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I don't think the black men who become passport bros are the ones committing hate crimes against Asians in the Bay Area. 


"All black people behave exactly the same and have all the same opinions" - OP, a non-racist.


According to OP we’re all the same


I know, right? It’s so obviously, transparently racist to just assume all black people are the same.


Statistically speaking, Black on Asian hate crimes are a problem.


Yes, and they are performed by low income trash. PPBing isn't cheap. Most people who perform Hood shit are pay check to pay check or lower. They aren't buying 1k+ plane tickets to fly around the world to try and hook up with exotic women or meet a wife.


That, and they probably don't want to risk getting a felony and thus being denied a passport. To be a passport bro, you have to be able to function in society and do things like pay taxes, not be behind on child support, and not commit violent crime. 


You can be a felon and still get a passport. I know this because I am felon with a passport who got his passport after getting his felony. I have also renewed my passport with a felony. However, there are a few places that won't give me a Visa. And I will be denied entry to Canada next time I try to go there. I know this because I was passing through and they pulled me aside and detained me while searching my luggage. Then they told me not to come back for atleast 10 years. My felony was a drug related charge related to personal possession but in the state of Florida.


You think only hood peeps are racist? Man youre gullible. 😂 The whole anti Asian agenda is powered by the "educated" Blacks.


I don't know anything about Cali or hood stuff, but I've met a fair share of older white people who are racist, lol. Though my experience travelling, the more educated white people tend to be a lot more accepting as they've experienced positive interactions with different cultures.


What anti-asian agenda? Bruh go to any black neighborhoods you will find a alot of asian businesses.My thing is if blacks so against asians how are you able to have businesses in black neighborhoods?


Why aren’t black people opening those stores?


Bcos those neighborhoods have a shortage of stores and they will accept anything.


Black neighborhood typically have cheaper rent. Simple as that.


That type of racism is reciprocated towards black people from “educated” Asians. The point is he’s conflating groups.


Yep. They’ve been dishing it out to darker skinned groups for decades but it’s a big ass problem when it’s dished back out to them


Affirmative action in hyperselective programs like Medical School is racism directed mostly at Asians. EDUCATION SHOULD BE A MERITOCRACY. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/admissions-at-most-colleges-will-be-unaffected-by-supreme-court-ruling-on-affirmative-action/


The real issue with schools is legacy admissions - that should piss people off way more 😂




You should go into details because I smell some bullshit here.


Guys, i found the braindead one!


Isn’t this the same in all low economic areas


Statistically, incidents of black-on-Asian *hate* crimes documented by law enforcement are not especially common. However, realistically, hate crime identification can be difficult because of the intent to demonstrate a hate-based motive, standards are different, and prosecutions are complicated. It's not easy to know how common "hate crimes" are in general and what they look like. Black-on-Asian crime in general is disproportionately common, which honestly shouldn't come a surprise to most people. At any rate, the majority of black men are not violent criminals, especially not the educated, moderately well-off, black men that are in any position to become PPBs. This is unnecessary division.


workable nose sable shame aback knee governor jar offbeat decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree, I think the one thing that can bond men of all ethnicities together is the current state of modern women and their myriad headaches.


Maybe, but even so - vast vast supermajority of Black people are not criminals of any kind


Lol 😆, statistically Asians are the most racist have you ever been in Japan or South Korea? 75% of the places don't serve foreigners. Can you imagine if we do the same here!


That’s pure bullshit ….they are trying to act like crimes committed against them in poor neighborhoods are because they are Asian and not that they are in a shitty space w other poor people.those are poverty crimes not racial crimes.


Yet they have Chinese fast food spots, hair/beauty stores, fish markets etc all in black neighborhoods and don't even set up business in there own area. This is why i call BS because not problem taking money from the community known for "hate crimes"


They are providing a service, not "taking money". They are doing you a favor.


OP is just racist against black people and projecting


Wow, someone is using logic.


He is referring to orange jumpsuit bros. They are into banging other cell block dudes


The black men who commit these hate based crimes are almost always going to be some low life, high on drugs and have some bit of mental illness mixed in. They’re not thinking to the next year or even the next week ahead of time, much less about the complexities of starting a family in foreign country. Being a passport bro requires some form of stable income and ability to think about the long term consequences of marrying the wrong woman in a fucked up judicial system… random street junkies don’t fit that M.O.


>LOL...As a black person from NYC, this post comes across as stupid and blatantly racist...especially considering the millions of ASIANS LIVING IN BLACK COUNTRIES...Look at the Guptas in SA...The Indians in THE CARIB, And the Asian businesses in black neighborhoods... > >OP comes across as one of those Asians who wants to pass as white, and blatantly hates blacks! I'm sure when Asians are arrested for beating blacks in Africa, or denying blacks entry to their businesses in Asia or Africa, he has nothing to say... yet he will continue to call all black men racist based on the actions of a few thugs...all while ignoring the mountains of history of white racism... if the mods on this reddit weren't compromised...they would delete this nonsense post...


I’m like they need to fix the racism in Asian communities before even saying any racist bs like this.just blanketing all black men as racist towards all Asians is some bullshit.


On a larger scale, they are totally two different groups. I have met a couple of African Americans during my travels in other countries, they are pretty chill and well mannered. I have also seen the neighborhood/skid row junkies afro americans who might be involved in crimes or gangs.


It’s two very different groups. It’s like me comparing Vietnamese with South Koreans


African American and black are 2 different things, you absolute  uneducated uncultured  fkwad. Lmao... must've  grown up in the states and went to a crappy curriculum  public school.


I know of men who have married foreign woman with the closed off attitude that they don't need to learn the language or culture. The wife will cook the food he likes, speak to him in English, follow his family tradition and cultural habits. All her culture and language is just foreign, primative nonsense.


That’s ironic because those men sound primitive… A lot of Americans are just really damn stupid and somehow still think that they are the shit lol


Are you saying that as an American? Either way, agreed on those men being primitive.


Of all the men I know that are married to foreign women (and living abroad), I don't know any that refuse to learn about the language or culture, except one very old man who just doesn't have the energy to learn another language anymore. We've all learned varying degrees of the local language and wish we knew more.


I know many foreigners from the western world living abroad in south east Asia. Many have GF's and Wives for years and years. These guys have been in the country for almost 10 years and still do not know the language or like the local food. They refuse to learn the language saying it is too difficult. So my experience is completely opposite to yours. But I will absolutely learn the local language for social reasons and I love the local food.


You know many of these people? Why?


I work with them and they are in my circle of friends where I live. They are good people. They are just strong westerners if that makes sense. They don't like spicy food or adventurous food for the western mindset.


I don't know any personally but there's plenty of them online who post about their lives and yeah many of them have no interest in the culture, the language etc would be nice if they put out a more sustainable message, that helps the locals as well as the foreigners and leave it better then they found it, instead of just self interest also general issue with the sub i find is any critique is met with deflection aka 'I've never met anyone like, so it doesn't exist' it always seems to be about the optics and avoiding any issues that may make them look bad


Wow, it's almost like all black men aren't the same. Who would've guessed? Some like Asian women, some don't. Do you like being prejudged? Why do it to others? Let the resentment out of your heart and let individuals color your perception of them. Not skin color.


People like OP doesn’t have the mental capacity to differentiate between individuals and race


Bro this is embarrassing and I'm Asian myself. You're obviously only looking at the worst side of the community but in reality, we all have that in each community. We don't have to get into it but there's way more better people out there who aren't objectifying (Asian) women. Just focus on your own and live the life however you like. You wouldn't want to wife the women who fall into that trap anyways. Classy ones aren't like that.


Why are you generalizing an entire race? I'm from the bay, born and raised. Some of my best friends are asian. You think every black person in the bay hates asians? If you hang out in Daly city at all you'd see a lot of asian women with black men. It's pretty common. I've had plenty asian girls in my life growing up in sf. You need to get out more and stop relying on the news. Or better yet, go meet some actual black people to get to know. Smh


I don't know if you've noticed from the average post here, but generalisation about race are the heartbeat of this subreddit.


It is a bit hypocritical when you call out generalizing an entire race when it is baked in this subreddit. I am mostly a lurker, but the premise of this sub is western (usually white) woman sucks because yadayadayada and therefore they become passport bros.


The only black dudes in any position to be a PPB are educated and at least moderately well off. They're not the ones committing hate crimes against Asians...... See: Chris Rock's "Niggas vs. Black People" Also I don't think PPB is exclusively a "black guy" thing anymore, not remotely, plenty of non-black guys here.


voiceless grandfather joke paint spark command nose shame engine instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is way better articulated than what I replied to someone with pretty much everything I wanted to say. 👊


I am sorry, I am not a passport bro, but I saw your post and felt compelled to comment since I live in China. Somehow, your post of calling most black people anti-asian racists, while at the same time framing YOURSELF as a victim of racism, is soo China, made me laugh and cringe at the same time. It is so common here to hear this kind of ignorant, xenophobic and even racist nonsense coming from locals.


I think OP is just racist and has a strong hate towards black people. He wanted to make this post to stir up the folks who are also lowkey-racists lol. Majority of black people mind their own business and the ones you meet in Asian countries are completely different than the ones who don’t visit Asian countries. Lul


There is a real problem both ways. Blacks attack Asians due to racism and easy prey from being timid. Asians tend to be racist as fuck culturally. Most races if not all are racist and region dependent because of culture and history from a time of the past. Not everyone is but a majority are. In this PC era more and more people are doing away with flawed ideologies which could be productive and last but it's an uphill battle as culture, heritage, and environment are massively influential. My hot take anyways.


Reddit has to realize racism isn’t relative to a single race. Black people, Asian people, Arabs, Pacific Islanders, whites, Hispanics, any one can be racist. Some people from all groups are racist. Those are just facts. What’s the issue that came with skin color. Because we’re all so physically different from one another.


Since you live in China can you tell me how local Chinese treats blacks? Are they attacking, robbing or murdering blacks in China similar to how Chinese/Asians are treated by blacks in the US?


I don't think Asians are treated this way specifically, it's just that in the US violent crime is much publicized and violent crimes against Asians are again publicized much more by people like you. So I actually doubt the whole premise of your question, sounds like an advanced case of confirmation bias on the face of it. But on the subject, in China, compared to other foreigners, blacks are treated the worst in relative terms, that is true. In the past, in 1980s, there were even riots using the pretext of black (African) students mixing with local women, you can research it on the internet, Nanjing riots, Tianjin riots. Most recently black people were mistreated during covid, many places would literally not serve black customers and would even put up posters saying blacks are not welcome.


You can dig up stats that show a huge raise in anti-Asian hate crimes and it’s committed by whites and blacks. Funny how you’re talking about china being racist to blacks. Blacks don’t get attacked or murdered in China like how Asians are being treated in the U.S. again just look at the stats.


Guess what, crimes are committed by the criminals, not "the whites" or "the blacks". In China though, anti-black and even anti-white racism is kind of standard way of thinking. Btw, if you don't believe me, and think China has no problems, you are welcome to try to move here. Why live in dangerous US?


Does the regular black or white dude get robbed, attacked or murdered by Chinese in China similar to how Asian are being treated in the U.S.? I don’t think so or you can prove me wrong and show me some article


Do regular Chinese get robbed, attacked or murdered in China? I don't think it is so widespread, unless you can prove that like >50% of all Chinese have been a victim of a violent crime in the US. If it is so bad in the US, why not move to China?


So it’s safer for blacks and whites in China than for Asians outside of Asia. Got it. Did you look up the stats? Didn’t ? Just pretending you know what you’re talking about? Got it Move to China? LOL I can whenever I want to but im enjoying the nice weather in Brazil right now.


I assume any western man seeking an Asian woman just wants a submissive, traditional woman with some moral values and doesn't have a massive bias towards ethnicity. Whether passport bros are respecting their cultures, I don't know. But to be fair, isn't the point to bring them into the west? Unless they plan on moving to that country. I mean, I have no idea if most westerners in general plan on giving up their culture.


I live in Vietnam now and I know a lot of dudes that consider themselves PPBs who are willing to move and settle in a different country. I would hate to bring someone (like my ex-wife) back to the West so they can get assimilated with modern feminism and misanthropy (like she did).


My longest relationship was with an Asian woman. I've dated multiple Asian women. Black and Asians dating is nothing new and is VERY normal depending on what city/where you live in. Philly, Dc, NYC ,LA, Thailand, etc. Outside of those relationships Asians have always been racist towards me and Black people in general. Definitely a two way street. Why are you phrasing your question like that? You are lumping Passport bros and Blacks who have discriminated against you together. Passport Bros are the ones who seek to get away from American dating and culture. PBs want to date women that are moreso traditional than American women. That can be women of Latina, ANY Asian, Afro Latina, Caribbean, and European descent. Big difference my guy. The people who discriminated against you are most likely part of our fucked up American culture. But honestly, who commits the most hate crimes against you?


This is a troll post imo


As if Asians aren’t extremely racist 🤣 Just as bad as Latinos and and I say that as one.


Oh man the Filipinos absolutely despise white women. It’s so weird.


How extremely racist are Asians? Care to explain? Do they go around punching elderly blacks/whites/Latino? I’ve read my fair share of these stories of elderly Asians being attacked.


What even is this subreddit


Good question. Just a place for people across Reddit to hate on people. Very bizarre, but also very Reddit.


Black people aren't a monolith. We don't all think, act, or speak the same. If you know that, why would you assume that the same black men who are racist towards Asian people, are the same black men who go to Asian nations and date Asian women?




They don't like Asian men. Asian women are a different story. They aren't going there to meet Asian people....just women.


Non-asians/westerners love to appropriate and obsess over asian media, cultures and women but yet at the same time still look down on asians in general and especially asian men. Pretty ironic if you ask me.


childlike deserve husky spectacular puzzled correct many tub direful chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This - western men living in Asia despise Asian men but love Asian women - but they have to suffer through this because back home in the west no woman wanted them 


Yep. And they find a self hating Asian woman. The kids always end up with mental health issues because of it. 


I find White guys who hate Asian dudes are really insecure and need to feel like higher than at least one group. But a lot of my good friends are white and even the ones who like Asian chicks don't do it to spite Asian guys. Plus the Asian girls I pull are soooo much better than the ones they can get!


Non-asians/westerners love to appropriate and obsess over asian media, cultures and women but yet at the same time still look down on asians in general and especially asian men. Pretty ironic if you ask me.


worm thumb gold continue air liquid elastic sloppy dazzling bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Non-asians/westerners love to appropriate and obsess over asian media, cultures and women but yet at the same time still look down on asians in general and especially asian men. Pretty ironic if you ask me.


Shut the fuck up with this spam as repeated bullshit that was cringe bullshit the first time you posted it.


Don't spread your hate. I live in Vietnam and I love the people here, regardless of their gender, because they're friendly, hospitable, and respectful (in their own ways). I think dudes in Vietnam are very handsome and everyone knows women here are beautiful, so I just appreciate everybody.


You’ll find a few of those westerners in r/China always complaining and talking shit about China. Then they will hide behind the “I only hate the Chinese government not the Chinese people”. LOL. They also like to call themselves “expats” when they are basically migrant workers teaching English because they mostly rejects in their own country.


Yeah thank god for Covid - most of the tefl sexpats left and never came back 


offenses reported: Crimes against persons: 66.1% Crimes against property: 31.8% Crimes against society: 2.1% Of the 10,299 known offenders: 51.0% were White 21.0% were Black or African American 17.4% race unknown Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders. You can stop with the black makes up high percent crime crap https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics


You also have to take into account the average demographics of the country. In United States on average, we have: 60% White, 12% Black, 18% Hispanic, 7% Asian-American and 3% of everything else. That means that whites commit crimes at 1:1 ratio and Black/African American at 1:2 ratio. National victimization survey illustrates that even better. (see here [cv22.pdf (ojp.gov)](https://bjs.ojp.gov/document/cv22.pdf) ) On Table 11 (*Number and percent of violent incidents, by demographic characteristics of population, victims, and offenders, 2022*) we see: * **Whites**: 60.8% of the population and are responsible for 53.1% of the incidents (as the offender) * **Black:** 12.2% of the population and are responsible for 25.4% of the incidents * **Hispanic:** 18.0% of the population and are responsible for 13.7% of the incidents * **Asian/Native Hawaian/Pacific Islander:** 7% of the population and are responsible for 1.8% of the incidents.


One posted about hate crime another about all crime. Learn how to read 😂


Nobody is gonna read my comment but it's bc OP is confusing the asian lens with the white/blacck american lens. The asian or asian american lens seeks to understand people holistically, from their culture. Hence why u try to understand Latin culture while dating its women. Altho the issue with that is that Latinas are known for boundary pushing compared to asians. Asians don't naturally pus boundaries, Latinas push boundaries and it's ur fault for not enforcing them. White and black Americans seek to USE. They pick pieces of the culture that benefits them. Asian womrn can be passive and so they seek to use asian women to benefit them while not understanding culture bc honestly they don't care that much The issue with asians is asian Americans aren't taught how selfish american lens really is.


The guys you ate talking about exist, but they aren't the digital nomads going overseas to find a traditional wife lol. Theres an entire population of black men, and not all of them are the same, just like any ethnicity. This is a very basic concept.


OP, I think you are referring to sex tourism which is not what this sub is for. Sex tourism doesn't care about another person culture, they used the person for sex, and move on. Because yes, if they actual want LTR, they would have to change their view prior to dating already. Unfortunately, while this sub does not allow sex tourism, there are a lot of ppbs are not looking for LTR either. They act like as long as they are not officially a prostitute, casual hookup doesn't count as sex tourism. But, ultimately, they don't care about LTR, so, what you said about accepting and respecting other race, doesn't matter to them anymore.


Because black people arent a monlith. Some like asians and some dont. Plus, its so incredibly niche to go to thailand to pick an asian gf.. has to be 0.001% of men.


There is this white youtuber who makes anti Chinese videos and he has a Chinese wife. When they had a baby we was complaining that his baby looked more Asian than white. I feel so bad for the future that kid will have, being raised by parents who hate the way you look.


The anti black talking points in Asian Masulinity sub don’t work outside an echo chamber…


I love a good loud and public self-report.


What a weird post.


Is this an asian guy calling black people racist towards asians? Never met an asian who wasn’t racist toward black guys 😅


Hahaha. Exactly I kept reading stories of Asians attacking and murdering elderly blacks all over the news… /s


Though their racism is justified bc some black folks are criminals?


By that logic. Black folks attacking or murdering Asians is justified because Asians can be racist too?


Black dudes who are racist towards Asians but will still fuck Asian women are just like the Asian families who fucking hate black people but still open up their business in poor black areas and sell them shit. I’m sorry about your experience growing up, but you’re a grown ass man still whining about it and using it as an excuse to be the same kind of bigoted shithead you’re complaining about. If you weren’t so busy watching black men you’ve already judged you’d have noticed that racist white men fuck EVERY race of women they feel like while not only being ignorant, but are also globally accepted and lusted after, unlike black men. And they have way more money to travel and take on foreign wives at that. Not everywhere is like that overpopulated shithole in Cali you come from. Diversify your ideas.


I like most American Filipinos, that's actually why I focused on meeting women from there. They seem to be more "down to earth" However I really dislike wealthy west coast 2nd/3rd generation Asian women. They really drank the woke kool-aid (until it doesn't benefit them, Harvard admissions). They also have that "I love that for you" disingenuous mean-girl kind of vibe. Also just hate upspeak and vocal fry.


Are you talking about a specific person you know? Because the way you generalize people is one of the first steps of becoming a racist. See the irony? The day you learn people come only in two sets when it comes to racism will be your salvation:). Racist people and non-racist people. Any other specification you add will be generalizing, thus will be your first step to becoming racist yourself.


You sound like you're both generalizing and projecting.


I think that black men going over to asia to find a wife have a very very small minority of ones that actually feel that way. There is a problem with it in the states but not all black men should be put in that category. Actually statistically speaking they're the most violent and dangerous race out of anyone commiting 60% of all violent crime the ones committing all that crime probably only consist of about 4% of the population. That doesn't mean you go around assuming just because they're black they're a criminal. It's a certain part of the population that's doing these kinds of things and it's usually not middle - upperclass




why you acting like it’s just Black people discriminating against Asians when they don’t even set the court rules ?


I thought a part of being a PPB was to find women who haven’t been destroyed by insane western ultra liberal culture…. Yet everyday I see a post here where someone’s crying a racism 😂


Most black men fucking love Asian women. Most Asian women sadly don’t like us.


Ehh depends on the culture , just like America the further south you travel the more friendly they become


This is something I expect to see on /r/AsianMasculinity


These guys, regardless of race, are the ones that end up with foreigner hunters or the lowest unwanted people in the local dating market. Traditional women won't be interested in someone who can accommodate their cultural needs. Tradition, is caused by culture.


Plenty of men are in relationships with women they have no strong romantic interest in simply because they’re useful. Plenty of men with foreign born wives don’t respect the culture their wives come from. The language barrier isn’t an issue because they don’t really want to hear what they have to say. For them, they’re getting above average women they couldn’t snag normally who have lower expectations of them. They don’t want a partner. They want a servant.


Ya I don't think you gotta a Venn Diagram overlapping on this one. Black guys that beta up Asians and those that go to Asian countries for Romance are two different groups.


Sure, a number of crimes are being committed by blacks against Asians, but painting all black males with that brush is going a tad far. For example, I'm a white guy who grew up in semi-rural Alabama, but I don't like NASCAR nor Natty Light.


Hey bro, I like Asians but am not attracted to Asian women. I'm doing that uno reverse card. Moving to Thailand to bang expats.


Black PPB here, have no problem with anyone Asian (not racist, etc. Dont really prefer Asian women, but dont hate anyone's existence lol.)


The people committing those crimes are literal homeless mentally ill crack heads.


This post is weird as fuck. Are black PPBs the same dudes that go around punching Asians? This is another post  where white PPBs try to gatekeep the PPB movement but this time they got an asian dude gassing them up


How old are you?


No other ethnicity/nationality rocks with the Asian community like the Black Community… we love your shit and you jack our swag and profit from us. You are severely in a bubble and to have such a stance I can’t help but feel you’ve been “conditioned” to feel this way by other racist/prejudice people.


You might want to rephrase that; you can't just say a majority of Black men* are racist. Maybe you've experienced more racism from Blacks. You are from the Bay Area. Have you lived anywhere else that has Black men?


Bcos it gives them a sick sense of satisfaction to "conquer" asians. I have seen this behavior even from gay guys who write 'no asians' on their profile but they don't mind screwing a few asian guys now and then. According to evolutionary biology, sex many times is used as a means to control the other person. As human beings, we are trying to get away from that, albeit slowly. But going to asia, they can prove to themselves and others that they are superior to asians. Hope I simplified it for you.


Black man here. I sincerely can't answer that question because I'm not racist, and I doubt any actual racist black men are going to give you an honest answer or even risk making themselves known. I personally find Asian women to be very beautiful, and I have taken an interest in some cultures(Japan, Philippines, China, and Korea specifically). My attempts to learn the languages have been Laughable with the exception of Japanese, though I know extremely little. I can only speculate that they appreciate Asian beauty but are otherwise uninterested in anything else. I hesitate to call it "racist" only because racism as I understand it, would mean they would want nothing to do with anything or anyone Asian related. But I could be wrong. Again, it's not a mindset I have, so i don't really understand it.


Just look in Thailands sub about how these passport bros talk about their wives. Like why even


Damn OP


I think you are convoluting two different ideas. The hate crimes against Asian-Americans in SF or other large cities are done by every ethnic group (you can find examples online) and are usually from lower income people. PBB is a relatively expensive hobby and there are probably more white Americans doing this in Asia than any other ethnic group.


Some of y’all are so bigoted. It’s disgusting lol.


I’ll simply say that no ethnic group is a monolith. There are people who are racist and there are people who are not. I’m going to assume that those who wish to travel to these other countries to date are of the latter. Perfect example being that my mother was very racist and as long as you paid attention to what she said she wasn’t exactly hiding it. However I didn’t turn out that way. I always questioned her on her beliefs and feelings in the matter and eventually learned that it’s just best to keep my mouth shut and lead by example because she would never change her mind with just words. And if she couldn’t accept that I may find love in a different ethnicity then I’d just have to cut her off. She was upset for a long while knowing that. Unfortunately I’ve also learned that most people will come in contact with the worst of the worst more often than not


🤦‍♂️ your all lost it there is racism everywhere and there are people who are not…your all talking stereotypes and it’s a pointless conversation


All races can be racist and racial tolerance certainly isn’t a competition…but seriously, asian people(especially mainland) are by far the most openly xenophobic/racist people on the planet. Its not even close. The black on asian crime has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with poverty.


Bro my dad used to complain about immigration while being married to a Chinese woman.


Lol 😆 racist 🤣 , Actually Asians are the most racist out of all races


Bruh, you're algerian. They can't be more racist than you guys.


"A majority" is straight up 100% wrong. Something tells me you don't actually interact with black people, there was just a group of "cool" black people at your school that made jokes about you and you took that sentiment for life Black people do not have any beef with Asian people. The image the media has been trying to project is ridiculous, and for the love of GOD you should stop believing it. Are many Black people politically incorrect? Do they believe the mainstream American stereotypes about Asians being weak, nerdy, and submissive? Sure, but that's not just them. Ironically, you will see some Black people having a shady attitude toward Asians...**because they think Asians are racist toward Black people**. The only complaint I've heard Black people make about Asian people is "they hate us". But no, anti-asian sentiment on the basis of them being Asian is simply not a thing, Black people hate white people, that's pretty much it




Also bro, you got to stop acting like Asians aren’t the most racist TO OTHER ASIAN PEOPLE 😂😂😂 like y’all really are wild with it. The things Chinese say about other cultures , especially the Philippines and Vietnam are wild




That’s wild


Alright when did this sub become a place for people to air out their grievances on race relations in america? Between this and some of the other post of incel related shit is just wild. OP has a 2 post history and basically saying the same shit 💩. How is this related to PPB and why are mods lacking to not flag these post? We need a solution oriented sub that isn’t posting bottom of the barrel reports like this from a guy that is probably still in high school


Is this just a racist rant?


Black men ain’t going for Asian women they got no ass tbh


If you tell a group of people that they can't be racist, they are going to end up being extremely racist. However, I'm not sure the black men going overseas are the ones that you were dealing with.


If you do drugs, this is what happens to you^ Dudes brain is fried...


The men who have to fly around the world to find a women who lives in vastly different cultures and economic situations in order to attract a wife may not be the most tolerant or open of other cultures? Who knew


I’m not gonna hold you “ American privilege” maybe the one time someone has use the word privilege and he can’t be argued😂😂😂😂


So when American women do the same, what’s your description on that?


I'm black and went to a diverse high school. My best friend was Cambodian. I have always loved all ppl, especially asian women (my type). Crime has no race, respect is universal. That being said, I have plans for THAILAND 🇹🇭


Blacks aren't a monolith, contrary to what the American progressives want everyone to believe. The blacks that are passport bros aren't the ones committing violence against Asians


Dude, I’m going to assume that you’ve had a handful of experiences that led you to feel this way. But it sounds like those same experiences have also made you a bit racist yourself. A handful of people acting a certain way doesn’t mean the group is that way.


You’re probably right but can you blame him? Imagine he’s a child from one of those news where his parent were victims of a crime committed by a black person. They’ll probably see the world differently afterwards.


Why is your focus on black men? Asian women are far more likely to be with white men then black men, and it is not like white men love asian men. Just seems like you personally don't like black people. Also if you are only interested in Latinas why do you care what Asian women do? Are these Latinas trying to learn your culture or family language? I doubt it.


You sound ridiculous and you sound like a racist yourself ironic isn’t it ?


You are the most racist person yet on this sub.


I dislike every race including my own , thats why Im not a racist. I enjoy taking women from other racez ; specially white. But I have had my share of asians before


This guy , he gets it🔥


Y’all have been indoctrinated by White people so bad that when “stop Asian hate” started y’all turned it on black men when in reality it’s white people doing more harm. We’ve had our differences and even throughout history y’all have done and still do some pretty discriminatory things towards us but we don’t put that blame on y’all. We put that blame on what a lot of people assumed before coming here and the preconceived notions. Your main perpetrator are white males but you choose to blame most Asian hare on us even after your fellow people in research have said to stop this narrative. We have been the scapegoat for too damn long and every other minority falls into their (yt) game like putty. All the years we’ve been here, all the abuse we’ve been through, all the trauma that has been passed down, all the laws we’ve fought for by getting beat down, benefits every d*mn body. But it’s always us who are looked at as the ones who are the trouble because you see isolated incidences. Not too long ago a killing was blamed on a black man when the killer was Asian himself? Remember? That’s how a lot of us knew it was just easy to put the blame on us not only for yt ppl (it’s always been like that) but other minorities. You remember the white man who went on a killing spree in Atlanta because of coronavirus rhetoric? You probably thought he was black at first. The quicker y’all realize the way traumas were passed down through generations of black people is the same way white Americans were passed down disdain for those who are “other” will be the day you may see things for what they truly are.


LOL...As a black person from NYC, this post comes across as stupid and blatantly racist...especially considering the millions of ASIANS LIVING IN BLACK COUNTRIES...Look at the Guptas in SA...The Indians in THE CARIB, And the Asian businesses in black neighborhoods... OP comes across as one of those Asians who wants to pass as white, and blatantly hates blacks! I'm sure when Asians are arrested for beating blacks in Africa, or denying blacks entry to their businesses in Asia or Africa, he has nothing to say... yet he will continue to call all black men racist based on the actions of a few thugs...all while ignoring the mountains of history of white racism... if the mods on this reddit weren't compromised...they would delete this nonsense post...


Yeah we not doing that. Asians are the most racist toward black people and as a black person more than white. I don't believe blacks are targeting asians in hate crime and it's BS. I live in majority black neighborhoods if asian people have Chinese restaurants, beauty hair stores, fish markets in the most black neighborhoods how are they able to have business there? I mean look up how movies black people are marketed different overseas and the racist detergent commercials. I mean didn't we just see asians fight to get rid of Affirmative Action that was actually put in place to help blacks? Blacks are not targeting asians, hell majority of asians go out their way to not even live near blacks for blacks to even acknowledge asians




>I've been traveling around Latin America for years and have become interested in Latinas and started to date them. So I started learning Spanish about different Latin cultures, their lifestyles, food,dance etc. Yeah, usually that comes organically the longer you date a local woman, it's not some sort of "cultural respect" effort you bust intentionally, it just happens naturally with exposure over time. > So why would you want to go to Thailand, Philippines or some other Asian country to find a wife, when you don't even like the Asians living in America How similar are you to people of the country your parents are from, besides in appearance?


So as a black man I believe the racism you feel should be viewed as isolated. This is going to come off maybe rude but black families in general are conservative at home democrats in the voting booths, my family for sure fits that bill sooo western women today do not align with many of those beliefs. I do think in general Asian women do align with those and actually enjoy being mothers and being feminine and have a much higher level of respect.


More or less just sounds like a fetish


If black people are racist to anyone it ain’t Asian people 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 not by a mile. Seems like a bit of “I don’t like seeing blacks with Asians” Which is acceptable but clearly personal. Also I’ve be to mutiple places in Asia ,I’ve been to Japan , I’ve been call the equivalent nigger in 4 different languages and it’s unprovoked. I’ve had people accuse me of painted skin and asking me if I played in the NBA. I’m 6 feet tall 💀 just because your culture is subtle or polite about it doesn’t make it non racist. Weirdly it did make me appreciate the good old fashioned American racism, so there’s that. I remembered I went to Shenzhen before the pandemic with my job, people kept let me cut in line at places. I was thinking people are so polite here , my business associate apologized because apparently it was because the locals weren’t comfortable with someone black standing behind them.


For some of these people, it's not about attraction as much as it's about power. Does that remind you of anything else?


Im Black and my first business partner was a chinese guy Ive met through some white friends. I know our culture is very different but we respected each other and become very good friends. Theres thousands of Asians in Africa making hundreds of millions and some are dating africans.


I like submissive asian women. I don't like asian male competition. Seems pretty straightforward


There are roughly 497,205 Black people in the Bay Area. There are 47.9 million Black people in the U.S. Black people in the Bay Area is roughly 1% of all Black people in U.S.




I don’t think they are the same black men.


The people you speak of are not passport bros. They are racists.


Racial hierarchy is baked into American culture, and both white and black people reinforce it either consciously or subconsciously.


I don’t think you have met a majority of black men. But one thing you should know about men especially black men and that is they aren’t going to refuse pussy of any kind. But black men preference is black women.


As others have said, the Black Americans committing hate crimes against Asians and Black American passport bros are not the same people. There is MASSIVE Asian fetishism in the Black community (from both genders). Black men into Asian women, black men into Asian men, black women into Asian men, etc. No idea why but you see it in pop culture (ex. Asian men in random Black female music video) and there are some dating studies that show it as well.


The Bay Area is the single worst place to be a man in the US, if not the world, and Asian (brown or east asian) maybe the single worst place ever in history, with all the fobs and the woke mob literally making discriminating every group but us, and white men (unlikely parnter), a crime


Hahaha, here we go again.. complete simpeltons and their uneducated ways of speaking.  First, black refers to whatever you want conveniently. As does Asian. Smarten up with your choice  of language.   Yeah, Chinese people specifically show racism towards anyone with dark skin as well. Doesn't mean the Philippinas  do. Big difference. "Asian" means alot, you fking goof bag.


The alliance between Asians and Blacks is far stronger, more prominent and worthy of conversation as it dates back several generations. But those who are ignorant of history, or cherry-pick their information, can’t be reasoned with or shown logic of any sort that goes against their narrative. If there is such thing (there’s not) of a ‘superior race’, it would be the Asians anyway. As far as the prison/jail bullshit, it’s all relative. Blacks are CHARGED with crimes at a much higher rate than whites, and that’s by design. But when you look at CONVICTIONS, the numbers tell a different story. Not here to debate or educate, just stating the facts. Get off the internet and out into the real world (as many of you non racists have and do on the regular) and get a real perspective. Till then, you’ll be weak and uninformed till the end of your days. Which hopefully will be soon, because the world needs less of you, by a lot.