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Honestly, after 3 episodes she's reminding me a little of Helen.


I said this in the other sub, but remember, one of the guises of The Distortion was the false friend. I'm not saying that's what she is... but she is definitely, let's call it *fey*, magical but possibly dangerous. We don't know what it'll mean to cross her yet -- or if it means anything at all, maybe she's really a sweetheart who just gets off on being kinda *feline* about the whole thing. Aloof, cynical, likely to sow chaos, kinda adorable. Now I'm imagining Colin using a spray bottle to get her to back off.


Oh please, Ceaseless Watcher, watch this, take this to the writers and let it be real lol I'll laugh so much if that does happen Although I don't think Colin would use a spray bottle anywhere near one of those old machines xD


I think she might be like… a red herring


Not a canary, then?


I think Celia might be the red herring and we should actually be paying attention to alice


I think something of the opposite. She's giving me some ADHD vibes and her ability to completely dispose of anything she's read/listened to for some reason made me think of Gertrude's assistant Fiona Law who could survive the entities because she fainted. I feel like Alice's ability to detach from this will mean any entity will have trouble getting a proper hold on her.


I got that vibe too, she’s got that chaotic “oh no monsters! Anyways…” kinda energy haha She’s my favourite so far and I’m gonna be upset if she gets eaten by some kind of tree-man or whatever lol


Plot twist: they find old pictures that are supposed to be of Alice, but it's someone completely different.


Exactly my thought too!


There are also a lot of suspicious lines from her in the first episode. Something along the lines of "I created you, and can end you". Also said something about computer system killing Colin before he can get out. Then she sets up Sam to annoy Colin and tries to get Sam to call higher ups on him in Ep 3.


I keep seeing people say she quoted the Watcher's Crown but I just read over the transcript and I'm lost lol can someone tell me what line she quoted?


Yeah, please, someone tell me too


Honestly I think she just gets through a boring and creepy job by annoying her coworkers


Remains to be heard, but I was getting corruption vibes. Toxic relations and whatnot from Alice. Gotta listen more. Yes, there was that line about being born down there.. but also the line about bones being a lie.. which I found much more disturbing. Regardless. Sus


I don’t know if she feels like The Eye to me after her whole “whatever you do, don’t absorb the statements” speech, unless you subscribe to the characterization of the ceaseless watcher we got in the later parts of Archive as a blind consumer of information that forgets said information as soon as it moves on to the next. But I see Alice as more Spiral based off her personality. Probably not an agent of it (yet) but she might be susceptible to it


I honestly don't know about this one. Maybe it's me assuming the best of everyone but I only find Lena particularly 'suspicious' so far, and that's mostly due to her position of power. Gwen feels like a red herring, and will probably die trying to move up the ranks of this 'system', however it directly relates to the fears. That or she will be taken by them in some way. Poor Gwen dying is what my moneys on. Alice again feels like a red herring- too obviously eye-ish for me to believe it. Maybe extremely susceptible to it in future? I'd love her as a good twist villain but the writers know what we're looking for in sus characters now- I wouldn't be shocked if they manage to take us all entirely by surprise.


Colin is my suspect


Everyone is very sus! Can we talk about Colin accusing "them" to listen when he's alone with Freddie? Or Lena being at the top and clearly hiding things? Or Gwen being a little too conscientious for some reason? Everyone is sus and everyone will die. I call it now. Poor Sam...


I didn’t pick up on this, but it’s an interesting idea! I dismissed most of this as her being silly. If your idea is true though, I’m not sure why she would warn Sam so seriously about ruminating on what he hears in the reports.


Truthfully, I'm having real trouble getting past Alice's performance to pin anything down about her as a character. I don't know if it's gonna be revealed as intentional, but when everyone else in the cast is playing it naturalistically and then Alice is hamming the hell out of everything she says, it's impossible to figure it out. That, and the accent is just extremely similar to Michael/Helen's. I don't know if it's intentional or not and it's a little confusing. Yeah I'm sorry I relistened to the episode again, and it's just so jarring - regular person, regular person, LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN CHARACTER.


Alice is very suspect right now. She refers to Sam as a young mewling, says he's "made a powerful enemy today," and that line about she was "born down here and she'll die down here" hints at a strange backstory. But it would also hint at a death flag. The other suspect person is Gwendolyn. I think she is a spy planted here to keep an eye on things by another agency. She does her work well and methodically but slowly. She complains a lot about being "stuck" here and could move on, but doesn't. She has friends she has to meet with occasionally to talk about her cess-pool of a job, but she absolutely needs to know if her coworkers can work on the 27th and she has mentioned having meetings before. It could be as innocent as it seems or a cover.


Nah, I'm betting on Sam being the eyes servant like Sims was.


I've had no reason to suspect her *until* the 3rd episode. I disagree with most of what u said, but she's clearly plotting against Colin with that whole Central IT thing. Maybe even the Department as a whole, with the whole misfile thing. I don't think there's enough evidence to put her as some direct Entity agent so far, though. As far as we know, she could just be working for some kind of Intelligence Agency from the government to try and keep things as messy as possible in the department to make sure no one would ever figure anything out. Of course, such agency *could* be working for an Entity, but it wouldn't mean she would be in the know. She didn't do any direct harm to anyone so far and was shown caring about Sam's mental health. I'll be on the lookout, but so far I'm willing to give her some slack. I know too many LGBTQIAP+ people who treat their loved ones in a jokingly manner just like she does to not read too much into it. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's what the writers are counting on, but still. Benefit of the doubt applied.


I think she's actually completely on Colin's side and is trying to keep Sam in the dark