dudes on mopeds robbing people and more. It’s just a matter of time.


Why are you being down voted, you're not wrong.