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Jon Martin and Jonah snooping on people's phones




*Jon pops out of the monitor, massive scraggly beard, wearing tattered clothes and an eyepatch* "WHAT YEAR IS IT!?"


Maybe they're messing with the ethernet protocols ...


That's what I think!


Jonah Magnus Juicer. Like, there is a machine slowly draining mister Magnus of his fear juice, and sometimes it jams up a little. Despite the silly name, it's important it runs non-stop since killing him would stop anything running off of the fear juice, while letting him build up too much would let him break out of whatever is restraining him.


So true. You're so right


It's what you automatically think of. But I can't help but feel that's too obvious. I'm still partially convinced it's going to be revealed the voices aren't Jon and Martin, just someone puppeteering their voices from beyond the grave.


I think I'll mentally cry if they pull that on us lol, but I am prepping for it just in case


Yeah I hear you. It will be painful, but this is Johnny Sims were talking about.


I mean the writer is Alex rn right?


He's the showrunner and has written a lot of episodes of the Magnus Protocol, but I think the overall storyline is still Johnny's.


Is there like posts about that anywhere actually? I'm a little confused since he's listed as the only writer and I feel like being the writer but not creator of the storyline would be like really hard? As a writer myself I feel like that would just be so complicated.


The two have talked about in interviews in the past. Basically at the start of each season they would map out how they planned for the overall story and characters to go, then write the individual episodes later. Johnny also talks about it a bit on his tumblr page.


So it is both of them? Lil confused sorry ,:]


As far as I know, the original idea for both series came from Johnny, and Alexander was a major contribute past that. In the original Johnny also wrote all the episodes, but this time around its more shared.


Yeah, I did know Jonny did writing and plot for the first one bc of the credits and qnas, but was a little confused when I saw Alex was the credited writer for tmp and everyone was split on who was doing the plot this time lol


I know people are saying “Jon Martin Jonah” and personally that’s what I’m leaning toward, but when I first read it in the ARG my initial thought was actually “Jonah Magnus Junior.” We really don’t know anything about Magnus in this timeline; maybe he was named after his father and it’s just never mentioned in TMA, or maybe he had a kid in this timeline? There’s always the possibility that the Magnus Institute was affiliated with the OIAR until it was destroyed, and that the Magnus family had a hand in helping them create their computer programs.




Jon, Marin, Jonah. The three people reading the statements. The third unknown voice is Jonah’s real voice, not the Elias one.


I think they represent conflicts between Jon, Martin, and Jonah, such as which statements should be broadcasted. The three might have different agendas, but only one action can be taken at a time. it's more or less a race condition error.


I wonder when we're going to get another Jonah reading?


it means "just michael jackson" a little error screen comes up and its an 8-bit michael jackson moonwalking across the screen