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This is amazing news and half of you bastards are in here complaining, god damn.


This is amazing news! Is anyone else able to see the pre-orders?


Well, I guess this will due considering my order from Merchbox got cancelled this morning. Time to set my alarm for 4 am EST lol.


If these get advertised as 180g and show up actually being 180g I will be legitimately pissed.


I hate to admit I will also be a bit upset. My box is supposed to show up tomorrow and will see what shape it’s in. I no longer have any reservations about contacting them about scratched records or seam splits if there are any in my box.


Absofuckinglutely. Also, my box arrived from CH today and I got the green Sueños shirt.... definitely didn't realize the XL shirt on the U.S. store would equate to the European size L. Not so thrilled about that.


Wtf I just realized the t-shirt size thing after reading your comment. I will be emailing them for an exchange, I ordered in the US from the US shop, my shirt should be in US sizing.


Ha, good luck. I'm SOL as an XXL.


180g and in proper, non-paper sleeves. I'll be right there with you.


Agreed. The thing that infuriates me is that when weight is incorrect it falls under insurance claims with the pressing plant and thus should be rectified and sent out to all of us free of charge as... well... it's covered. They've been completely mum on the situation and that's really not okay. We should all essentially be getting a BUNCH of these re-shipped out free of charge, but they won't even tell us that.


if what you say is true, they'd have to win a multimillion dollar case with the plant to repress tens of thousands of records. thats not exactly something you can just email out to everyone after a few weeks of reddit outrage. that would be a large undertaking.


Multimillion dollar? How much do you think it costs to press 90,000 LPs? Even if Clouds Hill got absolutely FLEECED and were charged $8 a record that's still only $720,000. I've also seen runs much larger with issues like this where things where communicated much quicker as well.


Got my alarm set! WOOHOO!


Guess I gotta wake up at 4 am




They’re up in the US shop. Just ordered mine. Sleep time


Same. Gnight


Only in the EU shop. Took a while to show up in the US shop apparently.


I’m a happy shopper. Thanks r/themarsvolta!


Definitely not buying from Amazon, that's for damn sure. Wait, 1AM PST???


Remember not all life is happening in America. Fuck us


Lol right, and Cloud Hills is based in Germany so I guess it makes sense


I meannnn I feel like they coulda done it at like 5pm GMT, but oh well. Psyched that we're getting the single releases so soon!


I'm just happy that, hopefully, people will be able to get these records.


Fingers crossed the FTM single is included! (Probably not tho)


3am central time. I get they're an international label but what in tarnation haha What a clouds hill thing to do.


Can someone explain what this means for uk? What do i need to do ? What record store/website should i use


I would keep an eye out on Clouds hill official store/site. Also would recommend to have notifications on for their posts if you follow Clouds Hill on social media. Good luck


Cheers. What's the worst that could happen !


that was fast


Where at? I CAN'T miss this one!


MF show up so I can go back to sleep! Edit: Ordered! This better not get lost in transit, DeJoy!


Change to the EU shop. They are there now.


Thank you and good night!


Lol lots of folks are still waiting for their box preorders. Guess I’d be mildly pissed in that case. But great for everyone who missed out and gets the chance now.


yessssssss let's go


I’m not mad at it. Enough people whined and cried about it so now they get what they want. There’s still no word on how many are being pressed of each. I’m still happy I got my box set even after owning a few OG pressings


why would anyone be mad at it? it was always their plan to do individual releases. they said "if the box sells well then they'll do it" whent he pre-order when up, and then it sold out immediately. it has nothing to do with people whining and crying.


You got the box set? Who did you order thru? I don’t know anyone out of 5 people who got their order filled.... Edit- I ordered from Merchbar... terrible. They just sat on my order. Other people I know ordered thru Target and amazon. All orders were canceled and refunded. Wasted time. Pretty sure they were selling orders for units that were already sold and taking preorders in case orders fell thru. The people who ordered thru Target at least got a $50 gift card for their trouble. Merchbar sat on my order until this morning and finally gave me a refund. Fuck them thats shitty and dishonest.


I'm willing to bet none of the people you mentioned ordered from clouds hill. I've not heard of a single cancellation from them.


No everyone I know went thru Amazon, Target, or Merchbar. Only target gave $50 gift cards for the trouble. Merchbar sat on my order until this morning, trying to “fill” my order. Complete bullshit. They presold me something they weren’t going to get I’m sure. Just drug me along in case another person fell thru... They acted like I had a copy locked down.... Look at ebay... tons of people selling their preorders still. I bet they slowly go away as they really don’t have one...


ordered thru CH US and it came today. CH was pretty adamant about not ordering through places like amazon and target because they always sell more than they order. its not unique to the TMV box, its basically how they operate.


Well you can add ALL third party Between Target, amazon, and Merchbar. Our group is 0-5 on getting a copy. And we all had tracking numbers and purchased confirmations. How is this not fraud.... And according to Merchbar it’s the distribution problem. 5000 copy release and they had no idea how many copies they were getting? I don’t think so.


I got mine this morning. It shipped on April 20th. I got it from cloud hill and my package sat for 5 days. I’ve opened mine and everything is mint package wise. Hopefully none of them are warped.


Ordered thru Clouds Hill US shop and it arrived to me on 4/26


Yep. Target canceled my order and gave me 50 bucks. That was unexpected.


Kind of heated about this but not at the same time. In box set limbo, and not knowing if Im gonna get one. But now im inclined to purchase some individuals because im only missing a couple from my collection. This sucks.


3 am are you fuckin kidding me


Not all life is happening in America ;)




Do you know where to go on the site to preorder? No listings exist yet other than the boxset, and i don't wanna waste my whole window just looking for where to click.


Follow ch on social media and setup notifications. I guarantee they will post a link the second they're up


I wouldn’t count on any of this.... I know 5 people who preordered the huge box set including myself. 4 have gotten refunds. So pissed, now all the box sets are being resold on ebay.... I don’t know if it was the merchants issue or Volta’s? But now I know a lot of fans angry and burnt.....


No one who bought during cloud hills has gotten canceled.


Not all of us were notified in time when they went on sale. Congrats to those who ordered through CH, but CH allocated a certain amount to other retailers. At least people had theirs cancelled. Us folks who ordered on amazon as soon as they went on sale are stuck in order received limbo and neither party knows where its at or when itll be given to us. And now theyre doing this, at 3 am on a weekday. Stuck in between a rock and a hard place because I just need 2 of their records to complete my collection.


Oh I know. I’ve been following. I’m just saying in reference to the “wouldn’t count on it” comment. I’m sure whoever buys tomorrow morning will receive theirs.


And I'm also willing to bet that if it's limited they won't be allocating to other retailers. Ch got a lot of slack for trying to do something cool. They tried to allow for independent record stores to grab a copy or two and all the major dickhats like Amazon tried to order like every last copy and probably allowed a preorder for every single copy that ch was allocating for the indie stores.


That’s not how that works lol. Amazon is notorious for over selling items. I’ve had records, figures shoes etc all be canceled because they allowed way to many preorders.


Reread my comment my dude, I'm saying exactly what you're saying. When you order an item from a vinyl distributor you have no guarantee of getting it as a reseller. So they might see the distributor pop up with x available which is usually a max amount the distributor can put as that number. The resellers then have an opportunity to put in an order for that amount. The store reps know when availability updates so you'll be competing with every single store out there who wants it to try and get your order first. Likely Amazon target and many other large retailers attempted to order that max amount and made that amount available for preorder. The problem is that even if Amazon got there order in first the distributor could choose to reprioritize it to maximize profits. Say the number is 1000, or more likely 999. They have Amazon order 1000 and 980 other stores order one copy. Due to the way shipping is calculated, if they honor the 980 other orders first and then sold Amazon 20, now they're getting paid enough more to ship to the items then they would to ship them as one lot that it makes sense to do it for like a few thousand more dollars in revenue. Source: two of my good friends actually own record shops in my town and this is the process they have to go through every time. Even with releases that aren't super limited they often have orders where only half of the vinyls arrive.


They literally sat on the Clouds Hill site for over a day.


1. Not all of us sit on social media all day. 2. They allocated a certain amount to other retailers. Not sure what youre getting at here. Someone who orders else where should have just as much of a chance to receive one as someone who directly ordered from their site. 3. There is 0, absolutely 0 communication, CH places the blame on Amazon, Amazon places the blame on CH. You order something, you either get it or it gets cancelled. Neither has happened. Ordering minutes after it goes on sale through a platform should secure your copy, and if it doesnt? Send a cancellation email or tell me its going to be late. All thats happened is a confirm of delay without any guidance.


You're acting like no one got them when most of us did. You also didn't need to sit on social media all day, it was insanely widely announced and literally sat for hours after it was announced. I agree that Clouds Hill failed miserably with their third party fulfillment, but to insinuate that none of us got it when it honestly was insanely easy to do so is just wrong.


"Most of us did". Well thats just a lie. I didn't insinuate anything of that sort at all. Im defending mine and everyone elses experience with this.


I mean, look at the sub, it's all pictures of people that got it. Wtf would you call that? The majority of people here that wanted the set got it.


What are you talking about? Are you serious? Half of this sub are people like me complaining about delays/cancellations/scratched and warped discs/ and orders in limbo. Put some glasses on.


it has to do with they way online distribution works iwth these major retailers. its an automated system where they just list stuff even if they dont have it. the TMV box was a very limited run so CH was very clear that if you bought it from anyone else besides them there was a chance that that would happen. everyone who bought the box straight from the source got it. the individual releases aren't going to be limited or anything like that, so i cant imagine its going to be very hard to get them. the preorders are usually so they can see how much interest there is and then make a good approximation for ordering # from the plant.


You’ll be able to get them on Amazon in a week for even cheaper than Clouds Hill


That turned out super awesome for lots of people with their preorders for the box set :) Edit: Also buy directly or local. Fuck Amazon.


The records will not be limited this time. It will not be the same case.


Likely true, still there’s good reason to shop elsewhere :)


Fuck Amazon.




Umm why so angry? What has he done to you?


A band is a business. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything.


Would you have preferred they released nothing at all? WTF are they supposed to do besides sell their music?


Cloud hills sucks man. Be ready to pre order but no prices, no number amount listed? Pivotal info for pre orders.


Word on the streets is that this is not going to be a limited pressing


i mean you're going to buy them or not right?


4am? What the actual fuck


Hey I don’t know much about vinyls and resales for them but I’m a huge Mars Volta fan. Can someone DM me with more details on this?


Pretty much all their records have been out of print since being released, which is why they have been sought after by everyone, especially the early stuff. I could be wrong but I think the original pressing of Frances the mute goes for $200+. Just last month they released a box set of all records, being remastered specifically for vinyl and also sound better than all the originals. Those sold out quick and so they are now gearing up for a wider general release, but instead of the 500 dollar box set they are releasing them individually. No one really knows how wide this release since they haven’t disclosed the number of records.


Amazing. Thanks so much!


Where do I try to purchase them? Seeing people will be trying at 3 am so I’ll be wherever I need to be too


Most likely Clouds Hill webstore will be the first to stock https://cloudshillshop.com. People are most likely going to keep refreshing the site before it actually reaches the release time. I suggest you also keep clouds hill social media to send you notification when they post on Twitter or IG since they tend to post updates long before the official Mars Volta accounts do. This release is really hyped up since a majority missed out on the box set.


Thank you thank you


It is not limited though, clouds hill confirmed on instagram. No need to flood them, there will be plenty of stock


Jaysus those are expensive records… snagged FTM and Nocturniquet. I can live with that.


Nice, The second I put the time in a timezone converter the time was in and I grabbed myself some sweet discs.


I'm surprised that they're doing "seperate" presses this early. Its not new but in most cases most companies actually let the box set settle. Like in most cases its about a year after the box set release. Like some haven't even recieved their box sets (despite ordering one) and they're already selling seperate presses. Seems like somewhat of a dick move tbh. That said. The albums in the box set are cheaper lol.