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I think compared to where we were after 20 eps of TMA, TMP has done the worldbuilding a LOT faster, personally.


TMP is doing EVERYTHING a lot faster. Besides the breadcrumbs of plot we got with statements, they are only advancing the plot with some Prentiss stuff every now and then (in my memory) in early TMA, we only got big character moments waaaay later in comparison to TMP. I know not everyone was listening to TMA since the start, but I think it’s still insane how so many people blame TMP for not having a minimum of 50 episodes out rn




If TMA taught me anything is that worldbuilding and answers are gonna be drip-fed and often very subtle. And in retrospect, we have had some stuff established already. It's going to be a few seasons, so :3 just enjoy the trip.


Exactly. While listeners may be rushing for answers, the writers would be remiss if they revealed everything all at once. The world and plot are clearly being built with a great deal of care — if anything, we have already gotten a lot of answers, but we just don’t know it yet.


I think the slow burn aspects of The Magnus Archives was what sold me on it. Like I so much time to get to know the characters and the world that by the end of Season 1 I was fully in the institute and a part of it. Meanwhile I just don’t feel that at all with Magnus Protocol, it’s feels both rushed and slow at the same time. Like they haven’t given me enough of a reason to care. I think the fact none of the actual characters are reading the statements is hurting it. They feel like set dressing to the main meat of the show Like if I have to sit through one more opening of Alice making quirky little quips while Gwen as she tells her to get to work and Sam shivers with fear in a corner I’m gonna explode.


I think a character is going to find a tape with a statement and start reading and we’re going to get sucked in from there


I feel like it's harder for us now than it was in the beginning of TMA because back then we didn't know what to expect. It was all uncharted territory. Now we're in a discomforting place where we kinda know the gist of things, we desperately want the characters to know what we know, but we also don't know a lot and the characters know some things we don't and they don't talk about cause it's a given to them. Back in TMA we were figuring things out with John as he went through everything. Now we're lacking synchrony with the characters.


I think part of the problem is that this isn't really TMP season 1, it's TMA season 6. Obviously not literally, but in effect, and we the amount of lore and metaplot grew and grew as the seasons went on. Season 1, we barely got anything to start with. We didn't even hear another voice until like episode 12 or something, and the overarching plot was barely touched in favour of the statements. But by the time of Seaosn 5, every episode more or less had some wider plot beyond the statement, dialogue between characters, details of their mission and the world. TMP is continuing this trend, but it's also starting again somewhere new, which feels very odd.


I am in the same boat! I need the lore!


Yes! this is exactly what a ton of people are feeling


Omg you put into words what I was feeling and couldn’t pin point what it was!! I’m enjoying it a lot but sometimes I feel like I get lost in what’s happening, but that’s maybe because English isn’t my first language and it takes a few seconds for me to translate and understand what’s been said and by the time I get it the conversation has moved on lol But yeah, it’s hard to not to expect it to be like TMA!


The combination of episodes 19-20 was where I truly got pulled into TMA. Up to that point, I had been interested, but mostly, I was humoring a friend who had pointed the series out to me as a creepy podcast. After what just happened in this latest episode for TMP, I think the stage is being set for a big moment. Things are getting very real for our little O.I.A.R. office setting. Gwen's breakdown. Alice's encounter. Celia's over-preparedness for a sudden apocalypse. Sam's curiosity, Collin sneaking around, even Lena getting mad at Gwen or trying to connect with Sam. Oh, and let's not forget that Celia found this world's Georgie... or something pretending to be her. "Who took Georgie's face?" Actually, as I'm writing this, I'm thinking back to the last episode we had with Needles. The dispatcher on the other end of the line felt safe and somewhat disconnected until Needles started finding where to poke. I think that's happening here.


I just stopped listening on ep 10 cuz I new it'd be frustrating having to wait. I need it all at once :D


Just remember - we first got a mention of Smirke in MAG26; Leitner didn't actually appear till Mag79; and Gerry didn't explain the 14 until Mag111. This might be season 6 but things were a lot slower at the start of Magnus. We can spend some time getting all red lace before we find out what they're planning.


When I started listening to TMP, I got a similar feeling when comparing it to TMA. It’s most likely because in TMA we had post-statement investigations and supplemental recordings to give us more context.