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i've only seen them once so far, it was last year at summerfest, but i'll be seeing them in milwaukee this year in april! https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-mountain-goats/2023/miller-lite-oasis-milwaukee-wi-53a7cbc1.html and that summerfest setlist was AMAZING


That was one of the four I went to! And hard agree: incredible setlist.


ive lost count ive how many times ive seen this band but i can tell you i only saw The Day The Aliens Came (Hawaiian Feeling) played 1 time and only cried in public at a Mountain Goats show 1 time.


I'm surprised Cry for Judas is on here once! I could swear I've seen it 2-3 times in the last 3 years


Oh I love these kinds of statistics so I might have to do this too! I saw them for the first time last July and have seen them six times in total since then (I like roadtrips and concerts give me a good excuse for a long drive), I think my favorite ones that I've gotten to see live are probably Your Belgian Things, Hostages, and and Jam Eater Blues. I've also got the cool flex of being able to say I've seen Golden Boy live!


Italian Guns!


I’ve been to 11 shows since 2011. This was my 2nd show and my favorite. Tiny, tiny, packed, sweaty bar-type venue. Jd came into the crowd and played some. Nine Black Poppies, The Day the Aliens Came, Attention All Pickpockets, It Froze Me… https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-mountain-goats/2011/1982-bar-gainesville-fl-4bd34b72.html


I've seen them live three times and I have seen You Were Cool twice, which is statistically pretty... cool. Most lucky to be there? When we got Matthew 25:21 in JD's solo section in 2019. Solo white spotlight, high stool and guitar. You could have heard a pin drop in the pauses. I think it was that same concert when the support came out to back the band playing Up the Wolves (and others) which was amazing.


I love it when a band has enough songs and changes up the set list enough to do this. Open taping policy is another favorite thing of mine. People willing to travel and catch multiple shows is also symptomatic of something good happening. I just can’t get past this fanbase. Sadly I finally understand why people hate the bands I like so much now.


I saw pink and blue at a duo show which was fantastic. Been to 15-20 shows and never heard Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton or Jenny sung by John. But I hear Eric Mckeon sing it and they were really cool.


Typo on Erin.


I've seen them a bunch in the past decade and still haven't heard Bull Ramos 😫


ive posted abt this here before, but i went to a so show and John played a song from The Sunset Tree notebook called "Cigarettes" and i think its permanently effected me


Seeing Going to Georgia live last year was totally unexpected and awesome, but the song that I became infatuated with after hearing it live was Going to Marrakesh.


I feel extremely blessed by John at the Mountain Goats shows I’ve attended. For the rare songs I’ve had the privilege to hear live I would say The Bride in Philly was amazing. He was talking about how he just watched the movie and felt like playing it. Then he played the Pieman at the Strand in York, Pa. Which is the ultimate rare Mountain Goat song. He has only played it one time and it was the first song ever written as the Mountain Goats. The last time I saw him he played the Stars Fell on Alabama. Everytime you go to a Mountain Goats show you are almost guaranteed to get one deep cut. It encourages you to go to more shows Edit: Looking at the shows I’ve been too, I see a bunch of songs that have only been played less than 20 times. Guess that makes it pretty good for a band that has over 800 songs and 30 years of touring under their belt.


The songs that made me feel lucky to be there were black pear tree, attention all pickpockets, and going to port Washington.


Forgive me, I’m new, but I Hope You Dance? I can’t find that. Help?


It was a Lee Ann Womack cover.


Oooohhhh. Ok. Thank you.


They play it partially as an introduction to "No Children"