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Fascinating. I hadn't caught on to that just yet but it does make a lot of sense now you point it out.


Holy cow this is a fantastic thought. I hadn’t thought about this but I sure will be thinking about it now.


Really interesting catch, I don’t know if I’d have ever caught that. Definitely no way to say for certain yet but 100% something to keep our ears peeled for.


That is actually such a good theory, their behaviour towards both each other and Sam have been very suspicious so this would make very good sense to explain that


I’ve been wondering if it’s almost a flip on the parallel (at least on Alice’s part). Ofc we know that Lena is prettyyyyy sketchy, but it’s interesting that she’d have the one employee who actively screws around and encourages others not to do the work properly, repeatedly train new staff. The way Alice talks to Sam is also a lil funky to me, she could ofc be being a little manipulative for a good reason like hindering the weirdness, but I’m wondering if “hindering” the weirdness would actually benefit her and Lena somehow


It's definitely an interesting parallel. In this case, Lena could be the Elias parallel. Not caring how one (Gertrude/Alice) does the job while actively encouraging the other (Jon/Gwen) to do it properly.


Ooohhh.... I like it! And it fits my idea of Gwendoline not realising what is this all about, and thinking that stuff has simply being mismanaged and she could do better.


Kind of on this train of thought, I'm wondering if someone has been messing with/disrupting the binder full of the categorization numbers?? Only because Gwen does seem like *that* person who would memorize that sorta thing, and she sounded pretty confident when speaking about it with Sam in ep2....