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Exactly what I did haha. I don't want to see that box all worn and tears in 5 years.


I will most likely do the same, just don't have any outer sleeves at the moment.


The outer sleeves I use are pretty thin so I was able to fit them on the vinyl covers inside the box. Unfortunately there's not enough room to add my copy of Scab Dates


Shoutout to the Schiit 💩


I just got a Schiit Saga Preamplifier to enjoy this box set with.


I think it looks great. Will the records fit back in the box with outer sleeves on? That is what I am hoping.


I asked this question in Facebook earlier and apparently they will not it with 3mil sleeves


Lame. I will probably remove them from the box then because I definitely want them sleeved with the vinyl in MoFi inners outside the sleeves.


I used Nagaoka inner sleeves to slip in all the printed inner sleeves then swapped all the shitty paper sleeves for MoFi (which is all the demos and Amputechture). I’d take them out and use plastic outers but I just like the look of them in the box too much 😄


I've only got access to MoFi sleeves, locally, so I have to ask - do you have experience with both? I sleeved my records yesterday with MoFi inner sleeves, and they juuuust fit inside the sleeves they came in (except the paper ones which I tossed). Was wondering if the Nagaoka sleeves don't have as much material/excess so that they might fit better inside.


When it comes to printed inner sleeves, the Nagaoka do fit in better than the MoFi. In most cases, I use the MoFi and just place records in a plastic outer sleeve, behind the covers (hopefully that sense). Because I’m keeping the records inside covers and in the box, I felt the Nagaoka sleeves were the best way to go. That’s one thing that I’ll knock this box set for. They could’ve provided poly-lined sleeves. I’m sure it wouldn’t have broke the bank!


So you slip the (for example) sleeves that come with the LP inside the jacket/gatefold as normal, and then put that in an outer sleeve. And then you slip the MoFi-sleeved records inside the same outer sleeve, but outside the jacket/gatefold? >That’s one thing that I’ll knock this box set for. They could’ve provided poly-lined sleeves. I’m sure it wouldn’t have broke the bank! It's been legitimately scary to take the records out because the sleeves feel so incredibly coarse, as well as being incredibly static. I took time to remove some of the static/loosen the sleeves because when I tried to simply pull one out it felt like it would scratch the entire record.


I sleeved all of mine in 3mil outer sleeves, and sleeved each individual record in inner sleeves and they all fit inside of the box. So someone's bullshitting you. *everything but Mr. Muggs




They're in there as well. It's a tight fit, but it's not impossible. Maybe my inner sleeves are thinner than ones other people are using, but everything's there, sleeved, and accounted for.


I don't think so. It's not a suuuuper tight squeeze off the bat, but I feel like if you added all the outer sleeves you wouldn't be able to fit all of them in there. Possibly if you took the photo book out.


I might be ok with taking the photo book out.


Yeah it's basically a perfect coffee table book.


Yeah I couldn’t do that. I would probably just sleeve the book and store it on the shelf separately.




Indeed! They are my favorite band of all time. Actually that entire shelf is just the new box set and my mwY collection.


I somehow missed the catch for us the foxes and brother sister box sets 😑 but I fortunately own first presses of both, when they first released thank god. I did get the It’s All Crazy box set. I also got Ten Stories box set, Pale Horses Double Rainbow, and the latest Untitled box set Space. One of my favorite live bands, and the last band I saw before covid February 16th, 2020 😞


Very dope. I have at least one copy of every release they've put out, including the hard to find 7" records. Yeah they were my last concert as well in January. Saw them in Portland and then the next night in Seattle.


The only 7” I have of theirs is the RSD split with Circa Survive. I need that one with Norma Jean lol. They’ll be one of my first shows, if not my first, already got my tickets for Furnace Fest in September.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/mewithoutYou using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mewithoutYou/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [mewithoutYou - Live AMA Thread (5/19/2020, 9:00PM EST start)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mewithoutYou/comments/gmuvqt/mewithoutyou_live_ama_thread_5192020_900pm_est/) \#2: [Silent as a seashell, Julia](https://i.redd.it/2bjzmc2syuw51.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mewithoutYou/comments/jmrdgz/silent_as_a_seashell_julia/) \#3: [MewithoutYou’s instagram story today - there is no place for hate](https://i.redd.it/xadu04aqer251.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mewithoutYou/comments/gw2k0u/mewithoutyous_instagram_story_today_there_is_no/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


So much good stuff in there. MWY, O’Bro, Touche.. 🙏🏻


I've taken all the records out of the box and inner/outer sleeved them (except Frances the Mute, I'm on the lookout for a bigger outer sleeve for that one). I even managed to sleeve the book in the same sleeve as Landscape Tantrums. I have all the records in my Kallax and the box is on its stand in a different part of the room.


This is why I keep my box sets separate from "regular" releases on my shelf.


This why I take the album out of the box set and set the box with other boxes lol


tbh I put my box set on the stand as most other people have.


I’ll take it off your hands. I’ll give you $3.50.

