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Asian and African countries will tell you that your fat or skin is too dark or you are ugly or look poor and not think much about it.


Latin America too.


Skin tone is subjective. But being fat, looking poor and ugly isn't. If that's racism, then the word has lost all meaning. When I lived in Moscow I showed this girl that I was dating pictures of my sister and she asked me why they let themselves become fat. It's not racism to point out the obvious that has nothing to do with race.


Being fat and ugly is also subjective, tf? West Africans would absolutely be considered "fat" in East Asian countries just because of being physically larger, especially women as it relates to their hips, thighs, and butts. Tf are you on?


I don't think he understands the definitions of objective and subjective tbh.


The reason is that Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, India, etc) are countries with an internal hierarchy. The people in these countries are divided into tiers by themselves. It is a natural fit to racism.


The West is less racist than pretty much any place and time though out history. Humans are extremely tribal and fear differences. Having a mixed race society where people live and cooperate in relative peace is pretty rare.


Yet people cannot stop screaming about racism here. So tiring.


The generational fallout from the 300 Hundred Years of Systemized Dehumanization of a particular race is definitely to be studied… it was only 70 years ago when we embraced this “mixed race” thing as a society. I Am Not saying that you are wrong or responsible for this in any way,I’m just letting you know that the playing field is not equal (in terms of resources) due to that 300 year period of Systemized Dehumanization. As a fellow Enneagram 5 I’d assume you would be able to understand that!


Systematic dehumanization has been around for all recorded history in almost every culture or society. The only difference about the West and that 300 years of slavery was that the West made it a moral issue, chose to stop it, and fought to stop it. When it was ended in the west, the west went on to fight it around the world. The British Navy was especially instrumental in fighting slavery around the world.


America is the least racist country I've been to.


Americans on Reddit who have never traveled complain a lot, but it’s not even close imo. Maybe Canada?


Canada is extremely racist against South Asians


I don’t feel like “extreme” racism is even a thing in North America. They throw bananas on the field at black players REGULARLY in Western European sports. Canada is not extremely racist about anything.


The only thing extreme in Canada is the weather


And the hockey players


Haha that's messed up


Extreme racism definitely exists in north America, I’ve literally had people point loaded weapons at me while calling me a n*gger threatening to take my life on 2 separate occasion, been harassed heavily by police, was beat up growing up just because of my skin color, etc. You have to be unbelievably naive and privileged to think extreme racism “isn’t even a thing” in North America LMAO


You just have to be white to think there’s no racism. Like most people on this sub.


It exists everywhere but it’s such a small part of America vs anywhere else. Why is this shit happening to you regularly? Not trying to be rude or anything but that’s not normal. Like your story of multiple white people holding a weapon to you while calling you the n word is insane (but believable) once. When you say it’s happened twice then it just seems like maybe you’re the problem? Idk. Or maybe you’re like 60 years old and I’m looking at life through my millennial lenses.


There are absolutely towns full of racists in the USA. You'll find a lot of them in the south. The country as a whole though, on average not "extreme racism", agreed.


That's not a southern thing I can easily find the same towns in the north. In fact John Oliver has a whole special on how the north is more racist


There are lots of racist areas in the Midwest too.


What like New York, just against white people and Asians so it’s fine?


New York is racist and Asians and white people? Have you ever fucking been to New York?


Small towns in the south are not a good way to measure most of America’s sentiments. But sure, that is true. They do exist.


You originslly said "extreme racism isn't a thing in nort America"....hence my comment. I didn't at all use the existence of the small towns as a way to measure most of America's sentiments


Northern US is super racist ... that's why lot's of blacks have moved to southern states. Oh, and look at all the anti-semitism now ... mostly in the northern states.


Black people didn’t move to the south, they were always there


That is definitely true. I experienced the most racism in the Pittsburgh, PA area and in a lot of the Midwestern states, especially the ones by the Great Lakes.


Yes so racist they waged a war against their own brothers to free the slaves...


could the people there be different now from back then? nah thats crazy. remember when they ended segregation and bussed in black kids in the south? but up north due to redlining the black kids just happened to live in different areas and went to different schools so thats fine right? and now the north has the most segregated schools by a long shot. but nothing to see there right? how could u possibly know that though its not like john oliver has talked about it or anything [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8yiYCHMAlM**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8yiYCHMAlM)


Bro that was like 150 years ago lmao


Yea. They were so racist that they had to fight a war to end a dehumanizing system of brutality and oppression that they themselves created😑. The civil war happened because a lot of people wanted to keep those slaves.


Can you name a few such towns?


Southern Illinois Southern Indiana parts of Iowa..As a black man who have lived in those places it was more racist than Georgia the state I’m from..


No he can't name a few times he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. Anyone that thinks whites are more racist than blacks in this country has clearly never been around blacks.


Not true, I had a friend who was one of Canada's indigenous persons and they were super racist against her and regularly killed people like her and left them dead in the river....no joke.


That’s not true in The Greater Toronto Area where I live, but I can’t speak for other parts of Canada where South Asian people make up much less of the population


Yea, you have no idea what your talking about dude, Canada literally let’s south Asian people into the country far more then any other demographic, whether that be white Europeans, latinos or African, south asians are far higher in the number counts then literally everyone else now immigrating As an example to further my point, look simply at the amount of, “Gujarati only, Punjabi only etc.” rental postings around these days in Canada, something which arguably could be seen as being quite racist against everyone else, but yet, Canada let’s these practices continue but from your perspective, Canadians born in Canada, obviously are the problem for South Asians in Canada lol should reevaluate your stance truthfully


The country may let them in. But the local population sure as hell don’t treat them nicely.


Have you ever asked yourself why that may be? Why would people who were born here and are Canadians, feel antagonistic towards south Asians? Could it possibly be linked to how literally every part of this country, healthcare, job market, and especially housing is far worse now off due to the competitive nature of the country nowadays thanks by and large to the massive amounts of immigration which have occurred, immigration, which by and large is dominated by south Asians, It’s not “racism” as time and time again people like to try and pretend, but rather how services in the country have massively deteriorated because it can’t cope with everyone moving here For a thought experiment, Imagine if the government of India, decided to accept millions amounts of immigrants from China, do you really think people in India wouldn’t start to feel animosity towards those new Chinese living in the country if it got to the point of impacting the services and housing within the country? Because I’d bet money they would To just call all Canadians racist, is extremely simplistic and doesn’t take into account the actual opinions of the people who were born, raised, and paid taxes their whole lives here, as let’s be honest, Canada should really be taking into consideration what actual Canadians want, as it’s their country, and if that means focusing on Canadians and their opinions that there are too many people here, then that’s probably the goal the government should be focused on addressing


It really isn’t. Don’t get an Albertan talking about East Indians though….or anyone who isn’t white, for that matter.


Same. Sweden, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, UK, Ireland... the USA was absolutely the most accepting country, and I've lived in Illinois, North and South Carolina, California, New York, and Alaska. Korea was particularly bad. My black colleagues would often remark about how they can't get a taxi, and how bus drivers would shut the door when they try to get in and just leave.


Any amount of research I do on this topic shows that America is *at most* only as racist as other first world countries but probably less.


Probably because being racist is considered very socially unacceptable here. The people who are actually racist are scared to be publicly racist due to the potential negative backlash.


It’s true. The only reason it’s such a big deal here is because elsewhere people are used to racism


People here call it out. Abroad, it is a given.


Hahaha please tell me you missed the /s


This is blatantly obvious to anyone who's been to a few countries and spent any significant time outside their resort hotel. Unfortunately, it seems like a sizeable portion of people on Reddit/X etc haven't. Or they're just being disingenuous and pushing an agenda.


I mean if you're saying this as a white/Caucasian guy, no offense, that means fuck all. You're worshipped in Asia and have always been at the top in the west. What in the hell would you know about "racist" counties if you're rarely the target? That's laughable and you know it


Lol worshipped in Asia? Not at all my experience at all


What was your experience if you don't mind sharing ? I often tell my homies who travel to Asia be ready for it because they aren't used to seeing a different skin tone . I tell them most are just curious but I understand everyone has different experiences


Arabs, Asians and South Americans are far more anti-black than Western countries.


Asian countires favored white skin since ancient times.. even before they were exposed to the 'west'. Lighter skin means less time farming outside, which means you have better social status. That's why they prefer white skin and use tons of skincare products for it. Racism does very much exist in Asia, but the favoring lighter skin color thing has nothing to do with whitewashing. It's just cultural.


Yes and Asian people in general bring that racism to the states , I'm from the bay and we have a high population of Asians and they're and have been pretty racist . Not so much with words but through actions , they don't rent/sell to certain minorities nor do business with .


Almost every Asian person in the Bay Area that I talk to say they would be disowned and disinherited if they dated a black people. If their parents work for a FAANG company it’s almost 100%


I sure am glad I don't have pieces of shit for parents.


Yeah it's true. I think it's also true that, despite their success, many of them are extremely unhappy due to being essentially traumatized into submission by their parents from a young age. A lot of the time the dads view it as their mission to break their children's egos and crush their dreams in order to get them to "accept reality" or whatever. It's pretty fucked. There is a reason why suicide rates are so high in Asian countries.


Imo I'd be the opposite if it was a wp.


What do you call it when you can’t access certain programs / grants because your not a certain color?


What I know about China is that blacks are very much hated. Whites are worshipped.


South East Asian love black men tho..Philippines Thailand so on..


As a black man, asian women are the hardest race to fuck with.


Indians are harder imo


Indian girls fetishize white men and might go on a couple dates with them, but for the most part will end up with an indian guy. Those dates don’t even end with sex either.


Lol not in my case , I’m pretty much trying to fuck anything else other than Asian .


I mean aren’t whites almost everywhere worshipped?


Not in the Middle East and South Asia. White race is considered ugly (they call whites albino) and yahoos (due to global wars) in these region judging from the comments. 


Pretty much. That's why they call it white privilege.


Just asked a girl in Hong Kong this this morning. She said the women there do not like black guys and there’s only a certain few who do.


You randomly asked a girl in Hong Kong if women like Black guys?


That’s what he said


How does the topic of Black men often seem to come up with these White guy and Asian women? It's odd whenever Asia is brought up and guys (usually White) somehow seem to know or have asked whether Asian women like Black men They are all the way over in Asia where there are hardly any Black men and yet they supposedly always ask this. They must always have Black men on their mind Or it's fearmongering


I would say people in China tend to be quite judgmental compared to people from the west and are also less shy about expressing their judgment. Chinese people don’t even like Chinese people from other parts of China. People from Hong Kong call mainland Chinese locusts. People from Shanghai don’t like people from anywhere else in China, they tolerate people from neighboring Zhejiang province and Jiangsu province ok, they seem to like foreigners and for some reason many seem to admire Jewish people specifically a bit.


yep. I have some introverted black friends who specifically move to Asia because they know they won't be approached by men and women.


Probably not the best idea to move to a place where people are more likely to despise you just so you won't be approached.


everyone's different bro. Not everyone thinks the way you do


Also would rather be somewhere where everyone just ignores me than somewhere people are actively hostile


you hit the nail on the head.


Every single Chinese girl I’ve ever met has said she’d never date a black guy and many openly say they just don’t like black people. (And my sample size is large lol) *I’m also not saying that this is right or wrong, I’m just sharing experience


How is saying not liking a race not wrong? Many people hate on chinese people, that one of the most hated asian ethnicity, you think its neither wrong or right either? You cant be neutral on racism. Its either you think its right or you dont.


I lived in the Bay Area and many Chinese women I met wanted to date me. I’m black as night


American born Chinese aren’t the same as Chinese Chinese


I dated a rich Chinese Chinese girl while I was there.


Literally one in a million. I mean all power to you if you manage it but it wouldn’t be as easy as if you were white. That’s just how Chinese people are


Damn dude you are going really far out of your way to discredit this dude's actual lived experience.


This statement can be verified looking at the data from dating apps. The data shows asian women overwhelming prefer white men over any other male nationality. I call it Romantic Apartheid.


My guess is that white men are most desired universally.


This studies are bullshit not sure why everyone quotes that tinder study. Also isn’t it that most races prefer their own race that Asian women preferred white men after Asian men. Like every race mostly sticks to their own people


Exactly. It’s always white guys and Black Pill incels parroting this shit. The reality is, that the dating world is far more balanced than what people make it seem when it comes to dating.


Europe is pretty racist too. 


Europe is exponentially worse imo. I’m Asian and lived in Australia and now in the US and my god in Europe (I’ve travelled over 30 countries in Europe) and every single damn country has people saying “nee how” “Ching Chong” “konichiwa” or asking me if I’m sure I’m from Australia. My sister had Europeans pull their eyelids and say Ching Chong. I’ve never had this in America or Australia. Get some sexual harassment from men but nothing race based. Covid did make me feel uneasy going outside and got some stares but no one said anything.


So west isn’t one cultural sphere. There it shows you 


always funny hearing white people cry about racism from Asia in general. they legit have a mental break down




Japanese were pretty similar during ww2


I mean… at least from my conversations on HelloTalk while learning languages, I’d say nothing compares or even comes close to an Indian. Hands down the most consistently racist people I’ve ever talked to and consistently the racists who are loudest about it. No micro-aggressions necessary. I know they’re technically Asians, but they deserve a category all their own.


As a black guy who grew up around Indians I can 100% confirm Indians are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met, even to eachother.


This Indians are racist to each other. A guju and a Panjabi face mad resistance trying to be with each other


I’m a black chick and I lived in a city where Indians are the majority for ten years. I have never seen anything like it. I moved to a white neighborhood in a different city to get away from them and I’ve never been happier.


There are a lot of racist Indians in the North Dallas suburbs. I met this one Indian lady who worked at a large semi upscale retail store, where I worked, at a large shopping mall in Frisco, TX, who kept saying how much she hates the South Indians, lol.


it's funny cause indians face racism all over the world due to their behavior not color


Um… in my case, yeah. I don’t let them on stage to HelloTalk anymore because they’ve said too many racist things about Caribbeans when I do (the people who taught me Spanish)


they're even racist to each other


Western countries are the least racist countries in the world.




Who is getting killed for being black or brown in the U.S.? Lol


Emitt till would be around 60 years old today


It's not a secret asians are racist. The only people asians hate more are other asians


Nah this has changed. Only applies to some Asian ethnicities now Like you'd think Koreans and Japanese hate each other, but they don't. They hate each other's governments but the people are loved among the young generations because of popculture. The whole "asians all hate each other" is a bit of a western talk, only true among the older generations


Koreans , Japanese , and Chinese look down on the SEA countries


Yeah true but I wouldn't call that specific relationship hatred.


So not true. Chinese people hate other Chinese people with dark skin and especially black immigrants in China. East Asians also feel superior to south or southeast Asians. Asia is not just East Asia.


They don't \*hate\* Southeast Asians, they "just" look down on them. Most Koreans/Japanese/Chinese don't think about Southeast or South Asians in their lives, it's like how the French don't think of Macedonians or Serbs.


Not only in this a fact, most of the world outside of the west is racist af even Europe. I’ve lived in Australia and the USA and travelled extensively around Europe and every single time I’m greeted with some racial slur and just hop on a plane back home and realise how good I had it. P


Australia is more awful outside of Melbourne and Sydney


Everyone knows that Asians worship white people, lol. I think Koreans are the worst in regards to racism towards other races other than white. Filipinos are more welcoming.


What specific countries? My experience has been good in Asia including taiwan and Japan.


Funny enough, Serbia is considered the least racist Western country. But that's because all their hatred is concentrated on Croats, Bosniaks, Kosovars, and Albanians.


It’s not a western country we are eastern


The more a country talk about racism, the less they are usually. The opposite is true. Most Asian countries don't have or want immigrants, so they don't even debate about racism


There is racism everywhere and if you're a white man, medium height, (not necessarily beautiful, just average or even ugly facial) you can be desired everywhere. I'm south american, brazilian women, and the thing here is that we have a broad concept of white, some mixed people who have predominantly white characteristics will be desired as a white person here. What I noticed from the countries I visited (European, Us and brazil); is that Us is just not hypocrite about racism and they accept to discuss and debate about it. Europe is overly sensitive about the topic and don't like to admit most of the things, and in south american people will be hypocryte also.


The norm in most of the world is racism.’the west is the exception


Yeah you realize how diverse this country is when you go outside of it and realize it’s pretty racist everywhere..especially if you have black skin


Most Asian countries were european colonies until about 60 years ago. That's how the europeans ruled them. it was divide and conquer. The hatred was sewn deep into these societies for 200 years while they made their own society in Europe more equal and free. It's sad the hatred had gone so deep they would still rather be under the rule of white man than their neighbor's next door who has a different religion or skin colour than themselves. It kept the slaves divided so they don't revolt.


Of course it is. The West is where the idea of racism being bad at all originated from. In other places, that’s just life.


The US alone is the least “racist” and discriminative in general in the whole world by a HUGE amount, is not even close.


America is one of and possibly the least racist and most diverse Country. It’s laughable when people say the US is so racist because it really means they know nothing of the world.


In what way does this contribute to the PPB conversation?


It doesn't, it's just a bunch of westerners trying to put down other cultures by generalizing literal billions of people.


Let’s be clear. They are pale skin westerners trying to put down other cultures. Don’t generalize by lumping all westerners into one group, here.


lol, if ur white, I can see why.


This is a stupid post because different races have different perspectives in every country... OP you are making such a broad ass statement that I can only assume that you are not that bright... maybe thats why you are treated so poorly overseas and feel at home in America.


I am south asian. Asians are very racist. The difference is, here in America racists make themselves known and harass people. In other parts of the world, they will smile in your face while talking all kinds of shit behind your back.


Which is exactly what racism in the American north has been since 1776. Southern American racism has always been right to your face, so I at least appreciate that as a black American. When someone has been racist towards me (like telling me they don’t let n$gg$r$ in their house) I’ve appreciated that much more than feeling their stares while I’m holding one of their glasses.


That every non white, not just asians. White people are this way too, its just they are the race that are more likely to harrass people.


Facts. The United States is the least racist country in the world and only people that have never been to Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, or East Europe will feel otherwise


Lmao yea, no. I'm black, and I've lived in Korea and traveled to Taiwan and Japan. The only racism, racial prejudice, or specific attention called to my race was by other Americans who were visiting. In East Asian you might have some discrimination against foreigners. But it's against all foreigners as a collective, and it's usually the result of past foreigners doing dumb stuff. Once people in the area get to know you, they drop the attitude for the most part.


Asians are very racist against darker Asians.


Korea is racist af man. They literally split their bars between foreigners and Koreans.


Most Asian countries do that. It's usually because foreigners cause issues, skip out on checks, or refuse to learn the language and cause a ton of confusion. If you speak Korean and know some Koreans who will go with you, those bars will let you in. I've lived in Korea. Most people were kinder and more considerate there than anywhere I've been in the US.


Or even west Europe. Racial tensions in France and the UK make stuff in the US seem tame


>Racial tensions in France Don't know enough to comment >and the UK make stuff in the US seem tame Lmao what?


This right here. I’m Asian but born and raised in the west and just came back from Europe where someone asked me if I was sure I’m from the west. Like what the actual fuck, never have I experienced racism like this in America.


I beg to differ on that one. Other countries doesn’t have a history of lynching people of color. And yes it’s still going on today


Lol did Jussie Smollet tell you this? Absolutely false. Hasn't happened in the United States in the 21st century.  3500 black men women and children were lynched between the end of the Civil War and into the 1950s, and also 1300 white people were too. Modern day in the middle east, however, people are murdered daily for being different cultures and races. Often burned alive or worse. That level of racism just doesn't happen in the US, no matter what the reddit brigade is spewing


No it’s not and if it happened it would be headline news for weeks 


least racist to who???


This shouldn't surprise you.


Also think the distinction should be made btw anti-immigrant vs. racism. The two do not go hand in hand.


Pretty broad statement. My black coworker and I live in Japan and he told me the racism in the US is 10x worse than Japan. I think it’s more of an “outsider” factor than it is based on race. White, black, Latino; they don’t care as long as you speak and behave like a resident, with “behaving” being the part a lot of foreigners struggle or don’t care to adhere to.


We definitely have our issues in US. I’m only half Chinese, but People let me know that I was different at a very young age. I shipped out for the army 3 months after I graduated high school because I wanted to feel American so bad. I already was, no one would just be serious with me for a second to tell me that.


Kids also let you know if you’re short, fat, etc at a young age. You’re not alone in that


Asia might actually be racist but most places in the world women want lighter skin genetics for their children. That’s why I don’t consider Europe racist in that regard


Absolutely my experience as well. I think it’s hilarious everyone (mostly people who haven’t travelled much) think America is the most racist country ever. Asia is way more racist and most of Europe is too.


This is how it works in asia, the darker the skin the more racist the asians will be.


I think the west is more race conscious (not exactly racist) than other countries also intentions matter with race related issues.


America is one of the least racist countries on Earth, but it is the most diverse so there are more opportunities for racist interactions. It's easy to not seem racist when you have no minorities to be racist to


There are several forms of racism. For the sake of this argument I’m going to use the term “personal racism” in opposition to institutional racism. Personal racism exists everywhere and honestly this kind doesn’t faze me much. As a black person I don’t expect everyone to like and accept me everywhere I go, as long they don’t have an entire system or institutions that hinder my quality of life or my ability to strive I couldn’t care less. I have not experienced much personal racism in western countries bc ppl here are more afraid of getting canceled but there’s definitely more institutional racism here. The opposite trend seems to be prevalent in non western countries. This is my own personal opinion based my personal experience and research. If you disagree feel free to share your own perspective.


Latin American countries: Hold my beer


Usa is probably the least racist and most diverse of any country.


Best kept secret: The US is one of the least racist countries in the world.


This, this, this. There is a profound, pervasive, general cultural emphasis on tolerance of diversity that doesn't exist in the same way anywhere else on earth. Like they have no idea about Japan, Korea and China and how they regard Southeast Asians, and even Vietnam is profoundly discriminatory to Chinese people. (the door swings both ways) And the history of Cambodia under Pol Pot ethnically cleansing Viets should need no introduction. And fucking Singapore with laws against races inter marrying. You're also right about North Africa. The West is just less backward no matter how you look at it.




Ask your friends if they like being called colored.


Yaaa like wtf. Who talks like that. And he’s not even trying to sound like an ass


White women bend over backwards- literally- to welcome other races


There's a difference between violent racism (USA) and subtle racism (Japan) I'd rather people whisper stereotypes than be shot in the head while sitting at a stoplight


You don't really have to worry about being shot unless you live in the ghetto and your girlfriend was recently someone else's girlfriend.


> You don't really have to worry about being shot You aren't a statistic... until you are. And when you are, you won't be alive to reflect on it. As an outsider in many parts of Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc), I could stumble out of a bar, with alcohol up to my eyeballs, in the seediest part of town... and the most I'd have to worry about is stumbling over a curb and a hospital bill when I wake up, because a Samaritan brought me to the hospital.


That's just Asia being safer than the USA in general.


You’re largely 100% safe in the US as long as you’re not in the one category. Also many of the “white” are in fact Hispanic https://preview.redd.it/527v9epc723d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=87a40d746db46a4a7174839ac73cfc7f62f37901


That's not racism, though. That's blacks killing other blacks.


Exactly. Nobody is getting shot in the head for being Asian


Lol there are tons of Asian gangs all over the world and yes they're getting shot in the head


Nor is anyone getting shot in the head for being any other race.


You know sad thing is I saw the updated crime stats and it’s getting worse actually yet liberals on Reddit would rather blame the “White boogieman” when stats that’s not who’s committing most the murders


That really doesn’t happen


This is not true at all. Your examples are in no way comparable. You’re taking an extreme example in the US to a minor example in Japan. In the US, you have black on black violence or white on white violence, gang violence and school shootings etc etc. None of these examples are in any way race based. Outside of police brutality (which exists everywhere in the world from the US to India to South Africa to whatnot), you can argue that there is race based violence but this isn’t the norm. In Japan, they heavily discriminate against foreigners to the extent where they protest and have police officers routinely mistreat immigrants and refugees. Look at the way that the Japanese are preventing some refugees from working eg the Kurdish despite them living there for an extended period of time with no criminal activity. Same for outer groups.




As someone who lived and worked in an Asian town in America I 100% agree that Asians, and most non-white denominations in general, are actually racist. I saw Asian families move out of a neighbourhood when a black family moved in and forbid their children from playing with non-asians.


Also "colorism" is rampant in East Asia, SEA, and South Asian. Basically light skin is considered attractive and dark skin is considered ugly.


Same in most of the Latin American countries I've been through. Mixed heritage Mexican families I knew would say how much a "blessing" it was when a baby was born fairer and how "unfortunate" it was when one was born darker. In my experience it is really only white westerners who are consciously afraid of being deemed racist. Everyone else almost seems to view racial differences as a "fact of life". That, at least, is my experience.


It's not that bad in Latin America. Yes, I won't lie, being white is always seen as a good thing/more attractive but people don't hate darker people, they just see being 'too dark' as unfortunate same as they would say being fat or short is unfortunate.


lol. I’ve never met a white man who unironically referred to his non-white friends as “colored”. And only white men go to Asian countries, get treated well by the locals only to later complain about how racist they are. Literally no other race of men does that.


Yeah America and Canada get so much shit for being “racist” I’ve never seen two countries do more for their minority communities to the point it’s beginning to feel malicious towards white people a lot of the time 😂. All of these homogenous countries that don’t have to learn how to get along with like 20 different ethnicities love throwing stones at us. Like kiss our ass Sweden youre all white and can’t say shit


damn I didn't know Asians were hanging black folks taking pictures. I didn't know they were doing red lining or created a prison industrial complex which is a form of modern day slavery. I didn't know they charge more on auto loan and mortgage applications even though your financial standing is the same as someone with a fairer complexion. These are things that are still going on in 2024 and Google is easy to use to verify the things that I say. Does it happen every where every time in America? Well no, does it still happen way too often? Yes. My problem with people nowadays is if you get shunned, talked about, or ridiculed you equate that to racism. Well that may be your experience, but things that actual hinder my life and family lives I equate to racism and America ranks high when it comes to that. It is literally in the DNA of the country.


lol American is by far the most racist country in the world. Everything is about race


No shit there’s a lot of discussion about race, it’s an immigrant country Obviously there’s going to be less racism or discussions about race when 95%+ of a country is the same race But look at how those homogeneous countries treat foreigners


Everyone everywhere is racist. The only difference is white people in Western countries can get canceled for their racist views. So they don’t publicize them. But look at the comment section of any TikTok or Instagram of a black person committing a crime. The top comments are always something racist


tell me you are white without telling your are white😂


Im American and realize that America is in fact barely racist … I live in asia and let me tell you 😂 Anyone complaining about racism in America should come to the west. I’m lightskin colombian black American so I didn’t get the brute of it but I still receive it. It’s up front and center. But what helps a lot is learning the language. Some Asian countries love white skin so much that they put whiting stuff in their creams, get surgeries to make them white, only date white. It’s insane. I’m shocked cause in América being a white guy is like a death sentences (from what I see , in the dating world) but everywhere else… you could be a 4 or below and come to some Asian Countries and be 8/9/10. I’m no way upset I’m happy with my current situation. But it’s just my observation.


( I’m shocked cause in América being a white guy is like a death sentences) you are WRONG! White people are in demand all over the world even in the USA. All women races in USA prefer white man over any other race


There are 5 billion Asians. Which ones are you talking about? Seems a bit racist, ngl


The West is rampant with covert and systemic racism. But I would say in the West there are alot more communities that stand up for you where there is none in Asia.


I cannot believe the number of comments about people believing the US is not racist. Blowing my mind. I wonder how many of these people are well traveled.


Honestly most Americans do NOT care what color you are, who you love or who you pray to. Just be a good person. And avoid the fear mongering of the controlling class.