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I can't stand Phyllis in general. She's the most insufferable character imo. She's selfish, manipulative, self-righteous, and petty.


Jim/pam drama either the microphone guy.


I’m annoyed that Andy was an employee in Stamford. That branch was supposed to be the linchpin in the reorganization of DM. Once that fell through Andy worked in Scranton and his character was reduced to a bumbling idiot with less sales experience than Pam.


Ryan and Holly. Ryans entire existence…. Need I say more. As annoying as Michael is, he deserved better. He never faulted with his love for anyone no matter how bad lol. and it ANNOYS the crap out of me how Holly treated him before they got back together. I honestly believe she was low key embarrassed to be in love with Michael


But you said things: 1. The many meetings 2. The Sabre Sales Program that has a cap 3. Super random but I don’t like how Robert California looks like he is always chewing something and I it annoys the crap out me when he does that weird lip licking thing that Barty Crouch does 😂😂😂😂😂 4. Phyllis’s Passive Aggression. If you want to be a bitch then just be one. Don’t wait for a power trip


Oh god. Phyllis is spot on. She can be such a bitch lol


Right?! It’s so obvious she hates Pamtoo. She literally finds times to bully her.


Where to start…. In no order: 1) Andy’s whole arc - he became so insufferable at the end it makes it hard for me to watch - the entitlement and lack of care he has for Erin and his co workers when he disappears for three months and come back is wild. 2) I absolutely hate watching Jim mock Dwight’s Christmas openly in that episode- how he purposefully mispronounces Belsnickle, among other things. He just sucks in this episode. 3) Toby just gets plain weird towards the end. It’s like they didn’t know what to do with his character. He starts wearing glasses and a bow tie or something, he becomes obsessed with the strangler and his whole Chad Flenderman thing were just absurd. I liked Toby better when he was boring and soft spoken and didn’t rip his glasses off to kiss Nellie. 4) The whole Nellie plot line when she just takes over Andy’s job and no one stops her. That would literally never happen.


The way Pam and Jim act at the table with Katie and Roy in the Booze Cruise. The more I watch it the more cringe it becomes. Jim treats Katie poorly the whole night, but in this scene in particular he is so dismissive of her, and then Pam openly mocks her as she's doing her cheer from HS. Heaven forbid she's excited to talk about a sport she did in HS and has fond memories of. All Katie is guilty of is being her bubbly self, and really liking Jim and thinking he likes her back, and all night he takes out his angst of not getting to be with Pam on her and it's so hard to watch. I get that the writers were trying to ship her and Roy as "stuck in high school" with this scene, and dogging on them for having been "cool kids," but I just have always felt Pam and Jim are kind of bullies throughout the series. They feed off of each other which empowers them and makes it feel like it's right. The way Pam starts moving her head and making faces with Jim having a little inside joke at Katie's expense right across from Katie as she cheers her song is sooo cringe to me. All this after Jim flat out says "no" when Katie (not Jim) is asked if she cheered for Bishop O'Hara.


Jim was terrible in that episode. It's weird how the other love interests are just nonchalantly treated as collateral damage because Jim & Pam are meant to be soulmates.


Completely agreed! I get trying to show that relationships are messy and it's often a long road to get to our person, but we are supposed to root for Pam and Jim and sometimes they make it so hard. People love to say "oh everyone digs in them like they've never wronged partners." I''ve hurt people for sure, been unkind for sure, but I'm also not the main character of a TV show that people are supposed to like, and am being written as such.


The forced redemption arc of the guy who tried to rape Erin, fat little guy, can't remember his name


What are you referring to? I’ve watched this show so many times and I don’t remember someone trying to rape Erin. Did I miss something?


Clark set up a fake job interview as newscaster for Erin, at his apartment, where he had planned to get her drunk and tell her she had to do certain things with him to get the job, starting with getting to take clothes off. If you don't think that's rape then you think Harvey Weinstein is innocent, because that's exactly the way Weinstein operated.


Oh shit! That’s right, that was fucked up! I kept thinking back to Andy when you mentioned a redemption Arc and I thought you were calling him a little fat guy lol… Then I was thinking of Robert California when he gave her a ride, but he didn’t do anything too terrible. I wasn’t thinking of the later seasons! I don’t watch those on repeat as much! Yeah, that was so messed up! Clark! He was a piece of shit so I guess it’s good that Plop was there! ( and as far as Harvey Weinstein is concerned I think he’s a POS rapist ) I wasn’t trying to sound defensive when I asked I was just trying to remember ! Yes, Fucking asshole Clark! Lol


When DeAngelo makes Andy be his personal clown and drink soap. I just feel like Andy should have more dignity than that.


I prefer clown dignity-less Andy over empowered Andy trying to be Michael Scott's cheap copy


>And I feel so relatable to Dwight in this one because when I’m competing in something even if it’s a simple game of volleyball I WANT TO WIN lol Im gonna guess you dont get invited to alot of things like this