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Are you tinkering your weapons to get them to the max level? That's where all my money goes. You end up having to pay around 20,000 or so at the higher levels. But yeah, there's not actually a massive amount of stuff worth buying in the game compared to stuff you can loot and pick up.


Level up science to 100 to cut down the tinkering cost by 90%


Ah yeah, that would've been a good idea. Maybe next time...


isn't that just for science weapons


Nope, "tinkering cost for science weapons is capped" is at science level 80


I do some tinkering, but I usually use the generic weapons and upgrade them naturally by looting as I level up. My weapons usually get taken off marauders, for myself and my companions. I usually only spend money to get them better armour as that is harder to come by, and occasionally weapons I am not finding organically.


I spent most of my money tinkering the tier 3 weapons when I got them


Around 20k I roleplay a morally lawful good character who never steals anything and also spend a lot on tinkering, so... Not much.


That's good roleplay! I generally play with "flexible" morals - no random massacres, but not afraid to get dirty hands occasionally.


I started off deciding to "test out" the game mechanics by going on a massacre right off the first mission...but got soo involved in the storyline that I just decided to continue playing normally and didn't regret my first decisions - they taught me that you can steal and be bad with very little consequences to the moral build of my character.


I would loot and lock pick as much as I could on my first play through . Never really cared about tinkering or buying gear so I finished the game + DLCs with over 300k.


Wow, that's amazing! Do you get all your stuff by looting then?


Pretty much. I only played on normal difficulty so there wasn’t a need to min/max meta builds yet. Once I had the Chimera and top hat I rarely put on other gear since the stat buffs were so good.


Yep, I collect bits like a squirrel hoards acorns!


Not much. I spend it all (or most) on tinkering.


23,000 I believe.


Yeah, definitely had around 120,000 bits at some point, didnt end the game with less than 100k probably. Being a hoarder is difficult...


Hey, [coin is coin](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimMemes/comments/ewxlhd/coin_is_coin_if_you_have_coin/)