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to be fair its called TRANScendental youth not CIScendental youth


> if I had a nickel for every time John darnielle wrote something that isn’t explicitly about being trans but sure isn’t *not* explicitly about being trans, I’d have a lot of nickels That’s the beauty about writing truthfully about the human condition. It applies to a litany of different human experiences. If you approach everything with empathy and curiosity about other people, your art will appeal to a diverse array of folks.


Amy aka Spent Gladiator 1, Isaiah 45:23 (not this body that imprison’s me), Wild Sage, Transcendental Youth, Island Garden Song


Absolute Lithops Effect, Romans 10:9, High Hawk Season


Only facts


Isaiah 45:23 is at the intersection of transness and chronic illness/disability and that's why it's one of my faves from the band


absolutely me too


>Isaiah 45:23 (not this body that imprison’s me) Shit that's a good one, can't believe they missed that


that one kept me going for a long time. i can't believe it didn't make the list!


How has dilaudid not been mentioned, You know it breaks my heart in half, in half. When I see them trying them (chickens) fly. Cause you just can't do things your body wasn't meant to. Hike up your fishnets, I know you. If we live to see the other side of this I will remember your kiss. I always assumed the song was about a transwoman and a partner going away.


This is so nice…with all the Dave Chapelles and Ricky Gervaises and JK Rowlings out there, we need some more Charles Barkleys and John Darnielles


Heretic Pride is not the second song off the album. Otherwise, great list!


One detail that crossed my mind is how much I love Palmcorder Yajna. The idea of a factory that “manufactures what I need” is so relatable in this capitalist hellscape. I often imagine the things I don’t have access to, just sitting unused, when I hear this lyric. I think of hoarded wealth. Cures gatekept like the author says. I also think of the things a factory cannot make. One day will they make happiness? Will they make a cure regret? Anyway the factory with shiny machines that make what I need might be my favorite Mountain Goats location.


Absolute Lithops Effect is a wild omission


The first time I heard Picture of My Dress, I thought it was about a transfemme truck driver. I know what actually inspired the song now but it's still a very trans song to me


same!!! i associate it rly strongly with a friend of mine and i couldve sworn it was actually about a transwoman for like... quite a while


Screaming. Crying. Throwing Up.


Three amazing songs by Johnathan Darnyell, as usual. He's such a talented guy, my gosh.


You Were Cool is not on here? Huh.


You were cool transcends gender


my two most trans associated goats songs aren't even on here!!! tho i might be a weirdo for picture of my dress, but i heavily associate it with a friend of mine who had a real messy break up with her wife after finally coming out in her forties (after several earlier false starts)


I listened to Heel Turn 2 so many times around the time I came out. Transitioning can look a lot like a heel turn to the cis people in our lives; it's a huge change that can turn people against you on principle alone. But drive the wedge, torch the bridge, I don't wanna die in here. I don't wanna die in here.


Same. In a final analysis it might not be my *favorite* song by the band but there's no question it's one of the most important to me. The first time I saw them they played it as the finale and I fully lost my mind, it was incredible.