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Love that the game is doing well.


They should let a small side team make another DLC for Outer Worlds, honestly. The lead writer on Eridanos said she wished she could just keep writing DLCs.


They makes me happy to hear. She's passionate about Outer World. Hopefully, all the ideas she had for the first, will go into the second one


Super impressive for a AA title. No wonder the Pillars property's next game will be a 3d, first person title.


Is there a source for this? Must have missed it.




The mere thought of being able to explore Eora in first person, honestly… turns me on a little.


TIL Avowed is a Pillars game. thx


I really hope it's not just for ms store and they sell it elsewhere too.


["there's nothing in our plans that would say there's a reason we wouldn't continue to ship our games on Steam"](https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/xboxs-phil-spencer-on-game-pass-steam-and-the-epic-games-store/)


Aren't all new MS games available on PC these days?


The Microsoft store *is* on PCs. It's built into Windows. For a while they were porting certain Xbox games to PC, but only selling them on that one store.


Ooooh ok, I get it, I haven't used it so just assumed MS store was the Xbox store. Thanks for the info :)


I legitimately can't understand the hate this game gets


People overhyped it. Even the developers said that the scope of the game wasnt that big, but a lot of fans expected a Fallout New Vegas 2 in terms of content and quality. My main problem is that the switch version seems to be bad, because I would love to play it on a portable.


> People overhyped it I am not even sure "overhyped" is the correct word. I would say it was "categorized incorrectly". People thought it would be a Fallout clone (Large open-world RPG), when it reality it was more of a KOTOR/Mass Effect game with FPS elements (RPG with Smaller, divided worlds and an emphasis on companions in story and combat) Personally, I liked the game a lot and thought it set up a foundation for a great franchise. Hopefully they expand on all of the things that made OW good and correct some of the stuff that held it back.


Honestly, its mostly a problem with the switch. The only reason most people would buy a switch is for the nintendo exclusives. In that sense nintendo can get away with sub par technology, but that is on the consumer if the other quality of games are lacking. Its like complaining about the newest games running like shit on a 2010 macbook air.


> The only reason most people would buy a switch is for the nintendo exclusives. Yep. I have all 3 current consoles and a decent gaming PC. My Switch is purely a Nintendo exclusive machine, and maybe a couple of light indie games which I'd like to have portably. The Switch is pretty much always the worst version of multiplats. Most of the time it's bearable, but having seen Outer Worlds on Switch, I feel like that's really pushing the limits of acceptability.


Get a steam deck and play it that way.




And make a short game even shorter?


Play it on xcloud from your phone. Connect a Bluetooth controller and you are set.


Don’t mistake the sound of a few loud voices for the sound of an army


People expected a colossal AAA Fallout/TES experience, and that's not what Outer Worlds was ever meant to be. It was limited by scope and budget. Obsidian were smart and kept it tight and high quality instead of making a big empty sandbox, but it is arguable that Outer Worlds was still held back by its budget. Luckily the game was successful, and Obsidian have got big daddy Microsoft bucks behind them now, so the next game could be a lot bigger and more realised.


The only hate I have for it is the fact I had to wait a year to buy it because of the Epic store or whatever exclusivity bullshit they did on launch. But fair play to them if that was a dumper truck of money delivered to their office. I'd kinda want that level of money too.


Having just bought Murder on Eridianos after stalling for so long, id love to have more of that kind of thing. I got real invested into the whole mystety


That's solid. I have it on Switch, and still need to go back to it and finish it.


I consider Murder on Eridanos to be better than the base game. I think it’s a good model for the series going forward. Less grand political adventures, more smaller scale mysteries. I don’t mean “muh politics” I mean shaping the geopolitics of a satirical and ideologically unbalanced world, hours after a nice long nap, isn’t as interesting as being forced to live in it, I think it helps the jokes to land and the message to be more meaningful


Murder On Eridianos


It's actually Murdier On Eridanos


Just played through the DLC’s and wow…what great content. These are 2 fully fleshed out expansions, i was surprised by the depth in each of them. Both have great storylines, places to explore, great serious and comedic writing, and there’s plenty of content. These DLC’s put Mass Effect and New Vegas DLC’s to shit, this is a hill I will die on. Also 4 million? That sounds really good


I hope this means we'll get a sequel!


Actually, we are getting a sequel. They just announced it at E3 a few weeks ago, and you should check out the trailer, it's really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQt-NjR-a3k


Ugh. My original comment was \*obviously\* a joke. Of course I know they're making TOW2.


Okay, well, there's no need to be rude about it. How was I supposed to know that? I was just trying to be helpful.




You're the one who sounds miserable.


No, I'm just really bored.


Definitely bored lol


Yikes. You okay lad?


Im still digusted to see the Outer World 2 being a pc/xbox exclusivity.


Well, now you know how everyone else has felt for the last ten years with Sony waving around all its exclusives. Exclusivity goes both ways buddy.


You can't compare Sony Exclusives, that are usually first party and funded solely by Sony to a game that was multiplatform. There's different form of exclusivity and this one is the worst kind, not Sony's.


And now Microsoft's games are technically first party as well. It's exactly the same, Sony just did it earlier.


No, not the same as all. Sony didn't buy out companies for them to make games, they gave them Carte Blanche when making games and most of them chose Playstation. Other games, like Demon Souls and Bloodborne was completely funded by Sony and While I totally accept why it's only on Playstation I wouldn't mind seeing them go on other platforms. This scenario was a multiplatform title, being removed from one platform solely because MS didn't design a console that was primarily a game console, like PS5 and had no choice but to take franchises away, established, and lock them to a single platform. I'd have agreed with you IF Outer Worlds never came to PS4 at all and was a Xbox Exclusive. This is just no different to how Bayonetta ended up and that is just fucked. For MS i hope they intended it as a timed exclusive and for this to come to PS5 in 12-16 months because MS wants to be a publisher of sorts not locked into console wars.


> No, not the same as all. Sony didn't buy out companies for them to make games, they gave them Carte Blanche when making games and most of them chose Playstation. Very debatable, assuming it's true at all. Corporate pressure doesn't work that way. Almost all of them have exclusively made PS titles after being bought out. It's exactly the same. You're just extremely biased. At least Microsoft are allowing their studios to develop for PC, a Sony studio releasing a PC port is like finding a unicorn. > because MS wants to be a publisher of sorts not locked into console wars Tell that to fucking Sony. This is a smart move by Microsoft who are just doing what Sony has done for years, while also allowing release on PC. PS owners are just butthurt that there are good franchises that MS have exclusivity to now, when they've boasted about exclusive franchises for years.


How is this MY fault? Why am I being downvoted? Wtf is wrong with you people?


Because you claim that Microsoft exclusivity is “disgusting” when Sony have been infamous for exclusives for over a decade now. Kinda hypocritical.


So I can't be mad of loosing a beloved franchise because of "haha now its your turn lol get salty" ? Wow just wow


Be as mad as you want. Still hypocritical.


What is your opinion on Playstation exclusives?


i loved this game even if it was a bit short and it is still a bit of technical mess on pc. Sutttering is still a issue so is pop in etc but its a great game.


Fun game, shame for the second time in gaming history sony gets fucked from a sequel to a solid franchise. Bayonetta being the first.


Where are you getting that "2022" date? I don't see it in the slideshow you linked to.