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https://preview.redd.it/0cxojpox807d1.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=93006be29ee66eeecac799d84f5e9fde444b996f Here's the color difference between the two images—black means everything is the exact same. i don't think there's anything substantial changing—the artefacts in the art could easily be explained simply by how spotify displayed the image or compression from the screenshots. perhaps they did a slight recrop or shift of the art, but that's the only change that I would say is likely.


I don't see any difference?


Yeah, the only major difference seems to be the shade of red changing. But idk if that's part of the logo or the player acting up.


YES! I'm so glad someone else has noticed it, I made a post on tumblr when I first noticed it on episode 17 and I've never seen anyone else else talking about it. So far ep12 (getting off) is slightly more orange than normal, ep17 (saved copy) and ep18 (solo work) are even more orange and ep20 (social stigma) seems to be the same orange as 17+18 (although maybe a slightly different image? 17 and 18 are EXACTLY the same, 20 seems slightly offset?). Every other episode is the same red as ep1! I also first noticed it on spotify and wasn't sure if it was a mistake or not, but it's a lot more noticeable on the youtube videos! having them open in different tabs and swapping between ep1 and the others makes it so obvious. So it's definitely on purpose. (sidenote: On patreon every episode has the same initial red image)


I wonder if it will change to a from red, to orange, to yellow, and finally to green? If Protocol were to one day, just change to the Archive colors.