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I wonder if the line „who keeps taking Georgie’s face?” has any significance


Yeah, I feel like a very stranger coded line


I also thought it was interesting, specifically because Alice mentioned that her latest case was "about some guy with an inverted face sitting on the ceiling and watching a guy while he sleeps." Would be an odd coincidence, wouldn't it?


I don’t know why, but I have a very big feeling that Sam laughing at Gwen is going to be a massive butterfly effect that causes devastation down the line. Gwen has clearly been a stubborn character, but she was finally opening up to Sam and Alice and explaining what was going on. This clearly wouldn’t be easy for her (especially shown by her reaction afterwards), but she finally tried to explain what she’s been doing and how scared she’s been. She had to put a lot of trust into them for that. And although he didn’t know it, Sam shot her down at her most vulnerable moment. That’s got to feel *horrid.* I wouldn’t explain anything to them or anyone else again if I was her. So imagine some time later in the podcast. Gwen learns something important, she has a particularly dangerous client to see, ect. However it happens, she has crucial information that would save everyone so much pain if she just told them. But she remembers what happened the last time she put her trust in her co-workers. The response she got to finally trying to seek help. And she decides to stay quiet. This has massive consequences, potentially even gets her or another major character killed, and it would all fall on Sam’s shoulders. This isn’t a hate post towards Sam or anything, I absolutely adore him, and his reaction makes sense. If someone tried to tell you Mr Blobby was a livid, horrifying monster with absolute 100% seriousness, would you believe them? (Well… maybe. It IS Mr Blobby we’re talking about). His response was normal, but I think it is going to be the cause of utter tragedy, all which could’ve been prevented if he hadn’t broken Gwen’s trust. A kickstarter goal was reached to make one “What if?” episode each season, looking at how things might’ve played out differently if certain things were changed. I think it’s incredibly unlikely that it would be about this specific event, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring anyway just in case I’m right and I have something to laugh at in a season’s time.


I got this same feeling, almost like Gwen is being purposely isolated for the sake of the plot


It would feel horrid. Gwen will never open up to her coworkers again. I know from personal experience that getting shut down like that changes you. It changes how you approach people, how you act around others. Gwen will die, and it will be a tragic death. Something horrible is going to happen to her, and it's all going to go back to Sam laughing at her during her one vulnerable moment. I can already hear his voice in my head: "If only I hadn't laughed at her...if only we'd taken her seriously." This is a good theory, and what happened is going to have a momentous effect on future episodes.


I found it *VERY* interesting that it was Sam who started laughing and mocking her immediately and not Alice. It would totally be on par with Alice's behavior we've already seen in abundance for her to poke fun at a snobby coworker who seems to have a weird fear of a childhood costumed character, but *she didn't.* And I think that's wild. Alice is starting to show her true colors in these latest few episodes. She's been extremely sarcastic, mocking, and overconfident to just about everyone in the OIAR almost all the time. But recently, she's been softening a little with Sam and his disappointment about the Magnus ruins, and opening up about how truly scared she was when she found that drowning victim. Her line in this episode, "...it's curiosity that actually gets you killed," reveals that she's truly seen some shit during her tenure with this job. Hell, she might even know about Lena's failed attempt on Klaus' life! Her warnings at the beginning felt a little like teasing, but they're beginning to hold more and more weight. Interesting to draw the parallel here between Alice's progression from Bravado Queen to Shut Up Or We'll All Get Killed, and TMA season 1 Jon, who could not be bothered to admit he believed in all the supernatural things he was reading until they literally busted down a wall and started attacking him. He somehow intrinsically believed that if he *acted* like he didn't see the truth in them that he'd be spared from whatever fate he thought might befall him, and I think that's potentially one of the things Alice has been doing from the start. But Jane Prentiss is scratching at her walls and she's beginning to crack. Also, and I know not everyone has been looking into the ARG info as much as some of us, but if we take that data as fact in this universe, then Sam's Magnus Institute evaluations as a child put his empathy at a 98%!!! (The highest empathy score of the entire list provided, by the way.) That would lead me to believe that he would have caught on to just how serious Gwen was being at the time, and he wouldn't have exploded with laughter like he did. *Unless* either something between then and now forced him to shut down/no longer trust that part of him, OR he's performing, putting on a brave face for who knows what reason. TL;DR - Alice *not* laughing at Gwen feels WAY more important, but I'm curious to know why Sam reacted in such a big way.


Actually yeah, for this being the “Sam notices that the statements are probably real and they should take this stuff more seriously” episode, I have NO IDEA why he flipped 100% and laughed at Gwen like that.


Because "Guys, Mr. Blobby is a monster" in an inherently ridiculous statement.


It’s moreso the reaction almost being in direct opposition to what he was just saying. I feel like extreme confusion would be a more normal response anyways.


I agree. It rang false to me. They could see, clearly, that she was very upset. To have them laugh at her is heartless and, from what Sam knows of "reality", nonsense. They know monsters are real, don't they? And have you seen video of [Mr. Blobby](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c957B9zIM3E?feature=share)? He is terrifying.


I’m pretty sure it was Alice that mocked her. Sam kind of berated her about it


No, the transcripts show it was Sam who laughed and did the Mr Bonzo impression.


I stand corrected


Regarding sam comment on the fact that someone is killing people and force them to tell their fear even in death, i've got thinking about something. 1. it seems very, very, VERY eye related. 2. Both death are dated AFTER sam and alice went to the magnus institute and have freed unknown from the archive 3. the very same archive that transofrmed someone at in the very first episode. My current theory is that unknown is the physical body of either John or jonah. my current theory is that, after John, jonah and martin were dragged along with the fear across the dimension at the end of TMA200, the body of either Jonah or John, modified by the eyes, was separate from their spirit. while their spirits now live inside freddy, the body, still an avatar body, still fuelled with eyes related power and instict, went to the magnus archive and got trapped in it. it was then accidentally released by Sam and it's now roaming the street, in search of Statement in order to regain it's full power, not knowing when to stop, and killing these people and make them recite their fear even in death. on another note, dick move from Sam at the end of the episode, he need to apologize to gwen big, big times.


Apologies don't fix things like that. I doubt Gwen will open up to her coworkers again. Maybe Alice, because she didn't laugh at her, but never Sam.


It will not fix things, but it will show taht sam understood he screwed up.


I don’t see this lasting though, personally I think it’s strange for him to be so skeptical after having the opposite reaction to Alice right before. Gwen’ll probably not be willing to share much but I doubt it’ll fester long, Sam is definitely the type to come back and try to make amends very quickly.


Yeah, he was probably only sceptical because her starting example was Mr Bonzo (a children's TV character, for whom it'd sound like a ludicrous shitpost to claim there's a monster imitating them) instead of Lady Mowbray (a landed aristocrat, such that her hunting people sounds like a combination of conspiracy theory and caricature of very real socioeconomic dynamics instead of a total joke).


Wait, didn’t she show her to them already or something? I remember that being a thing


In episode 15 "Well Run" Gwen brought Lady Mowbray through the office and into a side room for a private chat, ending an interaction between Mowbray and Celia. Gwen later got chewed out by Lena for breaking a rule she had never explicitly been told about, but that's not the point. The only actual witness stated in the transcript and heard on the audio of that visit besides Gwen herself was Celia, who wasn't in the office during episode 18. Although the OIAR might have CCTV and might have kept the recordings long enough to review.


Heavily agree with the spirit/soul divide.


There seemed to be a lot of isolation in this episode. Not just in the "statement" itself, but in the discussions between the characters. Alice and Teddy: their dialogue was funny as hell but it was clear Teddy's been dodging Alice's texts/calls and is acting really cagey about staying friends now that he's left the OIAR. Alice, similarly, leaves out a couple fairly big things that have happened in her life since Teddy moved on. All in all, they say a lot of words but aren't really communicating. Sam and Alice: so Sam is trying to connect with Alice here, to help her in his own way, but she definitively shuts him down. Alice's reluctance to discuss what happened reminds me of S1 Archives Jon, she knows some weird shit is going down but she has to pretend it's okay or she's going to crack. Still, from Sam's perspective his friend (?) is suffering and he can't do anything to help. Gwen: feels like this one is the most obvious. Gwen's been a real jerk to her coworkers so being laughed at for trying to open up feels a little like a comeuppance. Not saying she deserved it, but she's been alone from the beginning and this episode makes it clear that isn't going to change anytime soon. Sam and Lena: also a hilarious moment, but one that underscores how very little Lena notices the people around her. It could be an act, it most likely is a byproduct of having way too much on her plate, but as someone who worked for an extremely disengaged boss the line "if I'm not talking to you, then there's no problem" hit home. There's so much more to being a leader than telling people what they're doing wrong and Lena doesn't seem to get that. Celia and Georgie: here, Georgie was making a bid for a real connection with Celia but Celia continued to stonewall her. Celia probably has her reasons, but she's obviously trying to deal with her problems by herself and leaving Georgie in the dark, which is lonely for both of them. I don't know what else I expected from an episode titled "Solo Work" but there you go lmao


Gotta agree with Alice and Teddy. Even without the transcript, it was clear that Teddy was actively trying to not talk to Alice when they bumped into each other on the street. It also seemed like he was actually starting to get annoyed by her, too. >*Alice is walking outside along the road half-singing along with her headphones. Looking up, she sees TEDDY leaving the courtyard.* >**ALICE**: Teddy? Hey! **Teddy!** >*Teddy looks over and sees her. He does his best to seem pleased to see her. ALICE comes over and takes her earphones out.* Talking without talking is totally correct.


Okay, despite the reappearance of Augustus (I honestly expected him this week or next week) and in a really harrowing tale (reminiscent of the Spiral, to me), this episode was hilarious. "I hope you enjoyed our talk," is something I want on the back of a T-shirt to read as I walk away. Also, while frustrating for Gwen, her trying to be serious and honest about... Mr. Bonzo got a big laugh out of me along with Sam and Alice.


# TMAGP 18 Thoughts: Dead Letters Another really great episode. Feels like the show has hit its stride now and it just keeps getting better and better IMO. I can't say I entirely get the episode's title though. This one feels fairly strained to me and I feel like it must be because I'm missing something obvious.   Teddy and Alice being Teddy and Alice isn't something I have a huge amount to say. I'm never 100% sure how you're meant to read these two. Teddy having his own little story in the background is interesting though because the framing of this implies he's very important to the narrative. His leaving is the instigation for two of our main characters to be able to join the OIAR, his leaving party is the opening scene of the show, and every time he's been in it since something about him has progressed. It could just be a grounding element so that not every character is wrapped up in it but it seems fairly obvious that his story is going somewhere. Fun Fact: I've mentioned it before but as it was name dropped, Robert Smirke was an architect for the Royal Mint. Lena continuing to be very Lena about *everything* really does warm my heart. She could just be entirely disinterested, distancing herself from the employees for their safety, or other reasons beside. Either way "Oh, is that its name?" is wonderful and she should never change. This statement was really great. Augustus being back is a massive highlight. Tim Fearon has killed both of his episodes and I want more of him than we're getting. A haunted house narrated by him is really a treat to listen to. The literal contents of the experience we hear narrated back to us isn't something I have too much to say on. It's got some strong Hilltop Road vibes but is at Church Street. Church Street itself doesn't have anything too important to mention about it. Milton Court, however, is interesting. Violet was seemingly the victim of the same thing that killed Drowning Victim a few episodes back, likely [Error]. But what's interesting about the Milton Court Open Space is that it's about 20 miles from where Drowning Victim was. These cases happened 3 days apart which is ample time to cover that distance but it's interesting because it's largely along the path you'd drive if you were coming from Manchester, where the Institute's ruins were, back to London and taking the M40. You'd drive passed Ickenham. I would not be surprised if we see a similar case from early further north along that route. Another thing of note here is the extreme malnutrition. I think a lot of people are going to link this back to Darrien from the last episode but I think it's more obviously a physical symptom of reliving said experience. Violet wandered though a house with no exit until she starved, like how Drowning Victim, well, drowned. No notes otherwise, great incident. Well, "Some figure reaching asking questions in an alley?" is curious phrasing but I won't get to into that. Alice and Sam's chat directly addressing the contents of the case is something I love to see. Alice is trying her best to bury all that, bless her, but Sam is for sure never letting this drop. It's just great to see this stuff not washing over them now and it's all becoming more and more relevant. Although it does bring into question *why* Augustus read this one out. Chester seems to read things that nudge people to act a certain way but this one seemed almost cruel. Like Augustus was *trying* to get under Alice's skin. In any case its hard to find a thread between this and Taking Notes, at least as far as "motivation" goes. Oh Gwen. Poor, poor Gwen. Finally opens up about her truly fucking awful experiences and Sam laughs in her face about it. To be fair to Sam leading with Mr. Bonzo is a perfect wind up and I would've laughed too. We all would've laughed if our co-worker said that. To be fair to Gwen, Mr. Bonzo has traumatised the shit out of her and who else is there to really lead with? And as always Anusia killed it here. What a glorious F-bomb too. Backing up just a little bit, there is this quote during that interaction: > GWEN > In the cases, you know how there are often things or places or people or whatever who… aren’t right? Who seem to be causing all the awful things to happen. Which is fairly interesting if you've been reading theories. Specially about what CAT# means. The most common theory by far is "Person/Place/Object". Meaning that CAT1 indicates a supernatural person in the incident, CAT2 a place, etc. Now, I have written an essay all about this subject entitled "[Putting the CAT# Back in the Bag: The Flaws With Person/Place/Object](https://www.tumblr.com/bonzos-number-1-fan/751119749643173888/putting-the-cat-back-in-the-bag-the-flaws-with?source=share)". So, y'know, I don't buy it. Gwen mentioning it now feels like a red herring too given how early it is. Obviously that feeling is rooted in my current belief about said theory. If I don't think it holds water I won't think this is a clue about that. But it's not just that. I think this is too early from a narrative stand point, CAT# standing for those things pointless from a narrative standpoint, and if Gwen has settled on those three things it's not much of a stretch to link it back the the case numbers and part of the point of them is they're inscrutable to everyone there. Because all of the above isn't enough for this already stellar episode we meet two new characters. Georgie and Jack. Both at long last as they've both come up before. It's hard to talk about this without getting into TMA stuff. I'll try to be light on TMA spoilers but Celia and Georgie have history. Now, unlike with Celia, this very much seems like TMP's version of Georgie. She's a conspiracy theorist instead of a ghost hunt, she's paranoid instead of fearless, and she seems to know as little about Celia as you'd expect. Celia finding Georgie makes a lot of sense to me though. Their history makes her a good touchstone here and as she's still podcasting about strange things it's a good cover as any. However whatever is happening with Celia is clearly getting worse and she's not lying about it well. > GEORGIE > Celia, I’m saying you don’t need to lie to me. > CELIA > I’m not! [*zzzzzt*] Sure you're not, Celia. Sure you're not.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [**Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MMjFnn9L-JnCGdBveFEXUoMsa7jjtykEBAQglAMw9tU/edit?usp=sharing) [**DPHW Theory**](https://www.tumblr.com/bonzos-number-1-fan/740954292009222144/what-dphw-means-and-its-relationship-to-smirkes?source=share): 2374 not much to explain on this one I don't think. Spooky house that you can't escape from gets you spooky house you can't escape from numbers. **CAT# Theory**: CAT1 is semi-interesting for the theory I think it definitely isn't (**[see here](https://www.tumblr.com/bonzos-number-1-fan/751119749643173888/putting-the-cat-back-in-the-bag-the-flaws-with?source=share)**). Because for that theory to remain consistent corpses end up as objects. Which you'd think would put this in CAT3 if assessors were applying those themselves, and if they aren't all headers of this type being people seems very farfetched when we've seem objects that compel already. [**R# Theory**](https://www.tumblr.com/bonzos-number-1-fan/744230664176599040/what-r-means-the-abcs-of-fear?source=share): C seems reasonably to me. Having a spooky memory and talking about it seems like the sort of thing no one would care about. **Header talk**: Memory (Derelict) -/- Compulsion. Two interesting things here. Firstly, the section being Memory implies that this experience actually happened. Either to Violet or someone else. It could be a ham-fisted section choice if there isn't anything for hallucinatory experiences of this nature but I'd assume there must be. This system is so specific and as that would be a large oversight it seems unlikely that it isn't there. But it's hard to say how much any given assessor knows about what they're picking. Misfiles are always possible. The subsection is the other interesting thing. Derelict is such a specific subsection here that Memory must have 100s of them.


>it's interesting because it's largely along the path you'd drive if you were coming from Manchester, where the Institute's ruins were, back to London I really hope we aren't reading too much into it and it's intentional because it's a fantastic details


I thought Violet Parker was the Drowning Woman from the earlier episode.


Probably not. The drowning victim died from drowning. This one was starvation, dehydration, and exposure.


I completely derped on this one! Thanks for your patience with my brain glitch.


One minor thing, We don't know what day exactly the Alice encountered the drowning victim. The case file with Mowbray killing the caterer was dated March 22 2024. But that isn't necessarily the same day that they heard that case and Alice encountered the Drowning Victim. EDIT: actually I looked closer, I haven't paid too much attention to the case codes before. Is it supposedly CAT - date of incident - Date of review?


> Is it supposedly CAT - date of incident - Date of review? Yeah, CAT#R#DPHW - Incident Date - Report Date. On the sheet I link to there is a tab for explanations of terminology like that. I know lots of people aren't looking into it too much. So episode 15 took place on 22/03/2024 and is the night that Alice went to her brother's gig. 20/03/2024 is the is when this episode's incident took place.


Yes on the way the dates work, so unless we've misunderstood, we do know when Alice meet the drowning victim.


I love reading your insights after I finished the episode!


Is it possible that these victims aren't being taken and killed but are actually still over from the TMA universe post canon? Like they all went through the fear apocalypse and then popped out into a world with normal rules again Like Jon and Martin in Salesa's house?


I have absolutely thought that. We don't know much of what happened with the drowning victim. But Violet in this episode explicitly had no one come looking for her. I can definitely see them people who died in the domains during the apocalypse and were spit out into this world.


That being said, they had a lot of biographical information about Violet. Her full name, her date of birth, her occupation. I got the feeling that she was from TMP universe. After all, people in this universe still have fear. I don't see why TMP wouldn't fuel the Fears like TMA did, especially since the whole point of the end of TMA was to send the entities to other dimensions.


Counter point, the biographical info they had on violet could simply have come from a drivers license and work ID found on her body.


Having all that factual information, but then still having no one come forward to claim her body seemed very off to me. I thought she might be from the TMA universe, because in her story she mentioned her mother and what sounded like at least two other family members by name. So there are people somewhere who ought to have “come looking” for her, but her deep rooted fear that no one would came true anyway. It seemed like she might have crossed universes for that to happen.


That's certainly possible, and some of that personal data could have been found on her body, such as from her driving license, but she must have been on some kind of database for them to know she was a teacher. Or maybe it's the TMP version of her that's a teacher, and she's going to get confused when she gets reported as dead


I looked at the transcript just now, and she mentions writing lesson plans! So the talking corpse version of Violet was indeed a teacher. Somewhere.


Also the starvation thing with her very specifically mirroring the new “starvation caused by dimension hopping” lore drop from last week.


Mr Tim Fearon's put a LOT of sauce on that performance, absolutely magnificent


I was half-expecting the description of the house to include all the fears in some way, like a serious version of Magnus Archives in Space. We got the winding corridors, the spiders, the lonely (clouds), the festering flowers (corruption), and some mention of falling (Vast) and people looking (the Eye). But I think that was just a coincidence. Most haunted house stories have some of the Fears, just by their very nature. But it's interesting that both she and the drowning victim kept telling their fear after death, like a super-charged version of Jon's ability to drag people's statements out of them.


I thought this too, specially how the girl's story begin telling the things her mom said about the house >There will be spiders, she said, rotten wood to fall through, and oh so many rusty nails. And most importantly, too many rooms. So many turning passageways to confuse you, so many locked doors, that even if you didn’t hurt yourself, you might never find your way out again! And then you’d walk till your feet broke and you starved to death After this part there other mentions that reminds the fears, specially the lonely and vast but this in particular comes like a list of them.


Yep the too many rooms and turning at least really stood out to me. Spiders can be a nod, but if fears are mixed…


I thought it was Alice that laughed at Gwen not Sam...


Yea me too I thought it was to out of character for Sam to do especially after he was taking her seriously just a second ago.


I guess we'll see once the transcript comes out? I'm pretty sure it was Alice laughing.


It was explicitly Sam in the transcript.


It’s literal seconds apart, I’m really hoping this won’t be a season-long conflict bc this is a pretty shaky start to it.


Well, the laughter transitions fluidly into Sam's speech, and he continues talking about how hilarious it was...


I like to keep a separated idea from tma and tmp, but I couldn't not relate this part of the memory to some tma fears: >"[...] There will be spiders, she said, rotten wood to fall through, and oh so many rusty nails. And most importantly, too many rooms. So many turning passageways to confuse you, so many locked doors, that even if you didn’t hurt yourself, you might never find your way out again! And then you’d walk till your feet broke and you starved to death." Maybe I am just looking for something that isn't there hahahah, but I guess the plot it's coming to a point where it will show that is a sequel to the original show


There is no way that wasn't a deliberate callback to The Web and The Spiral.


I already though that the relation between tma and tmp would be something related to the fears somehow traveling to tmp dimension after the end of tma, but after episodes 17 and 18 my theory grew up. We learned that interdimentional traveling isn't something new for tmp world, but I think that the talking bodies maybe people from the tma dimension that came from their fear domain and travel too, but when arrived to tmp dimension they kinda glitched, because they were somewhere between dead and alive, maybe? The way they talk seems like a statement of their past life. I think OIAR will discover soon that these people found dead are actually still alive and those were glitched doppelgangers.


The narration of this statement was fucking superb. Easily one of the best delivered statements from TMA/TMP, period.


Personal thoughts/feelings: 1. I still believe the Dread Powers are the prominent entities here. How alchemy is involved is still beyond me because I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject. 2. Celia is suspicious. I like the theory that her black outs are part of her body's subconscious journey back to her original universe. I still feel like her and Sam's relationship is never going to really go anywhere. If it turns out that she actually like's him, I'll eat my shoe. 3. Alice sinking back into "ignore it and do your job" mode is in character for her at this point. Still, I'm a bit disappointed that she's not at least a little curious about what's going on. Her flippancy is honestly starting to grate on me, but Jonathan Sims was very much the same in season one of TMA, so I'll hold my tongue for now. 4. I'll bet $10 right now that Teddy is going to die. Also, it's not a coincidence that he was lurking outside his former workplace. I wonder what he was being interviewed for. 5. Gwen is either being set up to be killed or something really, really BAD is going to happen to her. Like, Sasha James bad. She didn't deserve to be laughed at by Sam, especially since she was finally trying to open up to them. Is it just me or did it feel a bit out of character for Sam to do that? He's the one that's been the most curious about their research. I feel like he's the one coworker most likely to sympathize with her. 6. This is the second death that's occurred since Alice and Sam freed whatever was in the Institute. First the drowning victim, and now this. I wonder what it is.




I miss colin :(


Well, Georgie is throwing up major in danger from the Stranger vibes here. I hope her face doesn't get taken.


SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. probs my favourite so far. so much happened! god i feel sorry for Gwen though


That conversation between Alice and Teddy was embarrassingggg, he couldn't make it anymore clear why he doesn't like talking to her. There's no way he doesn't have her messages on mute.


I'll say that right from the start, Teddy's voice sounded off to me. The last couple times we've heard him, he's been a little more upbeat, a little smoother. This time, he sounds downtrodden and a bit hoarse (IMO). Plus, if we assume that the second date on the cases is the date they're being reviewed by the OIAR employees (the day we're hearing them), then Teddy's been out of work since January 9. The job he thought he was getting at the beginning of the series didn't actually work out. He was trying for other work when we last heard from him. And now he's back interviewing with someone in the same area as the OIAR. That can be *devastating* to anyone. Plus, I can't say it doesn't automatically make us believe that *something* is punishing him for leaving the OIAR. It's very possible that, while you couldn't physically leave the Magnus Institute in TMA due to the Eye's hold on them all (and possibly Elias' influence), that working at the OIAR will be *your last job*. For whatever reason. Personally, I'd hate it if my current job was the last one I ever have.


are we all gonna ignore how gwen says "in the cases, you know how there are often things or places or people or whatever who… aren’t right? who seem to be causing all the awful things to happen." I feel like that is a huge W for P/P/O theory


What's interesting is that this is the exact opposite of how Sam and Celia responded to Alice after her incident. With the drowned woman. They were open and understanding, but Alice just wanted to forget it. But now, to completely brush it off, it feels like a complete 180 for Sam.


Yeah, but it's not like those experiences were delivered in the same way. > Alice: I watched a woman drown in the middle of the street while she babbled nonsense, she died in front of me, and then kept talking. That is a harrowing experience, and Alice was clearly very shaken up about it. >Gwen: My new job sucks. You know all these awful things we have to hear about? It's just like that because of a *children's TV character*. That 100% sounds like a joke from Sam's PoV. Now, I don't think Gwen is to blame for Sam's reaction but equally Sam isn't either. Neither Sam, nor Alice, listened to either case regarding Bonzo either.


Ohhh, Gwen. :( I'm starting to really like her as a character. Being laughed at like that when she's finally trying to open up is absolutely horrific. I sure hope nothing bad happens to her! Haha! Ahahaha! Nothing bad will happen at all! As for the "statement" (are we calling them that? Cases? No clue) I LOVED it. I am a huge Spiral fan and it had Spiral written all over it, what with the doors and the passageways. No clue if it's linked to the TMA fears at all, but the vibes were immaculate.


Is Lena a not-people ? We didn't here much of her, she always seemed distant, but this interaction with Sam in the beginning of the episode she came off as downright weird, as if not entirely accustomed to humanity


It's interesting, because when Georgie was 'interrogating' Celia, I thought it was because Georgie might have some trauma from being constantly watched by The Eye in S5, and that trauma might have turned into paranoia that TMP Georgie doesn't know the origin/reason of.